Plaxis 2D-Pile Driving

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This example involves driving a concrete pile through an 11 m thick clay layer into a sand
layer, see Figure 14.1. The pile has a diameter of 0.4 m. Pile driving is a dynamic
process that causes vibrations in the surrounding soil. Moreover, excess pore pressures
are generated due to the quick stress increase around the pile.
In this example focus is put on the irreversible deformations below the pile. In order to
simulate this process most realistically, the behaviour of the sand layer is modelled by
means of the HS small model.

clay pile Ø 0.4 m 11 m

sand 7m

Figure 14.1 Pile driving situation

14.1 INPUT

To create the geometry model, follow these steps:

General settings
• Start the Input program and select the Start a new project from the Quick select
dialog box.
• In the Project tabsheet of the Project properties window enter an appropriate title.
• In the Model tabsheet select the Axisymmetry option for Model and keep the default
option for Elements (15-Noded).
• Keep the default units and constants and set the model dimensions to xmin = 0, xmax
= 30, ymin = 0 and ymax = 18.


The subsoil is divided into an 11 m thick clay layer and a 7 m thick sand layer. The
phreatic level is assumed to be at the ground surface. Hydrostatic pore pressures are
generated in the whole geometry according to this phreatic line. To define the soil

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Create a borehole at x = 0.
• Create two soil layers extending from y = 18.0 to y = 7.0 and from y = 7.0 to y = 0.0.
• Set the Head in the borehole at 18.0 m.
The clay layer is modelled with the Mohr-Coulomb model. The behaviour is considered to
be Undrained (B). An interface strength reduction factor is used to simulate the reduced
friction along the pile shaft.
In order to model the non-linear deformations below the tip of the pile in a right way, the
sand layer is modelled by means of the HS small model. Because of the fast loading
process, the sand layer is also considered to behave undrained. The short interface in
the sand layer does not represent soil-structure interaction. As a result, the interface
strength reduction factor should be taken equal to unity (rigid).
Create the material data sets according to the information given in Table 14.1.
Table 14.1 Material properties of the subsoil and pile
Parameter Symbol Clay Sand Pile Unit
Material model Model Mohr-Coulomb HS small Linear elastic -
Type of behaviour Type Undrained (B) Undrained (A) Non-porous -
Unit weight above phreatic line γunsat 16 17 24 kN/m3
Unit weight below phreatic line γsat 18 20 - kN/m3
Young's modulus (constant) E' 5.0· 103 - 3·107 kN/m2
Secant stiffness in standard ref
E50 - 5.0· 104 - kN/m2
drained triaxial test
Tangent stiffness for primary ref
Eoed - 5.0· 104 - kN/m2
oedometer loading
Unloading / reloading stiffness ref
Eur - 1.5· 105 - kN/m2
Power for stress-level dependency m - 0.5 - -
of stiffness
Poisson's ratio ν 'ur 0.3 0.2 0.1 -
Cohesion c 'ref - 0 - kN/m2
Undrained shear strength su,ref 5.0 - - kN/m2

Friction angle ϕ' 0 31.0 -

Dilatancy parameter ψ 0 0 -
Shear strain at which Gs = γ0.7 - 1.0·10-4 - -
Shear modulus at very small G0ref - 1.2·105 - kN/m2
Young's modulus inc. E 'inc 1.0·103 - - kN/m2
Reference level yref 18 - - m
Undrained shear strength inc. su,inc 3 - - kN/m2
Reference level yref 18 - - m
Interface strength type Type Manual Rigid Rigid -
Interface strength Rinter 0.5 1.0 1.0 -
K0 determination − Automatic Automatic Automatic -
Lateral earth pressure coefficient K0,x 0.5000 0.4850 0.5000 -

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The pile is defined as a column of 0.2 m width. The Interface elements are placed along
the pile to model the interaction between the pile and the soil. The interface should be
extended to about half a meter into the sand layer (see Figure 14.2). Note that the
interface should be defined only at the side of the soil. A proper modelling of the pile-soil
interaction is important to include the material damping caused by the sliding of the soil
along the pile during penetration and to allow for sufficient flexibility around the pile tip.

Hint: Use the Zoom in feature to create the pile and the interface.



(0.2, 7.0)
(0.0, 7.0)
Extended interface

(0.2, 6.6) Sand

Figure 14.2 Extended interface

To define the concrete pile:

• Click the Structures tab to proceed with the input of structural elements in the
Structures mode.
Select the Create polygon feature in the side toolbar and click on (0.0 18.0), (0.2
18.0), (0.2 7.0) and (0.0 7.0).
Create a negative interface to model the interaction of the pile with the surrounding
soil by clicking on (0.2 6.6) and (0.2 18.0).
The pile is made of concrete, which is modelled by means of the linear elastic model
considering non-porous behaviour (Table 14.1). In the beginning, the pile is not present,
so initially the clay properties are also assigned to the pile cluster.
In order to model the driving force, a distributed unit load is created on top of the pile. To
create a dynamic load:
Define a distributed load by clicking on (0.0 18.0) and (0.2 18.0).
• The load components will be defined in the Selection explorer. Note that the static
component of the load will not be used in this project. The program will neglect the
static components of the load if it (static load) is not activated.
• Expand the Dynamic load subtree and specify a unit load in the gravity direction.
Click the Multiplier_y drop down menu and click on the appearing plus button. The
Multipliers window pops up and a new load multiplier is automatically added.
• Define a Harmonic signal with an Amplitude of 5000, a Phase of 0◦ and a
Frequency of 50 Hz and as shown in Figure 14.3. During the pile driving phase, we

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will only consider half a cycle (0.01 s) of this signal.

