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SPE 65382 Study and Application of The Viscosity Reducer Used in Production of The Viscous Crude Oil

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SPE 65382


Huizhuan Xie, Fusheng Zhang, Lijian Dong, Oilfield Chemistry Dept. of Research Institute of Petroleum E &D, CNPC

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

steam and injection light oil into oil well etc., were primary
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE International Symposium on methods for production of the viscous crude oil1. But above-
Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, 13–16 February 2001.
mentioned methods are not ideal because there is a great need
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
of fuel consumption or light oil, production cost of the viscous
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to crude oil is very high too. Thereby method of using reducer to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at produce the viscous crude oil is considered as one of the more
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
prospective and more potential methods2. For the viscous
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is crude oil in some union in China, its viscosity reaches to
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous 2×104mPa.s at reservoir temperature, production of this
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
viscous crude oil is very difficult, so using water-base reducer
to form O/W emulsion is a ideal method for production this
viscous crude oil. But for the viscous crude oil in some union
Abstract in China, its viscosity (beyond 105mPa.s) is very high at
According to the property of the viscous crude oil in China, reservoir temperature, technology of using alone steam soak or
ORV (oil-base viscosity reducer) and HEA (water-base reducer can not both meet require of production of this viscous
viscosity reducer) have been developed. ORV oil-base crude oil, technology of combining steam soak with reducer is
viscosity reducer which is composed of high molecular weight very important. Moreover, sometimes steam is very difficult to
polymer, surfactants and other additives etc., has a good be injected into because of water block in reservoir, this
viscosity-reducing effect for the viscous crude oil with low or requires to inject chemical agent ( can relieve water block)
medium viscosity, at the dosage of 100 to 300mg/kg, viscosity into reservoir before steam soak. Reservoir temperature
was reduced by 60% to 80%, in the same time, has a good soaked by steam can reach to 300°C or more, under this
pour point-reducing effect for high pour point crude. HEA condition, viscosity reducer must have a better high
water-base viscosity reducer which is composed of temperature-tolerant3 (i.e., reducer treated at high temperature
surfactants, stabilizer and other additives etc., has a very good still has a good viscosity-reducing effect). For the viscous
viscosity-reducing effect for the viscous crude oil with high crude oil with low or medium viscosity, steam soak is not
viscosity, at dosage of 50~200mg/kg, viscosity was reduced suitable to produce this crude oil, and operation of using
by above 99%. Above-mentioned two reducers have already water-base viscosity reducer to produce this viscous crude oil
used in Jidong, Liaohe and Shengli etc. oilfields, a better is very troublesome that during the operation a great amount
application effect and a tremendous economic benefit of water must be continuously injected into well and the
(according to the incomplete statistical data, that of ORV is following treatment of production fluid is more difficult, so in
13.5 million yuans RMB per year, and ratio of input to output recent years, oil-base viscosity reducer was used to produce
is 1:11; that of is 20 million yuans RMB per year, and ratio of this kind of viscous crude oil4,5, and a very good effect was
input to output is 1:26.2) were abtained. And moreover, HEA obtained. According above-mentioned conditions,
viscosity reducer has a good high temperature-tolerant ability development of a series of viscosity reducer suiting to all
and can be used as the spearhead chemical agent for steam kinds of the viscous crude oils has a very important
soak, ORV viscosity reducer has pour point-reducing and significance.
wax-inhibiting functions.
Property of the Viscous Crude Oil in China
Introduction The viscous crude oil in China is distributed mainly over
Resource of the viscous crude oil is very rich in China, Liaohe, Shengli and Jidong etc. oilfields, the property of some
according to statistical data, production of the viscous crude viscous crude oil in China are listed in Table 1.
oil makes up about 7% of total production of the crude oil in Table 1 shows the following. Content of resin and
China. In the past days, the conventional methods of injection asphaltene in the viscous crude oil is higher, and leading to

