AC Drives and Soft Starter Application Guide
AC Drives and Soft Starter Application Guide
AC Drives and Soft Starter Application Guide
Abstract: There are usually several choices for starting mo- The first section uses a diode or SCR full-wave bridge
tors. Two of these, ac variable frequency drives (VFD’s) and to convert the ac line voltage to dc. Filtering of this dc is
done in the second section with a capacitor to supply the
soft starters, seem to have similar characteristics. Terms and inverter bridge with a stable dc power source. A dc link
descriptions used in product literature are nearly the same. choke is normally present on 10 horsepower and larger
drives. The final section uses a transistor or IGBT bridge to
Even the list of possible applications is similar. However,
deliver a pulse width modulated (PWM) dc voltage to the
the technology and performance are significantly different. motor. The effective rms voltage delivered to the motor is
When these differences are understood, it becomes clear dependent on the fundamental output frequency that the
inverter bridge is commanding. This is what leads to the
when and where to properly apply each of them. term “volts per hertz drive.”
The control or logic section of the inverter and user
Introduction programmed settings determine the frequency output of
the inverter. During acceleration, the frequency will vary
The objective of this paper is to provide the basic technical according to a predetermined algorithm such as linear ramp
information to understand the differences. First covered are or s-curve, from minimum or 0 Hz up to commanded speed.
the operating principles of the VFD and soft starter. How The drive can also be programmed to skip over certain fre-
motor performance is affected is the other key to selection quencies that may cause a mechanical resonance.
of the proper starting method. Finally, guidelines will then
be presented.
Feedback from the motor to the logic circuit controlling Figure 5 —Inverter Output Voltage Wave Form
the SCR firing is required to stabilize motor acceleration.
This waveform is compared with a sinusoidal waveform at
Variable Speed Drive Operation the fundamental frequency that is to be delivered to the mo-
The ac line voltage, figure 3, is rectified with a passive tor. The result is the voltage waveform shown in figure 5.
diode bridge. This means that the diode(s) conduct when- Figure 6 shows the resulting current waveform at the
ever the line voltage is greater than the voltage on the motor with a PWM signal applied.
capacitor section. The resulting current waveform has two
pulses during each half-cycle, one for each diode conduc-
tion window.