Superlatives: Grammar Worksheet

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

Adjectives with cold Adjectives with ex-pen-sive
one syllable, two or more
add: “January is often syllables, add: “This book is the
‘the’ + ‘-est’ the coldest ‘the’ + ‘most’ most expensive Irregular
(or ‘-st’) winter month.” book in the store.” Superlative
good – the best

bad – the worst

Adjectives that
Adjectives with
hap-py end in a single big far – the farthest
two syllables that
vowel and far – the furthest
end in ‘-y’,
“John is the consonant: double “Brazil is the
change ‘-y’ to ‘i’ the final letter
happiest person biggest country in
and add: ‘the’ + I know.” before adding South America.”
‘-est’ (or ‘-st’) ‘the’ + ‘-est’
(or ‘-st’)

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. I (tall) __________________________________ person in my family.

2. Jupiter (big) __________________________________ planet in our solar system.
3. Elephants (large) __________________________________ land animals on earth.
4. We bought (expensive) __________________________________ TV in the store.
5. Which sports do you think (dangerous) __________________________________?
6. My cat (lazy) __________________________________ animal I know.
7. This restaurant serves (good) __________________________________ food in town.
8. I think math (difficult) __________________________________ subject.
9. What (long) __________________________________ word in English that you know?
10. He (strange) __________________________________ man in the story.
11. Last week, I had (bad) __________________________________ time of my life!
12. Which place (hot) __________________________________ place on earth?
13. I think it (funny) __________________________________ show on television.
14. My friend (interesting) __________________________________ person I know.
15. Who (famous) __________________________________ person in your country?

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