Sage 2016

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S C A D A , S E C U R I T Y & A U T O M AT I O N N E W S L E T T E R

Volume 26, Issue 2 • Fall 2016 A Publication of Sage Designs, Inc.

What IT Doesn’t Get About SCADA Free Hands-On Radio Seminars Coming in November
Reconciling Conventional IT Staff with Emerging SCADA radio with two
Today’s SCADA professional holds a Ethernet ports and
consequences to staff, the public, business,
two serial ports and
wide range of responsibilities and may be and infrastructure. An INS will be trained,
a protocol converter
employed in one of several industries, but equipped, aware of, and dedicated to their to seamlessly bridge
almost always enjoys the same nemesis: role. between Modbus
IT staff.
The INS must never have a conflict of TCP and Modbus
As the cost and labor savings of SCADA interest in the operational process. Changes RTU protocol
systems have become more significant, and security must be implemented under devices. The MR-450
SCADA systems have grown and expanded a single movement coordinated tightly Sage Designs is pleased to announce the is the low-cost serial licensed UHF radio
to overlap the networking responsibilities with the running environment, supporting return of our popular series of technical which can be used in conjunction with
traditionally held only by Information SCADA members, networking security, and seminars. This year we will host a one- the QR-450. We will demonstrate the
Technology professionals. This overlap can operations. The INS knows this can only be day technical presentation and hands-on configuration of radios for many of the
cause so much tension that nearly everyone done properly under a common management training session on several important tasks they may be called on to perform
in the SCADA industry has a story or two umbrella. technical subjects. in a simple or complex radio network.
about negotiating with IT. This session is recommended for anyone
The INS approach to a problem should currently using these Trio products or
SCADA technology is here to stay, however, be rooted in Availability, Integrity, and contemplating their use in an up-
and there is a middle ground between IT Confidentiality. The specialist understands coming project, or someone wishing to
practices and SCADA necessities, in a role that for automation systems to function the know more about the Trio line of radios
that we advocate bringing into every major first and foremost need is for correct and in general.
SCADA system: The Industrial Network available data. This is the opposite of a
Specialist. To create an Industrial Network standard IT network. The specialist must Participants may reserve a seat for one
Specialist (INS) requires similar training operate with a protect-the-process approach or both sessions, depending on their
to IT or advanced SCADA networking, Joel Weder, Senior Applications Engineer interest. A continental breakfast will be
rather than a protect-the-confidentiality of the
with a difference in principles and focus. for Trio radios in North America, will be provided for all attendees to the morning
data approach.
An INS will have a deep understanding of presenting the technical session. His session. For those attending both
An IT professional values minimal disruption half-day presentation will concentrate sessions, lunch will be provided. Please
real-time communication needs as they
to a daily work environment, and seeks to on radio theory with topics such as see the registration form on our website
relate to the operation of an industrial
perform work outside of traditional working Fade Margins, Path Losses, Antenna for additional details and to reserve
process. They understand that a loss of
Selection and other topics. This session your seat!
communication can mean the loss of control
What IT Doesn’t Get Continued on Page 7 is recommended for anyone who is
of a process, resulting in real and physical
working with radios and wishes to better
understand the theory behind radio
signal propagation and why radios
work (or don’t) the way they do. Joel
will also discuss some of the advanced
networking capabilities of the JR and QR
radios and the innovative approach Trio Interested attendees can stay informed
has taken in building these advanced about this event by signing up for our
radio products. mailing list or contacting your local Sage
Designs representative! Please see our
The second half of the day we will break
expanded seminar information on Page 7
out into stations where participants will
for additional details.
be able to watch and participate first
hand with the configuration three models
from Schneider Electric’s Trio radio line Inside this issue:
concentrating on the JR-900, the MR-450
and the new QR-450 radios. The JR-
900 is the unlicensed Spread Spectrum • Training & Events
radio from Trio and boasts two Ethernet • A More Convenient Rollover Counter
ports, two serial ports and two antenna
ports. The QR-450 is the UHF licensed • Pillbox Updates & Improvements
radio which boasts 32 Kbps over the air • What Datasheets Don’t Say
transmission and is a native Ethernet

