Unit 2 More Practice

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1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

browse • delete • evolve • install • update • handle

1) How will Al _____________________ over the next 25 years? I think robots will take over the world.
2) If you can’t _____________________ criticism, don’t write a public blog.
3) When I _____________________ the internet, sometimes I find really interesting and unique stories.
4) Be careful when you _____________________ new programs. Some of them can contain viruses.
5) Why did you _____________________ my photos? I wanted to keep them.
6) You don’t have to _____________________ your computer system. It does it itself automatically.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1) A keyboard which lights up will _____________________ you to see the letters in the dark. ABLE
2) The _____________________ connection between the printer and my laptop means I can print from
anywhere in the house. WIRE
3) There is no _____________________ that playing computer games makes children violent. PROVE
4) A real relationship is more _____________________ than an online one. MEANING
5) Artificial _____________________ helps me every day by stopping spam e-mails. INTELLIGENT

3. Match the beginnings in A to the endings in B.

1 The vast
2 I’m well
3 Cathy and Max are a perfect
4 I will be in deep
5 It’s highly
6 It’s widely

______ a unlikely that I’ll be able to meet you this weekend.
______ b aware that I use my phone too much.
______ c accepted that young people will need computer skills if they want to find a job.
______ d match for each other.
______ e majority of gamers are male.
______ f trouble if I don’t phone my parents soon.

4. Use one word to complete each sentence.

1) I can’t wait to meet you all __________________ person.

2) Don’t forget to back __________________ your work. You don’t want to lose it all.
3) Someone should speak __________________ about the dangers of cyberbullying.
4) Keep __________________ making videos. They’re great
5) I didn’t have lessons in writing computer code. I just sort of picked it __________________.
6) We were at the match cheering __________________ our team.

5. Circle the correct answer.

1) Mark is glued / taped / tied to his phone as usual.

2) I always check my social media pages, no mind / doubt / matter where I am.
3) I can’t believe it. My video has become / made / gone viral.
4) You can borrow my tablet as often / long / soon as you look after it.
5) All our classrooms are equipped for / with / from interactive whiteboards.
6) It’s time to get over / through / off your fear of technology.

6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original. Use one word from each

strongly • slight • conveniently • pleasantly • rapid • heavy

located • surprised • rain • increase • difference • opposed

1) We are expecting it to be very wet tomorrow.

We are expecting ____________________________________ tomorrow.
2) The number of online videos has risen very quickly.
There has been a ____________________________________ in the number of online videos.
3) I’m very much against social media for young children.
I’m ____________________________________ to social media for young children.
4) The shop is very easy to get to from my home.
The shop is ____________________________________ near my home.
5) This game is almost the same as other war games.
There’s only a ____________________________________ between this game and other war games.
6) Some of the comments were much nicer than I expected.
I was ____________________________________ by some of the comments.


1. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future

Life will be very different in 20 years’ time. By then, most banks ___________________________________
(close) and people ___________________________________ (do) all their banking online. Cash
___________________________________ (not disappear) altogether, but most of us
___________________________________ (not use) it as often as we do now.
To help us, telephone companies ___________________________________ (work) hard to try to provide
fast fibre broadband to every home. At the moment, under 10% of British households have this compared
to over 95% in South Korea and Japan. Unfortunately, by the time Britain has caught up, fibre broadband
___________________________________ (become) outdated and the rest of the world
___________________________________ (use) an even more efficient technology.
As we use the internet for more and more things, remember to take care. According to one report, by the
end of the year, people in the UK ___________________________________ (lose) about £70 million to

2. Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect
Simple or Future Continuous.

1) A: Are you still playing that computer games?

B: Yes, but don’t worry. ___________________________________ (I / finish) by the time the others
2) A: What do you think you will do in the future?
B: By the time I’m 30, ___________________________________ (I / set up) my own company and be a
successful businessperson.
3) A: You look excited.
B: I am. This time tomorrow, ___________________________________ (I / play) in the gaming
4) A: Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
B: I’m a pessimist. I think that in 2040, ___________________________________ (we / live) in a world
ruled by robots.
5) A: Where are you going?
B: To the town centre. By the time see you again, ___________________________________ (I / buy) a
new computer.

3. Three of the sentences contain mistakes. Tick the correct sentences and rewrite the incorrect ones.

______ 1 Do you know how many hours you’ll be spending online by the time you’re 30?
______ 2 By the time we wake up, the internet will have come back on and out lives can return to normal.
______ 3 In four hours’ time, I’ll be watching the football match on TV.
______ 4 At eight o’clock this evening, I’ll have played my computer game. I always play for an hour from
7.30 to 8.30.
______ 5 By the time I’m 50, I’ll be retiring and will be on a round-the-world cruise.
______6 I hope my brother will have installed the new programs I want on my computer by the time I get

4. Write questions using the words given. Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous. Use the
answers to help you.

Think about the year 2030.

1) what / you / do?
I think I’ll be working in an office.
2) you / finish / your studies?
Oh, yes. I’ll have finished them by 2028 at the latest.
3) how much money / you /save?
I hope I will have saved a few thousand pounds so I can start thinking about buying a house.
4) where / you / live?
Well, I won’t be living at home. I think I’ll be living with friends in a shared house in a big city.
5) you / still / play / computer games?
Of course I will, but I won’t be playing the same ones that I play now.

5. Now answer the questions from Exercise 4 about yourself. Use full sentences.

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________________________
5) _____________________________________________________________________________________

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