Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



MELC: Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph
24 25 26 27 28
What makes a good Supporting details Closing sentence Transition sentence How long is the paragraph?
paragraph?  What re the supporting  What is it?  What is it?  5-6 sentences in total
 What comes first? details?  The last sentence in  The last sentence of a  1 topic sentence
 Topic Sentence  They come after the the paragraph paragraph (instead of  1 closing/transition
 What is it? topic sentence  What does it do? closing sentence) sentence
 The first sentence in  They make up the  It restates the main  What does it do?  3-4 sentences of
the paragraph body of the idea  Closes one topic while supporting details
 What does it to do? paragraph  How do I write one? leading into the next
 It introduces the  What do they do?  Restate the main idea  How do I write one? Activity: Write a simple
main idea of the  They gave details but using different  Summarize main idea paragraph.
paragraph and support the main words of paragraph and hint
 How do I write one? idea  The closing sentence at topic for next one
 Summarize the main  How do I write them? should be very
idea of the  Give supporting similar to the topic Activity: What makes a
paragraph facts, details, and sentence. good transition sentence?
examples Activity: How do you write
Activity: Identify the topic Activity: write down the a closing sentence?
sentence. main idea and supporting
details. Make sure to use
complete sentence to

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

describe the main idea and

each detail.
MELC: Use resources such as dictionary, thesaurus, online resources to find the meaning of the word
31 September 1, 2020 September 2, 2020 September 3, 2020 September 4, 2020
What is a dictionary? What is a thesaurus? What is a thesaurus?
What are the parts of a How to use thesaurus? How to use thesaurus? What is a google? What is a google?
dictionary? Where can you find the Where can you find the
How can you use the Activity: Use a thesaurus to Activity: Use a thesaurus to google? google?
dictionary? find a new word to replace find a new word to replace
each underlined word. Write each underlined word. Write Activity: Find the meaning Activity: Find the meaning
Activity: Use your the new word on the line. the new word on the line. of the following words in of the following words in
dictionary to answer the  There is no benefit to  There is no benefit to google. google.
questions. cheating on a test. cheating on a test.  Assumed  Assumed
-What type of animal is a ______________ ______________  Plunder  Plunder
wren?  I would like to wee a bit  I would like to wee a bit  Accomplish  Accomplish
-What color is an emerald? of chocolate cake. of chocolate cake.  Disaster  Disaster
-is an impala a bird, ____________ ____________  Decoration  Decoration
mammal, insect or fish?  She is always  She is always
-Where would you go if you dependable. dependable.
wanted to see a stalactite? ______________ ______________
 Are you certain that you  Are you certain that you
locked the door? locked the door?
_____________ _____________
 The climbing rose bush The climbing rose bush

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

was bound to a trellis. was bound to a trellis.

____________ ____________

MELC: Note significant details of various text types

September 7, 2020 September 8, 2020 September 9, 2020 September 10, 2020 September 11, 2020
 What is enumeration?  What is time order?  What is a cause?  What is a problem and  What is a problem and
 Analysis of  What is a time order  What is an effect? solution? solution?
enumeration. words?  Some signal words  How do you write a  How do you write a
 Kinds of freaking  Time-order words list  Because problem and solution? problem and solution?
enumerators  Earlier, to begin,  As a result  Introduce the  Introduce the
 Listing signals after  Resulted problem problem
 Sentence structure  Previously, starting  Caused  Make the reader care  Make the reader care
 Ascending or with, consequently  Affected  Outline your solution  Outline your solution
Descending order  Formerly, initially,  Since  Paint a final picture  Paint a final picture
 Special types of following  Due to Activity: read each Activity: read each
Enumeration  Previous to, paragraph. A graphic paragraph. A graphic
 Effect
 originally, in turn organizer is used to show the organizer is used to show the
Activity: Read each
Activity: Write a simple paragraph. A graphic structure of the text. Fill in structure of the text. Fill in
paragraph using time order. organizer is used to show the the missing boxes with the the missing boxes with the
structure of the text. Fill in appropriate info. appropriate info.
the missing boxes with the 1. Having a cold is no fun. 2. Having a cold is no fun.
appropriate info. Coughing makes it hard Coughing makes it hard
1. Some flamingos are to fall asleep. A sore to fall asleep. A sore
pink. Not all flamingos throat is painful. Try throat is painful. Try

