MS Excavation

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cONSTRUCTION OF ALHdem 'r 32/13,4 hv substarion

contEct No,: 4400005567







The purpose ofthis method statement is to provide description of procedure and method for the execution
of excavation works forthe Project Building and open area related to duct banks. As well as the necessary
materials to ensure heallh and safety of employees wrth the requirement stipulated in the Contract
Documents, as well as those in Saudi Construction Specifications (ASTL and SASO]SO)

This method slatement covers lhe preliminary task prior to commencing of earthworks and the conducting
of excavation activities for the project as reflected in the contract drawing


Exc€vation works will be executed in accordance to the following references & standardsl
3.1 Saudi A,rabia Construction Specification.
3.2 Contract requirements, and specification
3-3 Geotechnical Report, l\4aterial and Workmanship Specifications for Earthworks. d. I\Iaster Plan.
3.4 Approved lssued for Construclion (lFC) drawings.
3.5 AoDroved ITP for excavation works.
3.6 Approved Checklist for excavation works.
4.1 Work Permit
4.2 Exc€vation Permit
4.3 Entrance Permit
4 4 Barricade Permit
4.5 EouiDment Permit
Contracl No.:,1,100005567

Excavaton works for the building lines as reflected in the drawing and up to the depth required by final
drawing, varying in section according to actLral requirements Approved drawings and details will be
secured prior 10 start of works

5 1 Siie Preparation
Areas to receive fill, foundations, pavement or shall be used in future to support structural loads as
shown on Approved Drawings shall be free of rools, trash, or oiher foreign maierials

5 2 Soil Protection & Conkol

The positions of underground obsiructions such as pipes, eleckical cables and olher utilities shall be
determined prior to the beginning of any excavation operation The Conlracior shall contact all client
utilities depadments to determine the locations of underground utilities; otherwise, magnetic surveys
shall be conducted to locate underground obslructions when requested to do so by The (Client)
Work permiis shall be obtained from lhe appropriate operations supervisor before excava{ion work is
started in any client facility Whenever lhe presence of underground pipes, cables, vessels or
struc{ures is known or suspected, mechanical excavalions shall not be used unti{all such obstructions
have been exposed by hand digging lvlechanical excavators shall not be used within 3 meiers (10
feel)ofany obstruction Excavations adjacenttoexisting underground rnstallations (e g, foundations,
pjping, manholes, electrical and duct banks) or sidewalks shall use bracing and shoring to protect
Any excavation or trench wilh a minimum depth of 1 2 m (4 ft ) or when soil banks are grealer than
1 5 m (5 ft ), shoring shall be installed or the sides shall be sloped or benched and treated as a
confined space In such case exil ramp and ladders must be provided al least every 10 meters Side
slopes must be provided at 45"or the natura repose ofthe soli
lf excavation bracing is required, descrip{ion ofthe maierials and shoring system to be used shall be
available for The (Client) The reqLlired, plans, sketches and calculations shall be prepared and shall
be available for {he review of The (Client)- The plans shall indicate whether or not any components
will remain after fiiling or backfllling lt shall also indicate the sequence and method of shoring
installation and removal
Safe enlry and exit to excavation/trenches shall be provided every 10 m or in any location as required
by The Engineer Clear space on all sides of excavation shall be at least 1 0 m and surcharge soil
shall be kept away at least 1 50 m from the sides of excavation
At alllimes all excavation works shall require the necessary permit prior to commence-
;f;,"J p
5.3 Drainage & Dewatering

lfdewatering ofan excavalion is required, the Contractor shallsubmit proposed methods and details
to The (Client) for .eview, before beginning excavation. Ponding of wate. on placed fill or within
excavations shall not be allowed All diverted and pumped water shall flow to specified colleclion
areas and shall be disposed ofas directed by (Client)
The contractor (SSEM) will provide the following equipment throughout the project; quanfities will be
dete.mined by actual site demand. Equipment will be inspected prior to mobilization and shall hold valid
insurance certificates, as well as ce(ified/competent operators.
Table L Eouioment lntended for Excavation

Type of Equipment Units (No.)

