Assignment 2

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(From Unit-5)
*Last Date of Submission-31-Mar-2020

S.No Questions Marks

1 Define Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. 2
2 Explain adiabatic humidification of air. 2
3 Describe: ‘Ton of refrigeration’. 2
4 List out the properties of an ideal refrigerant? 2
5 Define the terms RSHF and GSHF. 2
Name the various components used in simple vapour absorption
6 2
Explain the various sources of heat gain of an air-conditioned
7 2
8 Name the important properties of a good refrigerant. 2
Represent the following psychrometric process using skeleton
9 psychrometric chart. (i) Sensible Cooling & Heating (ii) Adiabatic 2
Air cycle refrigeration is more popular in aircraft air-
10 2
conditioning. Justify
Explain the following vapour absorption refrigeration system
1 6
with neat sketch (i) Lithium-Bromide (ii) Ammonia -Water.
With a neat sketch, explain a vapour compression refrigeration
2 6
Explain with a neat sketch the summer Air - Conditioning suitable
3 for 6
hot and Dry & Hot and Wet weather.
Explain with a neat sketch Centrifugal and Axial flow
4 6

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