AI 人工智能在医疗影像上的主流产品及比较

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Carestream Health Carestream Health Carestream Health Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare Radiology and

Clinical Collaboration Platform - Clinical Collaboration Platform - Clinical Collaboration Platform -
Product name Change Healthcare Workflow
Workflow Orchestrator Module Reporting Module Report Analytics Module

Role of AI (e.g.:
appropriate use
criteria, clinical Change Healthcare Enterprise
Interactive multi-media reporting
decision support, Comprehensive report search Imaging solutions integrate with
faciltates the creation of labeled
speeds workflow capabilities using natural language different AI vendor's technologies
data sets that can be used for
through processing (NLP) coupled with to drive a variety of workflows
machine learning purposes; the
automation, aids ontology-based searching; such as automatic study
labeling occurs automatically
in detecting facilitates the selection of data sets prioritization and triage, detection
without any specific required
pathology, for labeling purposes of pathologies and better
"tagging" effort by the radiologist
predictive organization of information
automates data-
mining, etc.)

Clinical (when combined with

Is it operational
imaging analytics tools) plus Operational Clinical plus operational Both
or clinical
Does AI employ
No (Natural Language
machine learning No (proprietary framework) No (labeled data set creation) Yes
(yes or no)

Does AI employ
No (Natural Language
deep learning No (proprietary framework) No (labeled data set creation) Yes
(yes or no)

What are the

purposes of this
technology (e.g., Amplify quality, productivity of
Contributes to the creation of Reducing turnaround times, time
time savings, stakeholders in the imaging value Facilitate educational, and clinical
training data sets in terms of saving and helping improve
patient dose chain; speed, accuracy and research activities
labeling and tagging diagnosis
savings, more communication
diagnosis etc.)

Does this
FDA approved (except triage
product have FDA approved, CE marked, FDA approved, CE marked,
application), CE marked,
regulatory regulatory clearance in many regulatory clearance in many
regulatory clearance in many
clearance/approv additional countries; all approvals additional countries; all approvals N/S
additional countries; all approvals
al? Is regulatory are under the Carestream Vue are under the Carestream Vue
are under the Carestream Vue
clearance/approv PACS PACS
al needed
What FDA
indications does N/S N/S N/S N/S
it have

Is this product
currently for sale
in the U.S. or Commercially available in the Commercially available in the Commercially available in the
Some capabilities are not yet
elsewhere in the U.S. except triage application, EU U.S., EU and many additional U.S., EU and many additional
commercially available
world? If not, and many additional countries countries countries
when will it

How is your
product different
from competitors
Fujifilm Fujifilm Fujifilm GE Healthcare GE Healthcare GE Healthcare GE Healthcare

Synapse AI Synapse AI Critical Care Suite on Centricity Universal

Synapse AI AIRx on MR (powered by SonoCNS on Voluson
Open Open Optima XR240amx Viewer (an Edison
Open Platform Edison) (powered by Edison)
Platform/REiLI Platform/REiLI (powered by Edison) application)

Provides an
interface for
orchestration of
AI algorithms Critical Care Suite on AiRx on MR (powered by
developed by Algorithms
developed by Optima XR240amx Edison) uses deep
Fujifilm for the developed by
Fujifilm, 3rd (powered by Edison) Speeds workflow through learning algorithms to
Synapse PACS Fujifilm for the
party vendors helps the clinical team automation of hanging automatically detect and
workstation that Synapse PACS
and academic identify cases with protocols, comparisson prescribe slices for routine
detect numerous workstation that
facilities; potential pneumothorax at studies, and study list and challenging
diseases in cross outline and fill
enables end to point-of-care to enable routing and prioritizing neurological exams,
sectional studies organs with
end AI prioritization of image delivering consistent and
such as CT and color
workflow review quantifiable results
worklist triage,
AI display and
export to the
dictation system

Operational and
Clinical Clinical Operational & Clinical Operational Operational Operational
Yes Yes Yes No Yes no no