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

are pink. The pink color some tea with honey in some tea with honey in
comes from their diet. it. The honey will soothe it. The honey will soothe
Flamingos that eat lots your throat. There may your throat. There may
of shrimp will be pink. be no cure for the be no cure for the
Flamingos that eat lots common cold. You can common cold. You can
of algae will be pale or treat the symptoms treat the symptoms
white. though. though.
Cause Effect Problem Problem
Flamingos eat lots of shrimp Coughing makes it hard to Coughing makes it hard to
Flamingos eat lots of algae sleep. sleep.
Sore throats can be painful. Sore throats can be painful.
Solution Solution

MELC: Identify the structure, purpose and language features of different text types, e.g. narrative, information report, procedure, argument
14 15 16 17 18
 What is an exposition?  What is a narrative text?  What is a recount text  What is an information  What is procedure
 Purpose of exposition  Purpose of narrative type? report? writing?
 Importance of exposition  Types of narrative  Purpose of recount style  When do I use it?  What is the purpose of
 Types of exposition  Imaginary writing.  To present writing a procedure?
 Description  Factual or a  Types of recount information about an  When to use a
exposition combination of both  Personal recount object, animal, procedural text?
 Comparison  Structure  Factual recount person or place.  Examples
exposition  Orientation  Imaginative recount  Classification  How to Ski
 Cause and effect  Complication or  Features  Introduce your topic  How to cook fried

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

exposition problem  Structure  Tell what the object rice

 Problem and solution  Resolution  Language or animal is, who the  How to knit a scarf
exposition Activity: What does a  Planning for writing a person is, or where Activity: Write a method on
 Sequence exposition narrative text structure do? recount the place is. how to cook rice.
 Examples:  Description
 Star Wars Activity: Write a recount.  Object
 Cinderella by Charles What I did after school  Person
Perrault yesterday.  Animal
 Harry Potter by J.K.  Place
Rowling  Conclusion
Activity: Write an Activity: Write an
exposition. information report.
Purpose: to inform reader
Purpose: to persuade the

MELC: Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural analysis (words and affixes: prefixes and suffixes)
21 22 23 24 25
 What is an explanation  What is affixes?  What is a prefix?  What is a suffix?  What is a suffix?
text?  What are the  Examples of prefixes  Examples of suffixes  Examples of suffixes
 What is the purpose of classification of affixes?  A-/an-  -ious/-ous  -ious/-ous
explanation text?  Anti  -age  -age
 Structure Activity: Give at least 5  Contra-  -al  -al

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

 General statement to words with words and their  De-  -wise  -wise
introduce the topic. affixes.  Dis-  -ity/-ty  -ity/-ty
 Organized around a  Il-/im-/in-/ir-  -ment  -ment
series of events  Non-  -ness  -ness
 A series of logical  Un-  -ship  -ship
steps explaining how  Ante- Activity: Create two words Activity: Create two words
or why something  Auto- from each suffix given. from each suffix given.
occurs  Circum- 1. -ness 6. -ness
 Language Features  Homo- 2. -ence 7. -ence
 Written in the simple,  Hyper- 3. -tion 8. -tion
present tense  Inter- 4. -ship 9. -ship
 Cause and effect  Mega- 5. -al -al
language Activity: give prefixes to
 Use time connectives complete each word.
 Formal voice written 1. ______fix
in the third person 2. ______pert
(impersonal) 3. ______happy
 Technical vocabulary 4. ______place
 Labeled diagrams 5. _____lead
might also be
Activity: How do you start
an explanation?
MELC: EN4V-IIIf-38 Identify different meanings of content specific words. (denotation and connotation) EN4V-IIIf-38