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •
SCADAWise Sage Advice

Retained Counter With Rollover at 10,000

The other day a customer, who was and compare it each time to a
replacing their outdated equipment register labeled Pulse Detect.
with a new SCADAPack, asked Step Two:
me how to make a totalizer that If the counter input has
would roll over at 10000 rather than incremented, trigger an output and
65535. Apparently the device being update the Pulse Detect so that it
replaced was designed with 10000 matches the first 16-bit word of the
in mind and the customer stood 32-bit counter input register and
to save a considerable amount of then count these triggers in an up-
effort on the SCADA server side by counter in the Count to Limit 42000
presenting their data in a matching register.
format. As many of our customers
may one day find themselves in a In addition to providing the 10000
similar situation, here we present trip point in the counter, this also
our solution. highlights one way to deal with
the issue that a 3xxxx register is
Since the incoming pulse rate was not retained if power is lost. In this
fairly slow (in the several seconds example (which could also count to
between pulses range) the solution 65535) the 4xxxx register also holds
is simple two-step process: the count without power for up to
Step One: several years making this function
Look at one of the built-in counters handy in other circumstances.
on the SCADAPack mother board

Pillbox Panel Now Accommodates Larger Controllers

Acknowledging the need for more of other products, such as larger case
flexibility in a customer’s choice of what SCADA radios like the older Trio E
they want to use inside a Pillbox, we series or the bulky radios of many
have redesigned the Pillbox panel to Trio competitors or other controllers or
allow it to accommodate any model of electronics, without the use of special
SCADAPack currently in production, plus brackets that elevate the cases above
other larger controllers and equipment. the DIN rail like previous PillBox models.
We effected the change with no increase This update will also allow an option to
in the enclosure’s outer dimensions by increase the battery capacity of a PillBox
inverting the shape of the panel to make by ordering a longer body which will add
it less restrictive on the “height” (the space for an additional 35 AH battery
amount of space above and below the increasing the overall capacity to about
DIN rail assuming a horizontal mounting 100AH supply.
orientation) of modules mounted on
The PillBox enclosure is a flexible, secure
the DIN rail. Now instead of about 1 ½”
housing, ideal for many applications. Let
above and below, we have closer to 2
us know your special needs and we will
½” allowing room for the double-stacked
modify the PillBox to suit.
SCADAPacks, the largest of which is just
over 6” total height. This redesign has no
negative impacts on the allowable “depth”
of modules, about 4”.
This update allows for the mounting

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •
SCADAWise Basics

S C A D A PClasses
ack Basics
November 9, 2011 December 7, 2011 November 9, 2011 December 7, 2011
8AM — 1PM 8AM — 1PM Noon — 5 PM Noon — 5 PM
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center SpringHill Suites by Marriott Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center

10593 Fairway Drive 9000 W. Airport Drive 10593 Fairway Drive 9000 W. Airport Drive
Roseville, CA 95678 Visalia, CA 93277 Roseville, CA 95678 Visalia, CA 93277