Excavators 1

C Wheel Loaders '|

Dump Trucks 2
Vibratory Compactor 1

Water Truck 1

Surveying Inskuments 1 set

Jackhammer 1 set
Hand Tools 1 Lot

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be provided in order to perform all works in accordance with
the safety procedures and taking into consideration the importance of proper preventive measures to
ensure safety in lhe performance ofwork
Personal Protective Equioment Intended for Excavation.

Safety Helmet
Safety Boots
Safety Glasses
Safety Masks
High Visibility Vests
Hand Gloves
Safety Cones
Plastic/Concrete Jersey Barriers
Fire Extinguisher


The workforce including foremen and technicians are all with sufficient qualification and experience.
Equipment operafors possesses applicable paaty certificates wherever applicable/relevant.
CONSTRUCION OF ALHazem i32/l3,8 kv subslalion tl2S2

Sub-contractor will be employed ifthere is need fo cafch up shortfalls or to accelerafe progress. List of
subconfractor manpowerwill be made available once there company is prequalified /accepted by (Client).
Table lll. Manpower for Excavation Works

Site l\4anager
Site Engineer
Safety Engineer
Equipment Operato.s
First Aiders


91 Project Manager
The Project manager will be responsible for the limely performance of all excavation works with
compliance with the contract drawjngs, project specifications and HSE plan. He must mobilize the
appropriate equipment and manpower to do the job as required.
9.2 Construction Manager
The Construction will monitor the aclivities He must take note existing shortfall and problems and
discuss the same with the Project Manager. Corrective solutions must be identified and applied to
compensate for the shoffalls.
9.3 QA/QC Engineer
The QA,/QC engineerwill be responsible for the quality aspects of the works. He will assure that the
QA and QC plan will be implemented. The required (RFls) shall be submitted to the (Client). All
required tesl for existing subgrade, and backfill materials must be done and that all requiremenls
are complied. He will proaclively coordinate wilh lhe site engineer and issue appropriale internal
(Site Instructions) when he see that performance of works deviate from the approved.

9.4 Site Engineer

c The Site Engineer will be in charge forthe supervision and implementation of all excavation works
as required in the specifications and drawing, especially in giving orders to Site foremen. Site
engineer is also in charge for the preparation and filing of reports.
CONSTRUCTION OF Al Uazem 1Jr13 3 lv substalion #3282
conta.l No-: !,1000115567

I5 Site Foreman
The Siie Foreman will be in charge for the supervisron and implementation of various excavation
works, as inskucled by the Sile enganeer The Site Foreman shall also keep record of all work
schedules, work production and daily safely iss!es

I 6 Site Surveyor

The Siie Surveyor will be in charge for the quantification survey of excavation work as well as for the
preparation of daily report for tolerances, volume and ground elevations The Site Surveyor should
check the excavation areas

I 7 Safety Engineer
97 1 Conduct the safety induction course 10 all personnel anvolved an lhe work
97 2 lvlonitor and supervise the risk assessment
I7 3 Ensure that necessary Permit lo Work is available
97 4 Fn<rre lh2l the nr.ic.i s method slatement and risk assessment are understood and
understood, complied and applied in the worksile
I 75 Ensure that allworkers are provided with sufficient informatron regarding workplace hazards
and planned control measures
9 8 Safety Officer
I81 Supervision of equipment handling, transportation and disposal of excavated materials
I 82 Ensure thal relevant work permit is secured prior to slart of work
II3 Tnsure lhat equipment is operatioral and certi'red
I I4 Ensure that all drivers/operalors are qualified to operate the machines/ equipment
I 85 Regular inspection and maintenance of the equiprnent
II6 Perform other duties as Inskucted by the safety engineer

