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ISSN 1063-7826, Semiconductors, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 11, pp. 1304–1313. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.

Original Russian Text © A.G. Milekhin, C. Himcinschi, M. Friedrich, K. Hiller, M. Wiemer, T. Gessner, S. Schulze, D.R.T. Zahn, 2006, published in Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovod-
nikov, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 11, pp. 1338–1348.



Infrared Spectroscopy of Bonded Silicon Wafers

A. G. Milekhina^, C. Himcinschib, M. Friedrichc, K. Hillerd, M. Wiemerd,
T. Gessnerd, S. Schulzec, and D. R. T. Zahnc
aInstitute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
^e-mail: [email protected]
bMax-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, D-06120 Halle, Germany
cInstitut für Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany
dZentrum für Mikrotechnologien, Technische Universität, D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany

Submitted February 13, 2006; accepted for publication February 27, 2006

Abstract—Infrared spectra of multiple frustrated total internal reflection and transmission for silicon wafers
obtained by direct bonding in a wide temperature range (200–1100°C) are studied. Properties of the silicon
oxide layer buried at the interface are investigated in relation to the annealing temperature. It is shown that the
thickness of the SiO2 layer increases from 4.5 to 6.0 nm as the annealing temperature is increased. An analysis
of the optical-phonon frequencies showed that stresses in the SiO2 relax as the annealing temperature is
increased. A variation in the character of chemical bonds at the interface between silicon wafers bonded at a
relatively low temperature (20–400°C) is studied in relation to the chemical treatment of the wafers’ surface
prior to bonding. Models of the process of low-temperature bonding after various treatments for chemical acti-
vation of the surface are suggested.
PACS numbers: 81.20.Vj, 81.65.Cf, 78.30.Am
DOI: 10.1134/S1063782606110108

1. INTRODUCTION main scientific challenge consists in gaining insight

into the physical processes that occur at the interface
The technology of direct wafer bonding makes it between the two wafers during bonding and, which is
possible to connect two mirror-polished wafers without particularly important, at relatively low temperatures.
using any adhesive [1]. To this end, two wafers whose This challenge is nontrivial since the range of methods
surfaces were preliminarily cleaned of mechanical par- for studying buried heteroboundaries is very limited
ticles and activated using chemical or plasma-assisted [1]; infrared (IR) spectroscopy occupies a very impor-
treatment are brought into a close contact with subse- tant place among these methods. First, IR spectroscopy
quent thermal annealing. The initial bonding (or preb- is a nondestructive and a rapid method and does not
onding) is accomplished at room temperature using a require special treatment of the sample. Second, this
low pressure at the center of the wafers in an ultraclean method features a very high sensitivity to the state of
room in order to keep mechanical particles from com- chemical bonds and makes it possible to control the
ing to the surfaces in contact. The final bonding is process of chemical reactions and the chemical compo-
attained using a thermal annealing that gives rise to sition at the interface between the bonded wafers.
chemical reactions at the interface; these reactions Third, the use of IR spectroscopy makes it possible to
ensure the bonding of the two wafers. This technology study the structural properties (thickness and stresses)
is widely used in microelectronics, high-power elec- of the nanometer-thick oxide layer that forms at the bur-
tronics, micromechanics, and optoelectronics [1–3]. ied heteroboundary. As shown previously in [1, 4–8], the
The range of materials that are used for bonding include IR spectroscopy can be used with good results for
not only silicon but also III–V compounds, quartz, studying the chemical processes that occur in the
glass, silicon carbide, sapphire, and a number of other course of high-temperature bonding. However, infor-
materials. This technology is relatively simple and mation about the oxide layer [9–12] and data obtained
makes it possible to produce the materials’ combina- from the IR spectroscopy of silicon wafers bonded at a
tions that are unattainable by other methods. As a rule, relatively low temperature (400°C and lower) [8, 13]
high-quality bonding is attained in the case of hydro- are rather scarce and contradictory.
philic Si surfaces at high annealing temperatures
(above 800°C). At the same time, the technological pro- In this paper, we report the results of the IR spec-
cesses of the devices’ production require a decrease in troscopy studies of the silicon wafers bonded using var-
the bonding temperature (to below 400°C) with the ious methods of surface activation in a wide range of
high-quality of the bonding retained. Therefore, the temperatures. Our primary focus is on two aspects: the