This ½-day course is designed for the non-technical person who This ½-day course is designed for the mildly technical person who owns
wants to understand basic SCADA principles. SCADAPack Controllers, but will never write programs.
• Level 1 Training Course
PLCs vs. RTUs • Telepace
Tour of NewStudio Training
Telepace Course
Studio Software
• Radio Systems • Indicator Lights on SCADAPack Controllers
• 20-23, 2017 — Mill
Host SCADA Valley, CA
Software • March 14-16, 2017 —Port
Communication MillSetup
CA Diagnostics
May• 15-18,
Open2017 — Ontario,Systems
Architecture CA • MayBoot
2-4, Modes
2017 — Ontario, CA
• SCADA Protocols • Dowloading and Monitoring Programs
Day 1 (8AM - 4PM) Installing ClearSCADA, Introduction
(3.5 Contact to ClearSCADA,
Hours) Day 1 (8AM - 4PM) SCADAPack controller operation,
(3.5 Series 5000
Contact I/O, Telepace
Components, Using ViewX, Using WebX, ClearSCADA Help Studio introduction
What should I bring? Your thinking cap only. The SCADAPack Basics Course
Day 2offers
- 4PM) hand-on portions,
Telepace Studioequipment provided. techniques and
advanced programming
Day 2 (8AM - 4PM) Configuring using ViewX, Database Organization, Basic advanced functions
What is provided? Lunch
Telemetry (from Noon-1PM),
Configuration, coffee,Creating
Creating Mimics, soft drinks and snacks during course day.
Day 3 (8AM - 2PM)
Controller communications, Modbus Master/Slave protocol,
Day 3 (8AM - 4PM) Configuring using ViewX, Templates & Instances, Logic
To Register: Languages,
Call 1-888-ASK-SAGE to reserve your seat. Then completeDiagnostics,
Security, Communications Diagnostics
Modems below and send to us
the information
via fax to 1-888-FAX-SAGE or by email [email protected]. A confirmation will be emailed to you.
Day 4 (8AM - 4PM) Reports, System Configuration, System Architecture, Cost: SCADAPack Telepace Studio Course $1,650*
Name (please Questions
print): Title: * You must have a licensed copy of Telepace Studio installed on your computer for this
course. If you do not have a licensed copy, you may purchase one with the class at a
ClearSCADA Training Course $2,200 Phone: special course price. Course price for Telepace Studio: $510 + applicable CA sales taxes
Address: Fax: Sage Designs’ Telepace Studio Course has been certified by (a) the California Department of Public Health as
Sage Designs’ ClearSCADA Level 1 Course has been certified by (a) the California Department of Public Health as courses qualifying for contact hour credit for Water Operator Certification for Drinking Water Treatment or Distribution
courses qualifying for contact hour credit for Water Operator Certification for Drinking Water Treatment or Distribution in the State of California and (b) the State of Nevada Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Drinking
in the State of California and (b) the State of Nevada Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Drinking
Email:Water for contact hours towards the Nevada Drinking Water Operator Certification Program.
Water for contact hours towards the Nevada Drinking Water
Operator choice
Certification Program. (Nov 9) – A, B or C: (28 Contact Hours) Lunch Choice A = Chicken Pesto Ciabatta, Choice B = Creole Chicken Wrap
or Choice C = Penne Pomodoro (vegetarian)
(20 Contact Hours)
Lunch choice (Dec 7) – A, B or C: Lunch Choice A = Chicken Cordon Bleu, Choice B = Marinated Beef
ClearSCADA Level 2 Training Course Instructors:
Tenderloin ClearSCADA
or Choice LevelPrimavera
C = Pasta 1 & Telepace classes will be taught by Tony Sannellla, Sage
Designs, a Factory-Certified Instructor. SCADA Level 2 classes will be taught by a SEUSA-
2017 Dates TBD certified training instructor. The ClearSCADA Test Drives will be conducted by Sage Designs or

1 (8AM - 4PM) (November 9, 2011)
Installation, Understanding — ofoClearSCADA,
the Architecture r — □ Visalia (December 7, 2011)
a factory representative.
Application Design Considerations, Server Automation
□ SCADAWise Basics Course (Morning Class only, lunch from 12-1PM)
Interface, ClearSCADA Logic Engine, Using ODBC and SQL.
Location: See individual course$registration
450.00 form.
should call the hotel directly for reservations.
Those requiring
(non-taxable overnight accommodations

2 (8AM - 4PM) Basics
Advanced Course (Afternoon
Mimic Design class only,
and Techniques, lunch
Data Grids andfrom 12-1) $ 450.00
What should I bring? Laptop computer with (non-taxable services)as shown on the specific
minimum requirements
Data Tables. course registration forms, plus necessary permissions to install software on your computer.
□ Both SCADAWise Basics & SCADAPack Basics Courses (all day rate) $ 795.00 (non-taxable services)
Day 3 (8AM - 1PM) Accessing Historical Data, Ad Hoc trends, Archiving *You must have a licensed copy of Telepace Studio to take the Telepace course. We offer a
METHOD OF PAYMENT: Purchase Order, Prepaid Check, Visacourse
Prerequisite: ClearSCADA Level 1 Training Course
price for a license orPayment
or Mastercard. you may purchase
shouldthrough your local
be made Schneider
to Sage Electric Inc.
Designs, TRSS
Course fees are due on or before the first day of class. No Shows or Cancellations made less than representative.
6 business days prior to the first day of training will be billed at the full amount and
are notClearSCADA
refundable. ALevel 2 Training
confirmation Course
notice will $1,650
be sent to all registrants on or before the deadlineWhat provided? Course manual, daily continental breakfast, lunch & beverages.
□ Purchase Order Billing: After telephoning your intent(20to Contact Hours) Purchase Order addressed to Sage Designs, Inc.
register, fax/email
Total to be invoiced against PO #____________________ is $_________________.
□ Prepaid Check: After telephoning your intent to register, mail a check addressed to Sage Designs, Inc. along with a copy of this form.
Total Prepaid Check Amount: $________________. Free Hands-On Test Drive
□ Visa or MasterCard Billing: After telephoning your intent to register, fax or Call
email to
form. Total toacharge
Test Drive
on the first day of course $_________.
Your Own
Call 1-888-ASK-SAGE
Visa or Master Card Acct #: ____________________________________________ Expires (MO/YR):_______
email: [email protected]
Cardholder Name (please print): _________________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Cardholder Authorization Signature: ____________________________________ email: ______________________
Cardholder Billing Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City:_____________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________________________________
* * * Registration Deadlines: November 2, 2011 (Roseville) and November 30, 2011 (Visalia)* * *
Download the Registration form at:
* * * Registration Deadline: 4 weeks before 1st day of course * * *
All registrations are subject to cancellation fees. A confirmation notice will be sent to all registrants on or before the deadline date.

