United States Patent: Aoki Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 8, 2017

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,725,127 B2

Aoki et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 8, 2017

(54) FRONT WHEEL SUPPORTING FRAME (58) Field of Classification Search

STRUCTURE OF SADDLE-RIDE VEHICLE CPC ........ B62K 21/02: B62K 25/24: B62K 21/22:
B62K 19/24: B62K 21/18: B62K 11/04;
(71) Applicant: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., Tokyo B62K11/12
(JP) See application file for complete search history.
(72) Inventors: Koji Aoki, Wako (JP); Daisuke (56) References Cited
Kuramochi, Wako (JP); Tatsuya U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Suzuki, Wako (JP)
4,638,881. A * 1/1987 Morioka ................ B62K11/04
(73) Assignee: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., Tokyo 180,219
(JP) 4,723,620 A * 2/1988 Ono ....................... B62J 11,005
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35

(21) Appl. No.: 15/077,907 JP O3287481 A * 12, 1991

JP O3287482 A * 12, 1991
JP 2012-183882 9, 2012
(22) Filed: Mar. 23, 2016
Primary Examiner — Darlene P Condra
(65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Mori & Ward, LLP
US 2016/0288862 A1 Oct. 6, 2016 (57) ABSTRACT
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle-ride
vehicle includes a main frame, upper and lower arms and a
Mar. 30, 2015 (JP) ................................. 2015-069531 lower frame. The main frame has a front portion and a rear
portion. The main frame includes an upper connection
(51) Int. Cl. portion, a lower connection portion, and an extending por
B62K 21/02 (2006.01) tion. The extending portion extends downward. The upper
B62K II/2 (2006.01) arm has an upper front end portion and an upper rear end
B62K 25/24 (2006.01) portion. The upper rear end portion is movably connected to
B62K II/04 (2006.01) the upper connection portion. The lower arm has a lower
B62K 19/24 (2006.01) front end portion and a lower rear end portion. The lower
(Continued) rear end portion of is movably connected to the lower
(52) U.S. Cl. connection portion. The lower frame includes a bottom
CPC .............. B62K 21/02 (2013.01); B62K II/04
portion and an upright portion. The bottom portion extends
(2013.01); B62K II/I2 (2013.01); B62K 19/24 in the vehicle front-rear direction. The upright portion has a
top portion connected to the extending portion.
(2013.01); B62K 2 1/18 (2013.01); B62K 21/22
(2013.01); B62K 25/24 (2013.01) 20 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
US 9,725,127 B2
Page 2

(51) Int. Cl. 5,361,864 A * 11/1994 Tanaka ................... B62K25, 24

B62K 2L/8 (2006.01) ck 180,219
B62K 2L/22 (2006.01) 5,782.313 A 7, 1998 Kurawaki .............. B6 is
6,263,994 B1* 7/2001 Eitel ....................... F16F 9,342
56 Ref Cited
(56) eferences Cite 7,806,217 B2 * 10/2010 Hasegawa ............ B62K180,219
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2008/0236925 A1 * 10/2008 Hasegawa .............. B62K25, 24
4,747,952 A * 5/1988 Nakano ................... A61M 1/30 2009/0243.248 A1* 10, 2009 Nakamura ............... B60G 3, 20
: 7/ 29. 280/124.135
4,756,547 A * 7/1988 Trema .................. B62K 21 OO5 2010/0096207 A1* 4/2010 Nagao .................... B62K25, 24
4,785,905 A * 11/1988 Trema .................. B62K 21?005 2014/0167381 A1* 6/2014 Ishii ..................... B62K 21?005
4,807,898 A * 2/1989 Huntly ................... B62K 25/24 2014/0167383 A1* 6/2014 Lasher, III ............. B62K19.00
ck 280/276 280/281.1
4,821,833. A 4, 1989 Yamaguchi .......... B62K 25,005 2014/0183836 A1* 7, 2014 Ishii ....................... B62K 25/08
5,248,012 A * 9/1993 Kurawaki .............. B62K11/02
180,219 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Aug. 8, 2017 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9,725,127 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 8, 2017 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,725,127 B2

L-CL 37a

FIG. 2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 8, 2017 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,725,127 B2


FIG. 4
U.S. Patent Aug. 8, 2017 Sheet S of 7 US 9,725,127 B2


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F.G. 7
US 9,725,127 B2
1. 2
FRONT WHEEL SUPPORTING FRAME upper arm Supports at the upper front end portion a front
STRUCTURE OF SADDLE-RIDE VEHICLE wheel to be movable in an up-down direction substantially
perpendicular to the vehicle front-rear direction. The upper
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED rear end portion of the upper arm is movably connected to
APPLICATIONS the upper connection portion of the main frame. The lower
arm is provided under the upper arm. The lower arm has a
The present application claims priority under 35 U. S. C. lowerfront end portion and a lower rear end portion opposite
S119 to Japanese Patent Application No. 2015-069531, filed to the lower front end portion in the vehicle front-rear
Mar. 30, 2015, entitled “FRONT WHEEL SUPPORTING direction. The lower arm supports at the lower front end
FRAME STRUCTURE OF SADDLE-RIDE TYPE 10 portion a front wheel to be movable in the up-down direc
VEHICLE.” The contents of this application are incorpo tion. The lower rear end portion of the lower arm is movably
rated herein by reference in their entirety. connected to the lower connection portion of the main
frame. The lower frame includes a bottom portion and an
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION upright portion which are connected at a corner portion. The
15 bottom portion extends in the vehicle front-rear direction
Field of the Invention from the rear portion of the main frame to the corner portion.
The present invention relates to a front wheel Supporting The upright portion has a top portion opposite to the corner
frame structure of a saddle-ride type vehicle. portion in the up-down direction. The top portion is con
Discussion of the Background nected to the extending portion of the main frame.
Conventional front wheel Supporting frame structures of
saddle-ride type vehicles include one disclosed in, for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
example, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 2012-183882. The
front wheel Supporting frame structure of Japanese Patent A more complete appreciation of the invention and many
Laid-Open No. 2012-183882 includes upper and lower arms of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained
which extend in vehicle front-rear directions and by which 25 as the same becomes better understood by reference to the
a front wheel is Supported to be Swingable in up-down following detailed description when considered in connec
directions, in which rear end portions of the upper and lower tion with the accompanying drawings.
arms are Supported by a front portion of a main frame, and FIG. 1 is a left-side view of a vehicle body front portion
a lower end portion of a cushion member is connected to the of a motorcycle in an embodiment of the present invention.
lower arm. 30 FIG. 2 is a front view of the vehicle body front portion of
the aforementioned motorcycle.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 3 is a top view of the vehicle front portion of the
aforementioned motorcycle.
According to one aspect of the present invention, a front FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a front wheel suspension
wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle-ride vehicle 35 device of the aforementioned motorcycle as viewed from a
includes a main frame, upper and lower arms, a lower frame, front left side of the motorcycle and is a view in which a left
an upper connection portion, an extending portion, a lower link member is omitted.
connection portion, and an upper front portion. The main FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view including a cross section
frame extends in vehicle front-rear directions. The upper and along a first connection axis of an upper arm of the afore
lower arms extend in the vehicle front-rear directions. A 40 mentioned front wheel Suspension device, a cross section
front wheel is supported to be swingable in up-down direc along a second connection axis of the upper arm, and a cross
tions by the upper and lower arms. The lower frame extends section along the center axis of a connection portion for an
forward in a vehicle lower portion from a rear portion of the upper end portion of a cushion member.
main frame and then extends upward in a vehicle front FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view including a cross section
portion. The upper connection portion is formed in an upper 45 along a third connection axis of a lower arm of the afore
front portion of the main frame. A rear end portion of the mentioned front wheel Suspension device, a cross section
upper arm is Swingably connected to the upper connection along a fourth connection axis of the lower arm, and a cross
portion. The extending portion extending downward is section along the center axis of a connection portion for a
formed in a lower front portion of the main frame. The lower lower end portion of the cushion member.
connection portion is formed in the extending portion. A rear 50 FIG. 7 is a perspective view of a joining portion between
end portion of the lower arm is Swingably connected to the a rear end portion of a lower frame and a pivot portion of a
lower connection portion. The upper front portion of the main frame in the aforementioned front wheel Suspension
lower frame is connected to the extending portion. device, as viewed from an upper left side of the vehicle.
