Trans Les Dns PDF
Trans Les Dns PDF
Trans Les Dns PDF
J.-P. Laval
(Office #2)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Introduction to CFD
Capability of DNS
Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence
Wall bounded turbulence
DNS of converging-diverging channel flow
numerical procedure
what next ?
Saving a Post-processing large databases
LES models
derivation of the equations (physical & spectral space)
concept of turbulent viscosity
turbulent viscosity models (Smagorinsky, WALE)
dynamic procedure of Germano
scale similarity models
models based on approximated deconvolution
N levels models
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Industrial framework
Research framework
Industrial practices
Most of simulations in steady states (RANS models)
Unsteady simulations restricted to specific parts of the flow (URANS,
Use of robust numerical techniques (usually not accurate)
Research practices
Interest on unsteady flows (turbulence) to understand the physics
Increasing popularity and use of DNS and LES
Intensive research on turbulence models
Increasing number of LES models since 1980’s
New development in RANS models (more than 100 models !)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
From J. Dongarra, “On the Future of High Performance Computing: How to Think for Peta and Exascale Computing” (2012)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
From J. Dongarra, “On the Future of High Performance Computing: How to Think for Peta and Exascale Computing” (2012)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
∂ui ∂ ∂p ∂
+ (ui uj ) = − + 2ν (Sij ) , (1)
∂t ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj
= 0 (2)
and where
p = P/ρ is the static pressure
ν = µ/ρ is the cinematic viscosity
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
The energy spectra E(k) defined the way the energy is distributed among
the scales.
By defining the Fourier Transform of the velocity field u by:
ûi (k) = ui (x)e −ik·x d 3 x (4)
Energy Energy
Injection Injection
k k
ki kd ki kmax < kd
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Modeling levels
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
RANS modeling
LES modeling
URANS modeling
How to choose a model ? Before to choose a model, one must ask himself:
What is the Reynolds number ?
Is the flow turbulent ?
Can I perform a DNS of this flow at reasonable cost ?
What is the maximum cost (money and time) I can afford ?
Is it important to do unsteady simulations (noise emission, ...) ?
Do I need statistics at small scales (chemical reactions, ...) ?
Then, you must do some compromises between the accuracy and the cost of
your simulation.
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Applying a Fourier Transform to the Navier Stokes equations and using the
fact that the incompressibility condition reduces to k · û(k) = 0:
∂ûi (k)
= Ti (k) + νk 2 ûi (k) (6)
Ti (k)=− (km Pij (k) + kj Pim (k)) ûj (p)ûm (q)δ(k − p + q)d 3 p d 3 q
The equation for Fi,i (k) = ui (k)ui∗ (k) is obtained by multiplying the Navier
Stokes equation (6) by ui∗ (k):
∂Fi,i (k)
= Γi,i (k) − 2νk 2 Fi,i (k) (7)
| ∂t
{z } | {z } | {z }
transfer between scales dissipation
time decay
= T(k) − 2νk 2 E(k) (9)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
T(k) is the energy being removed (or added) at the wavelenght k due to
triadic interactions of term Γi,i (convolution product)
Reynolds numbers
L/η ∝ Re 3/4 ∝ Reλ (16)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Pao’s spectrum
