Unit Favorite People Touchstone 2nd 1-SB PDF

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There's a concert. Oh, it's Adele! I love

It's Johnny Depp. He's my favorite her new album. Her voice is amazing.
actor. He's so good-looking! His Zach Adele?
new movie's great. Haley Yeah. She's a famous singer.
Zach Hmm ...what else is on? Zach Oh. Um, how about some sports?

Look. They're my favorite tennis Great - a football game. And it's

players. Their matches are always our favorite team.
exciting.You're a tennis fan, right? Haley You mean your favorite team. You know
Zach Um, not really. Where's the remote? I'm not a football fan.
Haley Here you go.

Q Getting started
A Look at the pictures. Haley and Zach are watching TV. What's on TV today?

B �))) 1.Jo Listen. Is Haley a sports fan? How about Zach?

it out C Can you complete the sentences? Use the conversation above to help you.
1. Johnny Depp is an actor. ____ movies are really exciting.
2. Adele is a famous singer. new album is very good.
3. They're tennis players. matches are always great.
4. My best friend and I are soccer fans. ____ favorite team is not very good.
Favorite people ••j�j;ij
fl Grammar Be in statements; possessive adjectives .. ,» 1.31

I'm a Johnny Depp fan. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp.

You're a tennis fan. Yourfavorite sport is tennis.
He's an actor. Hisnew movie is great. Don't add "s" to a possessive adjective.
She's a famous singer. Hervoice is amazing. Their matches are exciting.
We're Giants fans. Ourfavorite team is the Giants. (NOT Fhfi>,mi,tfhfl are exciting.)
They're tennis players. Theirmatches are exciting.

A Complete the conversations with expressions from the box. Use capital letters when necessary.
Compare with a partner. Then practice.

he's his ./my she's they're you're

her I'm our their we're your

1. A Mx favorite band is Foo Fighters.

____ a big fan of music.
B Yeah. ____ good.

2. A In my family, big soccer fans.

It's favorite sport.
B Yeah? My brother is a soccer fan. a
Manchester United fan.

3. A What's favorite movie?

B The Hunger Games.
A Oh, yeah. Josh Hutcherson is one of my favorite
actors. movies are always good.

4. A a big fan of Adele, right?

B Yeah, voice is amazing. very

you 8 Pair work Are any of the statements above true for you?
Tell a partner.

8 Talk about it My favorite ...

Write the names of your favorite celebrities below. Then talk about them with a partner.
How many things can you say?

Andrew Garfield

"My favorite actor is Andrew Garfield. His movies are good."

(l Building vocabulary
A .. >» 1.32 Look at Jason's sketches on his blog and read his comments. Then listen and say the
sentences. Do you know people like these? Tell the class.

This is Jenn, a friend This is my neighbor and My math teacher's very

from high school. This is me with my his son. My neighbor is smart. And she's really
She's very interesting. best friend, Ethan. friendly and outgoing, but nice, too. She's always
She's in a band! He's lazy. his son is quiet and shy. fun in class.

IN,;':i'r� B How many words can you think of to describe people you know? Complete the chart.
Then tell a partner.

My best friend My classmates My neighbors MY-----

very smart

"My best friend is very smart. He's a good student."

fl Building language
A .. >» 1.33 Listen. What is Tim's new boss like? Practice the conversation.
Dana So how's your new job? Are you busy?
Tim Yes. It's hard work, you know. I'm tired.
Dana Really? What are your co-workers like? Are they nice?
Tim Yes, they are. They're really friendly.
Dana Great. And is your boss OK?
Tim She is, yeah. She's nice. Um ... she's not very strict.
Dana Good, because you're late for work.

F;'f��� B Can you complete these questions and answers? Then ask and answer the questions with a
partner. Use your own information.
1. A What's your teacher 2. A What are your classmates 3. A your
like? fun? like? they friendly? English class hard?
B Yes.she B Yes, they B No, it's not.
8 Grammar Yes-no questions and answers; negatives .. >))
Favorite people


Am I late? Yes, you are. No, you're not. You're not late.
Are you busy? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I'm not busy.
Is he tired? Yes, he is. No, he's not. He's not tired.
Is she strict? Yes, she is. No, she's not. She's not strict. (My boss Isn't strict.)
Is it hard work? Yes, it is. No, it's not. It's not hard work.
Are we late? Yes, we are. No, we're not. We're not late.
Are they nice? Yes, they are. No, they're not. They're not nice. (My co-workers aren't nice.)

A Complete the conversations. Compare with a partner. People use 's not and 're not after
Then practice.
She's not strict.
1. A How's school? Are your classes interesting? They're not nice.
Isn't and aren't often follow nouns.
B Yes, . My teachers are very smart.
My boss isn't strict.
My co-workers aren't nice.
2. A ____ your English class easy?
B No, ____ . The lessons ____ easy.

3. A you outgoing in class?

B Yes, ____ . I always outgoing.

4. A ____ your English teacher strict?

B No, he ____

5. A What's your job like? ____ it fun?

B Yes, . My boss very strict.

6. A What are your neighbors like? ____ they nice?

B No, . They very friendly.
you B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own information.

Q Speaking naturally Is he . . . ? or Is she . . . ?

"izee" "ishee"
� '
I�!;/ a student?
--�---- 1s-:;1e a student?

A •>» 1.35 Listen and repeat the questions above. Notice the pronunciation of Is he . .. ? and Is she . .. ?

B •l)) 1.36 Listen. Do you hear Is he . .. ? or Is she . .. ? Circle he or she.

1. Is he /(�e)a friend from high school? 4. Is he I she smart?
2. Is he I she a college student? 5. Is he I she interesting?
3. Is he I she shy? 6. Is he I she fun?
you C Pair work Find out about your partner's best friend.Ask and answer questions like the ones above.
A So your best friend. Is he a friend from high school?
B No, he's a neighbor.

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