Notes in Introduction in Early Learning and Child Care: Property of Fatima N. Bagnol
Notes in Introduction in Early Learning and Child Care: Property of Fatima N. Bagnol
Notes in Introduction in Early Learning and Child Care: Property of Fatima N. Bagnol
Programs standards
EARLY LEARNING AND CHILD Minimum educational standards will
CARE change as government revise
policies and financial commitments
CHAPTER 1 to early childhood services.
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IN these environments, early childhood and who participate in continuous
practitioners create safe, interesting, learning about young children.
innovative play opportunities that are
responsive to children’s needs, EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES
interests, and abilities, while supporting Programs provided for children in child care
the needs of families. settings, homes, institutions, recreational
facilities or other group settings.
Programs that support the healthy Refers to the period from birth to 8 years of age
development of all children by providing each
child with access to quality programs that are CHILD CARE
developmentally and culturally appropriate
regardless of choice of service, age, or Government regulated child care offered in
developmental needs of children, or residence centers and family child care homes.
of family
Nursery Schools/preschools and resource
A bilingual non-profit, national member-based programs that are regulated by
organization established in 1987. These are provincial/territorial governments.
more than 11,000 members, including early
learning and child care practitioners, Importance of knowing the roots of early
academics, parents and policy makers. childhood services
LATTER PART OF THE DARK AGES Plato and Aristotle= determined that the
early years had more of an impact on a
Policies of Charlemagne of France child’s development
influenced societal direction. He proclaimed
that the nobility should know their letters. Plato suggested that the early years were
critical for developing healthy bodies and
Craft guilds and apprenticeship programs formulating the blue print for one’’s
were developed and expanded across the character.
Advocated for children to be educated
TRANSITION FROM DARK AGES TO initially by nurses and then their parents
RENNAISSANCE 14th century- during the first 6 years in a home setting.
REFORMATION in the 16 century-
Essential to develop interpersonal skills and
Young boys were provided with later academic skills
opportunities to learn specific skills from a
male adult that prepared those boys to 3-6 years play opportunities with other
become contributing members of society. children of similar ages
Formal setting was most appropriate after
Germany established a school system the age of 6
leading other EUROPEAN societies to do
the same. MODERN ROOTS
The infant morality rate declined. 19th and early 20th centuries – 12 theorists
who contributed fundamentally to the body
Shift in how people viewed children. of literature on early childhood.
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1. Erik Erikson
2. Howard Gardner
3. Abraham Maslow
4. Jean Piaget
5. Lev Vygotsky
1. John Comenius,
2. John Dewey
3. Friedrich Froebel
4. John Locke
5. Maria Montessori
6. Johann Pestalozzi
7. Jean Jacques Rousseau
The beginning of ECS in Canada dates back to 1850, when the first creche opened in Montreal to
serve children of poor working mothers.
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In 1857 the Grey Nuns in Montreal operated the first educational program known as “Salle d asile
Saint Joseph”. It provided care for children aged 3 to 7, most of whom were from poverty-stricken
Toronto public school system established the first kindergarten programs for 5-year-old.
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Strengthening early childhood
development, learning and caring
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childhood practitioners must understand Canada’s Aboriginal Families- live in
various cultures and respect diversity, because poverty and substandard housing and a high
children’s values, communication processes percentage of these children have poor physical
and needs are highly influenced by family and mental health
culture, beliefs and family support systems.
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10 CANDIANS WHO HAVE MADE MAJOR children’s social and emotional competence
CONTRIBUTIONS and empathy.
5. DR CLYDE HERTZMAN – has been
1. ROSEMARY BROWN – known for her work instrumental in examining the relationship of
as a social activist, educator, politician, and prenatal and early childhood experiences to
author, contributed greatly to advancing life long health, well being and competence.
women’s rights and gender equality. She Links population health to human
was concerned about the shortage of development, emphasizing the special role
money for women’s issues because she of early childhood development as a
believed that if society addressed poverty, determinant of health.
economic independence and violence 6. DR. SHARON HOPE IRWIN- founder of
prevention, then women and girls would be special link, non profit organization has long
better able to achieve their full potential and been an advocate of supporting parents of
build a healthier society and economy. First children with disabilities to have the same
black her advocates include removing of level of access to inclusive early learning
discrimination based on sex or marital and child care programs as children with
status. typical development.
2. DR. GILLIAN DOHERTY - Is one of 7. DR DONNA LERO has made many
canada’s leaders in early childhood contributions to new knowledge on issues
research. Identified predictors of quality in related to work-life and families as well as
child care centres and family child care to a national evaluation of the impact of
homes and continues to influence the changes to Canada’s parental-leave
framework for quality child care. legislation.
3. MARTHA FRIENDLY – identifying the state 8. Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain - promote
of early childhood across Canada and has women’s rights, social equality, education
provided data and recommendations and the arts across Canada. Member of the
necessary for policy development. Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation in
New Brunswick, to eliminate family violence
4. MARY GORDON – teacher of
through public education and research.
children, teacher of parents and teacher of 9. DR FRASER MUSTARD- has made
teachers both nationally and internationally. significant contributions to the early
Developed a number of programs that childhood sector by examining the socio-
support children and family development. economic determinants of human
Developed firs and largest school-based development and health. He emphasized
parenting and family literacy program. on the importance of early childhood and
Developed roots of empathy, a non for the role of communities in supporting
profit, groundbreaking, evidence-based children and their development.
classroom program that focuses on 10. DR. DAN OFFORD- his work has
reducing levels of aggression and violence influenced child psychiatry and mental
among school-aged children by raising health research. He was particularly
interested in children from disadvantaged
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backgrounds who are at risk for low self-
esteem and emotional problems and in how
such problems impact their potential and
daily living.
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