Meeting 9 Unlock 4, Reading & Writing Unit 6, Environment Reading

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Meeting 9

Unlock 4, Reading & Writing

Unit 6, Environment
Answer these questions
1. Why do floods and droughts occur in our country?
The absence of green water is the cause of catastrophic floods and drought in our country
every year. Green water stock plays a role in preventing floods and drought. This is
happening because all the green land was built by factories and buildings so there was a lack
of water catchment areas.

2. What impact can they have on a country?

One of the causes of flooding and drought is a source of clean water is reduced. If the source
of clean water is reduced, then it will have an impact on the reduced consumption of drinking
water needed by the human body. In addition, activities such as washing, bathing, etc.
Another impact is the increase in pollution. That is because there are no plants that function
as agents that process carbon dioxide gas to be used as oxygen for human life.

3. What other natural disasters do you know about?

There are several kinds of natural disasters that I know of. First is an earthquake.
Earthquakes are vibrations or shocks that occur on the surface of the earth caused by
collisions between the earth's plates, active faults, volcanic activity or rock collapse. The
second is a volcanic eruption. Volcanic eruptions are part of volcanic activity known as
eruption. The danger of volcanic eruptions can be in the form of hot clouds, material bursts
(incandescent), heavy ash rain, lava, poison gas, tsunamis and lava floods. The last is a
tsunami. A tsunami is a series of giant ocean waves that arise due to a shift in the seabed due
to an earthquake.

4. What impact do they have on people and places?

One of the impacts of the disaster on the declining quality of life of the population can be
seen from various public health problems that occur. Disasters that are followed by
displacement have the potential to cause health problems that are actually preceded by
problems in other sectors / sectors. Earthquakes, floods, landslides and volcanic eruptions, in
the short term can have an impact on the victims died, victims of serious injuries that require
intensive care, increased risk of infectious diseases, damage to health facilities and water
supply systems. The emergence of health problems, among others, starts from a lack of clean
water, which results in poor personal hygiene, poor environmental sanitation which is the
beginning of the proliferation of several types of infectious diseases. Natural disasters can
have a detrimental impact on several places. One of them is that infrastructure damage can
disrupt social activities and loss of shelter. Meanwhile the other impact is the destruction of
forests that protect the land.
Unlock 4, writing task page 119 & 120, no. 1 and 2
Write a report which provides both short- and long-term solutions to an environmental problem.
Refer to a specific case study in your report.
 Complete an outline for your report below. Use a case study from the Critical thinking
section or a case study from your own country.
1. Main purpose of report
To know there are so many environmental problem, not only the loss of certain plant and
animal species.

2. Description of a specific case study

It is said that the extinction of certain species such as plants and animals is a major
environmental problem. While others think that other environmental problems are more
critical. I will discuss both views in this essay.

3. Short-term solutions
The things that we can do is to reduce the use of private vehicles that can cause air
pollution. It is better to use public transportation such as bus or bicycle to be healthier.
We can also reduce water pollution by not polluting the environment such as throwing
trash into rivers or other places.

4. Long-term solutions
The thing that we can do is preserve animals and plants so that they do not become
extinct. It is done for the long-term preservation of nature.

5. Summary and evaluation of key points

In short, the loss of certain plants and animals is not only the main cause of
environmental problems but also includes more problems. To prevent environmental
problems, people around the world need to work to save plants and animals together by
preventing different pollution.

 Complete the report using your outline. Write 250–300 words.

Some say that the main environmental problem in our day is the loss of certain plant and
animal species. Others say that there are more important environmental problems
It is said that the extinction of certain species such as plants and animals is a major
environmental problem. While others think that other environmental problems are more critical. I
will discuss both views in this essay.

First of all, plants and animals maintain the environmental balance in the world. If they die, the
environment faces many difficulties. For example, earthworms are called farmer ploughs.
Earthworms live underground and remain fertile, which helps farmers grow more crops. If it is
extinct from the soil, then farmers need to use chemical fertilizers and have a negative impact on
the environment. Therefore, the loss of several types of plants and animals increases
environmental problems. The thing that we can do is preserve animals and plants so that they do
not become extinct. It is done for the long-term preservation of nature.

On the other hand, there are so many significant environmental problems such as global warming
and pollution. The average temperature of the world is increasing day by day. After that the
Arctic glacier melted and raised the sea level and flooded the lower places. Other major
problems such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. Air pollution can cause
respiratory illnesses and skin diseases such as asthma. For example, WHO estimated in 2007 that
air pollution causes half a million people die per year. So, there are many reasons for
environmental problems. Therefore, what we can do now to reduce this environmental problem
is to reduce the use of private vehicles that can cause air pollution. It is better to use public
transportation such as bus or bicycle to be healthier. We can also reduce water pollution by not
polluting the environment such as throwing trash into rivers or other places.

In short, the loss of certain plants and animals is not only a major cause of environmental
problems but also includes more problems. To prevent environmental problems, people around
the world need to work to save plants and animals together by preventing different pollution.

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