Simple Zoom Games

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Games playable over Zoom

Simple warm-up games

Of course, a lot of these may depend on the strength of the internet connection and
camera/audio quality.

Go Fetch
Name and object, e.g. a teaspoon. Everyone has to leave their camera go find and return with
the object as quickly as possible. You can include a points system for 1st/2nd/3rd etc.

Why Are You Late?

One person ‘leaves the room’ and the others decide 3 reasons why they are late for work. The
leader acts as the Boss, and asks the person why they are late. The others must pretend to be
working, e.g. in a typing pool and pretending to type. When the Boss turns off their screen, the
others act out the reasons for being late so the person can guess. The Boss can mute the
screen for as short or long a period as they like.

Mirror Mirror
Set tasks to copy one another, or copy a single ‘leader’. Can two people find a way to swap over
without saying? Can the others guess who is leading?

Pass The Face

Perhaps inspired by an emoji, pass a specific face around the screens

Radio Shuffle
The leader calls out a person’s name, and they must become a radio show, e.g. News, music,
interview, call-in, gardening, drama, documentary etc. When the next name is called, the radio
‘dial’ changes.

I Love You, Honey

Each person picks someone and says “I Love You Honey”. If their target smiles or laughs, they
are out (or loses a point). The facilitator can suggest styles, e.g. like a vampire, a dog, in song

One person is asked questions by the group, if they answer with a Yes/Yeah/Yup or
No/Nah/Hope etc they are out.

Buzzy Bees
Everyone pretends to be bees, until the leader calls out a letter and everyone must freeze as
something beginning with that letter.

Logs & Blades

If the leader calls out logs, everyone must jump to avoid the rolling logs. If the leader calls out
blade, everyone ducks to avoid the swinging blade.

Wink Murder
One person is chosen to be the Detective and ‘leaves’ (is muted) and then the leader chooses
someone to be the murderer. Then everyone is given a number, or colour, or other signifier.
When the Detective returns, the Murderer must indicate someone’s signifier, e.g. if a person is
number 5 hold up 5 fingers as a yawn or pick up 5 pens. That person then dies in a dramatic
fashion (or, if death is too close-to-home at the moment, they are simply out of the game). The
Detective has to work out who is the murderer and acting suspiciously.

Same as Wink Murder, but someone starts with an action, e.g. cliking fingers, tapping head,
rubbing hands etc. Everyone has the copy, and change when the Band-Leader changes. and
the Detective as to work out who is leading.

Name Three Times

The person who is ‘it’ has to say someone else’s name x3 times, before that person says their
own name once. If they don’t, they become ‘it’.

One-word story
Choose an order for people to follow, and say a single word each to build up a story.

Tell a story one sentence at a time, but the first person starts with the phrase ‘Fortunately’. The
next person continues the story, but starts their sentence with ‘Unfortunately’. The story flips
between starting Fortunately/Unfortunately to change the route of the story.

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