E (k) = (1 − e −k/kL )α2/3 k −5/3 e −2α(kη) /4/3
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
4096 1201 1930 0.173 10−4 0.0668 1.17 0.0360 0.528 10−3
L/η = 2017 > kmax and kL << 10 (18)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
⇒ Need to wait 2020 to 2030 to be able to simulate the first High Reynolds
DNS of isotropic turbulence (in which L >> η)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
3D FFT parallelization
For Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence, more than 90% of CPU are due to
3D FFT parallelization
For Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence, more than 90% of CPU are due to
3D FFT parallelization
Shear stress τw = µ
∂y y =0
Friction coefficient Cf = 2
!1/2 1/2
∂U τ
Friction velocity uτ = ν =
∂y y =0
Boundary layer thickness δ = {y such as U(y ) = 0.99U∞ }
Z δ
∗ U
Displacement Thickness δ = 1− dy
0 U∞
Z δ
u U
Momentum Thickness θ= 1− dy
0 U U∞
Wall unit y+ =
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
8+ × (1+ − 8+ ) × 4+ (22)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Using the same estimate than for isotropic turbulence for the computational
cost per grid point:
Qt = 40L2x Lz Nw Reτ4 Flop (25)
For a computational cost of 1 min per time step
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
need for complex geometries
need for high quality grids
need for specific user skills (meshing)
The (moving) body is not physically present in the computational
domain, only the effect of boundaries is accounted for
Starting from the description of the body, a module tags the cells as
internal, external or interface
A reconstruction (interpolation) scheme is used at interface to enforce
the boundary condition and the body surface (by an additional forcing
term in the equations)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Characteristics :
20m x 1m x 2m
bump : 33cm
u = 3 − 10m/s
Reθ = 7000 − 21000
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Navier-Stokes equations
∂~ū ~¯ + 1 ∆
~¯ ~ū = −∇p̄ ¯ ~ū
+ (~ū .∇)
∂ t̄ Re
~¯ ~ū = 0
Spatial discretization :
4th order finite differences (streamwise)
Collocation-Chebyshev (normal)
Fourier (spanwise)
Temporal discretization :
2nd order backward Euler
2nd Adams-Bashforth
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Boundary conditions
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 L + η̄(x̄)
y= (1 − γ(x̄)) ȳ + γ(x̄) , γ(x̄) =
L η̄(x̄) − L
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mapped system
1−γ ∂
„ «
~η ∂ ∂
∇ = , ,
∂x L ∂y ∂z
„ «
~η ∂
G = δ(1 − y ) , 0, 0
∂2 1 − γ 2 ∂2 ∂2
„ «
∆η = 2
+ +
∂x L ∂y 2 ∂z 2
∂2 2
„ «
∂δ 2 ∂ 2 ∂
Lη = −δ (1 − y ) + 2δ (1 − y ) + (δ (1 − y )) ,
∂x ∂y ∂x∂y ∂y 2
∂η 1
∂x η − L
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Mapped system
Navier-Stokes system in the computational coordinates
∂~u ~ η )~u
~ η )~u + (~u .G ~ η p + 1 ∆η~u + 1 Lη~u
~ ηp − G
+ (~u .∇ = −∇
∂t Re Re
~ η .~u
∇ ~
= −Gη .~u
∆η p = −Lη p + J( u, v , w )
1 − γ ∂v ∂u 1 − γ ∂u ∂v
» „ « „ «
∂u ∂v
J(u, v , w ) = 2 + δ(1 − y ) − + δ(1 − y )
L ∂y ∂x ∂y L ∂y ∂x ∂y
„ « „ «
∂u ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂u ∂u
− + δ(1 − y ) + + δ(1 − y )
∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y
1 − γ ∂w ∂v 1 − γ ∂v ∂w
− + .
L ∂y ∂z L ∂y ∂z
Direct resolution.
Smooth geometries (derivatives of η(x))
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Time discretization
Velocity :
~ η )~u ]n,n−1 .
