Playbook - The Would-Be Hero
Playbook - The Would-Be Hero
Playbook - The Would-Be Hero
Moves You start with Anger is a Gift, Potential for Greatness, and 2 other moves of your choice. RESOURCEFUL A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH*
When you Defy Danger and roll a 6-, ask the GM a (Requires level 6+; replaces Underestimated)
4 ANGER IS A GIFT IMPROVED STAT question from Discern Realities after they describe Any intelligent creature who looks you in the eye or
When you burn with righteous anger (see Fear & Each time you take this move, increase one of your what happens. Gain advantage on your next roll to hears the steel in your voice instinctively knows that
Anger on back of playbook), hold 2 Resolve. You stats by 1 (to a max of +2). act on the answer. you are a force to be reckoned with, and treats you
can spend your Resolve 1-for-1 to: appropriately.
Set aside fear and doubt to do what must be done When you spend Readiness (from Defend) to strike When you Defy Danger against something trying to
When another PC rescues you from danger, mark XP.
Act suddenly, catching them off-guard back at an attacker, you deal +1d4 damage and scar, harm or constrain you, on a 12+ you turn the tables
Inspire allies or bystanders to follow your lead IRON WILL mark, or diminish them in some way (the GM will on them (the GM will say how, or ask you to).
Strike hard (+1d4 damage, forceful) When you are subject to mind control or magic say how, or ask you to).
Keep your footing, position, and/or your course that affects your feelings, you can take 1d4 damage
(Requires level 6+; replaces In Over Your Head)
despite what befalls you (ignoring armor) to disregard its influence. TOUGH LOVE When you first leap into danger to protect someone,
When you honestly think another PC is in the wrong don’t roll to Defend. Instead, treat as though you
and call them on it, they have disadvantage on any rolled a 10+.
(Requires Anger is a Gift) When you seek out and receive honest advice, gain
rolls against you until you two work it out.
When you demand that someone does what is advantage on your next roll to follow that advice. When you Defend, you can spend 1 Readiness to
clearly good and right, you have advantage to UNDERESTIMATED lock eyes with an attacker; they have disadvantage
Parley. If they refuse, gain +1 Resolve. NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN
As long as you avoid overt hostility, no enemy will on damage rolls against you and your ward for the
When you have 5 or fewer current HP, you impose
consider you a threat. rest of the fight.
BETTER PART OF VALOR disadvantage on any damage you take.
When you are outnumbered or facing a foe bigger When you first make your move against an enemy SUPERIOR STAT
Once per session, when you are at Death’s Door,
than you, you have advantage to hide from, escape who underestimates you, you have advantage. (Requires all 6 marks in Potential for Greatness)
don’t roll. You get a 10+.
from, or sneak past them. Increase one of your stats by +1 (to a max of +3).
I GET KNOCKED DOWN When you converse with someone (PC or NPC) you UNDAUNTED*
(Not available to other playbooks)
When you take damage despite your best efforts to can hold 2 Rapport with them. If you do, they hold (Requires level 6+; replaces Better Part of Valor)
Once per level, when you roll a stat and get a 10+,
avoid it, you can choose to halve the damage but 1 Rapport with you. During the conversation, either When you are outnumbered or facing a foe bigger
mark one of the following (note the level during
pick 1 of the following: of you can spend 1 Rapport to ask the other player than you, you get +1 armor and deal +1d6 damage.
which you marked it). You don’t have to mark them
one of the following and get an honest answer.
You lose something (footing, grip, etc.) in order.
What weighs you down or holds you back? VOICE OF EXPERIENCE*
Something on your person breaks
Increase the stat you rolled by 1, to a max of +2 (Requires level 6+; replaces Inquiring Minds)
You’re out of it for a moment What drives you forward?
(at level ___) When another PC comes to you for advice and you
What lesson would you have me learn?
Whatever you choose, the GM will describe the details. Increase the stat you rolled by 1, to a max of +2 tell them what you think is best, they have advantage
What do you think of me, truly?
(at level ___) on their first roll to follow your advice.
BUT I GET UP AGAIN Increase the stat you rolled by 1, to a max of +2 VERSATILE When you Discern Realities, you can always ask
(Requires I Get Knocked Down) (at level ___) (Requires level 2+, not available to other playbooks) “What is about to happen?” for free, even on a 6-.
When you use I Get Knocked Down, you have Increase the stat you rolled by 1, to a max of +2 Choose a move from any other playbook, as long
advantage on your next roll against whatever (at level ___) as you meet its requirements. You can choose from
dealt the damage and your next blow against Increase your max HP by 4 (at level ___) a different playbook each time. You can’t take
them does +1d4 damage. Increase your damage die to a d8 (at level ___) Improved Stat or Superior Stat.
* The first time you use any move marked with an asterisk (*), cross off “Would-Be” on the front page.