study of the oxide-layer properties and the chemical (a)

state of the interface between the wafers. θMIT

The IR spectra were recorded using a Bruker IFS 66
IR Fourier spectrometer in the spectral range of 650–
4000 cm–1 with the resolution of 1 cm–1. In order to Si θET Buried interface
study the silicon oxide buried at the interface between (b)
silicon wafers, we used the standard method of measur- IR radiation
ing the IR transmission spectra. These spectra were Prism
recorded in the case of oblique incidence at an angle
θ ≈ 70° in the p-polarized light (the electric-field vector
was parallel to the plane of incidence). This configura-
tion for thin layers (for example, of silicon oxide)
makes it possible to study both the transverse (TO) and Buried interface
longitudinal (LO) optical phonons as a result of the θET
Berreman effect [14].
A study of the chemical state of the interface Fig. 1. Layout of the experiment: (a) the MFTIR prism
requires another approach. Since the wavelength of IR made of the bonded Si wafers and (b) the MFTIR compo-
radiation exceeds the interface-region thickness, nents pressed to the bonded wafers. The geometry of the
single-pass transmission in the case of the oblique incidence
absorption at the chemical bonds of the heteroboundary (angle θET) is also illustrated.
is extremely low. Therefore, the use of the standard
method for measuring the IR transmission of the struc-
tures is very inefficient. In the situation where the sub- face of the silicon wafer. The radiation enters one of the
strate is a transparent material for IR radiation (which components, then enters the wafer, undergoes total
is, in particular, the case for silicon in the frequency internal reflection, traverses the interface multiply, and
range of 2000–5000 cm–1, where most of the vibrations exits from another component. The IR absorption in the
at the heterointerface of interest to us are located), the buried layer increases appreciably as a result of multi-
method of multiple frustrated total internal reflection ple passes of radiation through the interface. In this
(MFTIR) is used. One of the possible variants of imple- case, there is no need for mechanical or chemical treat-
mentation of the MFTIR method includes the fabrica- ment of the sample, while the number of passes of the
tion of a prism of a material that has a large refractive IR radiation through the buried heteroboundary can be
index, as is illustrated in Fig. 1a. Infrared radiation easily varied from 30 to 200, depending on the distance
enters the sample under the angle θMIT with respect to between the components.
its surface, undergoes the frustrated total internal
reflection, and exits from the other side face of the In Fig. 2, we show for comparison the IR spectrum
prism, thus giving rise to an evanescent wave at the sur- of single-pass transmission and the MFTIR spectrum
face. In this case, the intensity of absorption by the bur- for bonded silicon wafers. It can be seen that the IR
ied layer is proportional to the number of passes the IR spectrum of single-pass transmission yields informa-
radiation makes through the prism. This very method tion about optical phonons in the interfacial oxide layer
makes it possible to study the surface layers with a (absorption at 1000–1200 cm–1), whereas the MFTIR
small refractive index since the evanescent wave pene- spectrum makes it possible to observe the vibrations of
trates into these layers with exponential attenuation as a number of chemical groups at the interface. As has
larger depths are reached (the term “frustrated” reflec- been shown previously [6, 17], the absorption compo-
tion has its origin here). However, a serious disadvan- nent normal to the surface in the three-layer structure
tage of the configuration under consideration is the (in the case under consideration, the component normal
necessity of performing mechanical treatment of the to the surface of bonded silicon wafers) exceeds multi-
sample; this treatment profoundly affects the state of ply the parallel component. In the case of using the
the surface. Mechanical treatment can also bring about MFTIR configuration, the factor of increase in the nor-
a rebonding (separation) of the wafers bonded at com- mal component per single passage equals ~50. If we
paratively low temperatures. We used another method take into consideration that the number of passes used
for measuring the MFTIR spectra [15, 16] based on the in the MFTIR configuration is equal to 30–200, we find
use of the MFTIR components made specially of KRS-5 that the sensitivity of the MFTIR configuration exceeds
(thallium bromide–iodide, 42% of TIBR/58% of TIJ), by two–three orders of magnitude the sensitivity of sin-
as shown in Fig. 1b. gle-pass transmission to the absorption component per-
The MFTIR components were polished prisms with pendicular to the surface. It is for this reason that we
an angle of 62° at the base (internal angle of incidence used the MFTIR configuration and analyzed the
of 38°) in order to attain the optical contact with the sur- p-polarized IR radiation in order to attain the maximum

