6 - Types of Skills and Weaknesses
6 - Types of Skills and Weaknesses
6 - Types of Skills and Weaknesses
Personal Skills— These are personality traits that make you unique and a desirable candidate in a job
interview. Your personal skills tell employers why they should hire you. They are used to answer the
question “Tell me something about yourself”. Usually this is one of the first questions in an interview.
Examples of personal skills are below:
Transferable Skills — These are skills you develop through your past experiences. Transferable skills are
attributes employers are looking for in good candidates. They are skills that will help your future employer
and should be highlighted. Transferable skills include:
Knowledge-Based Skills — These are acquired strengths you gain through past work and school
experiences. These are usually career specific and require training of some sort. The skills vary across
industries are more straight forward. Knowledge-Based Skills include: