Clustering Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey: Zeeshan M. Kanuga, Ketan R. Tandel
Clustering Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey: Zeeshan M. Kanuga, Ketan R. Tandel
Clustering Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey: Zeeshan M. Kanuga, Ketan R. Tandel
node have to use their battery power [3]. The network can
Abstract The design of sustainable wireless sensor keep operating until the battery power is sufficient. But it is
networks (WSN) is a very challenging issue. On the single hand, also very difficult to recharge or replace battery in sensor
energy constrained sensors are required to work autonomously network. Hence one important problem in WSNs is how
for long periods. Nevertheless, it may be cost-prohibitive to prolong network lifetime with constrained energy [3].
replace used up batteries or even impossible in hostile
environments. On the other hand, unlike other networks, WSNs In order to save energy, it is useful to fuse sense data into
are designed for specific applications which range from more meaningful information before transmitting to sink. This
small-size healthcare surveillance systems to large-scale is because sensor nodes are expanded heavily, it might
environmental monitoring. Therefore, any WSN deployment has generate huge redundant data and similar data from multiple
to meet a lot of requirements that differs from one application to nodes so before transmission of data it can combine all this
another. In this setting, a host of research work has been taken similar data so that required number of transmission to the
in parliamentary procedure to suggest resolutions to the base station can be reduced [3]. Another issue is that most
energy-saving problem. A WSN are a specialized wireless sensor nodes are unable to communicate with sink because of
network made up of a large number of sensors and at least one large distance between them and limited communication
base station. In the WSN Reliable routing of packets from the capacity multi-hop communication is basic routing in WSN
sensor node to its base station is the most important task for the [1]. In WSN each and every node start transmitting and
networks. The routing protocols used for the other networks
receiving data in the network, so that data collision and
congestion will be experienced, therefor node will drain out
cannot be used here due to its battery powered nodes. In WSN
there energy very quickly [6].
fundamental problem is the unbalance energy consumption of
nodes, because of this it will -reduce the lifetime of the network.
Sensor node which are closer to sink exhaust their energy
Management of energy in WSN can reduce the energy
more quickly as compared to another nodes. So that
consumption. This paper gives an overview of the different
unbalance energy consumption is critical problem that need to
routing strategies used in wireless sensor networks and gives a
solve, to avoid early collapse of network due to death of some
brief working model of energy efficient routing protocols in critical node [6].
WSN with clustering strategy.
WSNs constrains thousands of sensor nodes where the cluster
Index Terms Wireless sensor networks, mobility, energy
hierarchy is more efficient to manage data among all the
efficiency, clustering, Base Station (BS), Cell Header (CH),
intercluster communication, intra- cluster communication, nodes in cluster, same data available between neighbor is
Mobile Agent(MA). increase cluster hierarchy and reduce data redundancy by
fusion process [6]. Most nodes turnoff there communication
I. INTRODUCTION for reduce their energy consumption under clustering
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are one of the most
important technologies that will change the world, in that such In the next section, we discuss the different classifications of
network provide us fine granular observation about physical clustering techniques and enumerate a set of attributes for
world where we are living [5]. Typical sensor node are able to categorizing published algorithms. In Section III and IV
carry out sensing, computation and communication making it comprises of approaches for Heuristic and Weighted
useful for number of application such as environment approach, Section V and section VI describes Hierarchical
monitoring, health, disaster and health care for providing and Grid approach. Section VII describe the performance of
relief, conference, file exchanging, controlling product proposed algorithm Finally, Section VIII concludes the paper.
quality etc. [1], [5], [6]
Among all this scope one major application of sensor network II. CLUSTERING APPROACHES IN WIRELESS SENSOR
has to collect information periodically from remote location NETWORKS
and send back to base station (BS). For all this purpose sensor
A. Heuristic Approach:
Heuristic approach is based on giving two approaches to
Zeeshan M. Kanuga, Department of Electronics & Communication, resolve problems
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad, Gujarat, India, Tel: Setup cluster with minimal amount of time
8460588848. Finding optimal solution
Ketan R, Tandel, Assistant Professor Department of Electronics &
Communication, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad,
Gujarat, India, Tel: 9427866585.
Clustering approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
This means that this approach is based on reasonable III. HEURISTIC APPROACH
performance not on the matrix.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-2, February 2016
directly proportional to power, if one node is selected as and advertises itself as a clusterhead to the sensors within its
ClusterHead then it will not selected as ClusterHead once radio range. We call these clusterheads the volunteer
again [11]. clusterheads. This advertisement is reach up to k hops away
from CH. Any sensor neither selected as CH or within cluster
V. HIERARCHICAL APPROACH range is elect as CH called as forced CH. since all the sensors
within a cluster are at most k hops away from the cluster-head,
the clusterhead can transmit the aggregated information to the
base station after every t units of time. This limit on the
number of hops thus allows the cluster-heads to schedule their
transmissions. The energy used in this algorithm is based on
value of p and k [7].
Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed Clustering (HEED)
is a hierarchical, distributed, clustering scheme in which a
Fig. 4. Types of Hierarchical Approach
single-hop communication has been done within each cluster.