~ η )~u + (~u .G
f n,n−1 = −4τ~u n + τ~u n−1 − [Lη ~u ]n,n−1 + Re[(~u .∇
Pressure :
∆η p n+1 = [ −Lη p + J(u, v , w )]n,n−1
~ ∗ 3~u − 4~u n + ~u n−1 h ~ ~ η )~u
∇η p .~n = − − (~u .∇η )~u + (~u .G
~ η p + 1 (∇
+G ~¯ × (∇~¯ × ~u ) )]n,n−1 .(~n + ~n ) − ∇ ~ ηp .~nη
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Velocity :
~¯ n+1 + fˆn,n−1
((∆η )k − 3τ )~ûkn+1 = Re ∇p̂k k
fˆkn,n−1 = −4τ ~ûkn + τ ~ûkn−1 − [Lη ~ûk ]n,n−1 + Re [Nˆk ]n,n−1
~ = (~u .∇
with N ~ η )~u
~ η )~u + (~u .G
Pressure :
(∆η )k p̂kn+1 = [ −Lη p̂k + Jˆk (u, v , w )]n,n−1
Previous work :
2D computations on NEC-SX5
Parallel 3D computations on NEC-SX5 (2-8 procs, 1 node)
Parallel 3D computations on IBM-SP (16-256 procs)
Porting to NEC-SX8 :
Vectorization :
Resolution of the Helmholtz and Poisson equations
Derivatives in the normal y -direction : Dy
Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in the spanwise directions
Performance of MPI Communications on the NEC-SX8 ?
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
FFT and Dy
Sine and cosine transform : 576 modes
VFFTPACK : multiple 1D transform
Performance : 7-8 Gflops
Matrix diagonalization
Problems to solve :
∂2u ∂2u T
+ 2
− σu = f → Dy2 U + U Dx2 − σ U = F
∂x ∂y
ΛÛ + ÛDx2 − σ Û = F̂
Û = P −1 U , F̂ = P −1 F
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Matrix diagonalization
Problems to solve :
∂2u ∂2u T
+ 2
− σu = f → Dy2 U + U Dx2 − σ U = F
∂x ∂y
ΛÛ + ÛDx2 − σ Û = F̂
Û = P −1 U , F̂ = P −1 F
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
MPI communications
y y
z z
x x
P0 A0 P0
P1 A1 GATHER P1 A0 A1 A2 A3
P3 A3 P3
Non-blocking synchronous send and receive :
blocked and buffered send and receive
No overlapping of communications and computations !
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
do i=1,npe
call MPI_GATHER(u((i-1)*nx*ny/npe+1,1),long1, &
type_bloc1,ut(1,1),long2, &
do i=1,npe
if (rang==(i-1)) then
do j=1,npe
call MPI_IRECV(ut(1,(j-1)*nz+1),long2,type_bloc2, &
call MPI_ISSEND(u((i-1)*nx*ny/npe+1,1),long1,type_bloc1, &
call MPI_ISSEND(u((i-1)*nx*ny/npe+1,1),long1,type_bloc1, &
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
MPI performance
Proc. 8 16 32 64
Gather 1 8.0 4.2 1.6 1.4
Scatter 1 8.1 1.0 0.1 0.05
Gather 2 11.2 4.6 1.4 1.2
Scatter 2 14.9 4.7 1.8 1.3
Production performance :
Total : 640 Gflops
10 Gflops per process
Time ratios :
Helmholtz and Poisson equations : 55%
FFT : 20%
MPI communications : 13%
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Future improvements
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Parallel in the three direction with less communications :
→ Massively parallel supercomputer (> 10000 CPUs, Blue-Gene)
→ Mixed parallelization MPI/OpenMP ?
More complex geometries (hide blocks)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Future improvements
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Parallel in the three coordinates with less communications :
→ Massively parallel supercomputer (> 10000 CPUs, Blue-Gene)
→ Mixed parallelization MPI/OpenMP ?
More complex geometries (hide blocks)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Future improvements
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Parallel in the three coordinates with less communications :
→ Massively parallel supercomputer (> 10000 CPUs, Blue-Gene)
→ Mixed parallelization MPI/OpenMP ?
More complex geometries (hide blocks)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Future improvements
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Parallel in the three coordinates with less communications :
→ Massively parallel supercomputer (> 10000 CPUs, Blue-Gene)
→ Mixed parallelization MPI/OpenMP ?
More complex geometries (hide blocks)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
OpenMP: drawback
! Multiple FFT procedure !
