Holy Cross of Davao College: Other Campuses: Camudmud (IGACOS), Bajada (SOS Drive)
Holy Cross of Davao College: Other Campuses: Camudmud (IGACOS), Bajada (SOS Drive)
Holy Cross of Davao College: Other Campuses: Camudmud (IGACOS), Bajada (SOS Drive)
Important Notice: Put all your answers on the prescribed answer sheet only.
Test I Identification - Put an (x) mark on spaces provided before each number for accounts that needs to be
closed at the end of an accounting period.
1 Allowance for Bad Debts X 1 Service Income
X 2 Light and Water 1 Bad Debts
X 3 Accrued Interest Income 1 Freight & Handling
4 Litigation Expenses X 1 Prepaid Advertising
5 Accumulated Depreciation 1 Repairs & Maintenance
X 6 Rent Expense 1 M. Arita, Capital
7 Notes Payable X 1 M. Arita, Drawing
8 Tools Used X 1 Tools
X 9 Gasoline & Oil X 1 Taxes & Licenses
1 Unused Supplies 2 Unexpired Insurance
0 0
Test II Matching Type - Choose from among the list of possible answers the terminology described by the
statements below. Write the letter corresponding your answers on blanks provided before each number.
H 1. An expense that is already incurred but not yet paid when the accounting period ended.
F 2. The difference between Accounts Receivable and its related Allowance for Bad Debts.
G 3. An income that is already received but not yet earned when the accounting period ended.
C 5. An expense that is already paid but not yet incurred when the accounting period ended.
E 6. An unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker engaging to
pay to order or to bearer a sum certain in money, on demand or at a fixed determinable future time.
D 7. An income already earned but not yet collected at the end of the period.
I 9. An entry that splits the nominal and real components of a mixed account.
B 10. The difference between the cost of fixed assets and the related Accumulated Depreciation