that their viscosity and their density are higher; content of wax Functions of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer. (a) It has a
in the viscous crude oil is lower, and leading to that their pour good viscosity-reducing effect for the viscous crude oil
point are generally lower, but for some viscous crude oil (one (asphalt-base crude oil) and a good pour point-reducing effect
union in Liaohe), pour point is higher too. for the high pour point crude oil (wax-base crude oil) also, in
the same time, it also has wax-removing and wax-inhibiting
Mechanism of Reducer Reducing Viscosity functions. (b) It has dewatering function for the viscous crude
Some researcher6 think the following. Generally speaking, oil with low watercut and a good wettability, so it can reduce
viscosity is considered as the inside friction among every part the friction drag. (c) It suits especially for production and
of fluid, and all of these friction forces are concerned with the transportation of the crude oils with low or medium viscosity,
cohesive force of fluid. For the viscous crude oil, the major and it is used very conveniently on worksite.
factors of influence on cohesive force strength are the
formation of hydrogen bond and overlapping of aromatic ring Composition and Property of HEA Water-Base Viscosity
plane among resin and asphaltene molecules in the viscous Reducer. Water-base viscosity reducer is water-solubility and
crude oil, so viscosity of the viscous crude oil primarily miscible with water in any proportion
originates from the interaction of hydrogen bonds and the Composition of HEA Water-Base Viscosity Reducer. HEA
mutual overlapping action of aromatic condensed ring planes is composed of a special temperature-tolerant surfactant,
of resin or asphaltene molecules, and the higher content of stabilizer and other additives.
resin and asphaltene is, the larger viscosity of the viscous Physicochemical Property of HEA Water-Base Viscosity
crude oil is. Reducer. (a) appearance: milk-white liquid. (b) pour point
(°C) :10 to 14. (c) specific gravity (25°C) : 1.2 to 1.3. (d)
Mechanism of Water-Base Viscosity Reducer. Mixing the viscosity (25°C) : 35 to 40mPa.s. (e) PH value: 10 to 12. (f)
viscous crude oil with a proper amount of water and a proper solubility: miscible with water in any proportion. (g) property
amount of water-base viscosity reducer, O/W type emulsion of temperature-tolerant: m300°C.
was formed, and water was the continuous phase, friction Functions of HEA Water-Base Viscosity Reducer. (a) at
force among o/w type emulsion is very small leading to much low dosage (only 50 to 200ppm), it is very easy to form o/w
lower viscosity. type emulsion (only lighting shake the mixture of crude oil
and water, O/W type emulsion will be formed immediately),
Mechanism of Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer. The viscous and the viscosity will be reduced greatly. (b) It has very good
crude oil was treated by oil-base viscosity reducer, as the high temperature-tolerant property and can be used for steam
strength of hydrogen bonds between oil-base viscosity reducer soak as spearhead chemical agent. (c) Its adaptability is very
molecules and resin or asphaltene molecules in the viscous extensive. It can not only used for production of the viscous
crude oil is stronger than that among resin or asphaltene, the crude oil by using conventional method as a viscosity reducer,
original hydrogen bonds and the molecules planes overlapping and can but also be used for production of the viscous crude
among resin or asphaltene molecules were destroyed, and the oil with very high viscosity (at reservoir temperature, the
new hydrogen bonds, and the cubic molecular structure viscosity is more than 105 mPa.s) by using steam soak method
between oil-base viscosity reducer molecules and resin or as spearhead chemical agent.
asphaltene molecules was formed leading to much lower
viscosity. Viscosity-Reducing Effect of Viscosity Reducer
ORV oil-base viscosity reducer has a good viscosity-reducing
Composition and Property of Viscosity Reducer effect for the viscous crude oil with low or medium viscosity
According to property of the viscous crude oil in China and and a good pour point-reducing effect for the crude oil with
mechanism of viscosity reducer reducing viscosity, HEA higher pour point. HEA has a very good viscosity-reducing
water-base viscosity reducer and ORV oil-base viscosity effect for the viscous crude oil with very high viscosity
reducer have been developed.
Viscosity-Reducing Effect of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity
Composition and Property of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer. The crude oil was treated for a fixed time (about 20
Reducer. ORV oil-base viscosity reducer is oil-solubility and to 30 minutes) at proper temperature (reservoir temperature),
miscible with organic solvent and crude oil etc. in any then added viscosity reducer into, and treated again for a fixed
proportion time (about 10 to 20 minutes), viscosity was examined by
Composition of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer. ORV is SY/T 0520 method, results are listed in Table 2.
composed of various high molecular weight polymers, Table 2 shows the following. ORV oil-base viscosity
surfactants and other additives. reducer has a good viscosity-reducing effect for some crudes
Physicochemical Property of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity with low or medium viscosity (for the viscous crude oil from
Reducer. (a) appearance: red and brown liquid. (b) pour point: 104-5 union Jidong oilfield, at the dosage of 300mg/kg,
8 to 12°C. (c) specific gravity: 0.88 to 0.90. (d) flash point: viscosity was reduced by 80%), in the same time, has a good
<40°C. (e) viscosity-reducing efficiency:>70%. pour point-reducing effect for the high pour point crude oil
(for crude oil from Nayi Dagang oilfield etc., at the dosage of

200 to 300mg/kg, pour point was reduced by 10 to 21°C, and Application Method of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer.
viscosity can be reduced by 80 to 98% ). Adding viscosity reducer into the wellbore from tubing-casing
Viscosity-Reducing Effect of HEA Water-Base Viscosity Application Effect of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer.
Reducer. Mixing the viscous crude oil with water in proper ORV oil-base viscosity reducer has already used in Jidong
proportion, mixture was treated for a fixed time (about 20 to oilfield. Now there are 45 wells in 104-5 union in Jidong, 40
30 minutes) at proper temperature (reservoir temperature), wells completely rely on oil-base viscosity reducer to maintain
then added water-base viscosity reducer into, lightly skaking, normal production. Application effect in some wells is listed
o/w type emulsion was formed, viscosity was examined by in Table 6.
SY/T0520 method, and listed in Table 3. Table 6 shows the following. After ORV oil-base viscosity
Table 3 shows that HEA has a very good viscosity-reducing reducer was used in 104-5 union, percentage of production
effect, at the dosage of 250mg/kg, viscosity-reducing time, time of continuous production and oil production were
efficiency reached to above 99%. all enhanced, production in 104-5 union was increased from
The steam soak is the main technology which was widely 20 tons/day to 230 tons/day, effect is very obvious.
used to increase recovery factor for the viscous reservoir and Comparing condition after adding viscosity reducer with
production of the viscous crude wells. But in some union, the condition before adding viscosity reducer, in this union, on
steam soak couldn't be performed or its effect was not very average pump efficiency was enhanced by 30%, on average
good, especially in recent years, along with development of well-opening efficiency was enhanced by 27%, on average the
steam soak, high temperature-tolerant water-base viscosity polished rod load of pumping unit was decreased by 7.2%, on
reducer was used as the spearhead chemical agent for steam average net increment of oil production reached to 1.6
soak technology to enhance greatly the steam-injecting tons/day per well, and on average pump-repairing period was
efficiency and production of oil well and steam soak period. lengthened by 186 days. Above-mentioned data shows that
Chemical agent used as spearhead fluid for steam soak application effect is very good. Application effect is illustrated
technology will encounter high temperature steam whose further by the following two wells.
temperature usually reaches 300°C or more in reservoir, so it First example: G115-8 well is a new well in 104-5 union,
must be able to endure 300°C high temperature at least. only one day after it was put on production, the pumping unit
For ordinary water-base viscosity reducer, at low could not work because of viscosity of crude oil being very
temperature emulsion ability is very strong and the emulsion is high, although this well had been cleaned by hot water, start of
very stable, but when the temperature rise to 70 to 80°C, pumping unit was not synchronous yet, thereby 300kg of ORV
emulsion will be broken very quickly. HEA viscosity reducer viscosity reducer was added from tubing-casing annulus into
is composed of special surfactants with length-proper well, since then, this well could keep normal production. Now
hydrocarbon group and aromatic hydrocarbon group. After it 300kg of ORV is added into this well per month to maintain
was treated at 300°C high temperature, its chemical structure normal production, and oil production of this well always
was not destroyed at all, so its emulsifying ability or its keeps 10 tons per day.
viscosity-reducing ability was not changed. After HEA was Second example: G110-7 well, this well was put on
treated at 300°C high temperature, its viscosity-reducing production in August 1992. Less than one month after
effect is listed in Table 4. production, the sucker rod could not go down hole because of
Table 4 shows that HEA still had a very good viscosity- the higher viscosity of crude oil. After repaired, the pumping
reducing effect for all of these tested viscous crude oils after it unit could work, but production of this well was decreased
was treated at high temperature greatly from 16 tons per day to 7 tons per day. At that time,
technology of using ORV viscosity reducer to reduce the
Application of Viscosity Reducer viscosity of the viscous crude oil was used, the daily
ORV oil-base viscosity reducer and HEA water-base viscosity consumption of ORV viscosity reducer is 12.5kg, after half
reducer have already used in Liaohe, Jidong and Shengli etc. month, oil production was recovered to 10.4 tons per day.
oilfields, a good application effect was abtained. Now oil production of this well is very stable, and monthly net
incremental oil reached to 102 tons, percentage of production
Application of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity Reducer. In past time reached to 96%, and the pump-repairing period was
years, the oil-base viscosity reducer has been used prolonged to 346 days.
successfully in above 100 wells in Jidong and Erlian etc. Economic benefit. After ORV oil-base viscosity was used
oilfields, and a very good effect has been got. The 104-5 union reducer in 104-5 union, the net increment of oil production
in Jidong oilfield is very difficult to be produced. After the and the economic benefit are listed in Table 7.
crude flowed from reservoir into wellbore, because of the high Table 7 shows that after ORV had been used in 104-5 union
viscosity of the crude oil, start of pumping unit was not in Jidong oilfield, production of this union was enhanced
synchronous, especially in the winter the situation was more greatly, only in 1995, net increment of oil production reaches
serious. Property of crude oils from 140-5 union in Jidong are to 22420 tons.
listed is Table 5. According incomplete statistical data in Jidong and Erlian
etc. oilfields, net increment of oil production is more than