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006

1306 MILEKHIN et al.

table. Samples 1 and 2 were treated in an O2 plasma but

in different reactors (a barrel reactor was used for sam-
ple 1, while a reactor for reactive ion etching (RIE) was
Transmittance, arb. units

used in the case of sample 2) with subsequent RCA

cleaning of both samples.
~ The conventional cleaning procedure (RCA) is car-
Multiphonon ried out in an H2O–H2O2–NH4OH mixture, which
absorption ensures the removal of organic compounds due to the
in Si and SiO2 C–Hx SiO–H solvating effect of ammonium hydroxide and the oxi-
Oy–Si–Hx HO–H dizing effect of hydrogen peroxide. Cleaning in this
solution is carried out for 10–20 min at temperatures of
75–85°C with subsequent cooling of substrates to room
temperature, rinsing in deionized (DI) water, and dry-
ing in a centrifuge [18]. It is known that, under normal
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 conditions, the surface of single-crystal silicon is
Frequency, cm–1 coated with a layer of natural oxide with the thickness
of ~3 nm; three–four monolayers of water are typically
Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of transmission (above) and MFTIR adsorbed on the surface of this oxide. It was found pre-
(below) for the bonded Si wafers. viously [19] that the surface of silicon oxide contains
approximately 4.6 of OH groups per 1 nm2. In addition,
two types of silanol (Si–OH) groups exist on the sur-
sensitivity. Another reason for using the p polarization face: isolated groups and groups connected via hydro-
is the fact that the p-polarized light interacts with the gen. The latter groups are formed in the case where the
bonds that are positioned perpendicularly to the inter- density of isolated groups is high and they are oriented
face; these bonds are involved to the greatest extent in so that the hydrogen bond can be formed.
the process of bonding.
Prior to bonding, the surface of Si wafers is acti-
vated using standard chemical treatment (RCA) based
3. CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF THE SURFACE on the following reactions of H+ or OH– groups with
OF SILICON WAFERS natural oxide [2]:
For the bonding process, we used p-Si (100) wafers
( Si–O–Si ) + OH ( Si–OH ) + ( Si–O ),
– –
grown by the Czochralski method (100 mm in diameter, (1)
463-µm thick, 10–40 Ω cm, polished on both sides). In ( Si–O ) + HOH

( Si–OH ) + OH ;

order to obtain the hydrophilic surfaces of silicon
wafers with the aim of attaining the maximum bond (Si–O–Si) + H+ + HOH (2Si–OH) + H+. (2)
force in the course of bonding, we used both chemical
treatment and plasma-assisted activation of the surface. The H+ and OH– ions control the hydrophilic properties
The types of preliminary treatments are listed in the of the surface.

Methods of chemical treatment of the surface of silicon wafers prior to the prebonding process and the corresponding bond
energies measured after bonding
Sample Duration, Tempera- Bonding
Type of treatment Parameters of subsequent cleaning
no. min ture, °C energy, J/m2
1 O2 plasma, a barrel reactor p = 1.33 Pa, P = 800 W, 15 2
RCA cleaning or rinsing in DI water
2 O2 plasma, reactive ion etching p = 10 Pa, P = 50 W, Ubias = 100 V, 5 1.26
(RIE) reactor RCA cleaning or rinsing in DI water
3 RCA 1) NH4OH : H2O2 : H2O = 1 : 1 : 5 (cleaning) 10 75 1.1
2) Rinsing in DI water 15 300
3) HCl : H2O2 : H2O = 1 : 1 : 5 10 75
4) Rinsing in DI water 15 300
5) NH4OH : H2O2 = 1 : 1 : 5 10 75
6) Rinsing in DI water 15 300
4 NH3 plasma Rinsing in DI water 15 0.53
Note: p stands for pressure; P, for power; and Ubias, for bias voltage.