150 Shoreline
Shoreline Hwy. Hwy.,
#8A, MillSuite
Valley,#8A • Mill Valley,
CA 94941-3634 CA 415-331-8826
� Phone: 94941-3634. 1-888-ASK-
• 1-888-ASK-SAGE
SAGE . Fax: (1-888-275-7243) •
415-331-8969 . 1-888-FAX-SAGE •
Datasheet Specifications Don’t Tell the Whole Story
You can have long range or high
data-throughput rates, but not both Example:
at the same time.
• Speed: Actual data speeds for Determining actual throughput for a 512kbps radio
different wireless Ethernet radios are
more functionally comparable than
Several manufacturers claim their radios cover an extended range at over-the-air throughput of 512Kbps
one might expect after taking a quick
look at product datasheets. A few key (they qualify that by saying actual performance is influenced by antenna height, obstructions, terrain, etc.).
factors determine the throughput of
a spread spectrum radio, whether • To achieve this high throughput, the specifications typically say the radio Bit-Error-Rate (BER @
it’s being tested in a lab or operating
1x10-6) is at -92dBm. Real-world experience has shown that an RSSI of at least -77dBm would be
in a real-world environment. Some
manufacturers claim their radios required, with an SNR of +26dBm or better. However, even if this was achieved, actual throughput
achieve data speeds of 512kbps would be 300-380kbps at best. The rest of the so-called 512kbps would be consumed by overhead
to 1Mbps – but often times, radios and retry packets.
set to higher speeds will actually
communicate much slower. Still
others claim unusually high rates • Although it is possible to get RSSI around -70dB, it’s difficult to keep SNR in the +26dBm range.
of 5–12Mbps. But are they talking Other 900MHz spread spectrum systems may be nearby, and other in-band and out-of-band noise
about over-the-air, or actual data may be present.
• Distance: Some datasheets
The above example is for a fixed application, such as a SCADA network. In a mobile Ethernet
describe radios covering very long
distances (typically qualified by environment, reliably getting SNR at the desired +26dBm is nearly impossible. For instance, in most
statements saying actual results cases, the radio would be set to 256kbps using 2 level modulation: This would correspond to a Bit-Error-
depend on things like antenna height
Rate (BER @1x10-6) of 99dBm, which translates to an RSSI of a remote to a master radio no worse than
and terrain). However, in wireless
networks, distance and speed work 5dBm. The resulting SNR of +21dBm would net a throughput around 180kbps.
against each other. To operate at
optimum performance levels, a radio
is very unlikely to achieve these Best practice: Send shorter receive signal strength indication (RSSI) your data-throughput speeds.
stated specifications. Example:
messages Radios specified Example:
and higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) Signal-to-noise
• Some radios in the field today use
The reality is that as soon as data is will be required, which in most cases a channel bandwidth of 316.5kHz,
Optimizing Your System: Trade- at 512kbps–1Mbps
transferred through the air, successful with
means that the radios ratio
need to be with
in 4-level
which is whymodulation
the 256kbps works well:
Offs Between Speed, Distance, & communication becomes a game of closer proximity – reducing the overall In conventional 2-level modulation,
Performance 600kHz bandwidth
probability – and you want to make sure operating range of the system. the data throughput speed is not
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is defined in terms of
Providing substantial channel bandwidth the odds are in your favor. Best practice Real-World Examples greater than the allotted bandwidth,
is an essential step when designing a is to send more short messages, rather Below are decibels
some real-world examples per milliwatt (dBm). To reliably
so the 316.5kHz receive
allows a to
the radio
Recently, some manufacturers have claimed over-
robust wireless infrastructure. But it’s than fewer long ones, to mitigate signal
illustrating key points from perform better
thisusing 4-level modulation, SNR(because
important to understand the big picture: the-air
potentialdata rates of and
bottlenecking 512kbps