Figure 14.3 Definition of a Harmonic multiplier

Hint: Note that dynamic multipliers can be defined by right-clicking the Dynamic
multipliers subtree under Attributes library in the Model explorer.
» Note that dynamic multipliers are attributes and as such it is possible to
define them in all the program's modes.

The final geometry model is shown in Figure 14.4.

Figure 14.4 The geometry model

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• Proceed to the Mesh mode.

Generate the mesh. Use the default option for the Element distribution parameter
View the generated mesh. The resulting mesh is shown in Figure 14.5.
• Click on the Close tab to close the Output program.

Figure 14.5 The generated mesh


The calculation consists of 3 phases. In the Initial phase, the initial stress conditions are
generated. In the Phase 1 the pile is created. In the Phase 2 the pile is subjected to a
single stroke, which is simulated by activating half a harmonic cycle of load. In the Phase
3 the load is kept zero and the dynamic response of the pile and soil is analysed in time.
The last two phases involve dynamic calculations.

Initial phase
Initial effective stresses are generated by the K0 procedure, using the default values.
Note that in the initial situation the pile does not exist and that the clay properties should
be assigned to the corresponding cluster. The phreatic level is assumed to be at the
ground surface. Hydrostatic pore pressures are generated in the whole geometry
according to this phreatic line.

Phase 1 - Pile activation

Add a new calculation phase.
• In the General subtree in the Phases window, the Plastic option is selected as
Calculation type.

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• The Staged construction option is by default selected as Loading type.

• In the Staged construction mode assign the pile properties to the pile cluster.
• Activate the interface in the Clay layer. The model for the Phase 1 in the Staged
construction mode is displayed in Figure 14.6.

Figure 14.6 Configuration of Phase 1 in the Staged construction mode

Phase 2 - Pile driving

Add a new calculation phase.
• In the General subtree in the Phases window, select the Dynamic option as
Calculation type.
• Set the Dynamic time interval to 0.01 s.
• In the Deformation control parameters subtree select Reset displacements to zero.
• In the Staged construction mode activate the dynamic component of the distributed
load. The activated dynamic component of the load in Selection explorer is shown in
Figure 14.7.
• Expand the Dynamics subtree under Model conditions in the Model explorer.
• Specify viscous boundaries at xmax and ymin (Figure 14.8).
The result of this phase is half a harmonic cycle of the external load. At the end of this
phase, the load is back to zero.

Phase 3 - Fading
Add a new calculation phase.
• In the General subtree in the Phases window, select the Dynamic option as
Calculation type.
• Set the Dynamic time interval to 0.19 s.

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Figure 14.7 The dynamic load component in the Selection explorer

Figure 14.8 Boundary conditions for Dynamic calculations

• In the Staged construction mode de-activate the dynamic load.

Select a node at the top of the pile for load displacement curves.
Calculate the project.
Save the project.

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Figure 14.9 shows the settlement of the pile (top point) versus time. From this figure the
following observations can be made:
• The maximum vertical settlement of the pile top due to this single stroke is about 13
mm. However, the final settlement is almost 10 mm.
• Most of the settlement occurs in phase 3 after the stroke has ended. This is due to
the fact that the compression wave is still propagating downwards in the pile,
causing additional settlements.
• Despite the absence of Rayleigh damping, the vibration of the pile is damped due to
soil plasticity and the fact that wave energy is absorbed at the model boundaries.

Figure 14.9 Pile settlement vs. time

When looking at the output of the second calculation phase (t = 0.01 s, i.e. just after the
stroke), it can be seen that large excess pore pressures occur very locally around the pile
tip. This reduces the shear strength of the soil and contributes to the penetration of the
pile into the sand layer. The excess pore pressures remain also in the third phase since
consolidation is not considered.
Figure 14.10 shows the shear stresses in the interface elements at t = 0.01 s. The plot
shows that the maximum shear stress is reached all along the pile, which indicates that
the soil is sliding along the pile.
When looking at the deformed mesh of the last calculation phase (t = 0.2 s), it can also
be seen that the final settlement of the pile is about 10 mm. In order to see the whole
dynamic process it is suggested to use the option Create Animation to view a 'movie' of
the deformed mesh in time. You may notice that the first part of the animation is slower
than the second part.

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Figure 14.10 Maximum shear stresses in the interface at t = 0.01 s.

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