10 1 '1 Building:

l0l l l Staking out for building lines and corners according to the approved drawings
10 1 1 2 Nlake reference point for vertical control
10 1 1 3 ftiark the lines for limit of excavations
'10 1 1 4 Secure the necessary excavation permit prior lo start of excavation works
l0 1 1 5 Proceed wth excavaton with use of mechanrcal excavator/backhoe
10 1 1 6 Excavated materials to be hauled from work area and stockpiled at designated
area al site.
'10 1 1 7 Provide shoring and slope proteclion as site condition required
'10 1 1 I Apply the necessary dewalering system if there is presence of continuous water in
the pit
10 1 1 9 When the desired depth is reached, levellhe bed and proceed with the
compaction of subgrade
10 'l 1 10 Conduct the required field compaclion and density test
1 01 1.1 1 After passing the test proceed wilh the construction of foundation

10'1 2 Ulilily Pipelines and Duct banks

10121 Conductthesurveyforthetrenchingrouteaccordingtotheapproveddrawings
contract No.: 4!00@5567

10.1.22 Compare with GPR survey to check presence of existing underground utilities. Make reference poinfs for horizontial and vertical control.
10 1 2.4 Secure the necessary excavation permit and proceed with excavation works with
mechanical excavator. lfthere is prevalent water in the trench, apply the appropriate dewatering system
to keep the trench workable.
10 1.2 6 Side oftrench excavation must be sloped to comply with safety requirements
10 1 2.7 lfthe depth of excavation and soil condition require, installshoring to prevent the
collapse of side walls. Excavation materials shall be kept at least 1.0m away from {he side oftrench to
avoid surcharge load to trench walls.
10.1 .2I After the desired depth is attained, compact the subgrade to the required density. Proceed with next aciivities required.
'10 2 Surveying Work

10.2 1 Prior to start of excavation, fhe suryeyor shall mark the extent of the excavation area with
appropriate markers/pegs.
'10.2.2 Benchmarkvcontrol points shall be installed at suitable locations before excavation begins.
Benchmark shallbe located in a clear unobstructed view ofthe work site, coordinates and
elevation ofthe same shallbe given.
10.2.3 Benchmarks installed shall be protected to avoid disturbances
10.2.4 Site suNey coordinates shall be planned and adjoining parties notified to avoid interface
10 3 Site Clearance Works

10.3.1 Scraping/housekeeping of loosened malerials and debris existing at the excavation site
before starting the exc€valion work.
10.3.2 Water spraying for dust conkol will be executed during site clearance and excavalion.
CONSTRUCTION OF ALHazem 132n3 3 kvsubstation #3232
Conkact No.:,140001)5567

10 4 Dewatering
'10 4 1 Pre-excavation works will be performed to 3 0m below site ground levelto check presence of
grouno waler
usrng sump pump will be applied Water will be pumped out and discharged to approve
discharge point
'10 5 Excavation Works

l0 5l Excavation work perrnit must be available priorto staft of excavation works Work perrnit or
aDDroval letter from Client must be obtained-
10 5 2 Before start of excavation works, inspeclion musl be done to check for any presence of
underground ulililies l\,4elal scanner and cable detectors must be used to help identify
underground Lrlililies if there is removal, protection or ternporary lransfe. oflhese must be
dcpeld on soil (ondit'ons and equipment capaciLy
10 5 4 To avoid being struck by any spillage or filling materials from loading vehicles, employees
will be inskucted to stay away from any vehicle loaded or unloaded
10-5 5 The excavation zone shall have proper access and egress area-
10 5 6 Proper side slope at the excavalion area must be observed to prevenl accidental collapse of
loose soil A slope of 1:1 5 must be applied in this sandy type of soil so thal collapse of the
soilwill be avoided
the excavalion wallto proiect adjacent area from erosion and collapse
'10 5 8 Daily excavation and inspection method shallbeapplied througholrt the progress of works
Depth oftrenches/pit must be monitored to check compliance to approved drawings Bed
surfaces must be idenlified so conformance to specs can be evaluated
'10 6 Disposal of Excavated Materials
'106 1 All excavated materials shall be transported 10 the designated stockpile area
10 6 2 Dump trucks shall have pre-determined route fiom excavation area to designated stockpile
area Dumper shall be fully covered once fllled with excavated mateflals Excavation works
shall be perform during daytime Excavated materials can be placed in temporary stockpile
at the same excavation area and may be transported to designated stockpile area later
10 6 3 All excavated materials deemed unsuilable for backfilling shall be hauled to designated