! Laplacian procedure !
do iz=0,n3-1
do iy=0,n2-1
do ix=0,n1/2-1
xk2 = k2x(ix)+k2y(iy)+k2z(iz)
vx(ix,iy,iz) = -xk2*vx(ix,iy,iz)
vy(ix,iy,iz) = -xk2*vy(ix,iy,iz)
vz(ix,iy,iz) = -xk2*vz(ix,iy,iz)
OpenMP: conclusions
Documentation on NetCDF:
free (developed by UCAR)
binary format (compact)
self descriptive (header, attributes)
parallel version available
free tools to manipulate files (simple operations, concatenation)
libraries included in most of Post-processing software
(IDL, Matlab, OpenDX, Paraview, Vapor, ... but not Tecplot ?)
used by many organizations in several research domains (Atmospheric
Science, PIV)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
// global attributes:
:title = "3D Simulation of Navier Stokes in channel" ;
:X_lenght = 12.56f ;
:Y_lenght = 2.f ;
:Z_lenght = 3.141f ;
:Input_Reynolds = 12600.f ;
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Parallelization of Post-Processing
LML solution:
single processor on a limited streamwise domain
concatenation of all sub-domains at the end
+cos(α) +sin(α) 0
A = −sin(α) +cos(α) 0
0 0 1
Parameters of DNS
Computation at HLRS (Germany): 64 Processors NEC-SX8
(Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications)
Spatial resolution
Spatial resolution
η= : Kolmogorov scale
Pressure coefficients
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Skin-friction coefficients
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Iso-value of Q = Ω2 − S 2 .
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Filtering definition
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Filtering properties
In order to deal with filtered Navier stokes equations, the filter must satisfy
the following properties: 1. Preserving constants:
Z +∞
a = a ⇐⇒ G (x − ξ)d 3 ξ = 1 (28)
2. Linearity
φ+ψ =φ+ψ (29)
3. Commutativity with spacial and temporal derivatives
∂φ ∂φ
= , s = x, t (30)
∂s ∂s
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
1/∆ si |x| ≤ ∆/2
G (x) = (31)
0 sinon
Ĝ (k) = (32)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Gaussian Filter
G (x) = 2 exp 2 (33)
π∆ ∆
−∆ k 2
Ĝ (k) = exp (34)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Cutoff Filter
sin(kc x)
G (x) = , kc = π/∆ (35)
kc x
1 si |k| ≤ kc = π/∆
Ĝ (k) = (36)
0 sinon
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Filtering results
The “cut-off ” filter is the ideal one to separate the small scales from
the large scales
The “Gaussien ” filter support if infinite both in physical space and in
spectral space, but it represents a good compromise.
Several other families of filters are possible (implicit filters) and may be
more relevant for LES
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
LES equations
LES equations
where the subgrid tensor τij? is the only term to model as it is composed
with the unfiltered field.
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
LES equations
ui uj = (u i u j − u i u j ) +u i u j (43)
| {z }
Lij is called the Leonard term [8] and it represents the interactions between
large scales. The momentum equation becomes:
∂u i ∂ ∂p ∂ ∂u i ∂u j ∂τij
+ (u i u j ) = − +ν + − (44)
∂t ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj
τij = Lij + Cij + Rij (45)
∂ û i (k)
= Tir (k) + Tisgs (k) + νk 2 û i (k) (46)
Tir (k) = Mijm û j (p)û m (q) δ(k − p − q) d 3 p d 3 q
ZZ n
Tisgs (k) = Mijm û j (p)uˆ0 m (q) + uˆ0 j (p)û m (q)
+uˆ0 j (p)uˆ0 m (q) δ(k − p − q) d 3 p d 3 q
Tir (k) is the resolved part (r) of the nonlinear term (involving only
resolved quantities).
Tisgs (k) is the subgrid scale (SGS) part of the nonlinear terms (i.e. to
be modeled).