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006


Equations for reactions (1) and (2) can be rewritten as (iii) Starting with temperatures of 800°C and higher,
(Si–O–Si) + HOH (Si–OH) + (OH–Si). (3) a drastic increase in the bonding strength for the two
wafers occurs. At these temperatures, the SiO2 viscosity
Equation (3) is valid only in the case where the siloxane at the heteroboundary decreases appreciably, which
bonds are strained [20]. The average angle for the Si– increases the contact area and gives rise to additional
O–Si bond in the natural oxide is equal to ~130°, which siloxane bonds. The fate of the H2 molecules formed as
differs from the corresponding value (~144°) for the a result of dissociation of water molecules is, strictly
thermal silicon oxide. speaking, unknown. It is assumed that some H2 mole-
The silanol groups are especially important for the cules diffuse from the region under consideration into
bonding process since they can polymerize and form the Si crystal, while some of them are concentrated at
siloxane bridges between the surfaces of two silicon the interface and form bubbles.
wafers. Treatment in an O2 plasma in two types of reac-
tors (see table) gives rise to defects on the surface and
thus enhances the chemical activity. The methods for 5. DETERMINATION OF PROPERTIES
activating the surface for bonding at relatively low tem- OF THE BURIED OXIDE LAYER
perature will be considered below. Variations in the thickness and structure of the bur-
The bonding process was controlled using an IR ied silicon oxide layer as a result of heat treatment at
photometry system that made it possible to obtain the various temperatures were studied by analyzing the
IR images of bonded wafers in the transmission mode. IR spectra in the region of the SiO2 reststrahlen band
The prebonding was accomplished at a low pressure (Fig. 3a). Two features are observed in the IR spectra;
with the wafers positioned horizontally. A point contact one feature is located at 1107 cm–1 and the other in the
initiates the bonding front that propagates over the vicinity of 1250 cm–1. The absorption band near
wafer for several seconds. The IR image of the samples 1250 cm–1 is caused by the LO phonons; its position
(recorded after the prebonding procedure) indicated and intensity vary. The shift of the frequency of LO
that there are bubbles and other unconnected regions. phonons (from 1247 to 1256.5 cm–1) for connected Si
After the prebonding, the samples were annealed at T = wafers after prebonding and after a high-temperature
400–1200°C in nitrogen flow. The IR transmission of annealing will be discussed below. The intense line at
the structures was measured again after annealing. The 1107 cm–1 corresponds to the absorption by interstitial
razor method [21] was used to determine the strength of oxygen in crystalline silicon; only a poorly pronounced
bonding. The error in determination of the bonding shoulder near 1050 cm–1 is related to absorption by the
energy by this method is ~10%. TO vibrations in silicon oxide. The inset in Fig. 3a
shows that absorption at 1107 cm–1 decreases by 0.5%
as a result of annealing. This means that interstitial oxy-
4. A MODEL OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE gen diffuses from bulk silicon towards the surface and
BONDING buried interface with subsequent formation of silicon
Three main stages of the process can be recognized oxide [9].
in the model of high-temperature bonding [1, 5–7]. The IR transmission spectra of bonded silicon
(i) If temperature is below 400°C, the water mole- wafers contain information about both the surface and
cules at the interface react with the thin oxide layer interfacial layers of silicon oxide. In order to discrimi-
formed as a result of chemical treatment of the surfaces nate between the contributions made by these two lay-
and/or diffuse through this layer, thus forming an addi- ers to the IR spectra, we removed the oxide layer at the
tional oxide layer at the Si/SiO2 heteroboundary; i.e., surface of bonded wafers in the course of chemical
we have etching in an HF solution (40%). The IR spectra of
bonded layers after etching were measured in the same
H2O Si/SiO2 + 2(Ox)SiH (4) configuration; these spectra are shown in Fig. 3a by
or dashed lines. As can be seen from Fig. 3a, the position of
the LO-phonon band remained practically unchanged
Si + 2H2O SiO2 + 2H2. after etching. This behavior implies that the structure of
(ii) If temperatures exceed 400°C, Si–O–Si bonds are the oxide at the surface is close to that of the oxide at
formed as a result of decomposition of the hydroxyl the buried interface. In addition to the fact that the fre-
groups (OH) at the heteroboundary. It is assumed that quency of LO phonons in SiO2 remains unchanged
the mechanism in this stage consists of the reaction of after etching, the intensity of these modes and the
the surface silanol groups with resulting release of shoulder at 1050 cm–1 decrease appreciably as a result
hydrogen: of etching.
(–Si–OH) + (–Si–OH) (–Si–O–Si–) + H2, (5) In order to obtain a response from the layer of sur-
face oxide, the IR spectra of as-prepared bonded wafers
where the –Si–O–Si– bonds form bridges between the (the solid lines in Fig. 3a) were normalized to the spec-
oxidized surfaces of the two wafers. Thus, local areas tra of the samples subjected to chemical etching
of bonded wafers are formed. (dashed curves in Fig. 3a). The Tn/Te spectra obtained as

