Test Inglés Tema 1

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End of term 1 test A

/ 20 marks / 20 marks
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of 1 Choose the correct options. (4 marks)
the verbs in bold. (4 marks)
1 Enrico knows English so well, it’s hard to believe
1 Where ……………………………… to play football it’s his second tongue / language.
on Saturdays? (go) 2 Nicole told her friend not to spread / post rumours
2 Josh’s parents think he ……………………………… about people.
a professional footballer when he grows up. (be) 3 The fighter was getting tired, but his trainer urged
3 I ……………………………… a shower when him to carry / cheer on.
someone rang the doorbell. (have) 4 The whole town was excited that their team won
4 He ……………………………… in the last three the league prize / title.
FIFA World Cup tournaments. (compete)
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Pay (4 marks)
attention to time expressions. (4 marks) account internet network status
1 ‘I set up my new profile on Facebook today,’ said 1 Michelle posts several ……………… updates every
Jason. day.
.............................................................................. 2 Twitter is the only social ……………… that I use.
.............................................................................. 3 Do you have any idea of how to delete this
2 ‘Why don’t you look it up on the internet?’ Michael ……………… ?
suggested. 4 If you spend ten hours a day online, you probably
.............................................................................. have a(n) ……………… addiction.
3 Complete the nouns in the sentences. (4 marks)
3 ‘You used my phone without asking me first,’ Helen
said to Ricardo. 1 Do you get on well with your t……………… at the
.............................................................................. football club?
.............................................................................. 2 One of the r……………… fell off his bike in the
4 ‘You can use my computer if you want,’ Carl said middle of the race.
to Monica. 3 There must have been over 20,000 s………………
.............................................................................. in the stadium.
.............................................................................. 4 If you want to bulk up you could take
s……………… , but it isn’t a good idea.
3 Choose the correct options. (4 marks)
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. (8 marks)
1 That’s the boy who / whose father is an astronaut.
2 This is the car in which / which I took my driving 1 I didn’t get to finish my sentence before she cut me
test. up. ………………
3 It was raining on the day of the carnival, that / 2 You should switch out your phone so it doesn’t ring
which was very upsetting. during the film. ………………
4 Complete dedication is what / that you need to be 3 Let’s get through and play some football at the
successful at sport. weekend! We can meet at 10 a.m. ………………
4 This space is too small and I simply can’t crawl
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Two
around it. ………………
sentences are correct. (8 marks)
1 Pedro didn’t call his parents because he hadn’t got
his exam results. ………………
2 I promised Paul I will take him to see a sports
match. ………………
3 Sarah apologized for stepped on Ray’s foot.
4 My coach, who is really strict about training, has
never lost a match. ………………


End of term 1 test A
/ 20 marks 2 What is true about the three weapons used in
Reading fencing?
En garde! A One is only used for practice; the other two are
used in competitions.
A Fencing, the sport in which two people fight each B The weapons are different but the rules and
other with swords, may seem as if it belongs in the scoring are the same.
past, but it's very much alive today. Interestingly, it is C Each weapon has a slightly different set of rules
one of only five sports which have been performed at and scoring scheme.
every single Olympic Games since the modern games 3 Seated fencing is …
started in 1896, the others being athletics, cycling, A done only by disabled athletes.
swimming and gymnastics. B done by disabled and able-bodied athletes.
B An early version of fencing began in Spain, in the C governed by its own set of rules.
late fifteenth century, but the fencing we know today 2 Read the text again and write true or false for
began in the eighteenth century in Italy and France. At sentences 1–4. Correct any sentences which are
that time it was common for a disagreement between false. (8 marks)
two men to be settled by a duel – a sword fight. 1 In eighteenth-century Europe, disagreements were
Fencing was taught in preparation for duelling and often decided by a sword fight.
also as a sport. By the early twentieth century, .............................................................................
duelling had died out, but the sporting side of fencing 2 Fencing did not begin to be taught as a sport until
continued, with tournaments and championships. the twentieth century.
C Three weapons are used in fencing: the foil, épée
3 Fencers try to avoid being touched by their
and sabre. In all styles of fencing, the object is to
opponent’s weapon.
touch your opponent with your weapon without being
touched yourself, but the exact rules and methods of
4 Lots of children learn fencing at school.
scoring vary depending on the weapon being used. All
the weapons are in fact blunt.
3 Find words and phrases in the text which match
D Fencing is a great way to keep fit because it the definitions. (6 marks)
requires speed, strength and stamina, and it is also 1 done in front of spectators (paragraph A)
very suitable for disabled people to take up because it ………………
can be done sitting down. As well as wheelchair 2 practice, a way of getting ready (paragraph B)
fencing, chair fencing – where able-bodied opponents ………………
sit in chairs and fence from a seated position – is 3 stopped happening (paragraph B) ………………
another form of the sport. Both forms of seated 4 aim, goal (paragraph C) ………………
fencing follow the same rules as standard fencing. 5 not sharp (paragraph C) ………………
E Fencing is not often taught in schools nowadays, 6 ability to keep going for a long time (paragraph D)
but fencing clubs for adults and children are common, ………………
and participants can take part in competitions at local,
national and international level. Children who enjoy / 20 marks
stories like The Three Musketeers can enrol in
Choose one of the tasks. Write 100–150 words.
classes and have fun fighting like their heroes!
1 ‘The most amazing journey!’ Write a story about a
1 Read the text and choose the correct answers. fantastic journey that you or somebody else (they
(6 marks)
can be real or fictional) have made.
1 Modern fencing began … 2 Write an email to a friend, telling him / her about a
A at the Olympics in 1896. sport you’ve taken up. Write about why you started
B in fifteenth-century Spain. it, what you like about it and how it’s good for you.
C in eighteenth-century Italy and France.


End of term 1 test A
/ 20 marks 7 How does Paul think Twitter can be bad for
 5.11 You are going to listen to a conversation A People often write negative things about
between Paul and Jenny about Twitter. Read the
questions below, then listen to the conversation
and choose the correct answers. B Politicians can get into trouble because of what
they write.
1 Paul says that he likes Twitter because …
C Politicians often can’t express their ideas
A he’s had an account for a long time.
B it allows people to share their ideas with others.
8 What does Jenny say about Twitter and TV
C it allows him to write embarrassing things.
2 Why does Paul enjoy reading tweets from
A She uses Twitter to criticize programmes.
B She tweets about programmes after she’s
A He likes hearing celebrities’ ideas.
watched them.
B The celebrities often embarrass themselves.
C She tweets about programmes while she’s
C Their tweets show celebrities as real people.
watching them.
3 What does Jenny dislike about tweets from
9 Jenny would like …
A to improve her spelling in her tweets.
A People think they’re more important than they
B to be able to type more quickly.
really are.
C people to use better spelling in tweets.
B They show a terrible part of the celebrity world.
10 Who or what does Paul blame for bad spelling and
C Celebrities sometimes write false information.
grammar on Twitter?
4 According to Paul, how does Twitter help victims of
A technology
natural disasters?
B Twitter
A Twitter often sends money to help them.
C the user
B Survivors can inform their families about the
situation on Twitter.
/ 20 marks
C Survivors can use Twitter to find family Speaking
members. Describe the photo. What are the different things
5 What does Jenny think about people who post fake that people do to support their favourite teams?
tweets? What do you think is the most interesting sport to
A They should be punished more strictly than they watch and why?
B They should be allowed to continue using
C They should be banned for a short amount of
6 What does Jenny think about the maximum length
of a tweet?
A It’s long enough to write everything you need to
B There shouldn’t be a limit on the number of
letters you can write.
C It should be longer.


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