6 - Types of Skills and Weaknesses

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Types of Skills

Personal Skills— These are personality traits that make you unique and a desirable candidate in a job
interview.  Your personal skills tell employers why they should hire you.  They are used to answer the
question “Tell me something about yourself”.  Usually this is one of the first questions in an interview. 
Examples of personal skills are below:

 Ambitious  Flexible  Open Minded

 Authentic  Honest  Persistent
 Caring  Integrity  Responsible
 Creative  Logical  Self Controlled
 Dedicated  Motivated  Trustworthy
 Enthusiastic  Optimistic  Versatile

Transferable Skills — These are skills you develop through your past experiences.  Transferable skills are
attributes employers are looking for in good candidates.  They are skills that will help your future employer
and should be highlighted.  Transferable skills include:

 Team Player  Motivational

 Great Communication  Effective Listener
 Leadership Experience  Negotiation Skills
 Writing Skills  Excellent Presenter
 Follows Directions Well  Well Organized
 Analytical  Bi-Lingual
 Computer Skills  Great Planner
 Time Management  Able to Delegate
 Client  Relations  Detail Oriented
 Problem Solving  Interpersonal Skills

Knowledge-Based Skills —  These are acquired strengths you gain through past work and school
experiences.  These are usually career specific and require training of some sort.  The skills vary across
industries are more straight forward.  Knowledge-Based Skills include:

 Accounting

 Marketing  Web Design  Biology

 Finance  Carpentry  Architecture
 Managerial  Product Development  Civil Engineering
 Drafting/Design  Startup Knowledge  Nursing
 Artistic  Legal  Philosophy
 Medicine  Teaching  Politics
 Aerospace  Mathematics  Social Media
 Engineering  Photography  Contract Services
 Computer Science  Product Design
Types of Weaknesses
Step 1 is showing self-awareness of your weaknesses. 
Step 2 is showing how you have used your problem solving strengths to make improvements.

 Not taking criticism  Selfish  Takes on to much

well  Focusing on small  Follow-ups
 Impatient details  Aggressive
 Lazy  Takes blame for others  Likes to take risks
 Easily bored  Being straight forward  Critical of others
 Procrastinate  Greedy  Passive
 Persistent  Delegating tasks  Works to much
 Takes things personally  Needs to be right  Perfectionist
 Strong willed  Stubborn  Fearful
 Passive  Multitasking  Self critic
 Does not like conflict  Allows emotions to  Trouble with teams
 Shy show  Close-minded
 Lethargic  Blunt  Unorganized
 Long-term planning  Presenting  Does not like pressure
 Strict  Impulsive
 Short-sighted  Bossy

Information taken from: https://mystrengthsandweaknesses.com/

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