Purposive Concept Paper

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Purposive Communication

Innovation through Technology in Mobile Phones

Submitted by:
Abucay, Gio
Fabiana, Anna
Francisco, Jericho
Magto, Pearly
Reginaldo, Joanna

Submitted to:
Mrs. Monette Guanzon

October 11, 2018

Several firms, professionals, and individuals have their own definition of
innovation. The word innovation came from the Latin word ​innovatus ​which means to
renew, restore or change. Based on Skillicorn’s (2016) article about innovation, he
stated Michael Graber’s definition of innovation as “new, organic value creation by
applying creativity, in-depth relationships with consumers and customer, and new
thinking.” Thus, it is clear that innovation is the starting point of creating a significant
idea that turns into something that everyone can benefit and learn.

On the other hand, technology came from the Greek words ​techne ​and ​logia
which refers to a systematic treatment of art and craft. According to an International
Business Research by Sazali Abdul Wahab (2012), technology was referred as such
that consists of two (2) primary components:
1) a physical component which comprises of items such as products, tooling,
equipments, blueprints, techniques, and processes; and
2) the informational component which consists of know-how in management,
marketing, production, quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional
Thus, the definitions clearly pointed out that technology is also a significant idea
wherein several components are being used and combined altogether in order to come
up with a product which is also beneficial and can serve as a learning-material for

For the twenty-first century, mobile phones are very essential for every individual.
Wherever we go, mobile phones are given much importance in order to work and live
efficiently. Mobile phones are used mainly for communication, emailing, use of social
media and commonly for communicating to various people anytime and anywhere.
Mobile phone is defined as a crucial role in the technological transformation of time and
space, and wide implications for the frameworks of society due to mobile
communication (Fortunati, 2002). Without such product, the society will not be able to
work as efficient and as productive as what people are now.

In addition, according to Jones (2018), the article summarized the growth and
domination of Apple products in the mobile industry. It was stated that fifteen to twenty
percent (15% - 20%) of the smartphone revenue is gained by iPhone worldwide and has
the highest percentage in terms of profitability as of 2018. Every year, this certain
company created new models that would capture every iPhone user due to its branding
and imaged gained. With their attractive marketing ideas and promotions, more buyers
and consumers tend to purchase Apple products that would let other competitors or
brands make their products better in order to gain greater market revenue.

For several years, Sarwar and Soomro (2013) stated that the adoption of
Smartphone’s has been tremendous in mainstream consumer markets all over the
world. It was also found that thirty-seven (37%) percent of adults and sixty (60%)
percent of teens admitted that they are highly addicted to their smartphones due to
different reasons and importance. Thus, this study will focus about how innovation
through technology helped in creating mobile phones. With several mobile phones
created by various firms and genius individuals, this study will look into how certain
products brought a huge impact to consumers and customers.


Following the example set by the definition of the topic, breaking apart the
concept into individual parts then elaborating will be repeated in order to clarify and
further explain the concept being discussed.

To start, innovation often holds the promise of groundbreakingly beneficial

changes when brought up in a business. Typically imagined as a revolutionary piece of
technology pitched by an ambitious yet quirky idealist who defies the status quo. People
like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are the common examples given for entrepreneurs who
have innovated. Game changing technology like the smartphone and virtual reality are
the equivalent common examples for innovative products. These are all merely public
perception of what innovation is. The full truth behind innovation is not as successful,
clear-cut, nor well-received as the side of it that people want to see.

Familiar ​businesses have been looking into what ideas constitute the “rose-tinted
glasses” of many entrepreneurial who are hopeful and disillusion them of it. Berkun is
one such person who wrote a book that he summarized into ten myths. These ten
myths are the myth of epiphany, the myth that we know history, the myth of a method,
the myth we love new ideas, the myth of the lone inventor, the myth that good ideas are
rare, the myth your boss knows more than you, the myth the best idea wins, the myth
that problems are less interesting than solutions, and lastly, the myth that innovation is
always good. A generalization of the rationale behind the existence of these myths is
innovation being romanticized, desires to solve problems, and the hopeful pursuit of

Moving on, the term “mobile phone” is also interchangeable with cellular phone
or cell phone for short. The latter has fallen out of usage in favor of the term
“smartphone.” The differences between a cellphone and a smartphone is, as
Fendelman has worded it, “​a smartphone is a cellphone, but a cellphone is not smart.”
While both are mobile phones using cellular radio signals in order to achieve wireless
communication, smartphones have more in-depth capabilities than sending text
messages and making or receiving calls, unlike cell phones.