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

28 29 30 1 2
 What is denotation?  What is a connotation?  What is a connotation?  What is the difference  What is the difference
 Example: word blue  Types of connotation  Types of connotation between connotation and between connotation and
Bobby wore a blue shirt  Negative  Negative denotation? denotation?
today. connotation connotation  Why is connotation and  Why is connotation and
 Positive connotation  Positive connotation denotation important? denotation important?
Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:
Choose whether positive or Write the connotation of the
negative connotation of the underlined words in the
following words. sentence.

MELC: Get the meaning of words through word association (analogy) and classification. EN4V-IIIh-39

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

5 6 7 8 9
 What is association  What is association  what is classification  what is classification  what is classification
analogy? analogy? Analogy? Analogy? Analogy?
 What are the types of  What are the types of  Examples of  Examples of  Examples of
association analogy? association analogy? classification analogies classification analogies classification analogies
 Object to  Object to  Beak is to bird as  Beak is to bird as  Beak is to bird as
characteristics characteristics trunk is to elephant trunk is to elephant trunk is to elephant
 Cause and effect  Cause and effect  Wing is to beak as  Wing is to beak as  Wing is to beak as
 Function  Function tusk is to trunk tusk is to trunk tusk is to trunk
Activity: choose the word on Activity: choose the word on Activity: Activity: Activity:
the right that best expresses the right that best expresses Student is to class as player Student is to class as player Student is to class as player
a relationship similar to that a relationship similar to that is to______ is to______ is to______
original pair. original pair. Seed is to watermelon as pit Seed is to watermelon as pit Seed is to watermelon as pit
1. Good:bad 3. Good:bad is to __________ is to __________ is to __________
Happy: a. sad Happy: a. sad Chair is to table as bed is to Chair is to table as bed is to Chair is to table as bed is to
b. great b. great __________ __________ __________
c. smile c. smile Page is to book as wheel is Page is to book as wheel is Page is to book as wheel is
to _______ to _______ to _______
2. Mouth: Eat 4. Mouth: Eat Elbow is to wrist as ankle is Elbow is to wrist as ankle is Elbow is to wrist as ankle is
Feet: a. talk Feet: a. talk to _______. to _______. to _______.
b. walk b. walk
c. see c. see
3. fire:hot 3. fire:hot
Ice : a. blue Ice : a. blue
b. tired b. tired

Tolosa District
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

c. cold c. cold

12 13 14 15 16
 what is classification  what is classification  what is classification Answers the First Quarter Answers the First Quarter
Analogy? Analogy? Analogy? Test correctly with at least Test correctly with at least
 Examples of  Examples of  Examples of 75% mastery. 75% mastery.
classification analogies classification analogies classification analogies
 Beak is to bird as  Beak is to bird as  Beak is to bird as Activity: Let the pupils Activity: Let the pupils
trunk is to elephant trunk is to elephant trunk is to elephant answer the First Quarter answer the First Quarter
 Wing is to beak as  Wing is to beak as  Wing is to beak as Test. Test.
tusk is to trunk tusk is to trunk tusk is to trunk
Activity: Activity: Activity:
Student is to class as player Student is to class as player Student is to class as player
is to______ is to______ is to______
Seed is to watermelon as pit Seed is to watermelon as pit Seed is to watermelon as pit
is to __________ is to __________ is to __________
Chair is to table as bed is to Chair is to table as bed is to Chair is to table as bed is to
__________ __________ __________
Page is to book as wheel is Page is to book as wheel is Page is to book as wheel is
to _______ to _______ to _______
Elbow is to wrist as ankle is Elbow is to wrist as ankle is Elbow is to wrist as ankle is
to _______. to _______. to _______.

Tolosa District
[email protected]

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