Philippine Electric Corporation (Philec), vs. Court of Appeals
Philippine Electric Corporation (Philec), vs. Court of Appeals
Philippine Electric Corporation (Philec), vs. Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Perfection of an appeal within the reglementary
Labor Law; Voluntary Arbitrators; Appeals; The proper remedy to reverse period is not only mandatory but also jurisdictional so that failure to do so
or modify a Voluntary Arbitrator’s or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators’ decision or rendered the decision final and executory, and deprives the appellate court of
award is to appeal the award or decision before the Court of Appeals (CA).—The jurisdiction to alter the final judgment much less to entertain the appeal.—Appeal
proper remedy to reverse or modify a Voluntary Arbitrator’s or a panel of is a “statutory privilege,” which may be exercised “only in the manner and in
Voluntary Arbitrators’ decision or award is to appeal the award or decision before accordance with the provisions of the law.” “Perfection of an appeal within the
the Court of Appeals. reglementary period is not only mandatory but also jurisdictional so that failure to
do so rendered the decision final and executory, and deprives the appellate court
Same; Same; Jurisdiction; A Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary of jurisdiction to alter the final judgment much less to entertain the appeal.”
Arbitrators has the exclusive original jurisdiction over grievances arising from the
interpretation or implementation of collective bargaining agreements.—A Labor Law; Voluntary Arbitrators; Judgments; Statute provides that the
Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators has the exclusive original Voluntary Arbitrator’s decision “shall be final and executory after ten (10)
jurisdiction over grievances arising from the interpretation or implementation of calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties.”—
collective bargaining agreements. Should the parties agree, a Voluntary We ruled that Article 262-A of the Labor Code allows the appeal of decisions
Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall also resolve the parties’ other rendered by Voluntary Arbitrators. Statute provides that the Voluntary Arbitrator’s
labor disputes, including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks. decision “shall be final and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of
the copy of the award or decision by the parties.” Being provided in the statute,
Same; Same; Appeals; Since the office of a Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel this 10-day period must be complied with; otherwise, no appellate court will have
of Voluntary Arbitrators is considered a quasi-judicial agency, the Supreme Court jurisdiction over the appeal. This absurd situation occurs when the decision is
(SC) concluded that a decision or award rendered by a Voluntary Arbitrator is appealed on the 11th to 15th day from receipt as allowed under the Rules, but
appealable before the Court of Appeals (CA).—Since the office of a Voluntary which decision, under the law, has already become final and executory.
Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators is considered a quasi-judicial
agency, this court concluded that a decision or award rendered by a Voluntary Same; Same; Appeals; The ten (10)-day period to appeal under the Labor
Arbitrator is appealable before the Court of Appeals. Under Section 9 of the Code being a substantive right, this period cannot be diminished, increased, or
Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, the Court of Appeals has the exclusive modified through the Rules of Court.—Under Article VIII, Section 5(5) of the
original jurisdiction over decisions or awards of quasi-judicial agencies and Constitution, this court “shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights”
instrumentalities. in promulgating rules of procedure in courts. The 10-day period to appeal under
the Labor Code being a substantive right, this period cannot be diminished,
Same; Same; Judgments; Article 262-A of the Labor Code provides that increased, or modified through the Rules of Court.
the award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator “shall be final and executory
after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by Same; Same; Same; The rule is that a Voluntary Arbitrator’s award or
the parties.”—Article 262-A of the Labor Code provides that the award or decision shall be appealed before the Court of Appeals (CA) within ten (10) days
decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator “shall be final and executory after ten (10) from receipt of the award or decision.—The rule, therefore, is that a Voluntary
calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties.” Arbitrator’s award or decision shall be appealed before the Court of Appeals
within 10 days from receipt of the award or decision. Should the aggrieved party
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Appeals; It is true that Rule 43, Section 4 choose to file a motion for reconsideration with the Voluntary Arbitrator, the
of the Rules of Court provides for a fifteen (15)-day reglementary period for filing motion must be filed within the same 10-day period since a motion for
an appeal.—It is true that Rule 43, Section 4 of the Rules of Court provides for a reconsideration is filed “within the period for taking an appeal.”
15-day reglementary period for filing an appeal: Section 4. Period of appeal.—
The appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days from notice of the award, Remedial Law; Special Civil Actions; Certiorari; An extraordinary remedy, a
judgment, final order or resolution, or from the date of its last publication, if petition for certiorari may be filed only if appeal is not available. If appeal is
publication is required by law for its effectivity, or of the denial of petitioner’s available, an appeal must be taken even if the ground relied upon is grave abuse
motion for new trial or reconsideration duly filed in accordance with the of discretion.—A petition for certiorari is a special civil action “adopted to correct
governing law of the court or agency a quo. Only one (1) motion for errors of jurisdiction committed by the lower court or quasi-judicial agency, or
reconsideration shall be allowed. Upon proper motion and the payment of the full when there is grave abuse of discretion on the part of such court or agency
amount of the docket fee before the expiration of the reglementary period, the amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.” An extraordinary remedy, a petition
Court of Appeals may grant an additional period of fifteen (15) days only within for certiorari may be filed only if appeal is not available. If appeal is available, an
which to file the petition for review. No further extension shall be granted except appeal must be taken even if the ground relied upon is grave abuse of discretion.
for the most compelling reason and in no case to exceed fifteen (15) days. As an exception to the rule, this court has allowed petitions for certiorari to be
filed in lieu of an appeal “(a) when the public welfare and the advancement of
public policy dictate; (b) when the broader interests of justice so require; (c)
when the writs issued are null; and (d) when the questioned order amounts to an
oppressive exercise of judicial authority.”
Labor Law; Collective Bargaining Agreements; Words and Phrases; A
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is “a contract executed upon the request
of either the employer or the exclusive bargaining representative of the
employees incorporating the agreement reached after negotiations with respect
to wages, hours of work and all other terms and conditions of employment,
including proposals for adjusting any grievances or questions arising under such
agreement.”—A collective bargaining agreement is “a contract executed upon
the request of either the employer or the exclusive bargaining representative of
the employees incorporating the agreement reached after negotiations with
respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
employment, including proposals for adjusting any grievances or questions
arising under such agreement.” A collective bargaining agreement being a
contract, its provisions “constitute the law between the parties” and must be
complied with in good faith.