According to another aspect of the present invention, a
front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle-ride 55 DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS
vehicle includes a main frame, an upper arm, a lower arm,
and a lower frame. The main frame has a front portion and The embodiments will now be described with reference to
a rear portion opposite to the front portion in a vehicle the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numer
front-rear direction. The main frame includes an upper als designate corresponding or identical elements through
connection portion, a lower connection portion, and an 60 out the various drawings.
extending portion. The upper connection portion is provided An embodiment of the present invention is described
at an upper part of the front portion. The lower connection below with reference to the drawings. Directions such as
portion is provided at a lower part of the front portion. The front, rear, left, right, and the like in the following descrip
extending portion extends downward from the lower con tion are the same as directions in a vehicle described below,
nection portion. The upper arm has an upper front end 65 unless specifically stated otherwise. Moreover, an arrow FR
portion and an upper rear end portion opposite to the upper indicating a front side of the vehicle, an arrow LH indicating
front end portion in the vehicle front-rear direction. The a left side of the vehicle, an arrow UP indicating an upper
US 9,725,127 B2
3 4
side of the vehicle, and a center line CL in vehicle left-right lower frames 6 are connected to the extending portions 30.
directions are illustrated in appropriate portions of the Lower Supporting portions 3c Supporting left and right upper
drawings used in the following description. portions of a front section of the engine are formed in lower
<Entire Vehicle> end portions of the extending portions 30. Note that left and
FIG. 1 illustrates a vehicle body front portion of a right upper portions of a center section of the engine in the
motorcycle which is an example of a saddle-ride type front-rear directions are Supported by Supporting portions 4c
vehicle. Referring to FIG. 1, a vehicle body frame of the of the connection portions 4, and left and right portions of
motorcycle includes a pair of left and right main frames 2 a rear section of the engine are Supported by Supporting
which extend in vehicle front-rear directions and which portions 5c of the pivot portions 5. Moreover, the lower
include front blocks 3 Supporting a front wheel Suspension 10 frames 6 may support the engine.
device 1 in a front end portion thereof. Reference sign 2L in In the front view, front end portions 6f of the left and right
FIG. 2 denotes the left main frame, and reference sign 2R lower frames 6L, 6R linearly extend from a lower portion to
denotes the right main frame. Moreover, reference sign 3L an upper portion of the vehicle, and then incline toward the
in FIG. 2 denotes a left front block, and reference sign 3R center in the vehicle width directions as extending upward to
denotes a right front block. 15 reach the upper front portions 6a. The upper front portions
The left and right main frames 2 each integrally include: 6a of the left and right lower frames 6L, 6R overlap front
the front block 3 formed in a shape whose width in up-down portions 30f of the left and right extending portions 30L,
directions increases toward the front side in a side view; a 30R in the front view. The front portions 30f of the left and
pivot portion 5 Supporting a not-illustrated rear Suspension right extending portions 30L, 30R incline toward the center
device and formed in a V-shape whose width in the up-down in the vehicle width directions as extending upward in the
directions increases toward the front side and which is open front view. Front end portions 3f of the left and right front
to the front; and a connection portion 4 extending rearward blocks 3L, 3R are continuous with upper ends of the front
from a rear end 3d of the front block 3 while gently inclining portions 30f of the left and right extending portions 30L,
downward and connecting the rear end 3d of the front block 30R and gently incline toward the center in the vehicle width
3 and an upper front end 5a of the pivot portion 5 to each 25 directions as extending upward in the front view.
other. Note that the width of a front end 4a of the connection The upper front portions 6a of the lower frames 6 are
portion 4 in the up-down directions is Substantially the same joined to the front portions 30f of the extending portions 30.
as the width of the rear end 3d of the front block 3 in the Joining portions 30c to which the upper front portions 6a of
up-down directions. Moreover, the width of the rear end 4b the lower frames 6 are joined are formed in the front portions
of the connection portion 4 in the up-down directions is 30 30f of the extending portions 30. The upper front portions 6a
substantially the same as the width of the upper front end 5a of the lower frames 6 are joined to the joining portions 30c
of the pivot portion 5 in the up-down directions. by using bolts 30i serving as fasteners for fastening the
The vehicle body frame further includes a pair of left and upper front portions 6a from the front side of the vehicle.
right lower frames 6 which have a J-shape in the side view. The multiple bolts 30i are provided while being offset
The lower frames 6 extend forward in a vehicle lower 35 from one another in the up-down directions and the left-right
portion from lower front end portions 5b of the pivot directions in the front view. In the embodiment, two bolts
portions 5 located in rear portions of the main frames 2, and 30i are provided in each of the joining portions 30c of the
then extend upward in a vehicle front portion to reach lower left and right extending portions 30L, 30R to be offset from
front end portions of the front blocks 3. Reference sign 6L each other in the up-down directions and the left-right
in FIG. 2 denotes the left lower frame, and reference sign 6R 40 directions in the front view. Note that three or more bolts 30i
denotes the right lower frame. may be provided.
For example, an engine is mounted in a space Surrounded Side wall portions 6w covering lateral sides of the bolts
by the main frames 2 and the lower frames 6. A fuel tank 8 30i in the side views are provided integrally with the upper
is arranged above the front blocks 3 and the connection front portions 6a of the lower frames 6. The side wall
portions 4. A seat 9 is arranged above the pivot portions 5. 45 portions 6w are formed in plate shapes whose thickness
The vehicle body front portion of the motorcycle is covered direction coincides with the vehicle width directions, and
with a front cowl 10 made of synthetic resin. extend in the front-rear directions. Covering the bolts 30i
Referring also to FIG. 2, a set of the front blocks 3 is with the side wall portions 6w in the side views makes the
formed in a gate shape (inverted V-shape) whose width in joining portions 30c between the upper front portions 6a of
the left-right directions decreases toward the upper side in a 50 the lower frames 6 and the front portions 30f of the extend
front view and which is open downward. A lower open ing portions 30 less visible in the side views, and the external
portion in the gate shape of the set of front blocks 3 is appearance can be thereby improved.
denoted by reference sign 3s. Referring also to FIG. 7, a rear end portion 6b of the lower
Referring also to FIG. 4, upper connection portions 3a to frame 6 is separable from the lower front end portion 5b of
which rear end portions 21b of an upper arm 21 are 55 the pivot portion 5. A first joining portion 5d serving as a
connected are formed in upper front end portions of the front joining portion between the rear end portion 6b of the lower
blocks 3. A handle Supporting portion 31 Supporting a bar frame 6 and the lower front end portion 5b of the pivot
handle 18 (handle) is formed in upper front portions of the portion 5 is covered with a step supporting member 51 in the
front blocks 3, behind the upper connection portions 3a, to side view.
extend rearward and upward. Extending portions 30 extend 60 Specifically, the first joining portion 5d configured to be
ing forward and downward are formed in lower front joined to the rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 is
portions of the front blocks 3. Reference sign 3.0L in FIG. 2 formed in a front end section of the lower front end portion
denotes a left extending portion, and reference sign 30R 5b of the pivot portion 5. A second joining portion 5e
denotes a right extending portion. configured to be joined to the rear end portion 6b of the
Lower connection portions 3b to which rear end portions 65 lower frame 6 is formed behind and above the first joining
22b of a lower arm 22 are connected are formed in the portion 5d of the lower front end portion 5b of the pivot
extending portions 30, and upper front portions 6a of the portion 5. The first joining portion 5d and the second joining
US 9,725,127 B2
5 6
portion 5e are fastened and fixed to the rear end portion 6b <Front Wheel Suspension Device>
of the lower frame 6 by using fastening members such as Referring also to FIGS. 1 and 4, the front wheel suspen
bolts 6i. sion device 1 includes: a front fork 17 which supports a front
The first joining portion 5d is covered with the step wheel 11 in a lower end portion thereof; a handle post 35
Supporting member 51 in the side view. The second joining which is turnably supported by the handle Supporting por
portion 5e is not covered with the step supporting member tion 31 and which is turned about a steering axis C1 with an
51 in the side view and is exposed to the outside. Note that operation of the bar handle 18; a supporting member 15 by
both of the first joining portion 5d and the second joining which the front fork 17 is supported to be turnable about a
portion 5e may be covered with the step supporting member 10
steered axis C2; link members 40 and a steering member 45
51 in the side view. Alternatively, the first and secondjoining which are connected to each other between the handle post
portions. 5d., 5e may be configured such that the first joining 35 and the supporting member 15; a supporting arm 20
portion 5d is not covered with the step supporting member having the upper and lower arms 21, 22 which extend in the
51 in the side view and is exposed to the outside while the vehicle front-rear directions and by which the front wheel 11
second joining portion 5e is covered with the step supporting 15 is Supported to be Swingable in the up-down directions; and
member 51 in the side view. a cushion member 27 which is expanded and compressed
The step supporting member 51 integrally includes: a with a movement of the front wheel 11 to obtain a cushion
cover portion 52 formed in a plate shape which extends in ing effect. The turning about the steering axis C1 with an
the vehicle front-rear directions and whose thickness direc operation of the bar handle 18 and the steering of the front
tion coincides with the vehicle width direction; a step wheel 11 are linked to each other via the handle post 35, the
supporting portion 53 supporting a step 50 on the left side of link members 40, the steering member 45, the supporting
a front end portion of the cover portion 52; and a stand member 15, and the front fork 17.
