There are ancient sleeping gods that can influence reality through thought-forms called egregores. Playing the "Egregores" game involves a group sharing disturbing vague memories and adding collaborative details, with dice rolls shaping the darkening story. As characters accumulate "Touch" from encountering horrors, they meet grim fates, while the group's shared "Doom" tracks the growing threat until all are lost.
There are ancient sleeping gods that can influence reality through thought-forms called egregores. Playing the "Egregores" game involves a group sharing disturbing vague memories and adding collaborative details, with dice rolls shaping the darkening story. As characters accumulate "Touch" from encountering horrors, they meet grim fates, while the group's shared "Doom" tracks the growing threat until all are lost.
There are ancient sleeping gods that can influence reality through thought-forms called egregores. Playing the "Egregores" game involves a group sharing disturbing vague memories and adding collaborative details, with dice rolls shaping the darkening story. As characters accumulate "Touch" from encountering horrors, they meet grim fates, while the group's shared "Doom" tracks the growing threat until all are lost.
There are ancient sleeping gods that can influence reality through thought-forms called egregores. Playing the "Egregores" game involves a group sharing disturbing vague memories and adding collaborative details, with dice rolls shaping the darkening story. As characters accumulate "Touch" from encountering horrors, they meet grim fates, while the group's shared "Doom" tracks the growing threat until all are lost.
First Die (Importance): Value/clarity of the information
World Rules Touch • 1: Confusing and inaccurate. +1 Doom, +1 Touch. There Are Forgotten Slumbering Gods. There are gods in As the story fills in, individual characters become • 2: Interesting, but misleading. +1 Doom. the Void Beyond who sleep unremembered. They stir in Touched. When Touch hits 10, roll its oracle. • 3-4: Average, neither valuable nor useless. their strange undeath, reaching out to the world. • 5: Rare, valuable information that can help. -1 Doom. Touch Oracle Egregores Are The Gateway. Egregores are thought- • 6: A secret piece of lore or lucky accident that reveals When a character hits 10 Touch, they die or vanish in the forms or perceptions of spirits and deities. The undead a serious weakness or other crucial info. -2 Doom. past. Narrate their final end. Then roll two dice for the god-things use them as vessels to enter the world. Second Die (Costs): The price for dictating details rather oracle. The player continues playing, adding details and Memories Define The Past. The awakening of the gods- than risking a direct experience relating experiences that happened before their final end. before-time and their use of egregores has altered reality. • 1: The creepy thing reveals a truly terrifying power or Gain or lose Doom, apply it per normal. Gain or lose Whatever people remember is what the past is now. It scope of knowledge. +2 Doom, +1 Touch. Touch, add or subtract it from each remaining character. becomes the real history of a person and the world. • 2: The horror creeps. +1 Doom, +1 Touch. First Die (Grief): The reaction to the grief of loss. • 3-4: The unnerving truths being revealed push the • 1-2: Everyone is overwhelmed with sorrow and fear. How to Play group of friends to their awful ends. +1 Doom. +1 Touch to all remaining characters. • 5-6: While still disturbing, the revelations only serve To play Egregores, you will need some players, these • 3-4: The horror uses the shared shock to torment the rules, some six-sided dice, something to keep notes. You to fill in more detail about the lurking darkness. group further. +2 Doom. are a group of friends talking about memories and 5: The group uses the tragedy to strengthen their experiencing horror through their consequences. Encounter Oracle • resolve and drive forward. -2 Doom. When sharing an encounter or personal experience with • 6: The pain and distraction luckily push the One person starts with, “Do you all remember…” Then the established details, start with a short summary of the characters away from the madness. All take -2 Touch. they fill in a weird or unnerving vague memory. Common nature of the encounter. Then roll two dice for this oracle. examples are shadowy figures, disturbing TV or radio Second Die (Prey): Emboldened, the horror hunts. shows, and toys with dark overtones. First Die (Danger): The level of danger and loss faced • 1: The horror strikes, killing or driving away a loved during the encounter. one of each character. +2 Doom, all get +2 Touch. The next person adds more detail or an episode of their • 1: Extreme loss and an ominous prophecy or threat. • 2: The creepy thing attacks all of the characters, experience with the established details. They roll dice +2 Touch, +1 Doom. granting +2 Touch to them all. with the Oracles. Another person goes until everyone has • 2: Extremely traumatic. +2 Touch. • 3-4: Though the monstrosity stalks them, it never gets a turn. Then continue around. Each character has a Touch • 3-4: A horrifying, scarring episode. +1 Touch. a good opportunity to harm the characters. counter. The whole group shares a Doom counter. • 5: Perhaps terrifying, but little lasting harm. • 5-6: The terror acts too hastily and boldly, making • 6: Whether found lore or a happy accident, you learn errors in its assault. -1 Doom, -1 Touch to all. The Oracles how to deal a blow or a trick that distracts or delays “The Oracles” are dice rolls that shape and inform the the horror temporarily. -1 Touch, -1 Doom. Doom story. They are based on a heavily hacked and simplified Second Die (Luck): How lucky you were during the When Doom reaches 20, each remaining character has version of the Motif Story Engine, a GM-less play toolkit. harrowing experience. their final end revealed and narrated. After all characters Count the dice from left to right or closest to farthest. Fill • 1: Fate hates you. Take -1 on all dice your next 3 rolls. meet their end, go around the group two more rounds. in details or complete your story entry by the results. • 2: Bad luck haunts you. -1 on all dice your next roll. The first round, each player partially describes the • 3-4: Scars linger. +1 touch. awakened forgotten god and how it uses the created Storyteller Oracle • 5: Luck smiles on you. -1 Touch as you confront the creepypasta egregore and rewritten past to emerge into When adding details, provide a brief intro for what you terror successfully and regain some of your will. the world. The second closing round, each player briefly are going to share. Then roll two dice for the storytelling • 6: A miracle or impossible twist of fate. -1 Touch and adds a snippet about what happens to the world when the oracle and finish according to the results. +1 on all dice your next roll. god is fully birthed into its power.