Guidelines For Layout and Presentation of Thesis Report

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9/4/2020 Guidelines for layout and presentation of thesis report.

Guidelines for layout and presentation of thesis report.

Guidelines for the format and layout of dissertation thesis

The structure and content of your dissertation will very depending upon the nature of your project which will be pathway dependent, type of approach
adopted and location of your study area. Consequently, it is important to seek advice from your project supervisor and submit a thesis chapter
structure early on in your project development stage.


The organisation and layout of the dissertation report will vary according to the nature of the project but may include the following sections:

 Introduction: this should refer briefly to the background information on the area and the object and purpose of the investigations, including aims
and objectives.
Geological background: this will be an important part of your project given that this is a geoscience project. Make sure you have developed and
described a sound geological model.
Literature review: a critical appraisal of all the existing literature. This is typically embedded in each of the relevant chapters and not a stand-
alone chapter.
Techniques and methods: this should outline the technical aspects of the methods used in the project, providing an overview of each method,
examples of previous applications and discussing how the techniques were applied in your study. You should make reference to important
literature or relevant standards where appropriate.
Presentation of data/results: this will involve the presentation of your fieldwork or laboratory results.
Discussion: this should include the interpretation of your results on the basis of your own work, observations, results and reference to existing
Conclusions: should logically follow your discussions, refer back to your original aims and objectives and include suggestions for further work
(bear in mind this is a short research project and recommendations for further work will be important). Be concise and use bullet points when
summarising future work opportunities.

Structure of the main text

The project thesis should be prepared using A4 paper using one and half line spacing. The main text of the thesis should be preceded by the following
(each on a separate page):

 Title page
Contents page
List of figures
List of tables
List of plates (photos)

Title page

The title page should have the following information:

The full title of the work.

The full name of the candidate.
The words MSc Geological and Environmental Hazards, MSc Engineering Geology or MSc Environmental Geology and Contamination.
The words School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences, University of Portsmouth
The year of submission.


An abstract is a short introduction to your project, which should provide a concise overview of the project or dissertation and should be no more 300

Contents Page

The content page(s) should include a list of chapter headings and sub-headings and an initial page number for each chapter.  Separate pages should be
used for the contents, list of tables and figures, illustrations including title and page number.

List of Figures: These should be numbered Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 …..

List of Plates: These should be numbered Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3 …..
List of Tables:  These should be numbered Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 …..

The content of any appendices should also be listed at the start of the dissertation.

Acknowledgements 1/2
9/4/2020 Guidelines for layout and presentation of thesis report.
It is acceptable to include some brief acknowledgements on a separate page at the start of the dissertation report.


Your report MUST include the standard disclaimer. A copy of this is available in the project resources page on Moodle.


This will introduce the scope of the project and identify the problem that you are attempting to solve. In addition you may introduce the reader to your
study area, although in some cases this may form a separate chapter.

Reference list

The main text of your dissertation should be followed by a list of references in alphabetical order. You must make sure you use the APA Sixth Edition
system when citing and referencing in your dissertation (see The Academic Skills Unit (ASK) have a number of tutorials on
how to correctly reference information sources in your reports and projects.

Abbreviations should not be used for journals or books in your reference list.  Titles and authors must always be given in full. All references that are
cited in the text must appear in the reference list; this will be checked by your project supervisor and by the second marker.

Resist the temptation to reference Internet web pages, instead wherever possible try to identify the primary reference sources that were used by the
authors and locate and reference these instead. While it is acceptable to cite one or two important web pages, a reference list that contains
predominantly Internet sources shows a lack of understanding of the existing published literature and will be frowned upon.

Font size and line spacing

The report must be prepared using A4 paper using one-and-a-half spacing throughout.  All pages should be numbered. The body text should be 12pt
Times New Roman, Calibri or similar font style.  

Page layout

Page margins should be as follows:

Left margin - 1.5 cm

Right margin - 1.5 cm
Top margin - 1.5 cm
Bottom margin - 1.5 cm

Proof reading

Ensure you ask your tutor or supervisor to proof read your thesis chapters and act on the formative feedback you receive. It will be your responsibility
to communicate with staff and arrange suitable dates for submission of chapters for feedback. 2/2

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