30000 tons per year, after deducting cost of ORV viscosity Advantages and Shortcomings of ORV Oil-Base Viscosity
reducer and other cost, more than 13.5 million yuan RMB is Reducer. ORV oil-base viscosity reducer is a new type
produced per year, and ratio of input to output is 1:11. chemical agent which was developed in recent years, and
received a good application effect in Jidong etc. oilfields.
Application Effect of Water-Base Viscosity Reducer. As Because of ORV oil-base viscosity reducer contains polymer
early as in 60’s, technology of using water-base viscosity which has length-proper hydrocarbon chain and polarity-
reducer to reduce viscosity of the viscous crude oil and proper polar group, after it was added into oil well, it can alter
increase productivity of the viscous crude wells, was applied the structure of wax crystal and reduce pour point of the crude
and popularized in China, and a very good effect was oil, in the same time, ORV contains special surfactants which
obtained. But only in recent years, water-base viscosity can wet wall of oil well, so it has wax-inhibiting ability also,
reducer was used as spearhead chemical agent for steam soak with the result that it has synthetic functions of reducing
Application Method. As the spearhead chemical agent used viscosity, reducing pour point and inhibiting wax etc.
for steam soak, HEA was diluted with water into 4 to 7% But Table 2 and 5 shows that viscosity-reducing efficiency
concentration solution in worksite. 30 to 40m3 of above- of ORV oil-base viscosity reducer is limited, and it is very
mentioned dilute solution was squeezed into reservoir from difficult to reduce greatly viscosity of the crude oil as water-
tubing-casing annulus, and then steam was injected into by base viscosity reducer. But for the viscous crudes with low or
conventional method, after injecting a great deal of steam, medium viscosity, the oil-base viscosity reducer still has a
well was put on production. bright application future because it has not only viscosity-
Application Effect. HEA has already used in more than reducing effect, but has also pour point-reducing and paraffin-
1000 wells in Liaohe and Shengli etc. oilfields. Application removing and wax-inhibiting etc. synthetic functions.
effect in Wa 38 union in Liaohe oilfield is listed in Table 8. Moreover, it does not have an unfavorable influence on the
Table 8 shows the following. After squeezing HEA following treatment of production fluid.
viscosity reducer and applying together with steam soak, in
comparison with the fore round steam soak, on average Advantages and Shortcomings of HEA Water-Base
recovery ratio of water was enhanced by 36%, on average net Viscosity Reducer. The technology of using water-base
increment of oil production reached to 972 tons, and on viscosity reducer to increase production of the viscous crude
average production period (steam soak period) was lengthened wells, had been used for a long time in many countries. In
by above 62 days. Application effect is illustrated further by China, it was applied and popularized in 60’s. But technology
the following two wells. of using viscosity reducer as the spearhead chemical agent and
First example: For Wa 3542 well, owing to squeezing HEA applying together with steam soak to lengthen the steam soak
viscosity reducer into reservoir before the third steam soak, in period and increase production of the viscous crude wells, was
comparison with second steam soak, oil production of this only used in recent years.
well in third round steam soak was increased by1780 tons, and As the spearhead chemical agent for steam soak, the water-
steam soak period was lengthened by 83 days, and recovery base viscosity reducer can increase steam-injecting efficiency,
ratio of water was increased also. because it is surfactant, and can reduce oil-water interfacial
Second example: For Wa 38-4029 well, before second tension, and relieve water block of capillary channel in
steam soak, 30m3 of 4% HEA solution was squeezed into this reservoir, this is benefit for pushing steam forwards, at the
well, shutting this well for two days, then injecting steam into same time, HEA viscosity reducer also has a certain foaming
this well. Comparing second round steam soak with first round function and a certain profile control function to reservoir. All
steam soak, during operation the dryness fraction of steam was of these can increase the steam-injecting efficiency.
enhanced from 17% (that of the first steam soak) to 71% (that After finishing steam injection, druing the steam return
of the second steam soak). On average oil production of this process, the reservoir temperature will drop gradually and the
well reached to 8.43 tons per day, and only in three months, crude viscosity will rise gradually also. When the influence of
the cumulative incremental oil production has already reached steam ended, and during the return movement process,
to 704.7 tons, effect is very remarkable. viscosity reducer injected into reservoir promoted crude oil
Economic Benefit. According to incomplete statistical data and water to form O/W type emulsion and decreased greatly
in Liaohe, Shengli and Xinjiang etc. oilfields, net increment of viscosity of the viscous crude oil, so flowability of the viscous
oil production is more than 45000 tons per year, after crude oil in reservoir was improved greatly. With the result
deducting cost of HEA viscosity reducer and other cost, 20 that steam soak period was lengthened.
million yuans RMB is produced per year, ratio of input to But after using water-base viscosity reducer, stability of
output is 1:26.2. production fluid was increased leading to following treatment
of production fluid was more difficult.
ORV oil-base viscosity reducer and HEA water-base viscosity Conclusion
reducer are suitable to the low or medium viscous crude oil 1. ORV oil-base viscosity reducer has a good viscosity-
and the high viscous crude oil respectively, two viscosity reducing effect for the viscous crude oil with low or medium
reducer all have advantages and shortcomings viscosity (at dosage of 100 to 300mg/kg, viscosity of the

