Exploring Children 'S Perceptions of Developing Twenty-First Century Skills Through Computational Thinking and Programming
Exploring Children 'S Perceptions of Developing Twenty-First Century Skills Through Computational Thinking and Programming
Exploring Children 'S Perceptions of Developing Twenty-First Century Skills Through Computational Thinking and Programming
Computer programming is considered a major digital literacy competence for the twenty-first
century. In the process of learning how to programme, learners can develop computational thinking
(CT). CT, which was popularised by Wing (2006), is defined as the problem-solving and thinking pro-
cesses of formulating computational problems and their solutions, which can be effectively solved by
a computer through programming (Grover & Pea, 2013). Creativity is a possible attribute of the
process of developing computational artefacts and solving problems (Gretter & Yadav, 2016).
People also use their critical thinking skills (i.e. effective reasoning, systematic thinking and evaluation
of evidence (Binkley et al., 2012)) to approach computational problems, which basically involves
dealing with programme structure, sequence of logical instructions, computational complexity and
social impact when developing a computational solution to the problem. Therefore, programming
CONTACT Gary Ka-Wai Wong [email protected] Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong, China
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
and other learning competences (i.e. problem solving, creativity, critical thinking) are closely associ-
ated, and are important for future compulsory education.
Educators believe that children can acquire these twenty-first century skills as complementary
skills. Various countries have begun to consider introducing programming activities in schools. For
example, primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong are developing a curriculum that features pro-
gramming activities with different tools (Wong, Cheung, Ching, & Huen, 2015). Similar initiatives are
also reported in different countries (e.g. Israel, Pearson, Tapia, Wherfel, & Reese, 2015; Kucuk & Sisman,
2017; Manches & Plowman, 2017; Mannila et al., 2014; Webb et al., 2017; Wong et al., 2015).
In addition, the “participatory culture” advocated by Jenkins, Purushotma, Weigel, Clinton, and
Robison (2009) can be linked to programming activities because children become content creators
in their digital culture through programming activities (Gretter & Yadav, 2016). This digital engage-
ment will become more essential in today’s globalised and hyper-connected digital society with
social media.
Some studies have noted the commonality between twenty-first century skills and CT through
programming (Kong, 2016; Lye & Koh, 2014; Mannila et al., 2014; Webb et al., 2017). However,
there is a need for more empirical evidence to assess this relationship. Particularly in the context
of primary education, where generic learning competences (i.e. problem solving, creativity and criti-
cal thinking) that are taught are fundamental to future learning, studies have mostly focused on the
programming performance of primary school students without making an explicit connection
between these learning competences and programming (e.g. Lye & Koh, 2014; Shute, Sun, &
Asbell-Clarke, 2017). Indeed, connecting CT to twenty-first century skills seems to be trivial, and
yet our understanding of the learner’s perspective about whether these skills can actually be
linked or related to other subjects remains limited (Tran, 2018).
As such, our study addresses the following research questions:
. RQ1: What is the perceived change in problem solving, creativity and critical thinking compe-
tences across different primary students’ ages after learning programming with CT?
. RQ2: How do primary students relate the learning of programming to other school-based subjects?
Theoretical frameworks
Constructionism and CT
Research on CT with programming for children can be traced back to Papert (1980), who coined the
term “CT” in his LOGO programming project for children. Papert (1980) emphasised the importance
of constructionism, whereby learners construct their knowledge by building artefacts through active
engagement in an interactive learning environment with technological tools (Kucuk & Sisman, 2017).
The composition of concepts and rules happens in the process of learning, where one is actively
doing and consciously thinking within the process of engaging in the learning activities (Ackermann,
2001; Alimisis, 2013). On top of this learning by doing-and-thinking approach, Papert (1980) believed
that technological tools are the key to empowering children with the ability to deal with situations by
themselves. Through building the technological artefacts, children can gain knowledge during the
process of thinking about the problems and learning how to solve them. Voogt, Fisser, Good,
Mishra, and Yadav (2015) provided a summary of research since Papert’s first work introducing
LOGO programming to children, which studied children’s programming skills and its impact on
their learning, including the development of CT skills. They concluded that the benefit of developing
CT through programming is clear, but we still need to know more about how it can be embedded in
school curricula and other disciplines, and how it should be taught in the K-12 context (Lye & Koh,
2014; Tran, 2018).