other and 1Mbps at 600kHz. throughput is lower than the allotted
discussion. These are to notbe
at leastto +25dBm. So if a receiver is hearing
An incorrectly designed system can This wider
negative bandwidth
effects. allows
Smaller data for 2-levelfalsify
segment modulation
any manufacturer’s performance bandwidth).
produce a bottlenecked network that packets, noise at a level of -95dBm,
To achievethen the receive
512kbps, you wouldsignal
performs at what seems like sluggish that netscoupled with fast hopping
an over-the-air claims. Rather,
data rate of 512kbps, with athe idea is to
times, greatly improve the chances of demonstrate the trade-offs strength 4-level modulation,
indication (RSSI)
between of the remote whichradio
must a
speeds with poor reliability. resulting
successfulactual throughput of 300-380kbps.
data transfer. distance, bandwidth, and speed in stronger and more reliable signal.
be -70dBm (-95 + 25 = -70). If SNR drops below
Several things are major contributing Distance comes at a price actual wireless Ethernet networks, and Example: Radios specified at
factors that determine what you will get to show +25dBm,don’t
how product datasheets then it may be better to switch to 2-level
Optimizing greater
a wirelessdata speeds
Ethernet radioare possible, this 512kbps–1Mbps with 600kHz
from an actual SCADA application, versus network limits
doesn’ton equate to achieving tell the whole story. modulation, because it works adequately in an
what the specifications say on paper. places distance, while the
increasing the chance bandwidth
longest distances possible. Example: A 512kbpsSNR radiorange of +18dBm.
can give To meet
Recently, some the minimumhave
manufacturers SNR
of interference because of the larger bandwidth. In
Some manufacturers claim operating you 256kbps (or less) at 2-level modulation claimed over-the-
(+18dBm), air data
RSSI ratesbe
should of
distances ofmore bandwidth
20, 40, or even 60means
miles. the radio makes
In either a fixed or mobile wireless 512kbps and 1Mbps at 600kHz.
-77dBm (-95 +18 = 77dBm). Simply by switching the
Key Factors Influencing fewer
This may hops, decreasing
be technically its flexibility.
correct, but Because
Ethernet network, if you hard-set a radio This wider bandwidth allows for 2-level
to the 512kbps modulation setting, modulation
the system thathas
netsgained +7dBm of
Wireless Ethernet Network there’s a trade-off:
operating Longer
distances areoperating
lower, more investment in mode, but the RSSI an over-the-air
range (distance between two radios) and SNR are not at desired signallevels, your
quality – this data
can rate
mean the difference
of 512kbps, between
with a resulting
Performance infrastructure
happens at slower (master radios)while
data speeds, is requiredactual
to achieve
data-throughput speed will be actual throughput of 300-380kbps.
are achievedspeeds. Therefore
over shorter lower than if the radio working
in most had been poorly
set to or working reliably.
• Actual data throughput 256kbps. Why? Because of TCP data Although greater data speeds
cases, these radios are set to the 512kbps, especially
(including packet retries/ segment retries, which rapidly diminish are possible, this places limits on
in mobility situations. actual throughput. distance, while increasing the chance
repeats) Bandwidth also comes at a price:
of interference because of the larger
• Channel bandwidth Wider channel bandwidth allows • Frequently, an auto-baud rate setting bandwidth. In addition, more bandwidth
White paper on W
more data transfer can be selected instead -- but again, means the radio makes fewer hops,
• Message length However, keep in mind that wide if the RSSI and SNR are not at decreasing its flexibility. Because
• Distance/operating range band can defeat the purpose by adequate levels, the radio will switch operating distances are lower, more
allowing more noise, causing system back to 256kbps anyway. In this investment in infrastructure (master
• Interference & obstructions performance to drastically decrease. situation, the radio will de-associate radios) is required to achieve the higher
To counter this situation, a stronger and then re-associate, again slowing
Datasheet Specifications Continued on Page 6