viscous crude oil was reduced by 60% to 80%), and can be

used for production and transportation of the viscous crude oil
with low or medium viscosity. At the same time,it has
synthetic functions of reducing pour point, removing wax and
inhibiting wax etc.
2. ORV has been used in Jidong etc. oilfields, a better
application effect and a tremendous economic benefit were
obtained. According to incomplete statistical data, more than
13.5 million yuans RMB is produced per year, and ratio of
input to output is 1:11.
3. HEA water-base viscosity reducer has a very good
viscosity-reducing effect for the viscous crude oil with high
viscosity (at dosage of 50~200mg/kg, viscosity was reduced
by above 99%), can be used for production and transportation
of the viscous crude oil with high viscosity. At the same time,
it has a good high temperature-tolerant property (above
300°C), so it can be used as spearhead chemical agent for
steam soak.
4. HEA has been used in Liaohe etc. oilfields, a better
application effect and a tremendous economic benefit were
obtained. According to incomplete statistical data, more than
20 million yuans RMB is produced per year, and ratio of input
to output is 1:26.2.

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Oil sample origin Wax,% Resin-asphaltene,% Density, g/cm3 Pour point, °C Viscosity, mPa.s
One union in Liaohe 9.87 45.79 0.99 21 20 x 104 (50°C)
One union in Jidong 0.90 34.3 0.94 -6 7500 (40°C)
One union Shengli 1.2 38.4 0.95 3 5.1 x 104 (50°C)

Viscosity, 40°C, mPa.s Pour point, °C
Dosage, Pour point-
Oil sample origin Before Viscosity- Before After
mg/kg After treated reducing
treated reducing ratio, % treated treated
106-5 300 5500 1100 80.0 -7 -- --
104-5 300 1600 448 72.0 -7 -- --
109-6 300 910 490 46.2 -6 -- --
109-7 300 1230 650 47.2 -2 -- --