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006

1308 MILEKHIN et al.

25°C (a) (b)

400°C 400°C
Transmittance, arb. units 1100°C



1100°C LO

1095 1110 1125
Frequency, cm–1
1000 1100 1200 1300 1000 1100 1200 1300
Frequency, cm–1 Frequency, cm–1

Fig. 3. (a) Infrared transmission spectra of bonded Si wafers after annealing at different temperatures without (solid lines) and after
(dashed lines) etching of the surface; the inset illustrates the comparison of transmittance in the band at 1107 cm–1. (b) Normalized
spectra related to absorption in silicon oxide on the surface of bonded silicon wafers.

a result of this normalization are shown in Fig. 3b. This [25]. Using experimental values for the frequencies of
procedure makes it possible to reveal the absorption TO phonons, we find that the angle of the Si–O–Si bond
lines related to the TO phonons and located in the vicin- increases from 137.7° for silicon wafers after prebond-
ity of 1050 cm–1. An increase in the intensity of the ing to 143° for the structures annealed at 1100°C. Thus,
bands related to the LO and TO phonons as a result of an increase in the annealing temperature brings about
annealing is accounted for by an increase in the thick- an increase in the TO-phonon frequency, which is con-
ness of the surface-oxide layer, which is confirmed by sistent with an increase in the angle of the Si–O–Si
the ellipsometry data [12]. As the annealing tempera- bond. The variation in the frequency of optical phonons
ture increases, the frequency of both vibrational modes as a result of annealing as observed in the IR experi-
shift to higher frequencies; however, the shifts of the ments is more likely consistent with the behavior of
TO and LO modes are different. phonons in vitreous SiO2 [26] rather than in chemically
Evidently, the frequencies of TO and LO modes produced [27] or thermally grown [26] silicon oxide.
increase as the annealing temperature is increased; it is The frequency positions of the bands related to
noteworthy that the shift of the TO-phonon frequency is LO phonons in silicon oxide in bonded silicon wafers
larger. This circumstance brings about a decrease in the before and after etching coincide with each other
LO–TO splitting. There are two possible causes of this
according to the IR experiments. If the magnitude of
variation: relaxation of stresses in the layer of silicon
the LO–TO splitting is also not changed as a result of
oxide, and a change in the stoichiometry of this oxide.
However, as shown by Queeney et al. [22], an improve- etching, it is most likely that the structure of the surface
ment in the stoichiometry at the Si/SiO2 interface as the and interface oxides remains unchanged.
thickness of the oxide layer increases (i.e., as the con- The thickness of the surface silicon oxide layer can
tent of SiO2 in the SiO/SiO2 mixture increases) is be determined with a high accuracy using ellipsometry,
accompanied by an increase in the LO–TO splitting. whereas the characterization of the interfacial oxide
Therefore, the observed decrease in the magnitude of layer is impossible as a result of the small depth of pen-
expansion as the annealing temperature is increased etration of light into silicon in the visible and ultraviolet
cannot be accounted for by an improvement of the sto- spectral regions. Therefore, the thickness of the buried
ichiometry. Consequently, the relaxation of stresses can silicon oxide layer in the bonded silicon wafers was
be responsible for the observed behavior of the TO and determined using IR spectroscopy [12]. In order to
LO phonons. determine the oxide-layer thickness, we fit the IR trans-
The central-force network model for the lattice mission spectra calculated using the method of E–H matri-
[23, 24] yields a relation between the frequencies of the ces for multilayer structures [28] to the experimental
LO and TO phonons and either stresses in the surface spectra of bonded structures. The surface oxide layer of
oxide layer or the angle of the Si–O–Si bridge bond these wafers was removed preliminarily.

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006


6 nm
(‡) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. The HREM images of a transverse section in the interfacial region of the bonded silicon wafers annealed at temperatures of
(a) 400, (b) 800, and (c) 1100°C.