No Yes Yes Yes No yes yes

Incorporation of
AI algorithms Incorporation of Incorporation of
into Synapse AI algorithms AI algorithms
with into Synapse into Synapse
meaningful with meaningful with meaningful
workflow using workflow using workflow using Edison includes Edison includes Edison includes
tools for tools for tools for deployment-agnostic deployment-agnostic deployment-agnostic
detection and detection and detection and intelligent applications intelligent applications intelligent applications
diagnosis; diagnosis; diagnosis; and smart devices, and smart devices, and smart devices,
worklist worklist worklist designed to help achieve N/S designed to help achieve designed to help achieve
prioritization, prioritization, prioritization, greater efficiency, greater efficiency, greater efficiency,
improved improved improved increase access to care, increase access to care increase access to care
confidence and confidence and confidence and and improve patient and improve patient and improve patient
AI review AI review AI review outcomes. outcomes outcomes
before exiting before exiting before exiting
the study are all the study are all the study are all
benefits benefits enjoyed benefits enjoyed
enjoyed by the by the end user by the end user
end user

Not needed Not yet Not yet Pending Yes Pending Yes
FDA approval FDA approval
is required is required

Algorithms will Algorithms will

be available be available
upon FDA upon FDA
Approval; Approval;
Spring 2019 N/S Yes US and Europe
approval for the approval for the
above listed above listed
algorithms is in algorithms is in
progress progress
GE Healthcare Hyland Healthcare Hyland Healthcare IBM Watson Health IBM Watson Health

Centricity Clinical Acuo VNA (available

IBM Watson Imaging Patient IBM Watson Imaging Clinical
Archive Analytics (an microservices suite for machine WithInsight Framework
Synopsis Review
Edison application) learning integration)

Help drive improved

Enterprise Imaging
operational efficiency and
financial performance
with an easy-to-use,
cloud-based solution that
draws data directly from
your VNA, Centricity
Clinical Archive;
In IBM Watson Imaging Patient
Centricity Clinical
Synopsis, the role of AI is to extract Clinical Review is a retrospective
Archive Analytics is the Automates data mining and
information from the EHR to cognitive data review tool that
analytics brain which extraction; intelligently speeds
provide radiologists with the most helps support a reliable patient
powers Centricity Clinical workflow through automation;
relevant patient information when record in order to drive accurate,
Archive solution; facilitates access to large cross-
interpreting imaging cases; the AI timely and coordinated care
powered by Microsoft enterprise datasets
engine was trained by 96 decisions
Azure and PowerBI, it
derives intelligence from
the data stored in your
VNA to provide
actionable insights that
enable augmented
clinical, financial and
operational decision-
making across your

Operational Operational Clinical Clinical Both

Yes, integrates with ML
No Yes Yes Yes

Yes, integrates with DL

No Yes Yes Yes

Drive improved enterprise

imaging operational
efficiency and financial
performance with an easy-
The intent of IBM Watson Imaging
to-use, cloud-based
Patient Synopsis is to efficiently
solution; derive Tools/algorithms for AI
Data curation; accelerates AI inform radiologists about care The intent of Clinical Review is to
intelligence from the data developers to create fully
modeling via access to vast de- decisions made by other physicians drive data consistency and as a
stored in your VNA to functional 3D visualization apps;
identified datasets on-the-fly or and other clinical roles; it extracts result facilitate accurate and timely
provide actionable a visual debugger displays code
exported datasets, for optimal AI relevant patient information from care decisions which improve
insights that enable and datasets being manipulated in
algorithm accuracy the EHR and projects it via a overall quality and patient safety
augmented clinical, real-time
single-view summary screen in
financial and operational
sync with PACS, in seconds
decision; enhance dtorage
optimization and IT
resource allocation and

IBM Watson Imaging Patient

Clinical Review is not considered a
Synopsis is not considered a
medical device and therefore does
Yes N/A Under submission at this time medical device and therefore does
not require regulatory clearance for
not require regulatory clearance for
distribution in the United States
distribution in the United States
Algorithms developed with this IBM Watson Imaging Patient
Clinical Review is not an FDA-
None N/A framework may require pre- Synopsis is not an FDA-regulated
regulated medical device
market clearance medical device

