Chap-4 Disinfection (MCQ) PDF

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This set of Environmental Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses

on “Methods of Disinfection”.

1. Which water treatment process is done after filtration of water?

a) Primary sedimentation
b) Disinfection
c) Secondary sedimentation
d) Flocculation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Disinfection is a process which is done to kill microorganism present in the water
after the filtration process.

2. Which of the following is wrong regarding disinfection?

a) It should be readily available at reasonable cost
b) Its method of application should be simple
c) It should render the water toxic for its intended use
d) It should act as safeguard against re-contamination
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Answer: c
Explanation: Disinfection should not render the water toxic, objectionable and unpalatable for its
intended use.

3. Boiling of water is a _____ method of disinfection.

a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Mechanical
d) Electrical
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Answer: a
Explanation: Boiling of water is a physical method of disinfection which is also called as
disinfection by heat.

4. Sunlight is a ________ method of disinfection.

a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Mechanical
d) Electrical
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sunlight is a natural disinfection. Irradiation by ultraviolet rays promotes
5. Which of the following is a chemical method of disinfection?
a) Disinfection by heat
b) Disinfection by light
c) Metal ions
d) Metal ions, Alkalis and acids
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Answer: d
Explanation: Disinfection by heat and light are physical methods of disinfection whereas metal
ions, alkalis and acids are chemical methods of disinfection.

6. The pathogenic bacteria do not last long at a pH ______

a) >11
b) <11
c) <8
d) >8
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pathogenic get killed at pH>11 which is very alkaline in nature or at pH=3
which is highly acidic.

7. Which minor method of disinfection is effective in complete sterilization of water?

a) Boiling method
b) Excess lime treatment
c) Silver treatment
d) Ultraviolet ray treatment
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Answer: a
Explanation: Boiling method is effective in complete sterilization of water as it kills all the
bacteria and microorganism present in water.

8. What is the dose of lime required in the excess lime treatment?

a) 10-20ppm
b) 0-10ppm
c) 5-10ppm
d) 5-20ppm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The dose of lime used in the excess lime treatment is 10-20ppm and the excess lime
can be removed by the process of re-carbonation.

9. At what pH, the E-Coli bacteria will die in the water?

a) 6
b) 7
c) 9
d) >9.5
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Answer: d
Explanation: The E-Coli bacteria will die at a pH>9. This can be done with the help of excess
lime treatment.

10. The depth of water while using ultra violet ray treatment for disinfection should be ____
a) 35cm
b) 46cm
c) 28cm
d) 10cm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The depth of water while using ultra violet ray treatment for disinfection should not
exceed 10 cm and its turbidity should be in the range of 15-20ppm.

11. Which method of disinfection is mainly used in rural areas?

a) Boiling method
b) Excess lime treatment
c) Potassium permanganate treatment
d) Silver treatment
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Potassium permanganate treatment is used in rural areas where most of the
water is drawn from a well which contains the least amount of bacteria.

12 The dose of KMnO4 required for disinfection of water is _______ ppm

a) 1-2
b) 2-3
c) 3-4
d) 4-7
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Answer: a
Explanation: The normal dose of KMnO4 required for disinfection of water varies between 1 to
2ppm with a contact period of 4 to 6 hours.

13. Addition of KMnO4 to water imparts _____ color.

a) Blue
b) Red
c) Pink
d) White
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Answer: c
Explanation: Addition of KMnO4 to water imparts pink color. It not only kills the bacteria, but
also helps in oxidizing the taste producing organic matter.

This set of Environmental Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses
on “Chlorination”.

1. Which of the following is termed as free available chlorine?

a) Hypochlorous acid
b) Hypochlorite ions
c) Molecular chlorine
d) Hypochlorous acid, Hypochlorite ions, Molecular chlorine
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Answer: d
Explanation: The chlorine existing in water as hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite ions, molecular
chlorine is termed as free available chlorine.

2. At what pH, chlorine exists as molecular chlorine?

a) 3
b) 5
c) <5
d) <10
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Answer: c
Explanation: When chlorine is added to water, the chlorine acts as molecular chlorine only when
its pH is less than 5.

3. When the pH is between 5 and 10, the chlorine in the water acts as ______
a) Hypochlorous acid
b) Hypochlorite ions
c) Molecular chlorine
d) Hypochlorous acid hypochlorite ions
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the pH is between 5 and 10, the chlorine in the water acts as hypochlorous
acid and hypochlorite ions. As pH increases, the concentration of hypochlorous acid decreases
while of hypochlorite ions increases.
4. At what pH, chlorine in water acts as only hypochlorite ions?
a) <5
b) >5
c) >10
d) <3
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Answer: c
Explanation: HOCl <------> H+ + HOCl–
Where, HOCl is hypochlorous acid and HOCl– is hypochlorite ions.
At pH<10, only HOCl– is produced.

5. The hypochlorous acid is ______ times effective as hypochorite ions.

a) 10
b) 30
c) 50
d) 80
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Explanation: The hypochlorous acid is 80 times more effective as hypochorite ions, so the pH of
water to be treated should be less than 7 to prevent the ionization of it.

6. Chlorine which gets consumed in the oxidation of impurities before disinfection is

a) Free chlorine
b) Residual chlorine
c) Chlorine demand
d) Residual demand
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Answer: c
Explanation: Chlorine has the oxidizing power which oxidizes organic and inorganic impurities
present in water and the amount of chlorine, which gets consumed before disinfection is called as
chlorine demand.

