Identify Your Skills Worksheet
Identify Your Skills Worksheet
Identify Your Skills Worksheet
You have hundreds of skills developed through a variety of avenues. Most people have
unique combinations of skill sets, yet very few are able to explain their skills to others. You may
take for granted many things you do well that others would find hard or even impossible to do. In
looking for a job, knowing what you can do well is important as it gives you a good foundation
for creating your resume and cover letter. Knowing your skills will assist you in verbalizing
those skills to potential employers in interviews and to friends and acquaintances while
networking. If you can articulate how your skills may benefit a particular employer, you will be
more successful!
o Transferable Skills: These are skills that can transfer from one job
or volunteer position to a very different position. Writing clearly or the ability
to organize things are two examples of transferable skills. Think about the
connection between your past, present and future jobs.
o Job-Related Skills: These are skills you need for a specific job. A
nurse, for example, needs to know how to use certain medical instruments to
take a patient’s blood pressure and temperature. Take a look at your course
work and job postings in your desired field.
Patience Creativity
Assertiveness Leadership
Flexibility Persistence
Maturity Self-motivation
Directions: Use the following checklist to assist you in determining your transferable skills. If
you are good at the skill listed, put a check mark in the first column. If you want to use that skill
at your next job, put a check mark in the second column. Add other skills you want to include in
the “other” section. When you’re done, you should have checked ten to twenty skills. Circle your
strongest transferrable skill and be able to provide an example as to why that is your
strongest transferrable skill. Are there any categories here that you need to develop or
Critical Skills:
These are skills employers that tend to get you higher levels of responsibility and pay. They are worth
emphasizing in an interview. If you have these transferable skills you are able to:
Articulate Inventive
Administer Outgoing
Demonstrate Sensitive
Diplomatic Sociable
Instruct Teaching
Kind Tough
Listen Trusting
Mentor Understanding
Strong Next Job Strong Next Job
Strong Next Job Strong Next Job
Language – bilingual or
To effectively assist you in securing the best possible position and assist you with
potential interview questions, please respond in writing to the following questions:
Of all the jobs or work assignments you have had, identify which job you liked the best:
Now list those aspects of your work that you enjoyed the most on the job: ____________
What aspects of your work did you dislike the most? _____________________________
Describe the boss you liked the best (personality, methods, attitudes). _______________
Describe the boss you liked the least (personality, methods, attitudes)._______________
Describe or list any barriers or restrictions that might influence your next job selection
(i.e. availability for work, geographic preferences, family obligations, etc.). ___________
Describe your short-term professional goals for the next two to three years. __________
Directions: Carefully review your two skills lists and your likes and dislikes. Select the
items that are most important to you and list below.
Why do you think these are your top skills? Please provide situational examples for your
top adaptive skills and your top transferrable skills.
You’ve identified your top skills and some examples. What are your next steps?