At this time, IBM Watson Imaging

Clinical Review is only for sale in
US/CAN Yes Yes Patient Synopsis is only for sale in
the United States
the United States
iCAD Inc. iCAD Inc. iCAD Inc. iCAD Inc. Imalogix Intelerad Medical Systems

ProFound AI for SecondLook Density

VeraLook Imalogix EnvoyAI Exchange
DBT Digital Assessment

Imalogix is deep
learning AI for
imaging that
improvement of
workflow, quality
and safety; the
intelligence of the
Aid in the Aids in the Aid in the Aids in detecting identifies outliers
detection of breast detection of assessment of the locatoin and and highlights
Clinical Decision Support, aids in diagnosis,
cancer in 3-D breast cancer in breast density in extent of polyps where and how to
increases workflow efficiency
digital breast -2D digital digital in CT change imaging
tomosynthesis mammography mammography conolography practices or
workflow to
reduce unwanted
variability and
evolve the
standard of care;
insights into
procedure length,
utilization and
uncover how to
become more
efficient and
optimize patient

Clinical and
Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No NO Yes No

Enable consistent
and uniform care;
avoid risk and
protect patients
from unnecessary
(improve cancer
Accurate Accurate Accurate dose; optimize More accurate diagnosis, decision support,
detection rates,
diagnosis diagnosis diagnosis efficiency and clinical guidance
reduce false
positives), time
predict the right
dose and image

Intelerad provides only FDA and CE approved

AI agorithms through the EnvoyAI Exchange;
FDA clearance, FDA clearance, FDA clearance, FDA clearance,
we also make available EnvoyAI's suite of
CE Mark, Health CE Mark, Health CE Mark, Health CE Mark, Health Yes
research algorithms for clients who what to
Canada licensed Canada licensed Canada licensed Canada licensed
expand AI into other use cases outside of
regulatory approved clinical use
Intended to be
used concurrently
by physicians
while reading Intended for use
digital breast with digital
Intended to
tomosynthesis mammography
identify and Intended to
(DBT) exams systems,
mark regions of automatically
from compatible including
interest on detect potential
DBT systems; the tomosynthesis;
screening and polyps in CT
system detects provides an
diagnostic Colonography
soft tissue ACR BI-RADS
mammograms exams; the
densities (masses, Atlas 5th Edition
from digital identified polyps
architectural breast density
mammography can then be
distortions and category to aid
systems to bring highlighted to
asymmetries) and health care
them to the the interpreting
calcifications in professionals in
attention of the physician after N/A FDA cleared for use
the 3-D DBT the assessment
radiologist after initial review of
slices; the of breast tissue
an initial reading the CTC exam
detections and composition; for
has been with the intent of
certainty of certain digital
completed; thus identifying
finding and case mammography
the system addiotnal
scores assist sensors, the
prompts the potential polyps
interpreting product may also
radiologist to that may not
physicians in calculate breast
areas on the have been
identifying soft density as a ratio
mammograms identified onthe
tissue densities of fibroglandular
for second initial review
and calcifications tissue and total
that may be breast area
confirmed or estimates
dismissed by the

Yes Yes Yes Yes U.S. only Yes

Intelerad Medical Systems Intelerad Medical Systems iSchemaView Lunit Lunit Novarad


Zebra Medical Vision US-Coronary CT NovaPACS
(Previously (Previously
Blackford AI Platform Calcium Scoring, Gated Scans, FDA-Bone RAPID Virtual
Health Colonography
for Chest for
Radiography) Mammography)

Provides AI
analysis for
chest X-ray that
Provides AI
detection of
analysis for
lesions and its
location; Lunit
image that
detection of
breast cancer
diagnosis and
and its location;
efficiency in
Provides tissue shows
workflow; by
classifcation for images remarkable Speed
Clinical Decision Support, aids in diagnosis, Clinical Decision Support, aids in diagnosis, integration with
of brain perfusion for performance in workflow, offer
increases workflow efficiency increases workflow efficiency PACS system,
diagnosing and triaging measurement of easier visibility
ischemic stroke specificity
can be used to
compared to
triage specific
CAD solutions,
conditions. (i.e.
which produce
more reliable
results and
for ER
provide smooth
flagging nodule
detection, etc.)