A notable result of these new capabilities is the primary usage of smartphones

compared to cell phones. The latter is used only as a means of portable, long-ranged
communication while this is no longer the case for the former. The versatility afforded to
smartphones by their capabilities has made them ideal as a tool to be used indoors as
well. This assumption is supported by the data collected from Google’s annual survey
as displayed in Matthews’s online article in UXMagazine.


According to James Kendrick, the importance of innovation through mobile

technology to society is that they are always keep in touch with every one of us
nowadays especially when we need to communicate other people that is far from us or
something that we need to finish through the use of technology. Also, using mobile
technology through the form of phones, we are able to connect those we need to reach,
whether work-related or personal in nature. Hence, it makes our lives easier and better
than ever before.

Moreover, there is a lot of instances that actually happens in our everyday lives,
and one of the examples is when we need to send an important file to someone, we can
send it anywhere we are in just a second because mobile phones are weightless than
laptops and tablets, you can easily type a text even though you are walking, or take a
picture and share it on the internet because today, we can download any applications
we want and also, from these kind of situations mobile technology helps our lives,
lessen our efforts and time.

Mobile technology is vital to everyone, to be able to communicate with our family,

friends and other people and even though we are far from them. We can also connect
with them anytime and ask them what are they doing. Without mobile technology,
participation in social networking would never have been grown as much as it has and
we are unable to stay in touch with our loved ones.

In addition, it has a huge impact to people in our present times, since there is a
big improvement especially in the last ten years. Mobile phones plays a greater role in
our lives nowadays because of the availability to spread informations to someone
rapidly and for this reason, we now considered the mobile phones as one of our needs
in our everyday lives. Today, people are getting obsessed from being updated about
wondering what is the next great phone and buy a new one if there is, but aside from
that, the most significant is that we need to find the technology useful and how
technology improves our lives. Another example is when it comes to business, you can
collaborate with your co-workers through the use of technology and also, you could get
a quick approval from someone if you need; that is how technology changed the way we
do a business.

Conclusion, mobile phones were invented as a portable multimedia tool wherein

they put all the kinds of media tool in one gadget; and this is strong enough to do many
things which is similar to what laptops, desktops and other media tool can do. We can
even now download some applications that we cannot use in our phones before, like
microsoft office, facebook, lazada, grab and etc. We cannot live without our mobile
phones because this helps us to voice out all our ideas and opinions on the internet, or
reach out for help when there is a tragedy anytime as well.

Ever since the rise of the Digital Age, Technology made a great impact on our
society and the development of the community. Various innovation and advances in
technology have led to the introduction of mobile phones and somehow it has become
an integral part of our lives. In the past, mobile devices are used only for communication
and today, it has a lot to offer and made our lives easier and accessible. The new era of
Digital age has made mobile devices popular.

Technology made a positive and negative impact on our lives. According to an

article entitled “Positive and Negative Effects of Mobile Phones”, Its positive impact
includes (1) Ease of Communication. No matter how far you are, you can get in touch
with the person anytime which makes it convenient and easier for us to communicate.
(2) Source of Entertainment. Mobile phones are a great source of entertainment
especially having the internet. (3) Helping device in Studies/ Business. For the
business industry, mobile phones made it more manageable since most companies are
using marketing apps, keeps track of records, and etc. It can benefit the business since
it can be used for advertising, selling, buying, and so much more. In terms of studying,
there are study oriented apps that are available and a lot of sources that we can use for
research. Through the use of technology, schools can enhance learning opportunities
inside the classroom and out while also increasing professional development
opportunities. Furthermore, technology in the classrooms prepares students for their
future and sets them up for this increasing digital economy. (4) Lifesaver in
emergencies. In case of emergencies, (Example: Car crash) we can use our mobile
device and directly dial a number and call for help.

Its negative impact includes (1) Addictive. Mobile phones became a necessity
and teens tend to overuse it and become extensively addictive to it. These addictive
habits can lead to a downfall in studies and performance. (2) Health Issues. Overusing
mobile devices can lead to serious health issues. Long hours of exposures to the mobile
phone screen lead to eyesight weakening, headaches, insomnia, radiation, and a lot
more. (3) A threat to safety. It will lead to a threat whenever an individual isn't careful
enough such as; Texting while driving, Crossing the road while using a mobile phone,
and etc. Mobile devices became a major cause of road accident nowadays. If we are
able to use mobile devices properly/ using mobile devices is kept under control, we will
be able to avoid its negative aspects.

The convergence of communication and figuring for mobile consumer devices is

on the developmental course to leverage the services and functions from each and
every industry. In this procedure of convergence, mobile technology specifically in the
form of the Smartphone's are the main gadgets taking the front end and assuming the
role of universal mobile terminal (Sarwar, Soomro, 2013).
The first time mobile phones was introduced in the market, it’s main function is
mainly just for voice communication and messaging, as simple as that. But, due to the
vast innovation of technology in the industry of mobile phones, it has already evolved
into something what we call now as Smartphones.