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
∂q 2
„ «
∂ ∂ ∂
+ ν r − (u i u i u j ) − (u i τij ) (47)
∂xi ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj
| {z } | {z } | {z }
I production
II subgrid scale turbulent dissipation (sgs )
III dissipation by molecular viscosity
IV diffusion by the pressure
V diffusion by viscous effect
VI diffusion by interactions between resolved scales
VII diffusion by interactions with subgrid scales
II + VII subgrid scale energy transfer (Tsgs )
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
A-priori test : direct comparison of the real subgrid scale quantities (τij , sgs ,
...) with their modeled formulation
Need for DNS database or well resolved Experiment databases
Statical validation only
Usefull to understand how a model works
A-priori tests
Filter the original DNS (or experiment data) with a suitable filter for
LES to separate between the resolved scales u and the subfilter scales
u0 = u − u
(u, u0 )kc spectrum of the nonlinear term u · ∇u0 using a cutoff filter at kc
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
The SGS energy transfer term Tesgs (k) in eq. (49) can be put into a
dissipative form
Tesgs (k) = −2 νe (k|kc ) k 2 Er (k) (50)
where νe (k|kc ) is a function of k and of the characteristic wavenumber of
the filter kc . It can have negative values.
This term can also be decomposed into a positive part and a negative part
sgs (k) represents the positive energy transfer to the (resolved) modes
k of modulus k due to subgrid scales interactions
sgs (k) represents the negative energy transfer to the (resolved) modes
k of modulus k due to subgrid scales interactions
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
In the spectral turbulent viscosity model, the energy transfer term Γsgs
i,i (k) is
modeled by a dissipative term for each wavenumber k instead of each k of
the 3-dimensional resolved spectral function Er (k)
∂ûi (k)
= Tir (k) + (ν + νt (k|kc )) k 2 ûi (k) (53)
Cholet & Lesieur [6, 9] proposed the following model of turbulent viscosity
E(kc , t)
νt (k|kc , t) = νt∞ (k|kc ) (54)
with νt∞ (k|kc ) = 0.267 + e −3.03(kc /k) (55)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
j The only justification of this model is based on the fact that the right
behavior of the subgrid scale transfer is recovered when writing the equation
for the variance. However, only the dissipative effect of the subgrid scale are
modeled from the combined effect of energy transfer
Using the fact that the trace τkk of τij must be zero
1 mod
τij − τkk = −2 νsgs S ij (60)
how to define νsgs ?
Is it universal ?
Does it depends of the filter ?
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
where U etu are the characteristic velocity at integral scale (L) and filter
scale (∆).
The energy dissipated by the model (sgs ) can be estimated by:
νsgs ' U∆4/3 L−1/3 (63)
and the velocity U can be estimated by:
U ' L Sij Sij ' L|S| (64)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
However, the Integral scale (L) is difficult to compute, but we can assume
L/Delta = cte (not true in reality). So we can recover the more usual form
of the Smagorinsky model (obtained by dimensional argument too):
This constant can be estimated in the case of very large Reynolds number
Isotropic turbulence by:
1 2
Cs = (67)
π 3Ck
where Ck is the Kolmogorov constant (Ck ' 1.6)
One recover Cs ' 0.165 for Ck ' 1.6
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
h ´3/2 i
C (∆) = −hτij S ij i/ ∆2 23/2 h S ij S ij
i , Pao’s spectrum (68)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
The Smagorinsky model is the most popular subgrid scale model BUT
The subgrid scale tensor is far from its ideal value (τijreal 6= τijsmag )
(a-priori validations) [7, 6].
