Chapter 1 - Introduction To Artificial Intelligence

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College of Engineering and

Department of Information

ITec4121– Introduction to Artificial


Set by Hamba A (BSc)

Chapter 1: Introduction to AI
Definitions of some Terminologies
 Made or produced by human beings (man-made) as a
copy of something natural rather than occurring naturally.

 The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
This may include:
o The ability to learn, understand and make judgments
o The ability to have opinions that are based on reason
o The capacity for logic, understanding, self-
awareness, emotional knowledge, reasoning,
planning, creativity, critical thinking and problem
Problem Solving: given
certain data and find x
Some important factors
of intelligence Perception: analyzing the
scanned environment,
relationship between object

Language Understanding: understanding

language by following syntax and semantics

Reasoning: to draw conclusion

appropriate to the situation in land

Generalization Learning: to be able to perform

better in situations not previously encounter
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
• The term AI was first coined by Jon McCarthy in the year 1956.
He defined AI as the science & engineering of making intelligent
• In computer science AI sometimes called machine intelligence,
is intelligence demonstrated by machines.
• While exploiting the power of the computer systems, the
curiosity of human, lead him to wonder, “Can a machine think
and behave like humans do?”
• AI is the quest to build machines that can reason, learn and act
• AI is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation
of intelligent machines that work and reacts like humans.
• It is concerned with the automation of intelligent behaviour.
• It is the simulation of human intelligence such as visual
perception, speech recognition, decision making and
translating between languages etc. by machines,
especially computer systems.
• It makes possible for machines to learn from experience,
adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks.
• The field of artificial intelligence, or AI, attempts to
understand intelligent entities.
• AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks
and how humans learn, decide, and work while trying to
solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this
study as a basis of developing intelligent software and
• Thus, the development of AI started with the intention of
creating similar intelligence in machines that we find and
in humans.
Artificial Intelligence Human Brain Network of neurons (use Ear: listen
this to learn things)
Neural Networks: if more complex and Speech recognition
deeper = Deep Learning

Eye: see & process what they see Write and Read in language
Computer Vision- object recognition Natural Language Processing
and Symbolic Learning (image
Processing /recognition)

Understand their Ability to see patterns

environment and (Grouping of like objects)
Machine Learning /
pattern Recognition
Necessity of AI

AI can learn through data

• Can learn so much data AI achieves accuracy
• can do the repetitive tasks • AI can achieve tremendous
with accuracy and without accuracy.

AI can respond in real time AI can organize data to get

• can analyze the data more Necessity most out of it
deeply and respond to the • We need AI to index and

AI can teach itself Understanding Intelligence

• data itself keeps changing • understand the concept of
• data must be updated intelligence of our brain
In addition AI has More Computational power, deal with more
data, Better algorithm and there is also Broad investment.
Objectives/Goals of AI

• To understand human • To create useful smart

intelligence better. programs able to do
• Test theories of human task that would normally
intelligence by writing require a human expert.
programs which emulate it.

The basic objective of AI is to enable computers to perform intellectual tasks

such as decision making, problem solving, perception, understanding human
communication ( in any language, and translate among them) and the like.
Approaches to AI
Think like a human ( Thinking humanly)
• Thinking humanly/cognitive modeling. Systems
should solve problems the same way humans do.
• Thinking humanly means trying to understand and
model how the human mind works.
• If we are going to say that a given program thinks like
a human, we must have some way of determining
how humans think.
• The field of Cognitive Science focuses on modelling
how people think and study of human thought
process and mind then AI copies that thought
process to a machine.
• Not able to figure out how our brain works because
its complex creates huge gap between human brain
and computer system.
Approaches to AI
Act like a human (Acting humanly)
The computer would need to possess the following capabilities:
Natural language processing: to enable it to
communicate/translate successfully in English (or some other
human language)
Knowledge representation: to store information provided before or
during the interrogation.
Automated reasoning: to use the stored information to answer
questions and to draw new conclusions;
Machine learning: to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and
extrapolate patterns.
• Turing Test used to Computing machinery and intelligence. It was
Proposed by English mathematician Alan Turing in 1950. It is not
Complex long and controversial. If any machine pass Turing test it will
have intelligence
• In order to pass the Turing Test, a program that succeeded would
need to be capable of: speech recognition, natural language
understanding and generation, and speech synthesis; knowledge
representation; learning; and automated reasoning and decision
Approaches to AI
Think rationally (Thinking rationally)/Law of
• This approach study about the computations that
make it possible to perceive, reason and act of
machine in the right manner.
• Trying to understand how we actually think is one
route to AI.
• This approach is to model how we should think.
Right thinking i.e. undeniable reasoning process.
• The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first
to attempt to codify "right thinking,"
• For example, "Chala is a man; All men are
mortal; therefore Chala is mortal.
• This law of thought leads to field called LOGIC.
Approaches to AI
Act rationally (Acting rationally)
• Rational means behaving rightly and capable of
• Rational behaviour: doing the right thing with given the
available information maximizing goal achievement
and the expected outcome.
• Acting rationally means acting to achieve one’s goals,
given one’s beliefs or understanding about the world.
• If we design intelligent behaviour in agents, then we
make a machine which act reasonably and correctly.
• A rational agent is expected to act so as to achieve the
best outcome or when there is uncertainty to achieve
best expected outcome.
• For example, an agent that is designed to play a game
should make moves that increase its chances of
winning the game.
The Foundations of AI
Philosophy Mathematics Psychology Computer engineering