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •
150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •
more than 100 spread spectrum radios are in the • In multipoint applications, QPSK or BPSK

vicinity: The wide bandwidth makes them especially modulation can work successfully, although

susceptible to interference, limited range (usually less radios tend to operate over a short distance

than 1 mile), and degraded throughput due to TCP (typically only one mile). In mobile applications,
experience has shown that BPSK is usually the
Datasheet Specifications Don’tsegment
Tell the Whole Story, continued from page 4
only modulation that works reliably.

throughput speeds. Therefore in

most cases, these radios are set to
the 512kbps, especially in mobility Example of higher-order modulation specifications
3.5 MHz bandwidth mode 1.75 MHz bandwidth mode
Example: Trio J-Series Ethernet
radio Modulation scheme Sensitivity Raw bit rate Sensitivity Raw bit rate
Schneider Electric offers a Trio
64 QAM -77 dBm 12.7 Mbps -80 dBm 6.35 Mbps
J-Series Ethernet radio which uses
a 360kHz bandwidth and passes 16 QAM -86 dBm 4.8 Mbps -89.5 dBm 2.4 Mbps
256kbps of data using 2-level
modulation. As discussed above, QPSK -92 dBm 2.4 Mbps -95 dBm 1.2 Mbps
a product with these specifications BPSK -92 dBm 1.2 Mbps -98 dBm 600 Kbps
compares favorably to many
radios claiming higher over-the-air
data throughputs. (It can also be
configured to a 512kbps over-the-air Other types of higher-order modulation, 512kbps, one would expect an actual sensitivity in terms of BER, and the
data rate with 4-level modulation.) such as GFSK, BPSK QPSK, QAM 16, throughput around 380kbps, which real-world minimum recommended
But in many cases, this radio will or QAM 64, allow faster speeds. But is quite reasonable. But if the same RSSI of the remote as it relates
face the same issue that others as with 4-level, reliably receiving data settings were used over 25 miles, the back to the master. Example: For
at higher rates requires much stronger required RSSI and SNR thresholds a radio with stated BER = 1x10-6
encounter: The speed can’t be
RSSI and SNR. Otherwise, each data would probably not be met. The radios @ -99dBm, the fade margin would
higher than the allotted bandwidth
packet will need to be sent multiple may remain linked, and the settings typically be +15dB. Because -99 +
Unless a network can achieve the
times, drastically reducing throughput may indicate a data speed of 512kbps, 15 = -84dBm, -84dBm would be the
recommended RSSI and SNR
rates. In some cases, actual speeds are but in reality each packet of data would minimum recommended RSSI for
levels, a radio set to higher speeds
slower than if 2-level modulation were probably be sent multiple times, reducing the remote radio.
will often end up communicating at
being used. actual throughput to only 80–200kbps.
256kbps – and in some cases even Interference – Radio interference
less, because of TCP packet retries. Receive Signal Strength Indication Data Segment Packet – Smaller data comes from other sources using the
(RSSI) – This is the measurement segment packets, coupled with fast same frequency band: The greater
Key Factors Influencing in decibels per milliwatt (dBm) of the hopping times, greatly improves the the amount of interference the less
Wireless Ethernet Radio received radio signal strength (not the chances of successful data transfer. likely data will arrive intact. This is
Network Performance quality of the signal). This indicates the where the quality and performance
Channel Bandwidth – The Dwell Time – The length of time a White paper on Wireless Et
strength of each remote radio relative to of the radio comes into play. Most
difference between the lowest radio stays on a given frequency before
the master radio in a SCADA network. industrial radios design RF filtering
and highest frequency in which a hopping to the next one in its sequence.
Manufacturers state a recommended into the front-end of the radio
channel resides during each hop in a Ideally, a radio should be flexible enough
minimum RSSI level to achieve reliable receiver to help suppress unwanted