The model is based on the turbulent viscosity hypothesis but Tsgs is not
only dissipative. → No possibility of “backscatter”(energy transfer
from subgrid scale to Resolved scales)
Leads to very poor results in the near wall region (can not be used in is
standard form) [5]
The constant Cs must be adapted for each flow (difficult for complex
S ij = (∂i u j + ∂j u i )
G ij = (∂k u i ∂j u k + ∂k u j ∂i u k )
G ij = G ij − δij G kk
∆ : characteristic size of the filter
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Objectives: let the model’s constant vary (in space and time) and compute
an estimated value.
The Germano’s identity is based on the hypothesis that the Subgrid Tensors
computed on neighboring scales in the inertial range have a similar behavior.
1 L S
C= ij ij (74)
2 S α −β
ij ij
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Lilly [1] proposed an other choice by trying to minimize the square of the
residues of the tensorial equation:
1 Lij Mij
C= (75)
2 Mij Mij
Mij = αij − β
fij (76)
→ Mij2 = 0 means that the full tensor M is zero (less often)
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Dynamic procedure
Solutions :
_ suppress negative viscosity (C → max(C , 0))
_ average the function C
- over small domains of space or/and time
- in homogeneous directions (if any)
1 hLij S ij i
C =− (77)
2 hS ij αij i − hS ij β
fij i
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
This hypothesis suppose that the energy transfer nearby the cutoff
wavenumber kc concern mostly the smallest resolved scales and the
largest subgrid scales.
This hypothesis suppose that scales of both sides of the cutoff scale are
strongly correlated.
This is an hypothesis which is in agreement with the Kraichnan’s theory
of turbulent viscosity (quick increase of turbulent viscosity near the
cutoff scale).
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
In the Bardina’s model, the subgrid scale ui0 are replaced by the same filtered
scales u 0i . This leads to:
Rij + Cij = u i u j − u i u j (80)
By adding the Leonard’s term Lij which is only based on resolved quantities,
we have:
τij = u i u j − u i u j (81)
Therefore the model leads to approximate the total velocity field ui by the
filtered velocity field u i
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
A more general form of the scale similarity model involve a second filter e
and a similarity constant C . The model becomes:
i uj − ui uj )
τij = C (ug (82)
The model behavior is strongly linked to the filter shape and to the
separation between the two filters
Scale similarity models require no alignment between the subgrid tensor
and the strain tensor Sij . The models are not turbulent viscosity type of
models. ,
The model authorize energy backscatter (from subgrid scales to
resolved scales) ,
The modeled subgrid tensor is well correlated with the real solution
(much better a-priori tests than Smagorinsky model) ,
but the model is generally not dissipative enough to obtain a stable
solution /
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Mixed models
Z Despite their good properties, mixed models are less popular than
classical turbulent viscosity models because they are a little bit more
expensive (second test filter) and not so easy to implement.
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Mixte models
e ∂
A-priori test of Tsgs = ∂xj [u i τij ] − sgs , compact filter, kc = kmax /3
DNS +1.000
The aim of this type of model is to (partially) rebuild the total velocity field
ui as a function of the filtered velocity field u i . The filtering procedure being
usually define as a convolution of the filter with the velocity field, the inverse
procedure is called “deconvolution”
For a filter defined (in Fourier space) by:
∂Φ(x, t) 1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, t)
Φ(ξ, t) = Φ(x, t) + (ξ − x) + (ξ − x)2 + ... (90)
∂x 2 ∂x 2
Introducing the expansion in eq. 89:
1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, t) +∞
Φ(x) = Φ(x, t) + G (z)dz + ...
2 ∂x 2 −∞
1 ∂ n Φ(x, t) +∞ n
+ z G (z)dz + ... (91)
n! ∂x n −∞
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
X (−1)p p ∂p
Φ(x) = ∆ Mp (x) p Φ(x) (97)
p ∂x
Pruett et al.[8] proved that the series quickly converge for “Gaussian”and
“Top Hat”filters.
