SPE 140720 Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Based Mud Using Palm-Oil and Groundnut-Oil
SPE 140720 Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Based Mud Using Palm-Oil and Groundnut-Oil
SPE 140720 Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Based Mud Using Palm-Oil and Groundnut-Oil
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 34th Annual SPE International Conference and Exhibition held in Tinapa – Calabar, Nigeria, 31 July–7 August 2010.
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the cuttings raises a concern over the ecological impact on fluids and synthetic fluids - are now considered more
marine life. environmentally acceptable than diesel or mineral oils.
In summary, mineral oils and most petrochemical synthetic Invert emulsions are oil muds that are formulated to
fluids can pollute the marine environment by dumping the contain moderate to high concentrations of water (Amoco
cutting piles overboard or accidental spillage because of production company drilling fluid manual 1994). Oil-based
its; drilling mud and synthetic-based drilling mud have many
1. Low biodegradability, particularly in anaerobic inherent advantages over water-based drilling fluids
conditions including temperature stability, tolerance to contamination
2. High toxicity from the presence of aromatic and corrosion protection (Dye et.al. 2006) and according to
compounds the Norwegian Oil Industry Association Working Group
3. Severe impact on the seafloor sediments and food (1996).
chain. Oil mud offers many advantages over water-based mud.
The high initial cost of the oil-based mud can be a factor in
Shale and clay-rich geological formations remain a not selecting this type of mud system. However, if the
constant challenge in drilling due to their instability and overall drilling costs are considered, the costs
water sensitivity. Compared to oil-based mud, water-based accompanying the use of an oil mud are usually less than
mud are more environmentally friendly and less toxic. that for a water mud.
In order to create a fluid that satisfies both the technical
and environmental criteria, the industry is recognizing the WATER-BASED DRILLING FLUID
potential of vegetable oil-based mud. Water-based drilling fluids or muds (WBMs) use water or
The first trial of the conventional C12-C14 ester based brine as the continous or external phase with the critical
drilling fluid, derived from palm oil, took place in 1990 in functions (density, viscosity, filtration, lubricity, etc)
Norwegian waters. The trial was technically and achieved by the addition of various materials. Water based
economically successful. Since then over 300 wells fluids are the most extensively used drilling fluids. They
covering Nigeria and other countries in the world have are easy to build and inexpensive to maintain. Three major
been drilled with vegetable oil-based mud. With good sub-classifications of water-based drilling fluid include:
additive chemistry, the viscosity and other rheological
properties of natural and refined vegetable oil could be Non-Inhibitive Fluids: These types of fluids do not
modified to produce an efficient oil-based drilling fluid. suppress clay swelling.
Both aerobically and anaerobically, vegetable oil-based
mud is readily degradable. They contain no aromatics or Inhibitive Fluids: These fluid types appreciably retard clay
any other toxic hydrocarbon derivatives and thus pose a swelling and, achieve inhibition in the presence of cations;
smaller health risk to humans. Seabed surveys have typically, Sodium (Na+), Calcium (Ca++) and Potassium
documented short-term recoveries after the disposal of drill (K+).
cuttings generated by vegetable oil-based mud. Compared
to diesel or mineral oil based mud, they are less toxic to Polymer Fluids: fluids that rely on macromolecules, either
benthic (bottom) fauna and do not taint fish or other with or without clay interactions to provide mud
commercially exploitable marine resources. properties, and are applied in diverse forms.
These fluids can be inhibitive or non-inhibitive depending
on the type of cation used. (Amoco Production Company
Review of literature Drilling Fluid Manual 1994).
Drilling fluid can be classified into two categories which
Montilva et.al. (2007). Lists some of the problems created
by water-based mud which include: hole enlargement, bit
balling, accretion, low rates of penetration, and insufficient
The oil based mud
hole cleaning.