(QA,/QC Plans!bmitled shall be applied in the implementation of work at projecl site)

To ensure the quality control of excavation works, a peflodic report shall be made regarding tolerances,
volumes and ground elevations The excavation works shall be slopped if site quality requirements are not


The following documents shall be produced as part of ihe Excavation and Backfilling activities:

Description Responsible Remarks

cONSTRr.JcllON OF AlHaTem't32/13 3 kv substatron t3232
conrracr No:4400m55o7

Standard Test Method for Density and Unil

Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Thrrd Party Laboratory AST|!1 D1556
Laboratory Compaciion
Characleristics of Soi Using Third Parly Laboratory ASTful D1557
[Iodified Effo.t 56,000 ft lbflft"
(2700 KN- M/tM
Slandard Test l\,4ethods for Density of Soils
and SoilAggregate in Third Party Laboraiory ASTt\rl D2922
Place by Nuclear l\4ethods
Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Third Pady Laboraiory
(RFr) SSEM ITP with Checklist
Third Party Laboratory (Client approved)
Calrbration of lnstruments
Monthly test log and reporls Third party/SSEIV Quality Record


121 Survey for allundergrounding utilities must be done before any execLrtion in coordination wilh
(Consultant or Client) staff who will examine all existing services with SSEI\l that maybe expose
During the process of excavation works, the necessary welfare facililies shall be provided at the
project site The workers shallbe provided with safe drinking waler, toilets, place 10 eal lheirfood and
^la.o r- cr^ro rh4;.r-rho<
Tower lights will be used during night time works and is essential for the safety of workers, lhe
equipment and the proper execution ofwork Barriers around excavation area shall be inslalled.

12.2 1 The HSE engineer has the responsibrlity for providing help advice to the supervisor who is
responsible for the work safety
12 2 2 No one shall enter an excavation unless it has been inspected and considered a safe place
lo work in by immediate supervisor
( 12 2 3 Ensure that there is safe access to and from all excavalion
122 4 Bewate af slipprng when using ladders in wel conditions
'1225 Allemployees must wear the appropriate personnel protective equipmenl
'12 2 6 No person is allowed under loads handled by power shovels/excavators Banks rnen must
be assigned to moniior the activities
12 2.7 Ptior to slad excavation it must be determined whether underground ulililies i e , eleclric,
telephone, sewer lines, etc- wrll be encountered
'12 2 8 Proper slopes to be provided at sides of excavalion
12 2 I Safety Signage to be provided during the excavation work
'12 2 10 Provide proteclive barriers, shield systems complying with applicable standards Jersey
concrete barriers to be installed in straight lines and hinged to each other to provide
affective protection both to workers insrde and vehicular traffic from the other side
12 2 1 1 A rarrp access lo be provided during the excavalion work
12212 Excavaled malerials should be kept at least 1 om from the side of excavation


Risk Control Measures
Listihe @nt@lheasues By
equi€d lo eliminale or
minimize lhe n'sk ol injury
arising lrcm lhe identjfied

. oblainwo.k pem( from lh€ Sile Eng

. Reler lo dEwings olbuded

. Make suE lor 'seruices rcute

cary oul deleclion tesl to

identry he [email protected] orse@r,
telephone water, tuel, gas &

Ha.d batriedes (Ms pipe) or

PVc bantades duly 6lled

Display requned signage

Provide sloppeE of @nsete

mov4ent wthin l5 mele6

Povide sho'jno lo. Banks or

Povide appopdale benctr

@lting or slopng bded on

. Conducl @nnaisnce L
check for p€sence of wild

' Prcvide poperclolhin! and

p rolection again sl po ssible

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