Atropine With Demerol

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Name of Patient: Attending Physician: _____________________________ Age:

Ward/Bed Number: Impression / Diagnosis: ___________________________

Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Competes with Preop to inhibit salivation/ Overdose may produce Pregnancy/Lactation: Crosses Determine if pt is sensitive to atropine,
secretions; treatment of tachycardia, palpitations, placenta; homatropine, scopolamine. Treatment
Atropine with Atropine 0.4 mg acetylcholine for common symptomatic sinus hot/dry/flushed skin, absence distributed in breast milk. with AtroPen autoinjector may be instituted
Demerol with Demerol binding sites on muscarinic bradycardia; AV block; of bowel sounds, increased Pregnancy without waiting for lab results.
ventricular respiratory Category C. Monitor changes in B/P, pulse, temperature.
50 mg receptors located on
asystole; antidote for rate, nausea, vomiting, confusion, Observe for tachycardia if pt has
exocrine glands, cardiac Children/Elderly: Increased
organophosphate drowsiness, cardiac abnormalities. Assess skin turgor,
pesticide poisoning. Adjuvant slurred speech, dizziness, CNS susceptibility to atropine mucous membranes to evaluate hydration
and smooth muscle
Brand: to decrease stimulation. Overdose may also effects. status (encourage adequate fluid
ganglia, intramural
Atropine with Route: IM side effects during reversal of produce intake unless NPO for surgery), bowel
neurons. neuromuscular psychosis as evidenced by sounds for peristalsis. Be alert for fever
Demerol blockage. agitation, restlessness, (increased risk of hyperthermia). Monitor
rambling speech, visual I&O, palpate bladder for urinary retention.
This decreases GI hallucinations, Monitor daily pattern of bowel
Frequency: motility, secretory activity, paranoid behavior, delusions, activity, stool consistency.
Once on call to followed by depression.
GU muscle tone (ureter, Ophthalmic
OR bladder); produces form may rarely produce
ophthalmic cycloplegia, increased IOP.
Classification mydriasis; abolishes Contraindications Side Effects
Functional: various types of reflex Bladder neck obstruction Dry mouth, nose, throat (may be
due to prostatic hypertrophy, severe); decreased diaphoresis;
Antiarrhythmic, Timing: vagal cardiac slowing cardiospasm, constipation;
antispasmodic, or asystole. intestinal atony, myasthenia irritation at subcutaneous or IM
gravis injection
antidote, in those not treated with site.
cycloplegic, neostigmine,
narrow-angle glaucoma,
antisecretory, obstructive disease
anticholinergic. of GI tract, paralytic ileus,
ulcerative colitis, tachycardia
Chemical: secondary

Student’s Name: __________________________________________

Clinical Instructor: _________________________________________
Acetylcholine to cardiac insufficiency or
antagonist toxic megacolon, unstable
status in acute hemorrhage,
disease, bronchial asthma.


Hodgson, B. B., & Kizior, R. J. (2014). Saunders nursing drug handbook 2014. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Student’s Name: __________________________________________

Clinical Instructor: _________________________________________

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