In the context of CT through programming, Brennan and Resnick (2012) proposed a well-known
conceptual framework consisting of three dimensions to structure the different aspects of CT:
Computational Strategic knowledge to solve Being incremental and iterative, testing . Creativity
practices programming problem during the and debugging, reusing and remixing . Critical
process of thinking and practices and abstracting and modularising. thinking
. Problem
Computational Understandings of personal, social and Expressing and questioning the . Creativity
perspectives technological relationships around technology world through computation . Critical
them in connection to programming (e.g. Create their own digital stories with thinking
Creativity and CT
According to Binkley et al. (2012), the operational definitions of creativity and innovation cover how
learners deal with new and worthwhile ideas. These include an open attitude to the ideas, the knowl-
edge and skills to create these ideas, as well as to work on the ideas and innovate, tackling failure in
the process. In the context of computer programming and technology education, Manches and
Plowman (2017) defined creativity as “generating ideas and strategies as an individual or community,
reasoning critically between these and producing plausible explanations and strategies consistent
with the available evidence” (Agogi, Rossis, & Stylianidou, 2014, p. 8). Indeed, when children
engage in programming activities, they have opportunities to solve computational problems in crea-
tive ways and develop a computer program (Mishra & Yadav, 2013) Debugging activities in program-
ming also allow children to think creatively about strategies to refine their ideas.
Table 2. Mapping the five stages programming into a critical thinking approach.
Dimensions (Wong et al., 2018) Examples of questions provoking critical thinking
Algorithmic Design of Program . How should an algorithm be designed to form a feasible solution in the program?
. Why should social constraints be considered when developing the algorithm?
Coding the Program . What programming blocks should be used to ask for multiple inputs at once?
. Where could I find out more reference examples for this programming problem?
Debugging the Codes . Why is the code not giving the correct output?
. If I change this programming block, would it affect the whole structure of my program?
Evaluating the Program . How could I revise the program and improve user experience?
. What will happen to this program if I add more requirements to the original problem?
think systematically and evaluate evidence, make reasoned judgements and decisions, and articulate
these through clear explanation and justification of the process. Critical thinking is part of program-
ming through CT when children participate in the programming process (Lye & Koh, 2014; Wright,
Rich, & Leatham, 2012), because solving any computational problem requires constant judgement
and justification of the process, from algorithm design to testing and debugging. Decision making
throughout the different stages of programming requires critical thinking skills. Based on the A-E pro-
gramming conceptual framework by Wong, Jiang, and Kong (2018), the five stages of programming
can be linked to their associated critical questions during the processes (See Table 2). If children can
learn how to think more critically, they will create more feasible and comprehensive computational
solutions to programming problems (DeJarnette, 2012; Moomaw, 2012).
This study introduces a computer programming curriculum in the participating primary school as an
intervention to evaluate the impacts of computer programming education on students’ CT. Both
quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires and interviews at the begin-
ning and end of the intervention respectively.
A total of 358 students from a primary school in Hong Kong consented to participate in this study. The
students came from three different grade levels: Primary 4, 5 and 6. These students had prior experi-
ence of learning programming in the same school during the previous year, as summarised in Table 3.
Table 3. Students’ prior programming experience and the topics covered during the study.
Grade in 2015–16 2014–15 (prior experience) 2015–16 (this study)
Primary 4 2DIYa (making games) Kodu (beginners)
Primary 5 2DIY (advanced) Kodu (advanced)
Primary 6 Kodu (beginners) Scratch
The 2Do It Yourself (2DIY) is a self-developed Flash-based activity building tool in which the students are able to build their own
games and give a series of instructions to control the motion of an avatar on the screen. See https://www.2simple.com/product/
All of the participating students were invited to take part in our questionnaire, while the interview
samples were selected by the teachers. The purposive sample consisted of an even distribution of
students across low, median and high levels of academic performance. The purposive sampling
scheme is shown in Table 4.
of Hong Kong (EDB) as an online self-evaluation tool for local schools to assess their students’ devel-
opment and needs in the social and affective domains. The Chinese version of APASO-II was used in
this study because it is the students’ first language.
Various constructs can be assessed under APASO-II, including creative thinking, critical thinking
and problem solving, on a four-point Likert scale to indicate how much the respondents agree
with the corresponding statements. Creative thinking consists of eight items developed by EDB to
assess how well the students are able to do or view things in ways different from others. The critical
thinking construct was also developed by the EDB, and it consists of five items concerning how well
the students were able to make their own reasoned judgements in complex situations. Finally, the
problem-solving construct, consisting of eight items, was adapted from the study by Chow et al.
(2009). This construct covers whether the students were able to consider various perspectives, pin-
point the key issues, pick the best method, and then solve the problem effectively. All of the ques-
tions were self-assessed and therefore represent the respondents’ perceived self-efficacy in these
areas. All three constructs were consistent with the corresponding definitions given in the previous
sections. Due to copyright restrictions, only local schools in Hong Kong have direct access to the
instruments online.