Eventually for a symmetric filter (G (ξ) = G (−ξ)) which have only even
1 2
Φ(x) = I − ∆ M2 (x) 2 + ... Φ(x) (98)
2 ∂x
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Multi-level Simulations
un : resolved field at the nth level of filtering
vn : the nth level “details”
So we have the following decomposition
un = un−k + vn−l (107)
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Multi-level Simulations
Z Cycling strategy between the different grid levels freezing the high
frequency details over some time while integrating the equations for the low
frequency part.
Problem: how to determine the characteristic time over which the high
frequency can be frozen ?
Several models:
- Multi-mesh method of Voke
- Non-Linear Galerkin methods
- Incremental Unknowns technique
- Liu’s multigrid methods
- Multi-level algorithm proposed by Terracol
- ....
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Multi-level Simulations
Z An other way is to limit the number of filtering levels. In this case, even
at the finest description level, subgrid-scale exist and have to be
parametrized. However, it is assumed that a simplified subgrid scale model
can be used at the finest filtering levels (closer to isotropy & less energy
than at coarser level)
- Multi-level algorithm proposed by Terracol
- Modified Estimation Procedure of Domaradzki
- Resolvable Subfilter Scale model (RSFS)
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Two-level Simulations
Let’s consider the two-level version. The velocity field can be decomposed
u2 : the resolved filtered field at the coarser level:
v1 : the part of unresolved field at the finest level which is resolved at
the finest level (u1 = (u2 − v1 ) being the resolved filtered field at the
finest level)
v0 the unresolved field at the finest level
Two-level Simulations
Two-level Simulations
1 2p ∂vj1 ∂v 1
νsgs = (Cs ∆ ) 2|S 1 |, Sij1 = +; i (114)
∂xi ∂xj
- The large-small model
∂u 2j ∂u 2
1 2 2 2
νsgs = (Cs ∆ ) 2|S |, S ij = +; i (115)
∂xi ∂xj
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Same idea used for the LES-Langevin model of Laval et al. [6].
Equation for v1 replaced by a Langevin equation for a linearized
equation for the term V
The equivalent of term VI is neglected
The subgrid term VII is modeled by a spectral eddy viscosity model
Tested in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
τij − τkk δij ≡ τijd = F (Sij , Ωij , δij , ∆2 ) (116)
Under some assumptions on the flow (not axi-symmetrical shear & single
rotation axis aligned with one eigenvectors of S), 5 terms are enough to
represent the deviator part of the tensor:
2 2
τd = C1 ∆2 |S|S + C2 ∆2 (S )d + C3 ∆2 (Ω )d (118)
2 2 2 2
+C4 ∆ (S Ω − Ω S) + C5 ∆ (S Ω − S Ω )/|S|
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Nonlinear models
First term: subgrid viscosity model for the forward energy transfer
The anisotropy of the normal stresses is including in the following terms
⇒ Horiuti have shown that the term (SΩ − ΩS) is responsible for a
significant improvement of the correlation with the true subgrid tensor. ,
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
∂τij ∂ ∂u j ∂u i
= − (u k τij ) − τik − τjk
∂t ∂xk ∂xk ∂xk
∂ 0 0 0 0 ∂ui
− u u u +p +
∂xk i j k ∂xj ∂xi
∂ 0 0 ∂ 0 0 ∂u 0 ∂uj0
− ui p − uj p − 2ν i (119)
∂xj ∂xi ∂xk ∂xk
Intro. CFD DNS Capacity Ex. LML DNS Managing Databases LES models
Deardorff’s models
Filter choice:
∆(x) =
∆1 (x)∆2 (x)∆3 (x) (124)
2 2 2
∆(x) = ∆1 (x) + ∆2 (x) + ∆3 (x) /3 (125)
∆(x) = max ∆1 (x), ∆2 (x), ∆3 (x) (126)
∆(x) = ...
Anisotropic flows
∆(z) = ∆1 ∆2 ∆3 (1 − exp (zuτ /25ν)) (130)
∆z (z) = ∆3 (1 − exp (zuτ /25ν)) (131)
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