A True Maxwell's Demon: The Physical Mechanism of The Charge's Negative Entropy Reordering Operation

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A True Maxwell’s Demon: The Physical Mechanism of the

Charge’s Negative Entropy Reordering Operation

The charge absorbs virtual photons from the vacuum, changing the energy dE of
each absorbed photon to a differential of mass dm.

Successive absorptions result in the excitation dW on mass m of the charge, as

dW = dm(1) + dm(2) + … + dm(i) + … Since mass is unitary, the successive energies of
the absorbed virtual photons result in a coherent addition of mass-energy change
for the overall dW.

When the increasing mass-energy dW is of sufficient magnitude to reach the

quantum threshold, the coherent mass integration process has produced sufficient
excitation mass-energy dW to provide the energy E of an observable photon. At
that threshold, zitterbewegung and other known “emission-affecting” interactions
induce the abrupt decay of the (m + dW) excitation state back to the ground state
(m), thereby emitting a real, observable photon (E)(t) in the decay process by
(m + dW)  m + (E)(t).

Continual iteration of the observable emission process occurs, since continual

absorption of virtual photons and continual coherent integration to the quantum
level occurs. The result is a continual stream of observable photons emitted from
the source charge, in all directions at light speed, without observable energy input.
Energy conservation is obeyed, however, when both virtual state and observable
state processes are accounted.

This nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) process continuously establishes and

replenishes the associated EM fields and potentials in the surrounding space, which
are spreading outward at light speed from the time of formation of the charge. The
intensities of the resulting “static” fields and potentials are deterministic as a
function of the radial distance from the source charge.

Extracting EM Energy from the Vacuum.

There is no need to “discover how” to extract EM energy from the quantum vacuum
or space time; it is already universally accomplished in many of the nature’s
creations like an electric charge. All electric charges and dipoles already do it
continuously and freely. We only need to explore the right technology which is in
line with the natural creations and laws.

As an example of collecting and using this freely flowing energy, one might
temporarily freeze or “pin” the Drude charges in an external circuit attached to a
given source dipolarity that is only temporarily connected.

One can “pin” charges in a circuit using conventional means such as diodes or
capacitors, or any other recognized method. The Poynting energy flow from the
external dipolar source of potential will then flow freely onto the passively receiving
“pinned” circuit without current dq/dt.

In short, the source will only furnish pure potential (and potential energy) to the
circuit in that flow. No work at all will be done by the potentialization process—
either in the circuit or in the dipolar source of potential.
This procedure overpotentializes and excites the external circuit without doing work
on the source of potential to reduce its ability to perpetually furnish a given flow of
potential energy. 

Any dipole or dipolarity can and will freely furnish potential energy flow forever, so
long as the dipole itself is not tampered with and is allowed to continue to exist
undisturbed which is a “perpetual motion” of a very different kind. Once the
receiving external circuit is potentialized, the static potential source should be
switched away, still undiminished, and the now-opened circuit can be recompleted
so as to prepare to discharge its free excitation energy in the load, to perform free
work, without performing any work inside the external source to destroy it.

Once the dipolar source of potential energy is switched away, the gap in the circuit
can be closede.g., with a diode and a resistive load. Then the electrons can be
“unpinned”, and the already freely regauged/excited circuit can freely dissipate its
excess energy in the load by driving current through it in one-way
circulation, without draining or reducing the original potential source, which is now
disconnected during the “current flowing” and “system working” phase.

In that manner, energy from the vacuum can flow freely into a collecting circuit
without work, freely exciting/potentializing the circuit via its applied dipolar
“gusher”, by pure asymmetric regauging. The great advantage is that the dipolar
source itself is not depleted by this procedure.

By iteration of the process, continual average COP > 1.0 can be obtained since one
will only have to pay a small amount for the switching energy to (i) control a very
large collection of potential energy in the switching circuit and (ii) freely or nearly
freely power the load.

If desired, one can also freely take the input energy necessary for the switching and
control, from the system load, by clamped positive feedback of a part of the load
output energy to the switching and control subsystem. Thereby one achieves a
system which exhibits COP =  and is “self-powering” while also powering its load.
All the input energy is received from the active vacuum.

Any fixed dipolar source of potential is an inexhaustible, perpetual source of EM

potential energy flow, so long as no current is rammed back up through the back
emf of the source dipole to scatter its charges and destroy the dipole (the source).

From any source of static potential , one can collect as much EM energy W as
desired—given sufficient collecting static charges q—by the simple equation W
=  q. For n uniform repetitions, the formula for total energy collection
is W(total) = n(q).
In theory, with perfect pinning (or restraining) a small pocket-sized high voltage
source could “power” (more correctly, potentialize) an entire high voltage power
distribution system!