APASO-II is widely used in local schools. This is important because although children from age 8 to
11 (age range of our informants) can cope with self-administered surveys, questionnaires have to be
specially developed for them as they still interpret the wordings of questionnaires very literally and
have issues with indirect questions and negatively phrased terms (Borgers, De Leeuw, & Hox, 2000).
Therefore, the APASO-II instrument, which were designed for and were already familiar to the chil-
dren in our case, was more appropriate than other instruments designed for adults. To ensure that
students understood the items, the teachers also explained the items to their students during the
survey. According to EDB, all of the scales and subscales in the APASO-II instrument have been stat-
istically validated and are reliable (EDB, n.d.).
Interview protocol
The interviews were structured and conducted in groups of three. Group interviews were used
so that young children might be more comfortable and familiar with the setting (Darbyshire,
Macdougall, & Schiller, 2005). Moreover, although researchers suggest that semi-structured
interviews can be used for this age group (Borgers et al., 2000), in our case the interview ques-
tions (see Appendix) were explicitly framed to collect the knowledge required to answer the
research questions, and structured interviews were more appropriate (Cohen, Manion, & Morri-
son, 2011).
The interviewers asked how students perceived the relationship between programming and other
subjects they learned at school, as well as the skills involved in learning these subjects. These two
questions were preceded by two warm-up questions, which were slightly different between the
pre- and post-interviews. The interview protocols are outlined in the Appendix. Finally, each interview
session lasted for 15–30 min. The interviews were conducted in Cantonese, the first language of the
students and the teachers.
Data analysis
APASO-II returned a complete dataset of each student’s responses to each of the 21 items being
tested. The scores for the three constructs were then calculated by averaging the responses
under the corresponding items. Two-sample unpaired t-tests were used to test the statistical sig-
nificance of the pre–post difference, while effect sizes were also calculated for each of the three
The interviews were audio-taped and transcribed into text for coding. Occurrences of the codes
were counted and reported. Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) suggest that although numbers
tend to be ignored in qualitative analysis, sometimes we want to identify a theme or pattern in quali-
tative data. This aligns with our purpose in this study, as we intended to identify the subjects and
knowledge/skills related to programming.
Demographic data
The total student population in the study year was 369, and 358 students (97.0%) consented to take
part in the pre-test, while 350 (94.9%) completed the questionnaire in the post-test, all uniformly dis-
tributed across grade levels (Table 5). The demographic distribution for the interviews followed the
purposive sampling scheme stated in Table 4 above.
exposure to programming activities prior to this study, e.g. Primary 6 students show a lower gain in
their perceived impact of programming in their creative thinking.
Our sampled study results are significantly different from the regional norm data (N ∼ 9900) of
primary schools in Hong Kong in three constructs. Our students perceived a higher effect on these
skills after the intervention, which is at least valid for all grades in our samples.
technology. In addition, the nature of programming tasks might not be particularly mathematical,
and is more instructional and logical (e.g. setting up the conditional statements). Shute et al.
(2017) pointed out that CT and mathematical thinking do have overlapping skills, but they cannot
be considered as a subset of each other. Some students related programming to English and
General Education.1 The students explained that English is related because students had to do
their programming in an English user interface, and that General Education is related because the
process of programming involves creativity and common sense.
Another question asked what the students had learned through programming. The frequencies of
answers are provided in Table 12.
Many students indicated that they learnt how to think, solve problems and be creative through
programming. Due to the nature of programming, which involves solving computational problems,
it is understandable that most students have an impression that problem solving techniques can be
learned through programming. These findings roughly correspond to the three constructs used in
our quantitative analysis above. The students explained that their creativity was enhanced as they
designed and created the game. However, they mentioned creativity more in the pre-interview
than the post-interview.
The students also suggested that they learned thinking and problem-solving skills when they tried
to fix errors in their code and other technical problems. In particular, thinking and problem solving
were much more frequently mentioned in the post-interview than the pre-interview. However,
only a few students explicitly used the term “critical thinking” (rather than “thinking” in general)
in their answers. Some skills mentioned by the students are not included due to insignificant pre–
post differences. However, the skills learned through CT might go beyond what the students men-
tioned, because they have limited knowledge of the terminology.
Our quantitative results showed an improvement in the students’ creative thinking, critical thinking
and problem-solving skills after the intervention. This finding was verified by our qualitative study,
which found that students perceived that the programming curriculum not only equipped them
with knowledge in programming and computer operation, but also enhanced their thinking skills,
problem solving skills and creativity through the process of designing and creating their own games.
Note that the level of creativity expressed by students might depend on the freedom provided in
the programming requirements. By relaxing the requirements, students can demonstrate their crea-
tive thinking in developing the digital artefacts and programmes to achieve the goals (Denner,
Werner, & Ortiz, 2012). However, excessive freedom and flexibility can affect the creativity of students,
because they might not be able to achieve the expected outcomes. Considering the results of Denner
et al. (2012), the design of programming curricula in primary schools should take this into account to
help students to develop even higher creative skills.