The extinction coefficient for silicon is highly sensi- 6. CHEMICAL STATE OF THE BURIED
tive to variation in the concentration of interstitial oxy- HETEROBOUNDARY:
gen in bulk silicon (the absorption band at 1107 cm–1). A HIGH-TEMPERATURE BONDING
Therefore, the value of this coefficient was obtained
from the best agreement between the calculated and In order to gain insight into the mechanism of for-
experimental IR transmission spectra for a single Si mation of the interfacial layer, one should not only
wafer whose natural oxide was also etched off prelimi- determine the layer’s thickness and internal structure
narily. Thus, the phonon-related absorption in bulk sil- but also identify the chemical states at the interface
icon was taken into account automatically. The between the wafers. In Fig. 5, we show the typical IR
obtained extinction coefficient for Si and the published MFTIR spectra of bonded wafers annealed at different
data for silicon oxide [29] were used to calculate the temperatures; the spectra were measured in the spectral
IR transmission spectra for bonded silicon wafers; the region where the absorption lines related to OH and Si–H
thickness of the interfacial oxide layer was an adjust- are observed. As can be seen from Fig. 5a, the IR spec-
able parameter in the calculations. trum of the sample after prebonding features an absorp-
tion line at 2105 cm–1 caused by stretching vibrations of
The interfacial layer was considered as a SiO2 layer Si–H in dihydride groups at the Si (100) surface [30].
confined by thin (0.7 nm) mixed SiO2/SiO layers where A broad absorption band centered in the vicinity of
the SiO2 content was 40%. The introduction of a SiO 3460 cm–1 is related to the stretching vibrations of O–H
sublayer makes it possible to take into account the non- groups in water molecules adsorbed on the surface of
stoichiometric composition of the interfacial oxide the wafers after prebonding (Fig. 5b). Heat treatment of
layer [22]. The thickness of the buried layer increases the structures at 400°C brings about a drastic decrease
from 4.8 nm for the wafers bonded at room temperature in the intensity of the band at 3460 cm–1 as a result of
to 5.1, 5.5, and 6.0 nm as a result of subsequent anneal- dissociation of water molecules at the buried interface.
ing at 400, 800, and 1100°C, respectively. The error in In addition, new features appear at 3737 and 3680 cm–1;
the calculation of the thickness is estimated at 0.25 nm. these features are caused by absorption at stretching
vibrations of O–H in silanol groups (Si–OH) isolated
In order to verify the obtained results, we addition- and connected, respectively, by the hydrogen bond [4].
ally measured the interfacial-layer thickness using Dissociation of water molecules leads to an increase in
high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) [11]. absorption caused by the stretching vibrations of Si–H
Images of transverse section of the bonded wafers are at 2105 cm–1. At the same time, a new band centered at
shown in Fig. 4. It is evident that the results obtained 2270 cm–1 appears; this band corresponds to absorption
using IR spectroscopy are in good agreement with the by vibrations of Si–H in the O3−Si–H groups. Subse-
HREM data. It is worth noting that the use of the quent annealing of the samples at 800°C brings about
HREM method for characterization of the wafers after the disappearance of absorption by silanol groups. This
prebonding was unavailable as a result of the low bond- fact is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of the
ing energy of the wafers, which resulted in their sepa- Si–H absorption line at 2105 cm–1 and by an increase in
ration in the course of preparation of the samples for absorption by the O3−Si–H groups at 2270 cm–1. The
experiments with HREM. band related to O3−Si–H shifts to higher frequencies as

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1310 MILEKHIN et al.

(a) (b) Si–OH

Si–H O3 –Si–H

Transmittance, arb. units


2000 2100 2200 2300 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800

Frequency, cm–1 Frequency, cm–1

Fig. 5. Infrared MFTIR spectra of bonded Si wafers after prebonding (dashed line) and after subsequent annealing at temperatures
of 400°C (the solid line) and 800°C (dotted line). The frequency ranges correspond to vibrations of the (a) Si–H and O3–Si–H
groups and (b) OH and Si–OH groups. The spectra are normalized to the MFTIR spectrum of the structure annealed at 1100°C.