Both: Both:
Clinical(standal Clinical(standal
Clinical Clinical Clinical one), one), Clinical
Operational(inte Operational(inte
grated) grated)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No Yes Yes Yes No

More accurate diagnosis Increase Increase

and triage, leading to accuracy in accuracy in Time savings,
More accurate diagnosis, decision support, More accurate diagnosis, decision support,
faster treatment and detection and detection and more accurate
clinical guidance clinical guidance
better patient workflow/cost workflow/cost diagnosis
management efficiency efficiency

Under review
for regulatory
clearance/appro Under review
Intelerad provides only FDA and CE approved Intelerad provides only FDA and CE approved val; Korea for regulatory
Yes, yes N/A
AI agorithms through the Blackford Platform AI agorithms through Zebra Medical Vision MFDS clearance/appro
approved for val
Patient selection for Under review Under review
FDA cleared for use FDA cleared for use N/A
thrombectomy for approval for approval

worldwide upon
approval in Commercially
relevant available
countries (FDA, worldwide upon
Yes, in the U.S. and 38 CE, etc.); regulatory
Yes Yes Yes
other countries Nodule approval in
detection relevant
algorithm countries (FDA,
commercially CE, etc.)
available in
South Korea,
Nuance Healthcare PaxeraHealth Philips Philips RaySearch Laboratories AB

PaxeraAI with an Illumeo with

AI Marketplace for Diagnostic IntelliSpace
assistive chat bot called adaptive RayStation
Imaging Portal
EraBot intelligence

Illumeo uses
intelligence to
pull data from
various hospital
sources to
present a holistic
view of the
harnessing a
variety of the
Industry's first workflow-integrated
marketplace for the development,
validation, purchase and adoption
designed to
of diagnostic imaging AI
empower the
algorithms; offers developers rapid
physician by Automates workflow of organ segmentation and
speed to market, streamlined access Speeds workflow
providing radiotherapy treatment plan generation through
to users at scale, continuous through automatition,
contextually machine learning. Enables knowledge sharing
algorithm learning, and automated aids in pathology N/S
relevant patient through a flexible framework supporting sharing
access to required registries; offers detection, and predictive
insights, of machine learning models containing no
subscribers one-stop-shopping in analytics
incorporated personal data.
largest storefront of AI imaging
directly in their
algorithms integrated directly into
workflows; our
the radiology reporting workflow,
with feedback channel to ensure
superior results
solutions are
and designed to
expertise, so they
can provide more
insightful clinical
workflow for
positive patient

Both; the clinical aspect

is used for automatic
detection of
Both; offers diagnostic findings
abnormalities in a study;
support, worklist prioritization and Both Both Clinical
the opreational side to
streamline the
radiologists workflow
while reading studies
Yes; depends upon the specific app
Yes Yes Yes Yes
within the the AI Marketplace

Yes; depends upon the specific app

Yes No No Yes (organ segmentation)
within the the AI Marketplace

Provides holistic
view of patient
To connect AI app developers and and generates
Time savings, increased consistency in
AI app subscribers with workflow- Time saving, detecting dynamic, insight-
segmentations and generated treatment plans,
integrated algorithms that improve abnormalities, rich findings to N/S
knowledge sharing through machine learning
diagnosis, detection and treatment streamlining workflow optimize and
of disease streamline way
of work, hanging
through reporting

AI Marketplace will only sell

Yes, both machine learning applications are
FDA-cleared apps; intended use No Yes/Yes Yes/Yes
cleared in Europe and US
provided on storefront
Organ segmentation: Cleared for structures (not
AI Marketplace will only sell 510(k)
510(k) clearance: lesions). Plan Generation: Cleared for VMAT
FDA-cleared apps; intended use None clearance:
K173588 Prostate model from Princess Margaret Cancer
provided on storefront K162025

Version 2.1
Scheduled to be released available for sale Version 10 is
Yes, currently as part of pilot Jan 2019, being used in in US and select available for
program; general availability Q3 research institutions for geographies sale in most Yes, available since December 2018
2019 testing and algorithm worldwide, WIP geographies in
building for upcoming the world
Siemens Healthineers Siemens Siemens Siemens Healthineers