Considers the nature formal theories of increase the ef-

of knowledge, logic, probability, Studies how ficiency of
thought, and learning decision making, humans computing
and computation devices.
philosophical picture think and
of the mind is the act (process
notions of formal intelligence and
connection between information)
knowledge and action logic, algorithms, an artifact
how can particular complexity, and
actions be justified probability
The Foundations of AI
Neuroscience Control Theory Computer
and Cybernetics Science
Deals with
language in a
way that it can Studies the we have the
workings of Consider
be processed how tools with
by machine the human
brain autonomous which to make
we have theor- machines AI a reality
ies of the struc- can operate
ture and mean-
ing of language
Bits of History and the State of the Art
The gestation (1943-1956)
• The first work that is now generally recognized as AI was done by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1943).
• Donald Hebb (1949) demonstrated a simple updating rule for modifying the connection strengths between
neurons, such that learning could take place.
• Isaac Asimov, a Columbia University alumni, coined the term Robotics.
• Alan Turing introduced Turing Test for evaluation of intelligence.
• Agreement to adopt McCarthy's new name for the field: artificial intelligence.

Early enthusiasm, great expectations (1956-1969)

• John McCarthy moved from Dartmouth to MIT and there made three crucial contributions in one historic year:
• McCarthy defined the high-level language Lisp.
• He and others at MIT invented time sharing.
• Formed Digital Equipment Corporation, which was to become the world's second largest computer manufacturer
• Danny Bobrow's showed that computers can understand natural language well enough to solve algebra word problems correctly.
• Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT built ELIZA, an interactive problem that carries on a dialogue in English.
• Scientists at Stanford Research Institute Developed Shakey, a robot, equipped with locomotion, perception, and problem solving.
Bits of History and the State of the Art
Knowledge-based systems: The key to power? (1969-1979)
• During the first decade of AI problem solving research was of a general-purpose search mechanism such
approaches have been called weak methods, because they use weak information about the domain. It turns
out that their performance is also weak.
• The only way around this is to use knowledge more suited to making larger reasoning steps and to solving
typically occurring cases in narrow areas of expertise.
• The Assembly Robotics group at Edinburgh University built Freddy, the Famous Scottish Robot, capable of
using vision to locate and assemble models.
• The first computer-controlled autonomous vehicle, Stanford Cart, was built.

AI becomes an industry (1980-1988) The return of neural networks (1988-present)

• Major advances in all areas of AI
• The first successful commercial • Significant demonstrations in machine learning
expert system, Rl, began • Case-based reasoning, Multi-agent planning, Scheduling
operation at Digital Equipment • Data mining, Web Crawler, Vision, Virtual Reality, Games
Corporation. • Natural language understanding and translation
• The Deep Blue Chess Program beats the then world chess champion, Garry
Kasparov. (1997), Robot pets, self-driving cars
• IBM WATSON question and answer defeated the then champions.
State of Art & Future of AI
2.Autonomous Car
4.Different Human Activities
5.Smart Agriculture, Device…etc
Types of AI
Type1: (based on their likeness to the human)