the annealing temperature is increased from 400 to nitrogen atmosphere for 6 h. The IR MFTIR spectra
800°C. This shift is caused by diffusion of hydrogen were measured before and after the annealing.
atoms located at the buried boundary into the bulk of Changes in the IR MFTIR spectra of the samples
the oxide layer [15]. activated by different methods, after prebonding and
The obtained experimental data make it possible to subsequent annealing, are illustrated in Fig. 6. The sam-
evaluate the effect of chemical states on the formation ples subjected to prebonding contain water molecules
of the interfacial oxide layer as the annealing tempera- at the interface; these molecules absorb in the spectral
ture is increased. At temperatures below 400°C, disso- region of 3000–3600 cm–1 (Fig. 6a) and at 1630 cm–1
ciation of water molecules brings about an increase in (this band is caused by bending vibrations and is not
the thickness of the buried interfacial layer due to oxi- shown in Fig. 6). The surfaces of silicon wafers at the
dation of crystalline silicon. A further increase in the interface are partly oxidized and passivated with hydro-
annealing temperature gives rise to silanol groups that, gen. This circumstance gives rise to absorption at the
in turn, are conducive to an increase in the thickness of frequencies of 2105 and 2270 cm–1 (Fig. 6b), which
the oxide layer. These inferences are consistent with the corresponds to the stretching vibrations of the Si–H2
model of bonding suggested in [1, 5–7]. Growth of sil- and Si–H bonds in the O2–Si–H2 and O3–Si–H groups
icon oxide at the last stage of annealing (800–1100°C) in silicon dioxide [31, 32].
is caused by diffusion of oxygen from bulk silicon into
the interfacial region. This mechanism is confirmed by The annealing initiates dramatic changes in the
a decrease in the intensity of absorption by interstitial chemical states at the interface, so that new chemical
oxygen at 1107 cm–1 as the bonding temperature is bonds are formed, which is confirmed by the data of IR
increased (see the inset in Fig. 3a). spectroscopy. The drastic decrease in the absolute value
of absorption at 3000–3600 cm–1 (Fig. 6a) is indicative
of dissociation of water molecules adsorbed at the
7. A MODEL OF LOW-TEMPERATURE BONDING interface. The decrease in the amount of water was
evaluated on the basis of calculations [33] from an anal-
In order to obtain the hydrophilic surface of the ysis of absorption by vibrations of the O–H groups; it
wafers, we used various chemical and plasma-assisted corresponds to a loss of 1.76 and 3 monolayers of water
chemical (in the O2- and NH3 plasmas) methods of acti- for samples 1 and 2 (treated in O2 plasma), respectively,
vation listed in the table. After the prebonding, the sam- and 1.56 monolayers for sample 3 (RCA treatment).
ples were annealed at a temperature of 400°C in the The integrated absorption was calculated in the spectral

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006


1 1


×5 2

×5 3 ×5

(a) (b)
3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 2100 2200 2300
Frequency, cm–1 Frequency, cm–1

Transmittance, arb. units


(c) (d) (e)

3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 2100 2200 2300 2500 1550 1600 1650
Frequency, cm–1

Fig. 6. Infrared MFTIR spectra of bonded Si wafers activated in O2 plasma (samples 1 and 2, spectra 1 and 2), by chemical method
(sample 3, spectra 3) (the spectra were measured in the frequency ranges that correspond to vibrations of the (a) O–H and (b) Si–H
groups), and activated in NH3 plasma (samples 4; panels c, d, e). Dashed lines represent the spectra after prebonding, while solid
lines correspond to the spectra measured after subsequent annealing at 400°C.

