Adsec8.4 Manual-Unlocked

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Oasys AdSec

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Oasys AdSec
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Printed: May 2019

Oasys AdSec

Table of Contents

Part I About AdSec 8

1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Design
Codes 9

Part II Step by Step Guide 14

1 Creating
a Simple Section 14
2 Creating
a Compound Section 15
3 Load
Cases and Analysis Cases 16

Part III Working with AdSec 19

1 Using
AdSec 19
2 Sign
Convention 21
3 Working
w ith the Gatew ay 21
4 Working
w ith the Section View 22
5 Working
w ith Table View s 23
Editing Tables
......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Find, replace,
go to and modify in tables 25
6 Ultimate
Limit State Analysis Options 26
7 Serviceability
Limit State Analysis Options 29
8 Strain
Discontinuities 30
9 Staged
Analysis 31

Part IV Program Data 33

1 Titles
................................................................................................................................... 33
2 Specification
................................................................................................................................... 34
General Specification
......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Units ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
3 Material
Properties 34
Concrete Properties
......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Rebar Material
Properties 35
Steel Material
Properties 36
FRP Material.........................................................................................................................................................
Properties 37
4 Sections
................................................................................................................................... 37
Definition ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
......................................................................................................................................................... 38
5 Loads
................................................................................................................................... 39
Load Titles ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Loading ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Reference Point
......................................................................................................................................................... 40
6 Analysis
Cases 40

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ULS Analysis
Cases 41
SLS Analysis
Cases 41

Part V Dialogs and Wizards 44

1 General
Section Wizard 44
General Section
Wizard : Titles 44
General Section
Wizard : Design Option 45
General Section
Wizard : Wrap/Cast Section 45
General Section
Wizard : Definition 46
General Section
Wizard : Reinforcement 46
2 Section
Wizard 47
Section Wizard
: Section Type 47
Section Wizard
: Catalogue Section 48
Section Wizard
: Standard Shapes 48
Section Wizard
: Perimeter Section Definition 50
Section Wizard
: Section Definition 50
3 Section
Material 51
4 Compound
Section Definition 51
5 Section
Builder 51
6 Reinforcement
Wizard 51
Wizard : Template Definition 52
Wizard : Links and Cover 52
Wizard : Main Reinforcement 52
Wizard : Side Reinforcement 53
Wizard : Rectangular Column Reinforcement 53
Wizard : Circular/Elliptical Reinforcement 53
General Reinforcement
Definition 53
7 Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 54
8 Advanced
Analysis Control 55
9 Chart
Analysis Dialogs 55
N/M Chart ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Myy/Mzz Chart
......................................................................................................................................................... 56
and M/EI Chart 57
10 Miscellaneous
Dialogs 57
Chart 58
Expand Section
......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Label and Display
Options 58
Chart Style ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Additional Points
on N/M and Myy/Mzz Charts 59
Output Specification
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
11 Preferences
................................................................................................................................... 60

Part VI Output Options 63

1 Graphical
Output 63
2 Tabular
Output 63

Part VII Command File 66

1 Command
File Commands 66

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Part VIII AdSec Text File 73

6 © O as ys Ltd. 2019
Part I
Oasys AdSec

1 About AdSec
Oasys AdSec is a program for non-linear analysis of sections with a particular emphasis on concrete
sections. Analysis options are available for ultimate and serviceability limit states in accordance with
various design codes.

Permission to reproduce extracts from the British Standards is granted by BSI. British Standards
can be obtained from:
BSI Customer Services,
389 Chiswick High Road,
London W4 4AL.
Teleph +44 (0)20 8996 9001
Email [email protected]

1.1 Overview
Oasys AdSec is a program for non-linear analysis of sections with a particular emphasis on concrete
sections. Analysis options are available for ultimate and serviceability limit states in accordance with
selected concrete design codes

Analysis – ULS
For the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) the section analysis options are:

the ultimate moment capacity of the section

stresses from the ultimate applied load
ultimate axial force/moment (N/M or P/M) interaction charts
ultimate moment (Myy/Mzz) interaction chart (for biaxial bending only)

Analysis – SLS
For the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) the program calculates:

cracking moment
stresses, strains, stiffness and crack widths for each applied loading and strain
moment-curvature and moment stiffness charts

Concrete, steel and fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sections of either standard or user defined shape.

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Steel sections can be selected from steel catalogues used in various countries. Reinforcement can
be defined for concrete sections: this can be steel, prestress tendons or FRP bars.

These basic sections can be combined into compound sections, by joining or wrapping sections.

Reinforcement can be prestressed with a force or initial strain.

The following load types cannot be input explicitly, but can be simulated:

nominal eccentricity moments

prestress using unbonded tendons

1.2 Design Codes

The table below shows the current or most recent concrete design codes that are available in AdSec.

