Activity No. 5. LIPIDS

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Activity No. 5.

Answer the following questions:

1.  What are lipids?

 Lipids is a heterogeneous class of naturally occurring organic compounds classified together on the basis
of common solubility properties.
 Lipids are water-insoluble substances. It is classified into four groups: fats (triglycerides); complex lipids;
steroids; and prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes.

2. What are the structures of triglycerides?

 Fats consist of 3 fatty acids and glycerol. In saturated fatty acids, the hydrocarbon chains have only single
bonds; unsaturated fatty acids have hydrocarbon chains with one or more double bonds.

3. What are some properties of tricglycerides?

 Triglycerides rich in unsaturated fatty acids are generally liquid at room temperature and are called oils
 Triglycerides rich in saturated fatty acids are generally semisolids or solids at room temperature and are
called fats.
 The alkali salts of fatty acids are called soaps.

4. What are the structures of complex lipids?

 Complex lipids can be classified into two groups: phospholipids and glycolipids.
 Phospholipids are made of a central alcohol (glycerol or sphingosine).
 Glycolipids contain sphingosine and a fatty acid, collectively known as the ceramide portion of
the molecule, and a carbohydrate portion.

5. What role do lipids play in the structure of membranes?

 Many phospholipids and glycolipids are important components of cell membranes.

 Membranes are made of a lipid bilayer, in which the hydrophobic parts of phospholipids (fatty acid
residues) point toward the middle of the bilayer, and the hydrophilic parts point toward the inner and
outer surfaces of the membrane.

6. What are glycerophospholipids?

 Glycerophospholipids are the second most abundant group of naturally occurring lipids. It is also called
phosphoglycerides. Glycerophospholipids are complex lipids that consist of a central glycerol moiety to
which two fatty acids are esterified.

7. What are sphingolipids?

 Sphinogolipids are complex lipids that consist of the long-chain alcohol sphingosine esterified to a fatty
acid (the ceramide moiety). It is the most important lipids in the myelin sheaths of nerve cells.
8. What are glycolipids?

 Glycolipids are complex lipids that consist of two parts: a ceramide portion and a carbohydrate portion.

9. What are steroid?

 The third major group of lipids comprises the steroids. A group of plant and animal lipids that have this
tetracyclic ring structure. The most common steroid, cholesterol, serves as a starting material for the
synthesis of other steroids, such as bile salts and sex and other hormones.

10. What are some of the physiological roles of steroid hormones?

 An oxidation product of cholesterol is progesterone, a sex hormone. It also gives rise to the synthesis of
other sex hormones, such as testosterone and estradiol.
 Progesterone is also a precursor of the adrenocorticoid hormones. Within this group, cortisol and
cortisone are best known for their anti-inflammatory action.

11. Define the following : bile salts, thromboxanes, prostaglandins and leukotrienes.

 Bile salts, the oxidation products of cholesterol. Synthesized in the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and
secreted into the intestine where they emulsify dietary fats and aid in their absorption and digestion .
 Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes are derived from arachidonic acid. They have a wide
variety of effects on body chemistry. Among other things, they can lower or raise blood pressure, cause
inflammation and blood clotting, and induce labor. In general, they mediate hormone action.
 Prostaglandins are not stored in tissues as such, but are synthesized from membrane-bound 20-
carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids in response to specific physiological triggers.
 Thromboxanes induces platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction.
 Leukotrienes occur mainly in leukocytes. They produce muscle contractions, especially in the
lungs and thereby can cause asthma-like attacks.

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