Narrow AI General AI Super AI

• Involves applying AI only to specific
task. • Involves machines that possess the ability • It is the time when the
• It is focused on one narrow task. to perform any intellectual task that a capability of computer
human being can. will surpass humans.
• not possess any thinking ability; it just • It is the stage in which machine will
performs a set of pre-defined • It is believed that
possess the ability to think, perform task
functions. and make decisions just like humans. machines are not very
• Examples of Weak AI include: • There are currently no existing examples far from reaching this
• A poker game Siri, Alexa, Self- of Strong AI. stage taking into
driving cars, Alpha-Go, Sophia the • Strong AI is considered a threat to human considerations our
humanoid and so on. existence by many scientists, including current pace.
• Almost all the AI-based systems built Stephen Hawking , Alan Musk
till this date fall under the category of
Weak AI. Weak AI Strong AI: Super AI
Types of AI (based on functionalities)
Limited Memory:
Reactive Machines:
• Can make informed and improved decisions
• This is one of the basic forms of AI. It doesn’t have
by studying the past data from its memory.
past memory and cannot use past information for • Can use past experiences to inform future
the future actions. decisions.
• It is based on the present data, taking into account • Has a short-lived or a temporary memory tha
only the current situation. can be used to store past experiences and
• They can only react to currently existing situations –
hence evaluate future actions.
hence “reactive.” • Limited memory builds on observational data
• To simplify, reactive machines are programmed for
in conjunction with pre-programmed data the
the here and now, but not the before and after. machines already contain.
• Reactive machines have no concept of the world • Some of the decision-making functions in
and therefore cannot function beyond the simple self-driving cars have been designed this
tasks for which they are programmed. way.
• No matter the time or place, these machines will • A car that has changed lanes, use sensors to
always behave the way they were programmed. identify civilians crossing the road, steep
• There is no growth with reactive machines, only
roads, traffic signals and so on to make bette
stagnation in recurring actions and behaviors.  driving decisions. These observations are not
• An example of Reactive AI is the Deep Blue famous
stored permanently.
IBM Chess program that beat the world champion,
Garry Kasparov.
Types of AI (based on functionalities)
Theory of Mind Self-awareness
• An AI that has its own conscious,
• This type of AI should be able to understand people’s
super intelligent, self-awareness
emotion, belief, thoughts, and expectations and be
and sentient (In simple words a
able to interact socially
complete human being). Of
• This category of machines is speculated to play a major
course, this kind of bot also
role in psychology.
doesn’t exist.
• This type of AI will focus mainly on emotional
• It seems risky where machines
intelligence so that human believes and thoughts can
have their own consciousness and
be better comprehended.
become self-aware.
• What constitutes theory of mind is decision-making
• Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkings
ability equal to the extent of a human mind, but by
have consistently warned about
the evolution of AI.
• Kismet, developed with human facial features: eyes,
• Facets of self-aware AI include the
lips, ears, eyebrows, and eyelids. (created in 2000)
ability to not only recognize and
• Sophia, on the other hand, is a humanoid bot created
replicate humanlike actions, but
by Hanson Robotics ( created in 2016)
also to think for itself, have
• Voice assistants, but none are fully capable of holding
desires, and understand its
conversations relative to human standards
Ways AI can be achieved
Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Machine Learning (ML):
• broadly defined as the automatic manipulation of
• It is a method where the target (goal) is defined natural language, like speech and text, by software.
and the steps to reach that target is learned by • One of the well-known examples of this is email spam
the machine itself by training (gaining • It refers to the science of drawing insights from
experience). natural human language
• For example to identify a simple object such as an • In order to communicate with machines and grow
apple or orange. businesses.
• Machine Learning is the science of getting • Twitter uses NLP to filter out terroristic language in
machines to interpret, process and analyze data their tweets,
in order to solve real-world problems • Amazon uses NLP to understand customer reviews
• Under Machine Learning there are three and improve user experience.
• Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning,
Reinforcement Learning
• Deep Learning Expert System:
• Deep Learning is the process of implementing
• Is an AI-based computer system that learns and
Neural Networks on high dimensional data to gain
insights and form solutions. Deep Learning is an reciprocates the decision-making ability of a human
advanced field of Machine Learning. expert.
• Deep Learning is the logic behind the face • Use if-then logical notations to solve complex
verification algorithm on Facebook, self-driving problems. It does not rely on conventional
cars, virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and so on. procedural programming. Expert systems are mainly
used in information management, medical facilities,
loan analysis, virus detection and so on
Ways AI can be achieved
Computer Vision: Robotics:
• It is a field of engineering focused on the
• It can be said as a field which enables the
design and manufacturing of robots.
machines to see.
• Robots are often used to perform tasks that
• Machine vision captures and analyses
are difficult for humans to perform or
visual information using a camera, analog-
perform consistently.
to-digital conversion, and digital signal
• AI Robots are artificial agents acting in a
processing. It can be compared to human
real-world environment to produce results by
eyesight .
taking accountable actions.
• It is usually achieved through machine
learning to get the best possible results so
we could say that these two fields are
interlinked. Fuzzy Logic
• Fuzzy logic is a computing approach based
Autonomous Vehicles: on the principles of “degrees of truth” instead
of the usual modern computer logic i.e.
• This area of AI has gathered a
Boolean in nature.
lot of attention.
• Fuzzy logic is used in the medical fields to
• The list of vehicles includes
solve complex problems that involve decision
cars, buses, trucks, trains,
making. They are also used in automatic
ships, submarines, and
gearboxes, vehicle environment control and
autopilot flying drones etc.
so on.
Programming Languages for AI