Somatom Edge Plus Magnetom Vida Magnetom Sola Somatom go. Platform

Both Dot and BioMatrix are

Both Dot and BioMatrix are
standard on the Vida and are
standard on the Vida and are
powered by AI; Dot: provides
powered by AI; Dot:pProvides
fast, push-button exams that
fast, push-button exams that
combine guided, automated
combine guided, automated
workflows with intuitive
workflows with intuitive
protocol management for true
protocol management for true
flexibility, consistency and
flexibility, consistency and
efficiency in MRI; for
efficiency in MRI. For GO technologies with AI enable
example, AutoAlign Spine, an
example, AutoAlign Spine, an mobile, tablet-based workflow:
intuitive Dot workflow
Somatom Edge Plus incorporates a intuitive Dot workflow Scan&GO incorporates AI (FAST
powered by AI, automatically
number of technologies powered by AI powered by AI, automatically Planning) for automated scan range
places the images slices to
to improve workflow in numerous places the images slices to selection; after scanning Check&GO
make whole-spine imaging a
ways, such as, the FAST Intergrated make whole-spine imaging a reviews scan range for sufficient
push button exam; BioMatrix:
Worlfow for accurate patient push button exam; BioMatrix: anatomical coverage/contrast
Speeds workflow through
positioning leading to increase in Speeds workflow through enhancement (CE procedures);
automation and simplifies user
precision and consistency of image automation and simplifies user Recon&GO zero-click direct-to-PACS
interaction between the
quality automatically, and FAST Spine interaction between the scanner workflow: e.g., FAST Spine for
scanner and the patient; for
for single-click spine reconstructions and the patient; for example, automated spine recons/labeling
example, Select&GO one-
reducing the need for manual creation Select&GO one-touch reducing the need for manual creation
touch positioning utilizes AI to
of curved spine ranges positioning utilizes AI to of curved ranges; and zero-click Lung
accelerate patient positioning
accelerate patient positioning CAD as a second reader for lung
by up to 30% (values for a 196
by up to 30% (values for a 196 nodules that may have been overlooked
cm person) compared to laser
cm person) compared to laser
positioning; the user simply
positioning; the user simply
selects theregion or organ to
selects theregion or organ to be
be scanned on the touch
scanned on the touch display
display and the patient is
and the patient is automatically
automatically positioned for
positioned for the respective
the respective scan, helping to
scan, helping to avoid delays
avoid delays due to incorrect
due to incorrect positioning

Dot: operational and clinical; Dot: operational and clinical;

Yes Operational and clinical
BioMatrix: operational BioMatrix: operational
Yes Yes Yes No

Yes No No No

Dot: Aid in imaging anatomy Dot: Aid in imaging anatomy

consistently and speeds consistently and speeds
workflow through automation workflow through automation
SOMATOM Edge Plus allows for GO Technologies with AI embedded
for reproducibility and for reproducibility and
lower patient dose, higher image for the goal of focusing more on the
efficiency; the purpose is also efficiency; the purpose is also
resolution and helps improve workflow patient by reducing exam variability
to create consistent, high- to create consistent, high-
efficiency and improving clinical consistency
quality images; BioMatrix: quality images; BioMatrix:
speeds workflow through speeds workflow through
automation automation

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Worldwide Yes Yes Worldwide

Siemens Siemens Healthineers Siemens Healthineers SubtlePET SubtleMR (pilot use)

SubtleMR allows imaging centers to

Magnetom Altea Somatom Force Somatom Drive significantly accelerate MRI scans
using Subtle Medical's AI solutions