supporting portion 54 supporting a side stand 55 on the left The steering axis C1 is the center of turning of the handle
side of a rear end portion of the cover portion 52. post 35 which is turned with an operation of the bar handle
A front joining portion 52a configured to be joined to the 25 18, and coincides with the center axis of a cylindrical boss
rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 is formed in an portion 32 in the handle supporting portion 31. The steered
upper front end portion of the cover portion 52. The front axis C2 (turning axis) is the center of turning of the front
joining portion 52a is fastened and fixed to the rear end fork 17 which is turned with an operation of the bar handle
portion 6b of the lower frame 6 by using a fastening member 18, and coincides with the center axis of the cylindrical
such as a bolt 52i. 30 supporting member 15. An angle of the steered axis C2 with
A rear joining portion 52b configured to be joined to the respect to the vertical direction is the “caster angle.” The
lower front end portion 5b of the pivot portion 5 is formed steered axis C2 is offset (spaced away) from the steering axis
in an upper rear end portion of the cover portion 52. The rear C1 toward the front side in the side view. The steered axis
joining portion 52b is fastened and fixed to the lower front C2 and the steering axis C1 are substantially parallel to each
end portion 5b of the pivot portion 5 by using a fastening 35 other.
member such as a bolt 52i. <Front Forks
The step supporting member 51 is thus fixed to both of the The front fork 17 integrally includes a shaft portion 16
rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 and the lower front forming the steered axis C2, a pair of left and right arm
end portion 5b of the pivot portion 5. portions 17a extending in the up-down directions, and a
The step supporting portion 53 includes upper and lower 40 cross member 17b connecting upper end portions of the left
shaft supporting portions 53a provided to branch from the and right arm portions 17a to each other. The left and right
front end portion of the cover portion 52 to protrude leftward arm portions 17a are arranged respectively on left and right
therefrom and a cylindrical shaft portion 53b supported by sides of the front wheel 11. The cross member 17b curves
the upper and lower shaft supporting portions 53a. The inward in the vehicle width directions along a tread surface
upper and lower shaft Supporting portions 53a branch to 45 of the front wheel 11 at an upper end thereof, and is arranged
hold a base end portion of the step 50 from above and below. between the upper end portions of the left and right arm
The shaft portion 53b has a center axis inclined forward with portions 17a. Left and right end portions of the cross
respect to the vertical direction. The step 50 is connected to member 17b are joined to the upper end portions of the left
the shaft portion 53b to be turnable about the center axis of and right arm portions 17a. The elements of the front fork 17
the shaft portion 53b. 50 are made of, for example, integral aluminum parts and are
The stand supporting portion 54 protrudes leftward from welded into one part.
the rear end portion of the cover portion 52 and is formed in The shaft portion 16 of the front fork 17 is supported by
an L-shape in the side view. The stand Supporting portion 54 the cylindrical Supporting member 15, inside the Supporting
integrally includes a first protruding portion 54a inclined member 15 in a radial direction thereof, to be turnable about
leftward and downward and formed in a triangular shape 55 the steered axis C2. An upper end portion 16a of the shaft
whose width in the up-down directions increases toward the portion 16 of the front fork 17 is connected to the steering
front side in the side view and a second protruding portion member 45.
54b extending in the up-down directions and formed in a A shaft supporting portion 17c to which a lower end
triangular shape whose width in the left-right directions portion 16b of the shaft portion 16 is connected is formed in
increases toward the lower side in the rear view, a lower end 60 an upper end portion of the cross member 17b. An insertion
of the second protruding portion 54b connected to a front hole 17h opened in a direction in which the shaft portion 16
end of the first protruding portion 54a. A side stand con extends is formed in the shaft supporting portion 17c of the
nection portion 54c to which one end portion of the side cross member 17b. The shaft portion 16 is inserted into the
stand 55 is turnably connected is formed in the first pro insertion hole 17h from the upper end portion 16a, and the
truding portion 54a. 65 lower end portion 16b of the shaft portion 16 and the shaft
Note that reference sign 6c in the drawings denotes a supporting portion 17c are welded together with the lower
Supporting portion Supporting a vehicle part near the engine. end portion 16b of the shaft portion 16 located in the
US 9,725,127 B2
7 8
insertion hole 17h. The upper end portion of the cross connected are formed in bottom surfaces of left and right
member 17b is thereby fixed to the lower end portion 16b of portions of the base portion 38.
the shaft portion 16. Each of the left and right extending portions 37L, 37R
Referring also to FIG. 2, an axle of the front wheel 11 integrally includes: a handle connection portion 37a to
(hereafter, referred to as “front axle') is connected to lower 5 which an end portion of the bar handle 18 on the inner side
end portions 17d of the left and right arm portions 17a. For in the vehicle width directions is connected; a first extending
example, both end portions of the front axle in the vehicle portion 37b which is connected to a corresponding one of
width directions are fixed to the lower end portions 17d of left and right end portions 38a of the base portion 38 and
the left and right arm portions 17a via not-illustrated ball which extends forward and upward in the side view along
bearings, respectively. A wheel of the front wheel 11 is 10 the inclination of the base portion 38; and a second extend
supported by a center portion of the front axle in the vehicle ing portion 37c which extends rearward and upward from an
width directions to be rotatable. A front fender 12 (see FIG. upper front end of the first extending portion 37b to be
1) is supported on the cross member 17b via not-illustrated connected to the handle connection portion 37a.
bolts. The illustration of the front fender 12 and the like are The bar handle 18 and the left and right extending
omitted in FIGS. 2 and 4 for convenience. 15 portions 37L, 37R are, for example, aluminum parts and are
Note that reference sign 13 in FIG. 1 denotes a brake welded together into one part. For example, the bar handle
caliper. Reference sign 13a denotes a brake rotor. Reference 18 includes left and right separated handles which are
sign C10 denotes the center axis of the front axle. Reference separated into two parts in the vehicle width directions, and
sign C10L denotes a vertical line extending from the center portions of the left and right separated handles on the inner
axis C10 to a road surface R. Reference sign T denotes a sides in the vehicle width directions are welded to the handle
trail. connection portions 37a of the left and right extending
<Handle Supporting Portion> portions 37L, 37R. Note that the bar handle 18 and the left
The handle supporting portion 31 is provided in the upper and right extending portions 37L, 37R may be integrated in
front end portions of the front blocks 3 to be inclined Such a way that insertion holes extending in the vehicle
rearward relative to the vertical direction in the side view. 25 width directions are formed in the handle connection por
The handle supporting portion 31 is provided integrally with tions 37a and the portions of the left and right separated
upper end portions of the front blocks 3 made of, for handles on the inner sides in the vehicle width directions are
example, aluminum. The handle Supporting portion 31 Sup press fitted into the insertion holes.
ports the handle post 35 such that the handle post 35 is The second extending portions 37c of the left and right
turnable (steerable). 30 extending portions 37L, 37R are fastened and fixed to the
Specifically, the handle supporting portion 31 is formed left and right end portions 38a of the base portion 38 by
of the cylindrical boss portion 32 which forms the steering multiple (for example, two on each of left and right sides in
axis C1; and left and right extending portions 33L, 33R the embodiment) fastening members (bolts). Note that the
which extend upward and rearward from the upper front end second extending portions 37c of the left and right extending
portions of the front blocks 3 as inclining inward in the 35 portions 37L, 37R may be welded to the left and right end
vehicle width directions to be connected to a lower end portions 38a of the base portion 38.
portion 32b (lower portion) of the boss portion 32. A bolt The shaft portion 39 of the handle post 35 being turnably
34a (see FIG. 5) extending in the vehicle width directions supported by the boss portion 32 enables the handle post 35
and serving as a connection shaft connecting the left and to be turned (steered) about the steering axis C1 with an
right extending portions 33L, 33R to each other is provided 40 operation of the bar handle 18.
in the left and right extending portions 33L, 33R. Cushion Note that reference sign 19a in FIG. 3 denotes a switch
upper connection portions 27c (see FIG. 5) to which an box including Switches such as a dimmer Switch and a turn
upper end portion 27a of the cushion member 27 is con signal switch. Reference sign 19b denotes a master cylinder
nected are formed in the left and right extending portions connected to a brake lever. Illustration of a clutch lever is
33L, 33R. The handle post 35 is provided in an upper end 45 omitted. Furthermore, the motorcycle may employ an auto
portion 32a (upper portion) of the boss portion 32 to be matic clutch.
turnable about the steering axis C1. <Cover Member
<Handle Post A cover member 60 covering a portion above the handle
The handle post 35 is formed of: a holder 36 to which the post 35 in the top view is provided above the handle post 35.