Whereas multi-hop communication is allowed between CHs
A. LEACH and the BS. CH nodes are chosen based on two basic
Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) forms parameters (1) residual energy (2) intracluster communication
clusters by using a distributed algorithm, where nodes make cost. Maximum residual energy node is selected as
autonomous decisions without any centralized control. All ClusterHead whereas intracluster communication is based on
nodes have a chance to become CHs to balance the energy node degree [7].
spent per round by each sensor node. Initially a node decides VI. GRID APPROACH
to be a CH with a probability p (p is the desired percentage
of CH nodes in the sensor population) and broadcasts its
decision [7]. Specifically, after its election, each CH
broadcasts an advertisement message to the other nodes and
each one of the other (non-CH) nodes determines a cluster to
belong to, by choosing the CH that can be reached using the
least communication energy (based on the signal strength of
each CH message).
Fig. 5. Types of Grid Approach
Two-Level Hierarchy LEACH utilizes two levels of A. PEGASIS
ClusterHeads (primary and secondary). In this algorithm, the
Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems
primary ClusterHead in each cluster communicates with the
(PEGASIS), this algorithm establish energy saving in cluster
secondaries, and the corresponding secondaries communicate
not by directly forming cluster. The main idea in PEGASIS is
with the nodes in their sub-cluster. Data-fusion can be
for each node to receive from and transmit to close neighbors
performed as in LEACH. In addition, communication within a
and take turns being the leader for transmission to the BS.
cluster is still scheduled using TDMA time-slots. The
This approach will distribute the energy load evenly among
formation of a round will consist of first selecting the
the sensor nodes in the network. Resulting in an energy
principal and secondary ClusterHeads using the same
improvement versus the hierarchical clustering approach [9].
mechanism as LEACH, with the a priori chance of being
upgraded to a primary ClusterHead less than that of a B. GROUP
secondary node [8]. Communication of data from source node
to sink is achieved in two steps
1) Secondary nodes collect data from nodes in their
respective clusters. Data-fusion can be performed at this level
2) Primary nodes collect data from their respective
secondary clusters. Data-fusion can also be implemented at
the primary clusterhead level [8].
The two-level structure of TL-LEACH reduces the
amount of nodes that need to transmit to the base station,
effectively reducing the total energy usage.
Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering (EEHC), the
Fig. 6. Group of cluster grid [10]
main objective of this algorithm was to shortcomings of
one-hop random algorithm by extending the cluster
Group based algorithm is also known as grid algorithm. In
architecture to multiple hops. In this algorithm each sensor in
this algorithm sink node randomly make grid. ClusterHead
the network becomes a clusterhead (CH) with probability p
Clustering approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
are arrange in grid like manner, data from source to sink is C. TL-LEACH
transfer like greed seed (GS) to its ClusterHead and to sink. It improves LEACH protocol by using 2stage of hoping.
From greed seed ClusterHead is selected based on residual Energy is improved by smaller distance of travel. By using
energy. ClusterHead broadcast collected data to its neighbor this data can travel more distance with less power [8].
ClusterHead [10].
VII. MOBILE AGENT BASED APPROACH Only one node can transmit data to base station, science
the transmission range of base station is large this can
improve the energy. Each node is communicate with nearest
so energy utilization is less [9].
This is similar to LEACH protocol, in this we can create
dynamic cluster size that is more flexible to reach up to sink
node [7].
Fig. 7. Types of Mobile Agent Approach Energy conservation is achieved by the lower
transmission distance for upstream data. In LEACH, a
clusterhead must transmit data to the base station directly,
A. ClusterHead Selection
while in GROUP, data is transmitted short ranges along the
The lifetime of WSNs will be affected by the CH, CH upstream path [10].
consumes more power than a regular node. In cluster
Clusterhead plays an important task. Balancing of energy is G. HEED[7]
totally depend on selection of CH [2]. Here selection of CH is Reducing the number of nodes that compete for
mobile. And it is selected based on its residual energy. Node channel access
which has higher energy plays a role of clusterhead. Clusterhead updates, regarding cluster topology
B. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Routing through an overlay among clusterheads,
which has a small network diameter.
Clustering and multi hop routing algorithms are performing
at the same stage to decrease control packets. According to H. ClusterHead Selection
non-uniform energy consumption clustering is done. MST Clusterhead is selected based on residual energy of node
evaluates route of data based on node weight, degree and available in cluster. Node which has maximum energy is elect
distance. First mobile agent is elect, MA find CH with as clusterhead [2].
maximum energy availability on that cluster and according to
CH apply MST and find best path to reach data to destination I. MST
[1]. This is most suitable method to transmission of data. MST is most suitable method for finding route with
minimum cost to reach destination. It find shortest path with
C. DATA Gathering maximum energy of node so data can be reach without any
Mobile agent plays an important role in this method. loss [1].
Minimizing redundant sensor communicating with MA [3].
Mobile agent migrates from one node to another and collect IX. CONCLUSION
all data available in node and reaches to sink [4]. By In this paper focused on energy consumption of nodes based
performing this communication cost during data transfer is on clustering architecture. In wireless sensor network energy
greatly reduce. plays important role to sustain network life. Protocol
discussed in this paper offer a promising improvement over
conventional cluster architecture. There are lots of factors
A. WCA available in clustering like clusterhead election, single hop
and multi hop etc. by applying appropriate scheme energy
It evaluates weight for each node and clusterhead is select saving can be done using clustering.
based on node degree, distance from neighbor, mobility and
available energy. This is most suitable algorithm, after REFERENCES
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