Our findings can also be compared to those of Falloon (2016), who studied how junior primary
students (age 5 and 6) learned to programme with Scratch Junior on iPad to create subject-
related artefacts (e.g. basic shapes and letters related to mathematics and language). The study was
similar to our project in terms of the age group and visual programming tools. Fallon showed that
students can develop higher-order general thinking skills in analysis, predictive thinking and evalu-
ation, which are highly related to problem solving and critical thinking in our results.
Falloon’s (2016) study also took the researcher interpretation approach to assess the relationship
between thinking skills and other subject learning to programming. Our study found similar results
by assessing students’ perception. In the interview, the students explained that their game construc-
tion process involved the use of mathematical concepts. They also required creativity and common
sense, which they perceived as related to general education. Finally, some students recognised that
the need to work in an English user interface provided a side benefit: they could enhance their
We therefore agree with Falloon (2016) that programming should be included in the core curricu-
lum in primary education because it builds cognitive dimensions and have benefits that are not only
restricted to programming and computer skills but also other learning competences across a variety
of subjects.
Although many scholars have assumed that once learned, twenty-first century skills are transfer-
able to other domains, some authors have challenged this trivial account of transferability. For
example, Binkley et al. (2012) comment that in all of the frameworks they reviewed that assess
twenty-first century skills, the teaching of these skills has been embedded in the subjects that
make up the school curriculum. They question whether these subject-embedded skills (e.g. critical
thinking and creativity) have sufficient common features to be transferable from one subject to
In our study, the students showed an awareness of the relationship between CT, programming
and twenty-first century skills. This could be considered the first step of skills transfer. However,
these skills might be specific to the context of solving computational problems and only partially
transferable to other subject contexts. For instance, it is uncertain whether primary school students
can develop problem solving and creative thinking by acquiring CT and then transfer the skills to
solve a geometry problem. A classical work by Halpern (1998) on transferability of critical thinking
argues that thinking skills need to be taught in an explicit and conscious approach with examples
linked to a specific context. Merely teaching such skills with an assumption that students can
recall the skills in different domains is ineffective.
In a more specific context, Kurland, Pea, Clement, and Mawby (1986) found that at the end of a
one-year study of high school students learning computer programming, the students’ programming
experience was not transferred to other subject domains. The authors argued that the students, who
were novices in programming, were only able to recognise the surface characteristics of the tasks
rather than focusing on the underlying conceptual properties as an expert would. They were
unable to transfer the skills to other areas. Therefore, the self-reported questionnaire in our study
can be assumed to focus more on programming and CT related problems, rather than perfectly trans-
ferable twenty-first century skills. We suggest that a further study could strengthen the concept of
transferability of twenty-first century skills developed through CT and programming. For instance,
an experimental study could involve control groups focused on a specific domain (e.g. science edu-
cation) for transfer.
Educators around the world have not yet reached a consensus on how CT should be defined,
whether it should be taught through programming in early compulsory education, and how it
should be taught. The benefits of CT are yet to be completely realised until purpose-built assessment
tools are developed. In summary, this study shows how CT and programming can be linked to rel-
evant soft-skills and their transferability. Future studies should consider developing assessment
tools to evaluate how effectively learners develop these skills through CT and programming com-
pared to other non-programming activities.
1. See http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/general-studies-for-primary/index.html.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee [Grant Number General Research
Fund, No.#18615216].
Notes on contributors
Gary Ka-Wai Wong is an Assistant Professor of Information and Technology Studies in the Faculty of Education at the
University of Hong Kong since 2016. He is currently interested in computational thinking for children, computer-
mediated reality for education and integrated learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) edu-
cation. He has a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics (Double Major) from Brigham Young University-Hawaii,
MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and PhD
in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong. He also received a EdM in Learning Design and Leadership
and completing his EdD from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He is the Chair of IEEE Hong Kong Section (Edu-
cation Chapter) since 2014. His research has been published in journals including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Com-
munications, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Educational Technology Research and Development,
British Journal of Educational Technology, and Interactive Learning Environments.
Ho-Yin Cheung is a researcher at the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. He holds BSc and MPhil degrees in
Physics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and an Ed.D. degree from the University of Bristol,
specializing in flipped classroom and active learning approaches. His current research interest includes flipped classroom,
programming education, learning approaches and educational technologies. Besides, he is also an experienced teacher
and software developer of online educational platforms.
Gary Ka-Wai Wong http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1269-0734
Ho-Yin Cheung http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8230-5171
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Post-interview questions