bar handle 18 is fixed; and a cylindrical shaft portion 39 50 The cover member 60 is made of, for example, synthetic
which is connected to a lower portion of the holder 36 and resin and integrally includes: a first cover portion 61 formed
whose center axis coincides with the steering axis C1. in a rectangular shape extending in the front-rear directions
Referring also to FIG. 3, the holder 36 is formed in a in the top view; a second cover portion 62 provided behind
W-shape in a top view. The holder 36 has: a base portion 38 the first cover portion 61 and formed in a rectangular shape
whose thickness direction is parallel to the steering axis C1 55 extending in the front-rear directions in the top view; and a
and which is formed in such a fan shape that its width in the connection portion 63 connecting a rear portion of the first
left-right directions increases toward the front side; and left cover portion 61 and a front portion of the second cover
and right extending portions 37L, 37R which are connected portion 62 to each other.
to left and right end portions of the base portion 38 and Specifically, the first cover portion 61 extends in the
which extend rearward and upward to be formed in an 60 front-rear directions in the top view (to be more specific,
L-shape in the side view. extends along the center line CL in the vehicle left-right
The shaft portion 39 is supported by the boss portion 32, directions such that the width of the first cover portion 61 in
inside the boss portion 32 in a radial direction thereof, to be the left-right directions gradually increases toward the rear
turnable about the steering axis C1. A rear portion 38b of the side in the top view) to reach the connection portion 63. The
base portion 38 is welded to an upper end portion of the shaft 65 second cover portion 62 extends in the front-rear directions
portion 39. Link rear connection portions 38c to which rear in the top view (to be more specific, extends along the center
end portions of the pair of left and right link members 40 are line CL in the vehicle left-right directions such that the width
US 9,725,127 B2
9 10
of the second cover portion 62 gradually increases toward tened and fixed to the upper end portion 16a of the shaft
the front side) to reach the connection portion 63. The portion 16 by Screwing and fastening a bolt to a nut through
second cover portion 62 is located inside the left and right the insertion hole with the upper end portion 16a of the shaft
extending portions 37L, 37R in the vehicle width directions portion 16 inserted into the shaft supporting portion 45b.
in the top view and covers the portion above the base portion The steering member 45 can be turned (steered) about the
38. The connection portion 63 is formed in a trapezoid shape steered axis C2 together with the front fork 17 with an
whose width in the left-right directions increases toward the operation of the bar handle 18.
rear side in the top view, and connects the rear end of the first <Link Member
cover portion 61 and the front end of the second cover The link members 40 have linear shapes extending in the
portion 62. 10 front-rear directions in the side view and the top view. The
<Supporting Members link members 40 are provided on the left and right sides in
Referring also to FIGS. 1 and 4, the supporting member the vehicle width directions. Front ball joints 41 connected
15 is provided in front of and away from the steering axis to the link front connection portions 45a are provided in the
C1. Specifically, the supporting member 15 is formed in a front end portions of the link members 40. Rear ball joints
cylindrical shape and is provided in front of the front blocks 15 42 connected to the link rear connection portions 38c are
3 to be inclined rearward with respect to the vertical direc provided in the rear end portions of the link members 40.
tion. The inside of the supporting member 15 in the radial The front and rear ball joints 41, 42 each include a ball
direction supports the shaft portion 16 of the front fork 17 stud 43 and a socket 44. The ball stud 43 includes a spherical
such that the shaft portion 16 is turnable (steerable) about the ball portion 43a and a stud portion 43b protruding above the
steered axis C2. The upper end portion 16a of the shaft ball portion 43a. The ball portion 43a is slidably held inside
portion 16 protrudes upward beyond an upper end portion the socket 44. The stud portion 43b extends linearly in the
15a of the supporting member 15. Note that the center axes vehicle up-down directions. The socket 44 includes upper
of the shaft portion 16 and the supporting member 15 and lower sockets 44a, 44b. The ball portion 43a is slidably
coincide with the steered axis C2. held between the upper and lower sockets 44a, 44b.
An upper connection portion 15c to which front end 25 Insertion holes opened in the vehicle up-down directions
portions 21a of the upper arm 21 are connected is formed in are formed in the link front connection portions 45a. The
an upper front portion of the supporting member 15 to stud portions 43b of the front ball joints 41 are fastened and
protrude forward and upward. Lower connection portions fixed to the link front connection portions 45a by inserting
15d to which front end portions 22a of the lower arm 22 are screw portions, provided in upper end portions of the stud
connected are formed in a lower rear portion of the Sup 30 portions 43b of the front ball joints 41, into the insertion
porting member 15 to protrude rearward and downward. The holes of the link front connection portions 45a and screwing
upper connection portion 15c is arranged in front of the and fasting nuts to the screw portions protruding above the
steered axis C2 in the side view, while the lower connection link front connection portions 45a. Hereafter, the center axes
portions 15d are arranged behind the steered axis C2 in the of the stud portions 43b in the front ball joints 41 are referred
side view. Ribs 15r for reinforcing the lower connection 35 to as “first axes C4.” The front end portions of the link
portions 15d are formed on left and right surfaces of the members 40 are connected to the link front connection
supporting member 15. The ribs 15r are each formed in a portions 45a via the front ball joints 41 to be turnable about
V-shape open upward and to the front in the side view, and the first axes C4.
branch from the lower connection portions 15d to extend Insertion holes opened in the vehicle up-down directions
forward and upward such that the height of the ribs increases 40 are formed in the link rear connection portions 38c. The stud
toward the lower connection portions 15d. portions 43b of the rear ball joints 42 are fastened and fixed
<Steering Members to the link rear connection portions 38c by inserting screw
The steering member 45 is supported by the upper end portions, provided in upper end portions of the stud portions
portion 16a of the shaft portion 16, above the upper end 43b of the rear ball joints 42, into the insertion holes of the
portion 15a of the supporting member 15. Referring to 45 link rear connection portions 38c and screwing and fasting
FIGS. 1 to 4, the steering member 45 integrally includes: nuts to the screw portions protruding above the link rear
link front connection portions 45a to which front end connection portions 38c. Hereafter, the center axes of the
portions of the link members 40 are connected; a shaft stud portions 43b in the rear ball joints 42 are referred to as
Supporting portion 45b which is formed in a C-shape open “second axes C5. The rear end portions of the link members
to the front as viewed in the direction of the steered axis C2; 50 40 are connected to the link rear connection portions 38c via
and connection portions 45c which extend upward from an the rear ball joints 42 to be turnable about the second axes
upper end of the shaft Supporting portion 45b as inclining C5.
outward in the vehicle width directions and which connect For example, each of the link members 40 has screw
the link front connection portions 45a and the shaft sup portions in the front and rear end portions and is fixed by
porting portion 45b to each other. The link front connection 55 using lock nuts such that the front and rear Screw portions
portions 45a, the shaft supporting portion 45b, and the are screwed at predetermined screwing amounts respec
connection portions 45c are, for example, aluminum parts tively to a rear end portion of the lower socket 44b of the
and are formed integrally. front ball joint 41 and a front end portion of the lower socket
Referring to FIGS. 1 to 4, in the embodiment, the con 44b of the rear ball joint 42. This enables adjustment of the
nection portions 45c extend upward from left and right 60 distance between front and rear connection portions of the
upper ends of the shaft Supporting portion 45b as inclining link member 40 by fastening or loosening the lock nuts to
outward in the vehicle width directions, and reach the link increase or decrease the screwing amounts of the lower
front connection portions 45a. In FIG. 4, illustration of the Sockets 44b and the screw portions.
left link member 40 is omitted for convenience. <Supporting Arm
An insertion hole opened in the vehicle width directions 65 The Supporting arm 20 includes the upper and lower arms
is formed in a front end portion of the shaft Supporting 21, 22 extending in the vehicle front-rear directions and
portion 45b. For example, the steering member 45 is fas provided to be swingable in the up-down directions. The
US 9,725,127 B2
11 12
upper and lower arms 21, 22 are arranged one on top of Hereafter, the center axis of the bolt 23a is referred to as
another in the vehicle up-down directions to extend in the “first connection axis C11, the center axis of the bolt 24a
vehicle front-rear directions. The front end portions 21a of as “second connection axis C12, the center axis of the bolt
the upper arm 21 are arranged outside the upper portion of 25a as “third connection axis C13, and the center axis of the
the supporting member 15 in the vehicle width directions, 5 bolt 26a as “fourth connection axis C14.'
and the front end portions 22a of the lower arm 22 are Referring also to FIG. 1, a straight line passing through
arranged inside the lower portions of the Supporting member the first connection axis C11 and the second connection axis
15 in the vehicle width directions. The rear end portions 21b, C12 in the side view is referred to as “first straight line
22b of the upper and lower arms 21, 22 are arranged inside AX1 and a straight line passing through the third connec
10 tion axis C13 and the fourth connection axis C14 in the side
front portions of the front blocks 3 in the vehicle width view is referred to as “second straight line AX2. The first
directions. The rear end portions 21b, 22b of the upper and straight line AX1 of the upper arm 21 and the second straight
lower arms 21, 22 are housed inside the gate-shaped lower line AX2 of the lower arm 22 are substantially parallel in the
open portion 3s in the front blocks 3. side view.