Both Dot and BioMatrix are

standard on the Vida and are
powered by AI; Dot:pProvides
fast, push-button exams that
combine guided, automated
workflows with intuitive
protocol management for true
flexibility, consistency and
efficiency in MRI. For
example, AutoAlign Spine, an
intuitive Dot workflow
Somatom Force incorporates a number Somatom Drive incorporates a number
powered by AI, automatically
of technologies powered by AI to of technologies powered by AI to
places the images slices to
improve workflow in numerous ways, improve workflow in numerous ways,
make whole-spine imaging a
such as, the FAST Intergrated Worlfow such as, the FAST Intergrated Worlfow
push button exam; BioMatrix:
for accurate patient positioning leading for accurate patient positioning leading
Speeds workflow through Clinical Clinical
to increase in precision and consistency to increase in precision and consistency
automation and simplifies user
of image quality automatically, and of image quality automatically, and
interaction between the scanner
FAST Spine for single-click spine FAST Spine for single-click spine
and the patient; for example,
reconstructions reducing the need for reconstructions reducing the need for
Select&GO one-touch
manual creation of curved spine ranges manual creation of curved spine ranges
positioning utilizes AI to
accelerate patient positioning
by up to 30% (values for a 196
cm person) compared to laser
positioning; the user simply
selects theregion or organ to be
scanned on the touch display
and the patient is automatically
positioned for the respective
scan, helping to avoid delays
due to incorrect positioning

Dot: operational and clinical;

Yes Yes Yes Yes
BioMatrix: operational
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

satisfaction, time
savings, faster Patient satisfaction, time savings,
No Yes Yes
scans, increased faster scans, higher throughput
revenue, higher

Dot: Aid in imaging anatomy

consistently and speeds
workflow through automation
SubtlePET has
for reproducibility and Somatom Force allows for lower SOMATOM Drive allows for lower
recieved FDA
efficiency; the purpose is also patient dose, higher image resolution patient dose, higher image resolution Investigational use only
Clearance and CE
to create consistent, high- and helps improve workflow efficiency and helps improve workflow efficiency
mark approved
quality images; BioMatrix:
speeds workflow through

SubtlePET is an
image processing
software intended
for use by
radiologists and
nuclear medicine
physicians for
transfer, storage,
Yes Yes Yes N/A
and noise
reduction of
e (FDG) and
amyloid PET
images (including
PET/CT and
N/A N/A N/A Yes No, estimated 2019

SubtlePET is
focused on image
acquisition and
SubtlePET is the
first AI product
SubtleMR is deep learning-based and
FDA cleared for
Yes Worldwide Worldwide has an acceleration factor of up to
medical imaging
SubtlePET is the
first AI product
FDA cleared for a
nuclear medicine
TeraRecon EnvoyAI TeraRecon Zebra Medical Vision

iNtuition AI
Northstar AI Explorer EnvoyAI Platform Viz LVO Viz CTP Triage Pneumothorax

The EnvoyAI
Platform includes The iNtuition AI Viz CTP
AI plays a central
a free developer Adapter brings the combines novel
role in the algorithm
portal to onboard AI algorithms on AI algorithms
used by Viz LVO to
and test the EnvoyAI with tried-and-
detect suspected
algorithms, an platform into the tested signal-
strokes. At the heart
open API, and the clinical workflow processing
of the product, a
opportunity to of TeraRecon's methods that
deep convolutional
deploy the iNtuition advanced have been used
neural network
platform with a visualization in perfusion
analyzes CTA
cloud and/or system; uUsers can analysis for over
scans, with a typical
The Northstar AI Explorer is a new way to view locally sited import contours, a decade; for
size of over 200
and interact with AI results across a plurality of inference centerlines, example - AI
Mb; the network
best-of-breed AI algorithms in an individualized appliance; overlays and other algorithms are
was trained on
way, directly within your reading workflow; EnvoyAI's rapid AI-generated used to automate
immense amounts
NorthStar eliminates the need for many single implementation findings seamlessly the selection of
of data to
algorithm viewer integrations and provides the can be completed within any the arterial input
understand how
benefit that multiple algorithms can be utilized within 2 hours; iNtuition function (AIF),
blood vessels in the
simultaneously and interactively according to the EnvoyAI is a workflow; this which is
brain should look
physician's preferences; the system is capable of multi-sided capability allows typically done
like, which is
collecting user interaction data and self- platform TeraRecon manually by the
optimizing supporting AI customers to performing
challenging given
developers to offer incorporate in- technician; once
the number of
their AI machines house image the AIF has been
natural variants;
to a wide research processing selected,
deviations from the
and clinical improvements into deconvolution
normal structure
audiences; in their own advanced methods are
that are consistent
addition, there is visualization used to convert
with large vessel
an end-user portal workflows, and time series into
occlusions (LVOs)
assisting end users even publish them the perfusion
are flagged for
in achieving their on the EnvoyAI parameters of
urgent review
desired clinical marketplace interest

Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical

Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

No No No Yes Yes Yes

Viz LVO uses Viz CTP uses

artificial advanced image
Helping AI Integrate 3rd party
intelligence to processing
developers quickly AI into iNtuition
automatically algorithms to
commercialize clinical workflows;
Northstar provides physicians a seamless and identify and alert automatically Attend urgent cases as they come in
algorithms and the AI Adapter is
enterprise-wide way to interact with AI results stroke specialists of visualize regions the system; reduce missed diagnoses;
health systems to provided at no
while remaining in control of what they view and suspected large of the brain with provide expertise during low
access an entire charge for
save vessel occlusion reduced cerebral attendance times
market of AI with TeraRecon
strokes on CT blood flow,
a single contract customers under
angiogram imaging blood volume,
and integration active maintenance
in their network and delayed
within minutes contrast arrival

The iNtuition AI
EnvoyAI is a Class Adapter is included
The Northstar 510k will be submitted to FDA Q1 I medical device in the scope of the
Yes/Yes Yes/Yes FDA Approved + CE Mark
2019; currently research use only and is exempt from iNtuition 510k
510k clearance which has been
cleared by FDA
Northstar AI Results Explorer is a zero-footprint,
web-based software device indicated for use in
clinical settings where medical images and
image-derived metadata can be accessed or
visualized to aid healthcare professionals in The iNtuition
diagnosis and patient management decision Adaptor is intended
making; Northstar web interfaces can obtain and to receive, store,
consume both DICOM and non-DICOM image- transmit, post-
derived metadata generated by Artificial process, display
Intelligence (AI) or computer vision algorithms; and allow
Northstar is intended to receive, store, transmit, manipulation of
post-process, display and allow manipulation of reports and medical
medical images, reports and image derived images from
metadata, generated by image acquisition devices; acquisition devices For FDA For FDA
Northstar provides access to images, image such as CT, PET indications, please indications,
derived metadata and derived images through a and MRI; the see please see FDA 510(K) Cleared
web browser on desktop computer or mobile iNtuition Adaptor
devices. Visualization of 2D, 3D and 4D are provides access to ons-for-use/ cations-for-use/
supported for single or multiple datasets, or DICOM and non-
combinations thereof; visualization tools are DICOM derived
provided to optimize image presentation through images and image
zooming, window leveling, panning, filtering and derived meta data
synchronization of images from different series; via client-server
Northstar also provides quantitative analysis tools software, web
for measurements such as distance; the device browser and
also supports overlay of image-derived metadata mobile
such as text, contours, etc. Northstar provides technologies
capability for the end user to accept, reject or edit
the metadata; bBased on user interaction, new
derived images or metadata can be created for
internal use or for forwarding to other devices

U.S. only U.S. only US, Europe, Asia, Australia, South

No, expected 2019 Yes No, expected 2019
(currently) (currently) America
Zebra Medical Vision Zebra Medical Vision

Triage Intracranial Hemorrhage Bone Health

Customers with busy reporting

environments where incidental
findings are often not reported use
Zebra to increase the number of
vertebral compression fractures that
are being reported thus the number of
patients that are eligible for treatment;
sites that run fracture prevention
programs/ population management
programs use Zebra to systematically
source people into these programs and
initiate further investigation and

Clinical Clinical
Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Increases the amount of detected

Attend urgent cases as they come in
moderate and severe osteoporotic
the system; reduce missed diagnoses;
vertebral compression fractures, thus
provide expertise during low
the no. of patients that adhere to
attendance times

FDA pending + CE Mark CE Mark

Only CE marked. NOT for sale in the
FDA 510(K) Cleared

Europe, Asia, Australia Europe, Asia, Australia

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