frequency-hopping spread spectrum to change from short (10ms) to long
radio performance. In terms of actual signals. This is sometimes not
(FHSS) radio system. The wider (200ms) dwell times, allowing operators
measurement, this is stated in terms enough, and external reject/notch
the bandwidth, the more data can to fine-tune system performance. A
of –xxdBm, where xx is a numeric RSSI filters are required.
be passed during each frequency shorter dwell time lowers the chance
hop. Typically, actual data speed a radio will incur interference. Longer TCP Packet Retries – As
is never greater than the channel Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) – The dwell times can typically be used only the probability of successful
bandwidth allotted (assuming 2-level ratio of a radio’s signal to noise that for point-to-point systems; in many point- communication decreases, the
modulation). In spread spectrum, is corrupting it; for example, SCADA to-multipoint SCADA systems, these number of retries increases,
you are not restricted to a minimum data compared to background noise. longer times will severely cripple system resulting in more traffic and data
bandwidth; FHSS allows 100kHz, In RF, this is defined in terms of +dBm. performance. collisions, lower throughput speeds,
200kHz, even 680kHz. However, Example: To reliably receive a signal and possibly failed communications.
Radio Sensitivity – The manufacturer’s
although more bandwidth allows using 4-level modulation, SNR usually In a TCP/IP over RF system,
specified radio sensitivity in terms of Bit-
more data to be pushed through in needs to be at least +25dBm. So if a flow control, error correction, and
Error-Rate (BER = 1x10-6 @ -99dBm).
a given period of time, remember receiver is hearing noise at a level of congestion control are handled by
This means that in a perfect lab
that doing so sacrifices operating -95dBm, then the RSSI of the remote the TCP/IP layers. But noisy media
environment the radio will receive (1)-bit
distance. And as bandwidth radio must be -70dBm (-95 + 25 = -70). result in extra traffic due to TCP
error for every (1,000,000) bits passed
increases, this opens the radio If SNR dropped below +25dBm, then retries caused by unacknowledged
at an RSSI level of -99dBm. In the real
receiver up to allow more noise and/ it may be better to switch to 2-level data segments packets.
world, if you were to design a radio
or interference. This is a main factor modulation, which works adequately in
network to these ideal specifications, Physical Obstruction – The more
in decreasing operating distance, an SNR range of +18dBm. Considering
that radio would not operate correctly: obstructions along the radio path,
and it is where signal-to-noise ratio the same example, to meet the
The rule of thumb is to design a system the less likely it is that data will
(SNR) comes into play. minimum SNR requirement at 2-level
so the RSSI of the remote back to the arrive intact. Again, this is why RSSI
Modulation – RF industry standard modulation, RSSI should be -77dBm
master is at least 20dBm higher than and SNR are so important in radio
has traditionally been 2-level (-95 +18 = 77dBm): The system has
the stated BER (for stated BER between system design. The 900MHz ISM
modulation, which gives radios good gained +7dBm of signal quality.
-100dBm and 110dBm). For stated BER (industrial, scientific, and medical)
sensitivity at the receiver, but poor Distance – The greater the distance between -90dBm and -99dBm, design band is more forgiving to certain
multipath distortion performance. between a master and remote radio, the actual remote RSSI at least 15dBm obstructions than are the 2.4GHZ
Some radios now accommodate the less likely data will arrive intact. higher. This is also commonly referred to and 5.8GHz ISM bands.
4-level modulation, allowing up to A minimum RSSI and SNR must be as fade margin.
twice the data throughput speeds; maintained between them to ensure
however, this sacrifices sensitivity, Fade Margin – The measure in dBm
reliability and performance. For a
which reduces operating distance. between a manufacturer’s stated radio
3-mile link with the data rate set to