In the side view, the front and rear end portions 21a, 21b 15 In the side view, the length of the upper arm 21 in the
of the upper arm 21 are arranged in front of the front and rear front-rear directions is Substantially the same as the length of
end portions 22a, 22b of the lower arm 22, respectively. In the lower arm 22 in the front-rear directions. In other words,
the side view, the front end portions 21a of the upper arm 21 the length of a segment connecting the first connection axis
are located in front of the steered axis C2, and the front end C11 and the second connection axis C12 and the length of
portions 22a of the lower arm 22 is located behind the a segment connecting the third connection axis C13 and the
steered axis C2. The rear end portions 21b, 22b of the upper fourth connection axis C14 are substantially the same in the
and lower arms 21, 22 are swingably supported by the front side view. Due to this configuration, the Supporting member
portions of the front blocks 3. The supporting member 15 is 15 moves in the up-down directions substantially parallel to
Swingably connected to the front end portions 21a, 22a of the Swinging of the upper and lower arms 21, 22 in the
the upper and lower arms 21, 22. 25 up-down directions. Note that the upper and lower arms 21,
Referring also to FIGS. 5 and 6, the upper and lower 22 may be installed such that the supporting member 15
connection portions 15c, 15d of the supporting member 15 moves while inclining with respect to the Swinging of the
are Swingably connected to the front end portions 21a, 22a upper and lower arms 21, 22 in the up-down directions.
of the upper and lower arms 21, 22 via bolts 23a, 25a serving The rear end portions 21b (second connection axis C12)
as connection shafts extending in the vehicle width direc 30 of the upper arm 21 and the rear end portions 22b (fourth
tions. The bolt 23a penetrates the upper connection portion connection axis C14) of the lower arm 22 are arranged
15c of the supporting member 15 and the front end portions between the steered axis C2 and a stroke axis C3 to be
21a of the upper arm 21 and extends in the vehicle width described later in the side view.
directions. The bolt 25a penetrates the lower connection <Upper Arms
portions 15d of the supporting member 15 and the front end 35 Referring also to FIG. 5, the upper arm 21 integrally
portions 22a of the lower arm 22 and extends in the vehicle includes a pair of left and right arm main bodies 21c
width directions. Reference sign C11 in the drawings extending in the front-rear directions and a cross member
denotes the center axis of the bolt 23a connecting the upper 21d connecting the rear end portions 21b of the left and right
connection portion 15c of the supporting member 15 and the arm main bodies 21c to each other. The elements of the
front end portions 21a of the upper arm 21 to each other. 40 upper arm 21 are, for example, aluminum parts and are
Reference sign C13 in the drawings denotes the center axis formed integrally.
of the bolt 25a connecting the lower connection portions 15d The left and right arm main bodies 21c are arranged on
of the supporting member 15 and the front end portions 22a left and right sides of the upper portion of the Supporting
of the lower arm 22 to each other. member 15. The left and right arm main bodies 21c curve
The rear end portions 21b, 22b of the upper and lower 45 inward in the vehicle width directions, along an outer wall
arms 21, 22 are Swingably connected to the upper and lower surface of the upper portion of the supporting member 15.
connection portions 3a, 3b of the front blocks 3 via bolts The cross member 21d extends in the vehicle width
24a, 26a serving as connection shafts extending in the directions behind the upper portion of the Supporting mem
vehicle width directions. The bolt 24a penetrates the rear ber 15. Both end portions of the cross member 21d are joined
end portions 21b of the upper arm 21 and the upper 50 to the rear end portions 21b of the left and right arm main
connection portions 3a of the front blocks 3 and extends in bodies 21c, respectively.
the vehicle width directions. The bolt 26a penetrates the rear Insertion holes 23h opened in the vehicle width directions
end portions 22b of the lower arm 22 and the lower are formed in the front end portions 21a of the left and right
connection portions 3b of the left and right extending arm main bodies 21c. The bolt 23a is screwed and fastened
portions 30L, 30R and extends in the vehicle width direc 55 to a nut 23b while passing through the insertion holes 23h
tions. The rear end portions 21b, 22b of the upper and lower and an inner peripheral portion of the upper connection
arms 21, 22 being turnably supported via the bolts 24a, 26a portion 15c of the supporting member 15, with the upper
penetrating the front blocks 3 and extending in the vehicle connection portion 15c interposed between the front end
width directions enables the upper and lower arms 21, 22 to portions 21a of the left and right arm main bodies 21c. A pair
be supported with high stiffness. Reference sign C12 in the 60 of left and right side collars 23i for supporting a pair of left
drawings denotes the center axis of the bolt 24a connecting and right needle bearings 23m, a center collar 23i for
the rear end portions 21b of the upper arm 21 and the upper securing the distance between the left and right side collars
connection portions 3a of the front blocks 3 to each other. 23i, and a ball bearing 23g configured to receive thrust via
Reference sign C14 in the drawings denotes the center axis the right side collar 23i and the center collar 23i are provided
of the bolt 26a connecting the rear end portions 22b of the 65 on an outer periphery of the bolt 23a. The upper connection
lower arm 22 and the lower connection portions 3b of the portion 15c of the supporting member 15 is supported by the
left and right extending portions 30L, 30R to each other. front end portions 21a of the upper arm 21 via the left and
US 9,725,127 B2
13 14
right side collars 23i, the center collar 23i, and the ball center collar 25i for securing the distance between the left
bearing 23g to be turnable about the first connection axis and right side collars 25i, and a ball bearing 25g configured
C11. to receive thrust via the right side collar 25i and the center
Insertion holes 24h opened in the vehicle width directions collar 25i are provided on an outer periphery of the bolt 25a.
are formed in the upper connection portions 3a of the left The left and right lower connection portions 15d of the
and right front blocks 3L, 3R. An adjustment collar 24k for supporting member 15 are supported by the front end
adjusting left and right gaps are provided in the upper portions 22a of the lower arm 22 via the left and right side
connection portion 3a of the left front block 3L. The bolt 24a collars 25i, the center collar 25i, and the ball bearing 25g to
is screwed and fastened to a nut 24b while passing through be turnable about the third connection axis C13.
the insertion holes 24h and inner peripheral portions of the 10
Insertion holes 26h opened in the vehicle width directions
rear end portions 21b (rear end portions 21b of the left and are formed in the lower connection portions 3b of the left
right arm main bodies 21c and the cross member 21d) of the and right extending portions 30L, 30R. An adjustment collar
upper arm 21, with the rear end portions 21b of the upper 26k for adjusting left and right gaps are provided in the
arm 21 interposed between the upper connection portions 3a
of the left and right front blocks 3L, 3R. A pair of left and 15 lower connection portion 3b of the left extending portion
right side collars 24i for Supporting a pair of left and right 30L. The bolt 26a is screwed and fastened to a nut 26b while
needle bearings 24m, a center collar 24i for securing the passing through the insertion holes 26h and inner peripheral
distance between the left and right side collars 24i, and a ball portions of the rear end portions 22b (rear end portions 22b
bearing 24g configured to receive thrust via the right side of the left and right arm main body 22c and the rear cross
collar 24i and the center collar 24i are provided on an outer member 22d) of the lower arm 22, with the rear end portions
periphery of the bolt 24a. The rear end portions 21b of the 22b of the lower arm 22 interposed between the lower
upper arm 21 are Supported by the upper connection portions connection portions 3b of the left and right extending
3a of the left and right front blocks 3L, 3R via the left and portions 30L, 30R. A pair of left and right side collars 26i for
right side collars 24i, the center collar 24i, and the ball Supporting a pair of left and right needle bearings 26m, a
bearing 24g to be turnable about the second connection axis 25 center collar 26i for securing the distance between the left
C12. and right side collars 26i, and a ball bearing 26g configured
<Lower Arms to receive thrust via the right side collar 26i and the center
Referring also to FIG. 6, the lower arm 22 integrally collar 26i are provided on an outer periphery of the bolt 26a.
includes a pair of left and right arm main bodies 22c The rear end portions 22b of the lower arm 22 are supported
extending in the front-rear directions, a front cross member 30 by the lower connection portions 3b of the left and right
22e connecting the front end portions 22a of the left and extending portions 30L, 30R via the left and right side
right arm main bodies 22c to each other, and a rear cross collars 26i, the center collar 26i, and the ball bearing 26g to
member 22d connecting the rear end portions 22b of the left be turnable about the fourth connection axis C14.
