For The Interview. Questions of Introducing. 1) Tell Me About Yourself

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For the Interview.

Questions of Introducing.

1) Tell me About Yourself 

I’ve been working as an engineer with a taking time process analysis at a small laboratory for an
internship along 7 months. I have always been interested in technology and Industry processes,
which was why I chose to follow this career path. I am taking my time to finish my Licentiate at
Industrial Engineering at the Latina University.

2) What are your strengths?

 Ability to learn from mistakes

 Creative thinking
 Task prioritization
 Discipline and determination
 Analytical thinking
 Communication skills
 Dedication and enthusiasm
 Interpersnal skills and respectfulness
 Organisational skills
 Ability to mutlitask

3) What is your weakness?

I have a tendency to procrastinate. This really came to a head when I was working on a big
project, and overestimated the amount of work I could do at the last second. I ended up narrowly
making the deadline, but it caused my team and my manager a lot of stress. After that, I started
learning more about time management from my mentors at work, and I’ve started making detailed
schedules weeks.

4) How do you see yourself in five years from now? 

In five years, I want to complete the internal training program for my position. I’ve
read about it on your website, and I think it’s a fabulous program. Not only would I
get all the training for my role, but I would be on the fast track to becoming a
project manager. That’s my top career goal. Plus, my ideal path would include
working abroad for a couple of years. I understand that it’s of value to you to find
people prepared to do so.
 You want to give the hiring manager the impression that you’re content with
the position as is. But you should also express enthusiasm about developing
in a realistic way. 
 Also, show that your personal career goals align with the company's long-
term goals. They’re looking for people eager to work abroad. You’re eager
to work abroad. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?

5) Why do you want to work for our company?

Well I’m really excited by this position at Data Analysis because in these few years, I’d like to be
seen as someone with deep expertise in technology and I know that’s something that I’ll have an
opportunity to do here. I’m also really excited to take a new experience in the international and
national brand of responsibilities to be taken. I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing
managers, and so developing into a great manager myself is something I’m really excited about.

6) Why do you think you would do well at this job?

I am a goal-oriented worker; I enjoy working by setting specific goals for myself

and accomplishing them for the reason that the company needs me.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result:

Situation - You start by explaining a situation which required you to solve a
problem, use a skill, or come up with a new idea. 
Task - Next, you explain the action that your job requires in such a situation. 
Action - After, you describe the action that you took. If it’s different than the
required task, you should also explain why you chose a different path. 
Result - What happened in the end? How did the situation play out once you
acted? It’s best here to illustrate successes with numbers and details if you can.
Numbers help reinforce the impact that your action had.
7) Tell me your best feedback that have you learn from your experience?
In my last internship I realized that I am a person that needs good details or having
a very good communication with my boss or bosses. So, in remember that my last
experience with my boss was very important because he told me that I need to pay
a lot of attention for the encomendation or duty that I have to do, so I get in charge
of different reports times for the Laboratory Company and I made my own structure
working with office and I was very tired of so much workload that was given in that
moment. So I talked to my boss to tell him that I needed a breakdown of charges.

8) Tell me a little bit more about the work you did at your previous company.

Of course. As you can see, I’ve always worked at companies that distribute or
manufacture medical equipment, and on my previous job I was fully dedicated to
the commission of magnetic resonance devices as well as their maintenance.

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