Lesson Reflection 10 28
Lesson Reflection 10 28
Lesson Reflection 10 28
NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO TEACH ANY LESSON: Attach a copy of the lesson plan
taught! If possible, try to have another teacher observe your teaching and evaluate it based on
their teacher evaluation format. Complete a reflection on your lesson. Indicate what could have
been done differently/may need to be changed if given another opportunity to teach. (Virtual
Lesson Plan:
Sufficient (useable) & Complete, Objectives clear, Time estimate appropriate, Class
Organization, teaching methods & equipment use well-planned
I feel I was able to accomplish all the objectives stated in the lesson plan. The objectives
were clearly stated in the beginning of the lesson and were reviewed at the closure of the
lesson. There was too much lecture, but the lesson flowed smoothly and felt organized. The
application task used a jigsaw teaching method by splitting the students into groups, then
coming together to teach different ideas.
Personal Qualifications:
Knowledge of subject, communication with students, grammar & language,
enthusiasm, appearance
Communication was kept open with students throughout the lesson. There was Q&A and a lot
of material specific discussions during the lesson.
Students are motivated & challenged, Directions clear, Teacher uses appropriate safety
Precautions, feedback & discipline
I felt that students were motivated and encouraged to ask questions and be involved in the
lesson. I explained the directions clearly and made sure all the students understood them
before continuing. The topic of drugs and alcohol can be sensitive for some students, so I
took the precaution to warn the students that it was going to be a part of the lesson focus.
Instructional Strategies:
Variety of instructional methods, visual aids & demonstrations appropriately used,
students are involved & active
During the application task I implemented breakout groups and then brought the
entire class together for a large group discussion. This made students have to
think back on the content they just learned, as well as work together in partnered
Well thought out & flows smoothly, Equipment & space used effectively, not
too much teacher talk, lesson closure completed smoothly
The lesson flowed smoothly from task to task. Each task had a beginning and
end that involved students participating in some way. The introduction task
focused on a small pre test assessment question. The lesson closure reviewed
the basic themes learned during the lesson.