and right arm main bodies 22c to each other. The elements In the lower arm 22, a recess portion 22h open upward and
of the lower arm 22 are, for example, aluminum parts and 35 rearward is formed in the front end portions 22a of the left
are formed integrally. and right arm main bodies 22c, behind a center portion of the
The left and right arm main bodies 22c are arranged on front cross member 22e in the vehicle width directions. A
left and right sides of a lower portion of the cushion member lower end portion 27b of the cushion member 27 is housed
27. The left and right arm main bodies 22c curve inward in in the recess portion 22h. Moreover, cushion lower connec
the vehicle width directions, along an outer peripheral 40 tion portions 27d to which the lower end portion 27b of the
surface of the lower portion of the cushion member 27 cushion member 27 is connected are formed in portions of
(spring 27k to be described later). Spaces 22s curved inward the front end portions 22a of the left and right arm main
in the vehicle width directions are formed inside the left and bodies 22c which face the recess portion 22h.
right arm main bodies 22c. <Cushion Member
The front cross member 22e extends in the vehicle width 45 Referring also to FIG. 1, the cushion member 27 includes
directions in front of the lower portion of the cushion a rod damper 27i inclining rearward as extending upward in
member 27. Both end portions of the front cross member 22e the side view and the coil spring 27k wound around the
are joined to the front end portions 22a of the left and right damper 27i. The cushion member 27 is expanded and
arm main bodies 22c, respectively. compressed in its stroke along the center axis C3 and thereby
The rear cross member 22d extends in the vehicle width 50 provides a predetermined cushioning effect. Hereafter, the
directions behind the lower portion of the cushion member center axis C3 is referred to as “stroke axis.” The cushion
27. Both end portions of the rear cross member 22d are upper connection portions 27c are arranged behind the
joined to the rear end portions 22b of the left and right arm steering axis C1 such that that the stroke axis C3 is inclined
main bodies 22c, respectively. rearward with respect to the vertical direction in the side
Insertion holes 25h opened in the vehicle width directions 55 view.
are formed in the left and right lower connection portions The cushion member 27 provides the cushioning effect by
15d which protrude rearward from a rear left portion and a causing the lower end portion 27b to move in its stroke with
rear right portion of the supporting member 15. The bolt 25a swinging of the lower arm 22. The cushion member 27 is
is screwed and fastened to a nut 25b while passing through arranged in front of and above the engine and behind and
the insertion holes 25h and inner peripheral portions of the 60 above the front wheel 11 in the side view. An upper portion
front end portions 22a of the left and right arm main bodies of the cushion member 27 is housed in the lower open
22c (front end portions 22a of the left and right arm main portion 3s in the gate shape of the front blocks 3. The upper
bodies 22c and the front cross member 22e), with the front end portion 27a of the cushion member 27 is covered with
end portions 22a of the left and right arm main bodies 22c the front blocks 3 in the side view. The upper end portion
interposed between the left and right lower connection 65 27a of the cushion member 27 is swingably connected to the
portions 15d. A pair of left and right side collars 25i for cushion upper connection portions 27c (see FIG. 5) of the
Supporting a pair of left and right needle bearings 25m, a left and right extending portions 33L, 33R, and the lower
US 9,725,127 B2
15 16
end portion 27b of the cushion member 27 is swingably Then, the lower arm 22 displaces the lower end portion 27b
connected to the cushion lower connection portions 27d (see of the cushion member 27 upward and compress the cushion
FIG. 6) of the lower arm 22. member 27.
Referring to FIG. 5, the upper end portion 27a of the When the supporting member 15 is displaced upward, the
cushion member 27 is swingably connected to the cushion 5 steering member 45 is also displaced together with the
upper connection portions 27c of the left and right extending displacement of the supporting member 15. At this time, the
portions 33L, 33R via the bolt 34a serving as the connection link members 40 are displaced relative to the handle post 35,
shaft extending in the vehicle width directions. The bolt 34a and the angle of the steered axis C2 relative to the steering
penetrates the cushion upper connection portions 27.c and axis C1 changes. However, this change is absorbed by the
the upper end portion 27a of the cushion member 27 and 10 Swinging of the front and rear ball joints 41, 42 and the
extends in the vehicle width directions. Reference sign C15 Swinging of the link members 40.
denotes the center axis of the bolt 34a connecting the Meanwhile, when acceleration or the like causes the front
cushion upper connection portions 27.c and the upper end wheel 11 to be relatively displaced downward from the
position thereof at the one-G state, the Supporting arm 20
portion 27a of the cushion member 27 to each other. 15 Swings downward, and the front fork 17 and the Supporting
Insertion holes 34h opened in the vehicle width directions member 15 are displaced downward. At this time, the lower
are formed in the cushion upper connection portions 27c of arm 22 turns in a left-handed direction (counterclockwise) in
the left and right extending portions 33L, 33R. The bolt 34a FIG. 1 about the fourth connection axis C14. Then, the lower
is inserted through the insertion holes 34h and an inner arm 22 displaces the lower end portion 27b of the cushion
peripheral portion of the upper end portion 27a of the member 27 downward and expand the cushion member 27.
cushion member 27 with the upper end portion 27a of the When the supporting member 15 is displaced downward,
cushion member 27 interposed between the cushion upper the steering member 45 is also displaced together with the
connection portions 27c of the left and right extending displacement of the supporting member 15. At this time, the
portions 33L, 33R, and a nut 34b is screwed and fastened to link members 40 are displaced relative to the handle post 35,
a protruding portion of the bolt 34a. A collar 34i for 25 and the angle of the steered axis C2 relative to the steering
Supporting a needle bearing 34m is provided on an outer axis C1 changes. However, this change is absorbed by the
periphery of the bolt 34a. The upper end portion 27a of the Swinging of the front and rear ball joints 41, 42 and the
cushion member 27 is supported by the cushion upper Swinging of the link members 40.
connection portions 27c of the left and right extending As described above, in the aforementioned embodiment,
portions 33L, 33R via the collar 34i to be turnable about the 30 the front wheel supporting frame structure of the motorcycle
center axis C15. including: the main frames 2 which extend in the vehicle
Referring to FIG. 6, the lower end portion 27b of the front-rear directions; and the upper and lower arms 21, 22
cushion member 27 is swingably connected to the left and which extend in the vehicle front-rear directions and by
right cushion lower connection portions 27d of the lower which the front wheel 11 is supported to be swingable in the
arm 22 via a bolt 28a serving as a connection shaft extending 35 up-down directions further includes the lower frames 6
in the vehicle width directions. The bolt 28a penetrates the extending forward in the vehicle lower portion from the rear
cushion lower connection portions 27d and the lower end portions of the main frames 2 and then extending upward in
portion 27b of the cushion member 27 and extends in the the vehicle front portion. In the front wheel supporting frame
vehicle width directions. Reference sign C16 denotes the structure, the upper connection portions 3a to which the rear
center axis of the bolt 28a connecting the cushion lower 40 end portions 21b of the upper arm 21 are Swingably con
connection portions 27d and the lower end portion 27b of the nected are formed in the upper front portions of the main
cushion member 27 to each other. frames 2, the extending portions 30 extending downward are
Insertion holes 28h opened in the vehicle width directions formed in the lower front portions of the main frames 2, the
are formed in the left and right cushion lower connection lower connection portions 3b to which the rear end portions
portions 27d of the lower arm 22. The bolt 28a is inserted 45 22b of the lower arm 22 are swingably connected are formed
through the insertion holes 28h and an inner peripheral in the extending portions 30, and the upper front portions 6a
portion of the lower end portion 27b of the cushion member of the lower frames 6 are connected to the extending
27 with the lower end portion 27b of the cushion member 27 portions 30.
interposed between the left and right cushion lower connec In this configuration, the extending portions 30 extending
tion portions 27d of the lower arm 22, and a nut 28b is 50 downward are formed in the lowerfront portions of the main
screwed and fastened to a protruding portion of the bolt 28a. frames 2, and the upper front portions 6a of the lower frames
A collar 28i for supporting a needle bearing 28m is provided 6, extending forward in the vehicle lower portion from the
on an outer periphery of the bolt 28a. The lower end portion rear portions of the main frames 2 and then extending
27b of the cushion member 27 is supported by the left and upward in the vehicle front portion, are connected to the
right cushion lower connection portions 27d of the lower 55 extending portions 30. This can achieve reinforcement of the
arm 22 via the collar 28i to be turnable about the center axis extending portions 30 which are overhangs of the main
C16. frames 2, with the lower frames 6, thereby improving the
Operations of the cushion member 27 are described stiffness of the frame. Moreover, the lower connection
below. portions 3b to which the rear end portions 22b of the lower
When front wheel braking or the like causes the front 60 arm 22 are Swingably connected are formed in the extending
wheel 11 to be relatively displaced upward from a position portions 30. This can increase an interval between the upper
thereofata one-G state where load corresponding the weight and lower arms 21, 22 in the up-down directions and thereby
of the vehicle is applied to the front wheel suspension device reduce the load of the upper and lower arms 21, 22.