The water based mud
Oil-based mud
The solids in an oil base fluid are oil wet, all additives are Methodology
oil dispersible and the filtrate of the mud is oil. The water, It is a standard practice in the oil industry to conduct tests
if present, is emulsified in the oil phase. There are two on a freshly formulated mud in order to ascertain their
basic classifications of oil-based fluids; invert emulsions rheological and other relevant properties. These tests are
and all-oil mud. The amount of water present will describe simulations of down-hole conditions and it enables the
the type of oil base fluid. The oil used in these types of oil mud Engineer to predict the behaviour of the mud during
base fluids can range from crude oil, refined oils such as drilling operation.
diesel or mineral oils, or the non-petroleum organic fluids The equipment used in this research include; Weighing
that are currently available. The latter type fluids - balance, Hamilton beach mixer, Mud cup, Spatula,
variously called inert fluids, pseudo oils, non-aqueous
SPE 140720 3
Measuring cylinder, Chemical balance, Retort kit, HP/HT very low because the mud was sagging i.e. the barite was
Filtration unit, Mud balance, pipette, beaker, Rheometer. settling. The OWR was high compared to the quantity of
Mud formulation viscosifier added. Since groundnut oil is denser than
Mud calculator software was used to get the output values PARADRIL, using the same formulation with PARADRIL
in the table 2 by inputting the values in table 1 did not give a favourable result. A fresh mud with an
OWR of 85/15 was prepared with PARADRIL.
Experimental procedure Considering the density of PARADRIL, an equivalent
quantity of additives was used in the preparation of the
1) The palm oil was heated in the oven for sometime to mud. Desirable rheological readings and mud properties
bleach it and cooled afterwards to room temperature. were obtained.
2) The required quantity of base fluid (bleached palm oil, This mud, exhibited a low-end rheological readings
groundnut oil and Paradril) was measured out into a compared to that of groundnut oil-based mud. This does
cup with the weighing balance and was placed under not rule out the fact that the groundnut oil-based mud
the mixer. displayed rheological readings desirable for a virgin mud
3) Organophilic clay was then added to the palm oil with before heating.
OWR (75/25) and Paradril with (90/10 & 85/15). When the humus beds planted with corns were exposed to
4) To the other fluid with OWR 90/10, primary diesel, palm oil and groundnut oil respectively,
emulsifier, secondary emulsifier and lime was added earthworms migrated to the surface of the bed those with
in this sequence almost immediately using a spatula. diesel in a distressed manner and perished shortly
The mud was left to mix for about 20mins. afterwards. This phenomenon was not encountered in the
5) The already mixed brine (water +Cacl2) was added to beds exposed to palm oil and groundnut oil. This clearly
the mixture after the time has elapsed. shows that diesel is highly toxic to earthworms, which are
6) After five minutes, the fluid loss additive was added beneficial soil organisms
and finally the weighting material (barite) was added. Earthworms create channels that aid root proliferation and
7) The whole mixture was allowed to stir for some water infiltration in the soil. Their cast (excreta) is rich in
minutes before switching off the Hamilton beach plant nutrients.
mixer. Under observation, the corn exposed to diesel lost its
greenness the following day and died. The corns exposed
Results and Discussion to palm oil and groundnut oil exhibited a 20% and 12%
average rate of growth respectively and slumped after 14
In preparing the palm oil-based mud (75/25 oil/water ratio) days without losing all their greenness.
with palm oil bleached for about 45minutes at 250ºF, the
mud congealed after the addition of the emulsifiers. The the support of build-up analysis. On the other hand, the last
formulation was discontinued because there was no need two PI data points show a stable performance. However, a
to add the barite, which is a weighting material. The continuous computation provides a better understanding of
oil/water ratio was increased to 90/10 and the mud still the well performance.
congealed. Also, the oil was bleached for 3 hours. The
mud was completely formulated but it failed to produce
any dial reading because of its excessive viscosity. Conclusions
To prepare the groundnut oil-based mud, we adopted an The eco-friendly nature of palm oil and ground-nut oil
oil/water ratio of 90/10 without adding organophilic clay. based mud makes them very attractive in the present times,
The formulation of the mud was successfully completed. where government, corporate and civil groups are
In the process of preparation, the presence of air bubbles campaigning for green consciousness. The preliminary
was noticed and a defoamer was added. A full mud check tests indicate that additive chemistry must be employed in
was conducted thereafter and it was successful. the formulation of the vegetable oil-based mud in order to
The mud resembled sludge because of significant thermal make them very functional in a drilling operation. In
degradation. Also, organophilic clay was not included as conclusion,
part of the additives because of the high viscosity of the 1. Palm oil and experimental oil based mud are very
ground-nut oil. The primary and secondary emulsifiers, viscous, with the palm oil based mud demonstrating strong
progressive gel characteristics before hot rolling
2. Before hot rolling, the experimental oil based mud
VERSAMUL (calcium chloride) and VERSACOAT passed all the mud checks. It presented rheological
(barite) were effective in the mud formulation. readings acceptable for a virgin mud before hot rolling.