The better developed the technology, the smaller the switching and control power
required, and therefore the higher COP of the resulting overall system. If funded
and developed, that technology alone will eventually replace almost all the
centralized power system with distributed, individual power systems. It will
dramatically decrease the costs of energy and providing the energy, as well as
sharply decreasing biospheric warming, biospheric pollution, nuclear wastes from
nuclear power plants, etc. It will also solve the world energy crisis forever.

By freely using “charge-current-free” transfer of potential and potential energy from

an inexhaustible source to collectors or circuits with charges pinned, one uses free
overpotentialization of the charges in that collector or circuit, by the free energy
flows extracted from the vacuum by the dipolar potential source.


Proper use of such free overpotentialization (free asymmetrical

regauging) enables battery-powered systems to be free-running and self-
poweredi.e., powering their own losses and loads while also recharging their


As shown by Bedini, the simplest way is to use two sets of batteries; one set
furnishing the circuit and system power in normal electrical engineering fashion,
while the other set is charged rapidly (by timed pulse overpotentialization) as part
of the load {36}. Then as the powering battery set sufficiently lowers in voltage, the
roles of the two batteries are simply swapped and the powering of the system
continues uninterruptedly.
As a continual free source of the EM energy flows comprising its associated EM
fields and potentials and their energy, the common charge—together with its
polarized vacuum—exhibits COP = .

It consumes positive entropy of the disordered virtual state, coherently integrates

and reorders the energy (a negative entropy operation), and produces negative
entropy in the observable state. The potential-producing charge and its associated
macroscopic EM fields and potentials demonstrate that real systems producing
continuous negative entropy are possible, as theoretically shown by the startled
Evans and Rondoni . This of course is in total violation of the present Second Law of
thermodynamics which unequivocally states that dS    0. We have modified the
Second Law to state that  < dS < +.

Indeed, the present Second Law dS   0 has always been only a “half-law” and an
oxymoron. It implicitly assumes that its own contradiction—production of negative
entropy—has first occurred (and deliberately not been accounted) to provide some
initial controlled ordered energy to a system originally in equilibrium.
This assumed and unaccounted earlier “hidden Maxwell’s demon” action forced the
system to depart a bit from equilibrium, decreasing the system entropy since
equilibrium is the maximum entropy condition. Now that we have changed the law
and accounted for the “hidden demon” (the initial unaccounted negative entropy
operation), the new law   < dS < + is a proper Second Law of thermodynamics.
In preferred serial process to power systems with entropic loads, one first uses
the   < dS   0  half for potentialization, then uses the 0   dS < + half for
depotentialization (load powering), in either/or fashion between the two phases.
Note that the old Second Law only applied to the latter phase {Error: Reference
source not found}, which is decay back to equilibrium.
As the negative entropy system technology is developed, the world energy crisis will
be solved forever. And clearly the emergent new “national power system” will be
strongly decentralized power systems almost everywhere.

Any departure of a system from equilibrium is a negative entropy operation, a

priori, since it reduces the entropy of the system! Thermodynamicists and physicists
already admit this fact for “statistical fluctuations” occurring in the equilibrium
condition, and several fluctuation theorems of Second Law violation are extant and
utilized . Such departure need not occur statistically; it can in fact be
evoked deterministically.

Simply changing the potential V of an EM system in

current-free fashion is just such a deterministic negative
entropy operation, and it is a rather ubiquitous example of
free asymmetrical regauging.

Potentializing a circuit together with its charges changes the local ambient vacuum
potential in which the circuit is embedded and with which it is interacting.


This is called vacuum engineering. This “potentialization as engineering of the active
vacuum” is not modeled at all in electrical engineering, which erroneously assumes
an inert vacuum.

However, some of the results of static potentialization are recognizedsuch as

transient currents in the ground, in living bodies, and in separate electronic systems
near transmission lines or transmitting towers, so that persons and animals are
shocked and equipment is affected or dudded.


The present Second Law erroneously assumes accounting starts only as the already
“excited” nonequilibrium system decays back to equilibrium, increasing its entropy
thereby. The present Second Law was never a full law of nature, but only the second
half of an assumed 2-phase process when the two phases occur serially. The entire
process is now given by the new Second law   < dS < +, or with the two phases
in series by ( < dS   0)    (0   dS < +).


In a typical normal closed current loop circuit, with source connected as a load, a
separate negative entropy part of the cycle only occurs before or during the early
part of the incredibly short electron gas relaxation time. Thereafter, the positive
entropy portion of the cycle occurs simultaneously, steadily “killing” the “external”
power source which remains connected as an internal circuit load, to be “powered
backwards” against its back emf and so that its dipolarity is destroyed.

Our scientific community and electrical engineers have blithely given us electrical
power systems deliberately designed to kill their source dipolarityand thus their
free extraction of EM energy from the vacuumfaster than they can power their

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