1, the Supporting arm 20 Swings upward, and the front fork compared to the case where no extending portions 30 are
17 and the supporting member 15 are displaced upward. At 65 formed. Furthermore, reinforcing the extending portions 30
this time, the lower arm 22 turns in a right-handed direction with the lower frames 6 which are constitutional elements of
(clockwise) in FIG. 1 about the fourth connection axis C14. the vehicle body frame can reduce the weight of the front
US 9,725,127 B2
17 18
wheel Supporting frame structure compared to the case Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, the lower
where additional reinforcement members are provided. Supporting portions 3c Supporting the engine are formed in
Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, the upper the extending portions 30. This can achieve reinforcement of
front portions 6a of the lower frames 6 are joined to the front the extending portions 30 which are overhangs of the main
portions 30f of the extending portions 30. This can achieve frames 2, with the engine in addition to the lower frames 6,
reinforcement of the front portions 30f of the extending thereby further improving the stiffness of the frame.
portions 30 with the lower frames 6. Accordingly, it is Note that, in the aforementioned embodiment, description
possible to effectively reduce load from the front side of the is given of the example in which the steered axis C2 is
vehicle generated by Swinging of the lower arm 22 and also arranged in front of and away from the steering axis C1 in
further improve the stiffness of the lower connection por 10 the side view. However, the present invention is not limited
tions 3b. to this example. For example, the steered axis C2 may be
Furthermore, in the aforementioned embodiment, the
arranged behind and away from the steering axis C1 in the
joining portions 30c to which the upper front portions 6a of side view. In other words, it is only necessary that the steered
axis C2 and the steering axis C1 are offset from each other
the lower frames 6 are joined are formed in the front portions 15 in the front-rear directions in the side view. Moreover, the
30f of the extending portions 30, and the upper front portions steered axis C2 and the steering axis C1 may coincide with
6a of the lower frames 6 are joined to the joining portions each other in the side view.
30c by using the bolts 30i (fasteners) configured to fasten the Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, descrip
upper front portions 6a from the front side of the vehicle. tion is given of the example in which the steered axis C2 and
This enables fastening of the bolts 30i from the front side of the steering axis C1 are parallel to each other. However, the
the vehicle with rear surfaces of the upper front portions 6a present invention is not limited to this example. For
of the lower frames 6 brought into tight contact with front example, the steered axis C2 and the steering axis C1 may
Surfaces of the extending portions 30. Accordingly, the intersect each other.
fastening strength between the front portions 30f of the Furthermore, in the aforementioned embodiment, the
extending portions 30 and the upper front portions 6a of the 25 description is given of the example in which the first straight
lower frames 6 can be improved. Moreover, fastening of the line AX1 of the upper arm 21 and the second straight line
upper front portions 6a of the lower frames 6 to the front AX2 of the lower arm 22 are substantially parallel to each
portions 30f of the extending portions 30 is facilitated other. However, the present invention is not limited to this
compared to the case where fasteners configured to fasten example.
the upper front portions 6a from the rear side of the vehicle 30 For example, the first straight line AX1 and the second
are provided. straight line AX2 can intersect each other in portions extend
Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, the mul ing behind the upper arm 21 such that the distance between
tiple bolts 30i are provided to be offset from one another in the first straight line AX1 of the upper arm 21 and the second
the up-down directions and the left-right directions in the straight line AX2 of the lower arm 22 increases toward the
front view. This can secure arrangement intervals among the 35 front side. In order to achieve Such intersecting arrangement,
bolts 30i in the up-down directions and the left-right direc for example, the position of the second connection axis C12
tions. Accordingly, it is possible to increase the Surface area in the up-down directions is shifted downward or the posi
where the front surface of each extending portion 30 and the tion of the fourth connection axis C14 in the up-down
rear surface of the upper front portion 6a of the correspond directions is shifted upward in the side view.
ing lower frame 6 come into tight contact with each other, 40 Alternatively, the first straight line AX1 and the second
and improve the fastening strength between the front por straight line AX2 can intersect each other in portions extend
tions 30f of the extending portions 30 and the upper front ing in front of the upper arm 21 and the lower arm 22 such
portions 6a of the lower frames 6, compared to the case that the distance between the first straight line AX1 of the
where the bolts 30i are offset in either the up-down direc upper arm 21 and the second straight line AX2 of the lower
tions or the left-right directions. 45 arm 22 increases toward the rear side. In order to achieve
Furthermore, in the aforementioned embodiment, the Such intersecting arrangement, for example, the position of
extending portions 30 incline toward the center in the the second connection axis C12 in the up-down directions is
vehicle width directions as extending upward in the front shifted upward or the position of the fourth connection axis
view. This can prevent sharp curving of the extending C14 in the up-down directions is shifted downward in the
portions 30 in directions toward the main frames 2. Accord 50 side view.
ingly, concentration of stress due to stiffness variation in the Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, descrip
frame can be prevented. tion is given of the example in which the first axes C4 are
Moreover, in the aforementioned embodiment, the rear the Straight lines extending in the vehicle up-down direc
end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 is separable from the tions and the second axis C5 is the straight line substantially
pivot portion 5 of the main frame 2, and the joining portion 55 parallel to the first axes C4 and extending in the vehicle
5d between the rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 and up-down directions. However, the present invention is not
the pivot portion 5 is covered with the step supporting limited to this example. For example, the first and second
member 51 in the side view. This makes the joining portion axes C4, C5 may be such that the first axes C4 are straight
5d between the rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 and lines extending in directions intersecting the vehicle width
the pivot portion 5 less visible in the side view, and the 60 directions and the second axis C5 is a straight line extending
external appearance can be thereby improved. in directions which intersect the vehicle width directions but
Furthermore, in the aforementioned embodiment, the step are different from the directions of the first axes C4.
supporting member 51 is fixed to both of the rear end portion Note that the present invention is not limited to the
6.b of the lower frame 6 and the pivot portion 5 of the main aforementioned embodiment. For example, the saddle-ride
frame 2. This can improve the joining strength between the 65 type vehicle includes vehicles in general on which a driver
rear end portion 6b of the lower frame 6 and the pivot rides by Straddling on a vehicle body and includes not only
portion 5. motorcycles (including motored bicycles and scooter-type
US 9,725,127 B2
19 20
vehicles) but also three-wheel vehicles (including vehicles 6. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle
with two front wheels and one rear wheel in addition to ride vehicle according to claim 5, wherein the step support
vehicles with one front wheel and two rear wheel). ing member is fixed to both of the rear portion of the lower
Moreover, the configuration in the aforementioned frame and the main frame.
embodiment is one example of the present invention, and 5 7. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle
various changes such as replacing the constitutional ele ride vehicle according to claim 1, wherein a Supporting
ments in the embodiment with other well-known constitu portion which Supports an engine is formed in the extending
tional elements can be made within a range not departing portion.
from the spirit of the present invention.
Obviously, numerous modifications and variations of the 10 8. vehicle,
A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle
present invention are possible in light of the above teach ridea main comprising:
frame which extends in vehicle front-rear direc
ings. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of tions; and
the appended claims, the invention may be practiced other
wise than as specifically described herein. upper and lower arms which extend in the vehicle front
What is claimed is: 15 rear directions and by which a front wheel is supported
1. A front wheel Supporting frame structure of a saddle to be Swingable in up-down directions,
ride vehicle, comprising: wherein the front wheel supporting frame structure further
a main frame which extends in vehicle front-rear direc comprises:
tions; and a lower frame extending forward in a vehicle lower
upper and lower arms which extend in the vehicle front- 20 portion from a rear portion of the main frame and
rear directions and by which a front wheel is supported then extending upward in a vehicle front portion,
to be Swingable in up-down directions, an upper connection portion to which a rear end portion
wherein the front wheel supporting frame structure further of the upper arm is Swingably connected is formed in
comprises: an upper front portion of the main frame,
a lower frame extending forward in a vehicle lower 25 an extending portion extending downward is formed in
portion from a rear portion of the main frame and a lower front portion of the main frame,
then extending upward in a vehicle front portion, a lower connection portion to which a rear end portion
an upper connection portion to which a rear end portion of the lower arm is Swingably connected is formed in
of the upper arm is Swingably connected is formed in the extending portion, and
an upper front portion of the main frame, 30 an upper front portion of the lower frame is connected
an extending portion extending downward is formed in to the extending portion, and
a lower front portion of the main frame, wherein the extending portion inclines toward a center in
a lower connection portion to which a rear end portion vehicle width directions as extending upward in a front
of the lower arm is Swingably connected is formed in view.