An oil-based mud was formulated with PARADRIL with 3. After hot rolling for 16 hours at 250OF, the
an OWR of 90/10 in order to compare its properties with experimental oil based mud became highly viscous and
the groundnut oil-based mud. Organophilic clay was added failed to give any reading on the rheometer. It exhibited
because of the thinness of the base fluid. After running a significant thermal degradation. It also shows that the fatty
full mud check, the yield point (YP) was discovered to be acids components of the oil broke down.
4 SPE 140720
4. The fluid-loss control additive, VG+ is not effective in ADR = Above dial reading
controlling the filtration properties of natural vegetable oil- AHR = After hot rolling
based mud. BHR = Before hot rolling
5. Palm oil and groundnut oil are highly biodegradable and AR = Above reading
have better eco-toxicological properties compared to RPM = Rotation per minute
diesel. IPO = Isopropanol
6. Most environmental protection regulations are OWR = Oil-water ratio
favourably disposed to vegetable oil-based mud because of
their high biodegradability and minimal impact on the eco- References
system and its organisms. Because of this, logistics, cost of 1. Amanullah, Md.(2005): “Physio-chemical
transportation and treatment of cuttings are lower Characterisation of Vegetable Oils and Preliminary
compared to conventional oil-based and synthetic mud. Test Results of Vegetable Oil-Based Muds,” paper
This situation reduces drilling cost and enhances the SPE/IADC 97008 presented at the Middle East
overall profitability of a drilling operation in the long run. Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition,
7. Demonstrating good technical performance and Dubai, UAE, September 12-14, pp1-9.
economics, low viscosity esters, derived from vegetable
oil, have been used all over the world to drill wells at 2. Annis, M.R. and M.V. Smith (1996): Drilling Fluids
temperatures not exceeding 300O F. Technology Revised Edition Exxon Company USA,
Section III.
8. Chien, S. F. (1970): “Laminar Flow Pressure Loss 19. Oomen, T.V. (2002): “Vegetable Oils for Liquid
and Flow Pattern Transition of Bingham Plastics in Filled Transformers”, IEEE Electrical Insulation
Pipes and Annuli”, International Journal of Rock Magazine, Vol. 18 No.1 pp.6-11
Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4,
pp.339-356. 20. “Proposal for a Definition of Synthetic Drilling
Fluids and Experiences on the Norwegian
9. “Criteria for Selection and Approval of Drilling Continental Shelf SEBA 97/5/5-E”, presented by
Fluids with respect to the effect on human workers Norway at the 1997 Osho and Paris Convention
and marine ecological systems”, Norwegian Oil for the Prevention of Marine Pollution Working
industry Association Group (1996) Group on Sea-Based Activities (SEBA) Biarritz,
France, February 17-21.
10. “Drilling Fluid”, Amoco Production Company
Drilling Fluid Manual (1994) pp.3-49
Description Palm Palm Palm Gnut oil Paradril Paradril
oil oil oil
OUTPUT – 1 bbl
Groundnut oil Paradril Paradrill Palm oil Palm oil Palm oil
Products (90/10) (85/15) (75/25) (90/10) (90/10)
base oil Bbl 0.774 0.774 0.5127 0.644 0.769 0.772
Cacl2 Ppb 10.56 10.56 11.28 26.35 10.50 10.53
Lime Ppb 6.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Primul Ppb 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Secmul Ppb 2.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Fluid loss Ppb 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Water Bbl 0.084 0.084 0.0927 0.211 0.084 0.084
Barite Ppb 137.80 137.80 507.41 119.65 140.26 141.31
Organophili Ppb _ 6.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 _
c clay
Fluid loss(mls)
80 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
TIME (days)
0 Figure 5: Comparison of the rate of growth of corn of
Judith011 Paradril(90/10) Paradril(85/15) oil types
Oil-based mud
Figure 2: Comparison of the fluid loss characteristics of
Duration of survival
70 2
60 0
10-second gel 10-minute gel Plastic Yield point Apparent
vicosity (PV) (YP) viscosity(AV)
Mud parameters