G110-7 300 18250 3750 79.5 -3 -- --

Nayi Dagang oilfield 200 198 (35°C) 98 33 11 22
Namazhuang Habei oilfield 250 1513 123 91 38 24 14
Erlian oilfield 300 2620 360 86.3 32 11 21
Kelamayi 300 2300 460 80 12 2 10


Dosage Oil:Water, Viscosity, mPa.s
Oil sample origin
mg/kg W:w Before treated After treated Viscosity-reducing ratio, %
Shengli 250 50:50 1960 (50°C) 35 (50°C) 98
Gaosheng Shengli 250 50:50 44800 (50°C) 59 (50°C) 99
Can2-1 well Jidong 250 60:40 2600 (40°C) 34 (40°C) 98

Dosage, Oil:Water, Viscosity, mPa.s
Oil sample origin
mg/kg w:w Before treated After treated Viscosity-reducing ratio, %
Cao20-9-13 well, Shengli oilfield 100 60:40 59600 (62°C) 30.5 (30°C) >99.95
Can2-1 well Jidong oilfield 100 60:40 22750 (40°C) 50 (40°C) 99.80
Kelamayi viscous crude 100 60:40 12050 (30°C) 44 (30°C) 99.60
50 70:30 87400 (50°C) 56 (30°C) >99.94
100 70:30 87400 (50°C) 50 (30°C) >99.94
Wa 38 Union,Liaohe oilfield 100 80:20 87400 (50°C) 110 (30°C) >99.90
150 70:30 87400 (50°C) 49 (30°C) >99.94
200 70:30 87400 (50°C) 55 (30°C) >99.93
200 80:20 87400 (50°C) 96 (30°C) >99.93

Well number 106-5 104-5 109-6 109-7 G110-7
Producing fluid level, m 1854.0-1858.5 1882.2-1884.8 1889.0-1893.0 1913.0-1919.0 1893.0-1895.0
Density, 26°C,g/cm3 0.9450 0.9714 0.9400 0.9432 0.95
Pour point, °C -7 -7 -6 -2 -3
Resin and asphaltene, % 24.8 28.0 34.3 28.4 33.6
Viscosity, 40°C,mPa.s 5500 1600 910 1230 18250


Percentage of production time, % Time of continuos production, day Production, ton
Before After Before After Before After
number increment increment increment
treated treated treated treated treated treated
104-6 39.9 94 54.1 110 254 144 3.7 4.4 0.7
109-6 42.5 95.9 53.4 81 118 37 5.5 8.3 2.8
111-6 97.5 98.2 0.7 119 129 10 8.4 9.5 1.1
111-7 96.5 97.2 0.7 44 200 156 10.4 10.7 0.3

Number of well Consumption of Net increment of oil
year Benefit, x104 yuan RMB Ratio of input to output
treated viscosity reducer, ton production, ton
1992 2 25 3670 221 1:11.1
1993 12 78 7080 426 1:6.9
1994 28 96 10630 640 1:8.3
1995 40 154 22420 1350 1:11.0
Total 82 353 43800 2637 1:9.4


Steam Quantity of Water Recovery Increment of Oil Increment of Production Increment of
cycle, steam production ratio of recovery ratio production, oil production, period, production
round injection, m3 , m3 water, % of water, % ton ton day period, day
2 1763 626 45.9 2283 148.3
3542 8.1 1780 83.1
3 1768 955 54.0 4063 231.4
1 1841 874 47.5 2069 168.1
37430 77.5 404 25.6
2 1361 1694 125.0 2473 193.7
2 2079 727 35 1761 243.7
37435 29 247 5
3 2363 1464 64 2008 148.7
5 1956 541 27.7 1824 137.5
3124 58.5 1476 65.8
6 2608 2248 86.2 3300 203.3
2 1995 603 37.8 2064 179.5
36432 35.5 80 31.7
3 2127 1560 73.8 2144 211.2*
2 1951 583 29.9 470 58.5
3743 25.2 1143 137.4
3 2608 1515 55.1 1613 195.9*
1 1873 1088 58 2015 109.5
Wa 84 18 1674 84.8
2 2339 1771 76 3689 194.3*
* Up to time collecting these data, steam soak period (production period) did not end yet.

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