In a real sense, Smartphone is a mobile phone with advanced features and

functionality beyond traditional functionalities like making phone calls and sending text
messages. The Smartphone are equipped with the capabilities to display photos, play
games, play videos, navigation, built-in camera, audio/video playback and recording,
send/receive email, built in apps for social web sites and surf the Web, wireless Internet
and much more. The smartphones now became a trend choice for consumers along
with the usefulness of it in business as it used to be for business purposes only.

Today, we are in an intense Smartphone society populated with the

Smartphones from many companies providing a range of advanced functionalities and
services on a piece of hardware. (Sarwar, Soomro, 2013).

Smartphone has impacted almost all walks of human life. The prominent areas,
where impacts of Smartphone are obvious includes business, education, health and
social life. Mobile technology has drastically changed the cultural norms and behavior of
individuals. The impacts are both at the positive side and also at the negative side. At
one end, Smartphones are enabling people to create their own micro-cultures and
engage into activities considered dangerous of society and on the other hand,
Smartphones enable people to remain connected all the time (Sarwar, Soomro, 2013).

It is no secret that technology has the potential to revolutionize virtually every

type of business. We saw it with the decline of Kodak as digital photography went
mainstream. Now we continue to observe technological changes come fast and furious
to businesses of all sizes across all industries today (Pellet, 2015).

Just like any other kind of technological advancements in the industry, the
industry of mobile phones has a lot to contribute when it comes to revolutionizing and
changing the way innovation works in the present generation.

Smartphone has created new dimensions for business. It is not only the
Smartphone companies enjoying the business but it has also created a new domain for
mobile application development companies, Internet services providers and other
sectors of life to utilize the Smartphone and gain competitive advantages (Sarwar,
Soomro, 2013).

There has been a drastic growth in broadband and Internet service providers
business in past few years and one of the main reasons for this drastic increase in their
business is the ever increasing use of Smartphone‘s and growth of Smartphone and
mobile applications. In a very small duration a huge number of Smartphone have been
sold that provided an opportunity to businesses to invest in mobile application
development and allowed to introduce new business dimensions in market space. As it
is easy to change settings and make customizations on Smartphone, therefore there
are several programs for Smartphone‘s from different vendors including Blackberry,
Android, iPhone and Microsoft etc. Mobile Application Market is another business sector
introduced by Smartphone‘s. Different mobile operating system vendors have their own
mobile application technology hence having a different market for Mobile Applications.

The most common one are iPhone application market, BlackBerry application
market, Android market, Microsoft mobile Application market. Unlike the other
computing advancement in the past, where most of those advancements came directly
from security agencies, armed forces and large research centers and the initial purpose
was defense or enterprise use, the advent of Smartphone and related technology
innovations started directly in consumer market space in its own right. The polarity has
reversed in the technology industry and now many exciting developments in the field of
information technology (IT) are appearing in consumer market space first and only then
making their way into other fields (Sarwar, Soomro, 2013).

The value of education has been exceptional and noble since day one in human
history and the efforts to improve the quality of education has been appreciated all
throughout. Smartphone‘s introduced another means for the education system to
prosper and be well developed.

Use of the Internet has become a part of life of every student and a mean to
search for the information as and when it is needed. The growing demand of
Smartphone, availability of the Internet and high speed mobile browsing is ready to
provide an alternative channel to deliver education services. This will provide an
opportunity to the users to utilize their Smartphone to get educational benefits within
their available time irrelevant to their location. Smartphone within and without the
classroom make it easier for students and teachers to collaborate. Students on sick
leave or with health issues, or miss school for other reasons would be able to attend
class through their Smartphone and keep up with their work, rather than falling behind
due to unanticipated circumstances. The Smartphone provide access to modern society
a massive amount of educational and learning resources. In developing countries
Smartphone can easily compensates the limited access of internet and data access,
which in turn help their infrastructure and education development (Sarwar, Soomro,

The social life has been drastically changed with the introduction of
Smartphone‘s and this domain has encountered most of the impacts from use of
Smartphone. Even in today‘s busy world Smartphone had also made possible for us to
remain connected with our friends and family all the time. Always connected to the
Internet through a Smartphone provides a great instrument for individuals for constant
communication resulting in great safety for children attending schools or going outside.
The Smartphone has given an opportunity to individuals to act as a journalist at
any point in time and real-time information to society. Smartphone features like the
camera, video capture, access to social Websites and nature of always connected to
the Internet enable individuals to capture any video at any time and share it with friends
and family using social Websites and other Internet based options.
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