R •
Lisp is one of the oldest
• The features provided by it
• R is one of the most include efficient pattern
Python and the most suited matching, tree-based data
effective language and languages for the structuring and automatic
• Python is considered to
environment for analyzing development in AI. backtracking.
be in the first place in the
and manipulating the data • It has the capability of
list of all AI development
for statistical purposes. processing the
languages due to the symbolic information
• Using R, we can easily
simplicity. effectively. Java
produce well-designed
• The syntaxes belonging It is also known for its
publication-quality plot,
to python are very simple excellent prototyping
including mathematical capabilities and easy
and can be easily learnt.
symbols and formulae dynamic creation of
• Therefore, many AI
where needed. new objects, with
algorithms can be easily
automatic garbage
implemented in it.
Application of AI
Automated customer support:
• Can answer simple questions like letting you know the status of your order,
and helping you in finding a particular product based on your description,
among others. They offer instant answers compared to human assistants.
Personalized shopping experience:
• The online shopping platform you use collects and stores lots of information
about your usages.
Health care:
• AI assists doctors & reduce time and cost by streamlining processes. Helps
pathologists in analyzing tissue samples and thus, in turn, making more
accurate diagnosis.
• Figuring out personalised drug protocols to better diagnostic tools and even
robots to assist in surgeries, a virtual personal health care assistant.
Application of AI
Influences Business & Finance:
• It's allowing companies to design, produce and deliver products and service better
than ever before.
Smart car and drones:
• Autonomous vehicles running on the roads and autonomous drones delivering the shipments.
Travel and navigation:
• Suggesting efficient route, in air transporting AI help operation of the flights and
make air transport efficient, fast, safe, and provides a comfortable journey to the
passengers and other benefits.
Influence Our Everyday:
• Social media, Smart home device, Creative arts, Security and Surveillance, virtual
digital assistants such as Alexa and Cortana respond to our queries, smart
infrastructure, smart agriculture, solving the environmental concerns we are
experiencing due to global warming, different complex scientific researches.
Application of AI
Entertaining AI:
• AI to compose original compositions from books to music, develop recipes based on what’s
currently in the cupboard The AI-powered recommendation engines of Netflix and Spotify help
streamline our decision-making process. And changes the face of Gamming.
Widely used in banking and financial systems:
• With the use of AI system in this process stocks, financial operations, managing various
properties, due to this the institutions are able to achieve efficient results in a quick turnaround
time. The strategic implementation of artificial intelligence in the bank helps them to focus on
every customer, and provide them quick resolution.
A perfect addition to Heavy Industries:
• Artificial intelligence is used in the production unit in most big manufacturing companies. AI
system is used to give a specific shape to an object, move objects from one place to another,
A great future ahead as well:
• Engineers are designing machines by studying the human brains and trying to replicate the
human intelligence. Scientists believe that once the AI system starts working in its full capacity, it
will reinvent the world that we know today.

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