7. The chlorine, which serve as a disinfectant is

a) Free chlorine
b) Free Residual chlorine
c) Chlorine demand
d) Residual demand
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Answer: b
Explanation: When chlorine demand is fulfilled, then chlorine is available s free residual
chlorine, which contains hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions.
8. The permissible limit of free residual chlorine is
a) 0.02ppm
b) 0.2ppm
c) 1ppm
d) 2ppm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The water is satisfactorily disinfected if the free residual chlorine is 0.2 ppm at the
contact period of 10 minutes.

9. What is the chemical formula of bleaching powder?

a) Ca (OCl)2
b) Ca (OCl)
c) Ca (OCl)3
d) CaCl2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The chemical formula of bleaching powder is Ca (OCl)2. It is called as chlorinated

10. Bleaching powder contains ______ of available chlorine.

a) 16%
b) 33.3%
c) 66.6%
d) 99.9%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bleaching powder contains 33.3% of available chlorine. It loses its strength during
storage and therefore, it is used during emergency conditions.

11. The process of chlorination with hypochlorites is called

a) Super chlorination
b) Pre chlorination
c) Post chlorination
d) Hypo-chlorination
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Answer: d
Explanation: The process of chlorination with hypochlorites is called Hypo-chlorination.
Hypochlorites are applied to water as a solution by the hypochlorite feeding apparatus.

12. Normally, the ratio of ammonia and chlorine in chloramine is

a) 1:1
b) 1:2
c) 1:4.5
d) 1:3.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: Normally, the ratio of ammonia and chlorine in chloramine is 1:4.5. They are more
effective than chlorine.

13. Which type of chloramine is formed when pH of water is 4.4?

a) Monachloramine
b) Dichloramine
c) Trichloramine
d) Both monochloramine and dichloramine
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the pH<4.4, then trichloramine is formed and when pH lies in the range 4.4-
5, then only dichloramine is formed.

14. What is the contact period for disinfection with chloramine?

a) 1hour
b) 2hours
c) 3hours
d) 4hours
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Answer: b
Explanation: The disinfecting reaction with chloramine are slower than with chlorine alone, so
the contact period of 2 hours is provided.

This set of Environmental Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses
on “Forms of Chlorination”.

1. The normal dose of chlorine during plain chlorination is

a) 0.5-1ppm
b) 0.1-0.2ppm
c) 0.1-0.5ppm
d) 1-2ppm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The normal dose of chlorine during plain chlorination is 0.5-1ppm. It should be
applied when the water is clear and its turbidity does not exceed 30 ppm.
2. The normal dose of chlorine during pre chlorination is
a) 0.5-1ppm
b) 0.1-0.2ppm
c) 0.1-0.5ppm
d) 1-2ppm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The normal dose of chlorine during pre chlorination is 0.5-1ppm. This results in the
oxidization of organic matter and reduce the amount of coagulants required in water.

3. The normal dose of chlorine during post chlorination is

a) 0.5-1ppm
b) 0.1-0.2ppm
c) 0.1-0.5ppm
d) 1-2ppm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The normal dose of chlorine during post chlorination is 0.1-0.2ppm. It is used for
protection against contamination.

4. In which form of chlorination, chlorine applies to raw water supply as it enters the distribution
a) Plain chlorination
b) Pre chlorination
c) Super chlorination
d) Double chlorination
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Answer: a
Explanation: In plain chlorination, chlorine applies to raw water supply as it enters the
distribution system. It checks the growth of organic matter, algae and remove taste and odor
from water.

5. _________ is the application of chlorine before filtration.

a) Plain chlorination
b) Pre chlorination
c) Super chlorination
d) Double chlorination
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pre chlorination is the application of chlorine before filtration. This results in a
decrease of coagulant required in water.
6. __________ is the application of chlorine at two or more points in the purification process.
a) Plain chlorination
b) Pre chlorination
c) Super chlorination
d) Double chlorination
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Answer: d
Explanation: Double chlorination is the application of chlorine at two or more points in the
purification process. It is applied just before when the water enters the sedimentation tank and
after when it leaves the filter plant.

7. The normal dose of chlorine during break point chlorination is

a) 0.5-1ppm
b) 0.1-0.2ppm
c) 3-7ppm
d) 1-2ppm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The normal dose of chlorine during post chlorination is 0.1-0.2ppm. It kills bacteria
and oxidizes the organic matter present in water.

8. Which of the following regarding break point chlorination is wrong?

a) It will have adequate chlorine residual
b) It will remove manganese
c) It will remove taste and odor
d) It is determined by physical test
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Answer: d
Explanation: The break point chlorination is determined by laboratory test. It is represented by
instantaneous yellow color if the orthotolidine test when the orthotolidine test is applied.

9. _______ is the application of chlorine beyond the stage of the break point.
a) Plain chlorination
b) Pre chlorination
c) Super chlorination
d) Double chlorination
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Answer: c
Explanation: Super chlorination is the application of chlorine beyond the stage of the break
point. It is followed by a contact period of 30-60 minutes.
10. The process of removal of excess chlorine from water is
a) Plain chlorination
b) Dechlorination
c) Super chlorination
d) Double chlorination
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dechlorination is the process of removal of excess chlorine from water. It can be
done aeration or by the use of various chemicals like activated carbon, sodium sulfate in liquid

11. Which color is formed when orthotolidine is oxidized by chlorine?

a) Yellow
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Blue
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Answer: a
Explanation: Orthotolidine is a colorless organic liquid that is oxidized into a yellow colored
compound called Holoquinone.

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