the extending portion, and 35 9. A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle
an upper front portion of the lower frame is connected ride vehicle, comprising:
to the extending portion, a main frame which has a front portion and a rear portion
wherein a joining portion is formed in the extending opposite to the front portion in a vehicle front-rear
portion, the joining portion being joined to the upper direction, the main frame including an upper connec
front portion of the lower frame using a fastener, 40 tion portion, a lower connection portion, and an extend
wherein the joining portion is formed in a front portion of ing portion, the upper connection portion being pro
the extending portion, and vided at an upper part of the front portion, the lower
wherein the upper front portion of the lower frame is connection portion being provided at a lower part of the
joined to the joining portion by using the fastener front portion, the extending portion extending down
configured to fasten the upper front portion in the 45 ward from the lower connection portion;
vehicle front-rear directions. an upper arm which has an upper front end portion and an
2. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle upper rear end portion opposite to the upper front end
ride vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the upper front portion in the vehicle front-rear direction and which
portion of the lower frame is joined to the front portion of Supports at the upper front end portion a front wheel to
the extending portion. 50 be movable in an up-down direction Substantially per
3. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle pendicular to the vehicle front-rear direction, the upper
ride vehicle according to claim 1, wherein rear end portion of the upper arm being movably
the upper front portion of the lower frame is joined to the connected to the upper connection portion of the main
joining portion by using the fastener configured to frame;
fasten the upper front portion from a front side of the 55 a lower arm which is provided under the upper arm, which
vehicle. has a lower front end portion and a lower rear end
4. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle portion opposite to the lower front end portion in the
ride vehicle according to claim 3, wherein a plurality of the vehicle front-rear direction, and which supports at the
fasteners are provided to be offset from each other in the lower front end portion a front wheel to be movable in
up-down directions and left-right directions in a front view. 60 the up-down direction, the lower rear end portion of the
5. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle lower arm being movably connected to the lower
ride vehicle according to claim 1, wherein connection portion of the main frame; and
a rear portion of the lower frame is separable from the a lower frame including a bottom portion and an upright
main frame, and portion which are connected at a corner portion, the
a second joining portion between the rear portion of the 65 bottom portion extending in the vehicle front-rear
lower frame and the main frame is covered with a step direction from the rear portion of the main frame to the
Supporting member in a side view. corner portion, the upright portion having a top portion
US 9,725,127 B2
21 22
opposite to the corner portion in the up-down direction, an upper arm which has an upper front end portion and an
the top portion being connected to the extending por upper rear end portion opposite to the upper front end
tion of the main frame, portion in the vehicle front-rear direction and which
wherein a joining portion is provided in the extending Supports at the upper front end portion a front wheel to
portion, the joining portion being joined to the top be movable in an up-down direction Substantially per
portion of the upright portion using at least one fas pendicular to the vehicle front-rear direction, the upper
tener, rear end portion of the upper arm being movably
wherein the joining portion is provided in a front portion connected to the upper connection portion of the main
of the extending portion, and frame;
wherein the top portion of the upright portion is joined to 10 a lower arm which is provided under the upper arm, which
the joining portion by the at least one fastener config has a lower front end portion and a lower rear end
ured to fasten the top portion of the upright portion in portion opposite to the lower front end portion in the
the vehicle front-rear direction. vehicle front-rear direction, and which supports at the
lower front end portion a front wheel to be movable in
10. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a 15 the up-down direction, the lower rear end portion of the
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 9, wherein the top lower arm being movably connected to the lower
portion of the upright portion is joined to the front portion connection portion of the main frame; and
of the extending portion. a lower frame including a bottom portion and an upright
11. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a portion which are connected at a corner portion, the
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 9, wherein bottom portion extending in the vehicle front-rear
the top portion of the upright portion is joined to the direction from the rear portion of the main frame to the
joining portion by the at least one fastener configured corner portion, the upright portion having a top portion
to fasten the top portion of the upright portion from a opposite to the corner portion in the up-down direction,
front side of the vehicle. the top portion being connected to the extending por
12. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a 25 tion of the main frame,
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 11, wherein wherein the extending portion inclines toward a center in
the at least one fastener includes a plurality of the fas a vehicle width as extending upward in a front view.
teners, and 19. A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle
the plurality of the fasteners are provided to be offset from ride vehicle, comprising:
each other in the up-down direction and a left-right 30 a main frame which has a front portion and a rear portion
direction substantially perpendicular to the vehicle opposite to the front portion in a vehicle front-rear
front-rear direction and the up-down direction in a front direction, the main frame including an upper connec
view. tion portion, a lower connection portion, and an extend
13. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a ing portion, the upper connection portion being pro
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 11, wherein the at 35 vided at an upper part of the front portion, the lower
least one fastener is covered with a side wall portion in a side connection portion being provided at a lower part of the
view, the side wall portion being provided with the top front portion, the extending portion extending down
portion of the upright portion. ward from the lower connection portion;
14. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a an upper arm which has an upper front end portion and an
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 9, wherein 40 upper rear end portion opposite to the upper front end
a rear portion of the lower frame is detachably connected portion in the vehicle front-rear direction and which
to the main frame, and Supports at the upper front end portion a front wheel to
a second joining portion between the rear portion of the be movable in an up-down direction Substantially per
lower frame and the main frame is covered with a step pendicular to the vehicle front-rear direction, the upper
Supporting member in a side view. 45 rear end portion of the upper arm being movably
15. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a connected to the upper connection portion of the main
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the step frame;
Supporting member is connected to both of the rear portion a lower arm which is provided under the upper arm, which
of the lower frame and the main frame. has a lower front end portion and a lower rear end
16. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a 50 portion opposite to the lower front end portion in the
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 9, wherein a Support vehicle front-rear direction, and which supports at the
ing portion which Supports an engine is provided in the lower front end portion a front wheel to be movable in
extending portion. the up-down direction, the lower rear end portion of the
17. The front wheel supporting frame structure of a lower arm being movably connected to the lower
saddle-ride vehicle according to claim 9, wherein the upper 55 connection portion of the main frame; and
arm is substantially parallel to the lower arm. a lower frame including a bottom portion and an upright
18. A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle portion which are connected at a corner portion, the
ride vehicle, comprising: bottom portion extending in the vehicle front-rear
a main frame which has a front portion and a rear portion direction from the rear portion of the main frame to the
opposite to the front portion in a vehicle front-rear 60 corner portion, the upright portion having a top portion
direction, the main frame including an upper connec opposite to the corner portion in the up-down direction,
tion portion, a lower connection portion, and an extend the top portion being connected to the extending por
ing portion, the upper connection portion being pro tion of the main frame,
vided at an upper part of the front portion, the lower wherein a first length of the upper arm along the vehicle
connection portion being provided at a lower part of the 65 front-rear direction is Substantially same as a second
front portion, the extending portion extending down length of the lower arm along the vehicle front-rear
ward from the lower connection portion; direction.
US 9,725,127 B2
23 24
20. A front wheel supporting frame structure of a saddle portion opposite to the lower front end portion in the
ride vehicle, comprising: vehicle front-rear direction, and which supports at the
a main frame which has a front portion and a rear portion lower front end portion a front wheel to be movable in
opposite to the front portion in a vehicle front-rear the up-down direction, the lower rear end portion of the
direction, the main frame including an upper connec- 5 lower arm being movably connected to the lower
tion portion, a lower connection portion, and an extend connection portion of the main frame;
ing portion, the upper connection portion being pro
vided at an upper part of the front portion, the lower a lower frame including a bottom portion and an upright
connection portion being provided at a lower part of the portion which are connected at a corner portion, the
front portion, the extending portion extending down bottom portion extending in the vehicle front-rear
ward from the lower connection portion; 10 direction from the rear portion of the main frame to the
an upper arm which has an upper front end portion and an corner portion, the upright portion having a top portion
upper rear end portion opposite to the upper front end opposite to the corner portion in the up-down direction,
portion in the vehicle front-rear direction and which the top portion being connected to the extending por
Supports at the upper front end portion a front wheel to tion of the main frame; and
be movable in an up-down direction substantially per- 15 a cushion member which is expanded and compressed
pendicular to the vehicle front-rear direction, the upper with a movement of the front wheel to obtain a cush
rear end portion of the upper arm being movably ioning effect, and
connected to the upper connection portion of the main -0
frame: wherein the cushion member is directly connected to the
s 2O lower arm.
a lower arm which is provided under the upper arm, which
has a lower front end portion and a lower rear end k . . . .

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