range from 3000 to 3800 cm–1. Dissociation of water O2 plasma, sample 1) exhibit a comparatively low
molecules causes an increase in the absorption at absorption at 3739 cm–1 (Fig. 6a) and 2105 cm–1 (Fig. 6b)
2105 cm–1 and gives rise to a new line peaked at and a high bonding energy, >2 J/m2 (see table). At the
3739 cm–1 and related to the vibrations of isolated sil- same time, in the case of wafers activated using RCA
anol groups at the buried heteroboundary [7]. The con- treatment, intense absorption lines are observed in the
centration of Si–H groups after annealing was calcu- IR spectra at the same frequencies; however, the bond-
lated using the data obtained from the IR spectra; this ing energy is now much lower (1.1 J/m2).
concentration amounts to 0.14, 0.19, and 0.23 mono-
layers for the samples treated in an O2 plasma (sample 1), Using this line of reasoning, we might expect that
subjected to the RCA treatment (sample 3), and treated sample 2 should have a higher bonding energy, since
in an RIE reactor (sample 2), respectively. In this case, the IR spectra are indicative of either very low absorp-
the integrated absorption was calculated in the fre- tion by silanol groups (Fig. 6b) or its absence. More-
quency range from 2060 to 2200 cm–1. over, the IR spectra of this sample feature a new line
peaking at 3685 cm–1 and caused by Si–O–H groups in
The Si–H bond energy is relatively high; as a result, the interfacial SiO2 layer. This circumstance indicates
the bonds are rather insensitive to the chemical reac- that an interfacial layer with the thickness of several
tions occurring at the surface [34]. This circumstance nanometers is formed, which should bring about an
retards the formation of the Si–O–Si bridges, which increase in the energy of bonding.
results in a decrease in the bonding energy of the wafers
in contact. Oxygen molecules also are not involved in However, as can be seen from the table, the bonding
the bonding process since they predominantly attack energy of this sample is even lower (1.26 J/m2) than that
the Si–Si bonds in the near-surface layer. Indeed, the of sample 1 treated in O2 plasma. This means that there
IR spectra of the Si–Si bonded wafers (treated in an must be an additional mechanism that was not taken

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006

1312 MILEKHIN et al.

(‡) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Infrared images (obtained in the transmission mode) of bonded Si wafers after (a, c) prebonding and (b, d) bonding at 400°C.
Preliminary treatment was carried out in (a, b) O2 and (c, d) NH3 plasma.

into account in the previous consideration. As follows detailed investigations are needed for unambiguous
from the IR data, formation of unconnected regions identification of this line; these investigations are
(bubbles) can be a cause of a decrease in the energy of beyond the scope of this study.
bonding. Indeed, the IR spectrum of sample 2 includes Activation of the surface by NH3 plasma prior to
an intense absorption line at 2105 cm–1 (Fig. 6b); this prebonding results in the lowest bonding energy (see
line overlaps with a broad band centered at the same table). IR spectroscopy makes it possible to determine
frequency and related to stretching Si–H vibrations at the causes of the low bonding energy and identify the
the (100) surface. The narrow absorption line is caused bonding mechanism for these structures.
by local vibrations of the Si–H groups at the steps or The IR spectra of sample 4 measured after prebond-
terraces in unconnected regions of bonded wafers [17]. ing and subsequent annealing (Figs. 6c, 6d, 6e) include
Dissociation of water molecules is accompanied by a three intense lines at 3370 cm–1 (Fig. 6c), 2185, and
release of a high hydrogen concentration that exceeds 2090 cm–1 (Fig. 6d), and a weak line at 1550 cm–1
the solubility limit for hydrogen in the interfacial (Fig. 6e). The line at 3370 cm–1 is caused by absorption
region. This circumstance gives rise to a large number at asymmetric stretching vibrations ν of N–H in the
of bubbles localized in the interfacial region, which is NH2 groups [36]. It cannot be ruled out that this line
confirmed by the results of IR photometry. The hydro- also overlaps with the broad absorption line for OH
gen molecules diffuse into the interfacial silicon oxide groups in water molecules. The lines at 2185 and
with resulting formation of O3–Si–H groups responsi- 2090 cm–1 are related to the stretching vibrations of Si–H
ble for absorption at 2270 cm–1 (Fig. 6b). in the O2–Si–H group [37] and in the monohydride
The cause of the appearance of the low-intensity [31], respectively. The absorption line at 1552 cm–1 is
absorption line peaked at 3611 cm–1 and observed in the related to the asymmetric stretching vibration νas (N–O)
IR spectra (Fig. 6a) is unclear. The frequency of this in molecules of nitrogen dioxide NO2 [36].
line is close to that (3618 cm–1) of the absorption line Subsequent annealing at T = 400°C brings about
observed at 10 K in the IR spectra of silicon wafers appreciable changes in the IR spectra. Absorption by
after annealing in the H2 atmosphere and attributed to the N–H, O2–Si–H, and Si–H vibrations is reduced,
absorption by the H2 molecules trapped by impurities whereas the intensity of the absorption line related to
or crystal-lattice defects [35]. Such diffusion of hydro- NO2 increases drastically. This behavior of the IR spec-
gen can also take place in the bonded wafers. However, tra can be interpreted in the following way. Activation

SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 40 No. 11 2006


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