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •
What IT Doesn’t Get About SCADA, continued from page 1
hours. This is the opposite of the INS both to increase productivity of the SCADA
Free Hands-On
procedure. The INS understands that without
automation a process requires human labor.
The specialist approaches maintenance
team and ensure consistent results. They are
aware of NIST and ISC-CERT best practices
and aggressively seeks ways to follow those
Radio Seminar
periods or downtime from the perspective best practices to maintain the availability and
that work should be done during business integrity of the industrial network. They may
hours when the maximum amount of people also require training on other certifications
can be made available to manually operate and security standards such as NERC, November 1st, 2016 — Stockton, CA
any process. The specialist will work closely FERC, CSSA, ICS-CERT and others.
with the operations team in the knowledge Standard IT equipment hold a 1-to-5-year November 3rd, 2016 — Redding, CA
that the greatest safety for both staff and the life cycle to stay ahead of technology. The
public comes from performing work when Industrial Network Specialist understands
the most people are on hand to deal with
emerging problems.
that the component lifetime for an industrial
network differs from the usual timetable with
Early Session (8AM - NOON)
The INS will have to get their hands dirty a life expectancy of 10-15 years or more. Radio Theory incl. Fade Margins, Path Losses,
in unconventional environments. Industrial Specifically, equipment system lifecycles, Antenna Selection
environments are loud and busy places, industrial (real-time) protocols, QOS
sometimes in remote locations. The management, real-time (control) system (as
Industrial Network Specialist will be at home compared to transactional; invoice system)
in a 4-wheel drive. They will be familiar consequences. Late Session (1PM - 5PM)
with best practices in the automation and
controls industry and aggressively seek
What we’ve defined here are some practical Hands-On Demonstration of Trio series incl. J-series
examples of the differences between IT and
ways to follow those practices to maintain SCADA network management, of which 900mhz, M-series licensed UHF, and Q-series native
the availability and integrity of the industrial
there are many, but they can be summarized Ethernet licensed radios
in the most important distinction: As their
A conventional IT professional knows a core operating principle, the INS should
range of technologies and interfaces. An be aware that the industrial network must
Industrial Network Specialist will add to those operate continuously and uninterruptedly in Cost: FREE (with required registration)
traditional IT technologies the ability to script order for the companies’ core business to
and automate tasks on the SCADA network, succeed.

The Pillbox™ is a self-contained housing for field installation of

electronics packages that need protection from the elements as well
as unwelcomed attention. Inside, there is up to 3 sq. ft. of panel
space with 3’ of mounting DIN rail for mounting equipment and 3’ of
wiring Panduit. The equipment panel slides in behind the retainer
system which allows for easy removal of all mounted components.
The bottom of the retainer system includes a battery tray allowing the
removal and service of the batteries without tools for disassembly.

✔ Easy to Install ✔ Low Maintenance

✔ Tamper-resistant ✔ Engineered Solution

For more information contact:

150 Shoreline Hwy., #8A, Mill Valley CA 94941-3634

1.888.ASK.SAGE /

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A • Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634 • 1-888-ASK-SAGE (1-888-275-7243) • •

150 Shoreline Hwy., Suite #8A

Mill Valley, CA 94941-3634

Return Service Requested


S C A D A , S E C U R I T Y & A U T O M AT I O N N E W S L E T T E R
C a le n da r of Eve nts
October 25-26, 2016 CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference, San Diego, CA
January 18, 2017 USBR Mid-Pacific Region Water Users Conference, Reno, NV ClearSCADA Enterprise Software
SCADAPack RTU/PLC Controllers
January 30-31, 2017 CA Irrigation Institute Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA FlowStation Pump Controllers
Pillbox Ruggedized SCADA Enclosures
March 14-16, 2017 Telepace Studio Ladder Logic Training Course*, Mill Valley, CA WIN-911 Alarm Notification Software
ScadaDroid Alarm Dialer
March 20-23, 2017 ClearSCADA Level 1 Training Course*, Mill Valley, CA
April 10-13, 2017 CA-NV American Water Works Assoc. Conference, Anaheim CA Accutech Wireless Instrumentation
Trio Spread Spectrum & Licensed Radios
April 25-28, 2017 CWEA Annual Conference, Palm Springs CA Teledesign Systems VHF & UHF Licensed
FreeWave Spread Specturm Serial & Ethernet
May 2-4, 2017 Telepace Studio Ladder Logic Training Course*, Ontario, CA

May 15-18, 2017 ClearSCADA Level 1 Training Course*, Ontario, CA
Video Surveillance , Hardware & Software

August, 2017 Wine Country Water Works, Rohnert Park CA

September, 2017 Monterey Bay Water Works, Monterey CA
*Download the registration form from our website or call for more information. •
Acknowledgements: SCADAPack™, FlowStation™, and ClearSCADA™ are trademarks of Schneider Electric. Win-911® is a registered trademark of Specter Instruments.

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