Demolition Work Audit Checklist: Los Angeles Community College District
Demolition Work Audit Checklist: Los Angeles Community College District
Demolition Work Audit Checklist: Los Angeles Community College District
Name: Project Number:
3. A detailed comprehensive Risk Assessment/JHA has been conducted for all activities related to the
demolition work and has been shared with all trades.
4. Safe Work Procedures indicated in the Risk Assessment are being implemented.
7. A Full-Time Safety Manager has been appointed and is present at the worksite.
8. All personnel involved in demolition work have been informed of associated hazards and
all necessary precautionary measures.
10. The site is adequately barricaded and secured with clear signage in place. Measures to
prevent unauthorized entry are implemented.
11. Covered walkways or other means of overhead protection are provided.
Catch platforms are provided and maintained where exterior masonry wall or roofs are
being demolished.
13. All glass and cladding to the exterior of the building to be demolished have been
removed prior to commencement of demolition.
All gas, electric, water, steam and other supply lines have been shut off and capped. If
14. power, water, gas or electric lines need to be maintained during demolition, such lines
have been relocated or adequately protected.
15. Open sides or openings where a person is liable to fall more than 6 f e e t are covered
or guarded by effective guardrails, barriers or other equally effective means to prevent fall.
16. Safe means of access and egress from different levels of buildings or structures are
18. Sufficient and suitable lighting are provided in all work areas.
Fugitive dust in work area and perimeter being monitored and documented by qualified
21. environmental consultant.
22. ACM properly disposed of with load manifests to a licensed receiving facility.
24. If lead detected abatement has been completed under the supervision of environmental
monitors. Area cleared for work.
25. Fugitive dust in work area and perimeter being monitored and documented by qualified
environmental consultant.
26. LBP properly disposed of with load manifests to a licensed receiving facility.
27. Suitable hearing protection provided to all persons exposed to excessive noise.
Demolition sequence established. Drop zones for materials pushed from upper levels
properly demarcated, maintained, secured, and non-essential personnel kept away.
Where any demolition work is carried out with the use of hand tools, there are no walls
38 or partitions that are left standing more than 1 story above the uppermost floor where
persons are working.
Laborers participating in Sizing and Segregation provided with and utilizing proper
42. PPE including suitable gloves for handling of fragmented materials such as bricks,
concrete rubble, rebar, wood, and glass.
44. Any temporary bracing, shoring, or propping is tight, stable secure, and was reviewed
by competent personnel.
45. All hazardous substances have been removed from the working level.
46. CPD notified of new issues or major updates and changes to the work.
47. All emergency access and egress routes are clear of debris and properly marked.
48. Daily Health and Safety Tailgate Meeting conducted and documented.
51. Off-site tracking being mitigated by use of shaker plates and/or street sweeper.
52. Debris loaded properly and covered as needed. Trucks checked for loose or dangling
materials before departure.
53. If multiple equipment is use during interior gutting, minimum distance per floor load-
bearing capacity calculations being maintained.
56. All demolished materials have been removed or secured against inclement weather.
57. All boundaries have been secured against unlawful entry. Security plan developed
with Sheriff’s department.
58. All public thoroughfares are clear of demolished materials and any hazard is properly
lit, guarded, and clearly marked.
59. Final paperwork and sign-offs have been generated and provided to all parties.
Note: This checklist is only a basic compliance assistance toolkit and is not exhaustive. It only
provides a general overview of the basic compliance items.