Code Title Country Date Other versions

ACI318 Building Code USA 2014 2011, 2008, 2005,

Requirements for 2002
Structural Concrete

ACI318M Building Code USA 2014 2011, 2008, 2005,

Requirements for 2002
Structural Concrete
(metric version)

AS3600 Australian Australia 2009 2001

Standard Concrete
Structures 2009

BS5400-4 Steel, concrete UK 1990 IAN70/06

and composite
bridges – Code of
practice for design
of concrete bridges

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BS8110-1 Structural Use of UK 2005 1997, 1985

Concrete Part 1.
Code of practice for
design and
Amendments Nos.
1, 2 and 3)

BS EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1 UK 2004 PD6687:2006

BS EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 UK 2005

CAN CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Canada 2014 2004


CAN CSA S6 Canadian Highway Canada 2014

Bridge Design

CYS EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Cyprus 2004

DIN EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Germany 2004

DIN EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Germany 2010

DS/EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Denmark 2004

DS/EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Denmark 2005

EN1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: 2004

Design of concrete
structures – Part 1-
1: General rules
and rules for

EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2: 2005

Design of concrete
Concrete bridges -
Design and
detailing rules

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Hong Kong Code Code of Practice Hong Kong 2013 2004 (AMD 2007),
of Practice for the Structural 2004, 1987
Use of Concrete

Hong Kong Structures Design Hong Kong 2013 2002

Structures Design Manual for
Manual Highways and

IRC:112 Code of Practice India 2011

for Concrete Road

IRS Concrete Code of Practice India 1997

Bridge Code for Plain,
Reinforced &
Concrete for
General Bridge

I.S. EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Ireland 2004

I.S. EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Ireland 2005

IS 456 Plain and India 2000

reinforced concrete
– Code of Practice

NEN EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Netherlands 2004

NEN EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Netherlands 2011

NF EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 France 2005

NF EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 France 2006

NS-EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Norway 2004

PN-EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Poland 2008

SFS-EN1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Finland

UNE-EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Spain 2010/2013

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UNE-EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Spain 2010

UNI EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2-1-1 Italy 2004

UNI EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2-2 Italy 2006

12 © O as ys Ltd. 2019
Part II
Oasys AdSec

2 Step by Step Guide

The Step by Step Guide is intended to give detailed instructions of how to carry out a number of
typical AdSec operations. The details of the working with the program and the program data are give
in separate chapters.

Welcome to AdSec

When launching AdSec the Welcome to AdSec dialog is displayed. There are options to

Create a new section – will open the General Section Wizard guiding the user through the
definition of the titles, specification and section.

Work on your own – allows access directly to the AdSec menus.

Open an existing file – a file dialog is opened so that the user can select an existing AdSec file to
work on
Select recent file – the recently used files are displayed and the user is able to select the file with
which to continue working. The file can also be opened by double-clicking on the file in the list.
The "About AdSec" option give access to license and version details.

See also

Creating a Simple Section

Creating a Compound Section
Load Cases and Analysis Cases

2.1 Creating a Simple Section

When opening AdSec a Welcome to AdSec dialog offers a selection of options. Select the option to
Create a new section. This opens the General Section Wizard — this is used in various ways in
AdSec for creating and editing sections.

When creating a new section job titles and details are entered here and then the design code is
chosen. As well as the design code the units can be changed here and the bending axis can be
selected between bi-axial and uni-axial bending. Uniaxial ending has the additional option of
specifying the section as a slab or wall in which case cracking checks are omitted on the "side"

Uni-axial bending constrains the neutral axis to remain horizontal despite asymmetric geometry or
loading. Moments generated about the vertical axis are ignored. Use this option for constrained
sections (e.g. angles restrained by walls or slab) and for standard rectangular beams to Eurocode to
allow crack widths to be calculated. For other cases a biaxial bending analysis should be used,
allowing the neutral axis to rotate from horizontal as a result of any asymmetry of reinforcement or
section, even for applied bending about the horizontal axis.


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The next stage is to define the basic section. The section is given a name as a convenient way of
referring to and identifying the section. The material type allows for concrete, steel or fibre reinforced
polymer (FRP) sections. Depending on the material selected the material grades available will
change. The section button gives access to the normal section wizard to select the section shape
and size or alternatively if the section description syntax is known it can be entered directly. The
section shape is drawn to provide visual feedback on the section shape.

The next stage only applies for concrete sections as this is where the reinforcement is defined.
Reinforcement can be either "general" or "template" (although the template option is not available for
all section shapes).

General Reinforcement
In the General Reinforcement Definition the section extents are displayed as a guide for placing the
reinforcement. General reinforcement defines single bars, lines of bars or arcs/circles of bars and the
bars are specified by type and diameter. The actual coordinates required to define the location of the
bars will depend on the definition type selected.

Prestress in bars is specified here as part of the bar definition. Prestress force is specified as a force
in each bar, or an initial strain applied to the bars.

The modify allows the reinforcement definition to be edited while the shift option allows the
reinforcement to be repositioned.

Template Reinforcement
Template reinforcement starts by considering the section as a beam or column and then offers
reinforcement patterns appropriate to that section shape. The template option allows large numbers
of bars to be defined in a quick and convenient manner.

The section is now complete.

Further sections can be created however in this case the process starts at the section definition

2.2 Creating a Compound Section

A compound section is one built from a number of component sections. This can be used to analyse
situations such as:

where a slab may be cast after a beam is in place

where the slab and beam may be of different strengths

for sections of different materials such as concrete cased steel sections or

for sections where FRP is added to strengthen the section.

A number of approaches are possible to build a compound section assuming the reference or base
section has already been defined. The most suitable approach depends on the final section to be

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Compound Section Definition

The compound section definition is the lowest level approach to assembling a compound section.
The different sections are selected and the offsets from the reference or base section are specified.

Section Builder
The section builder option allows a compound section to be assembled from two existing sections by
specifying the position of one section relative to the other. AdSec will the calculate the offsets based
on the section dimensions.

Wrap/Cast Section
The "wrap/cast section" option allows a compound section to be created by introducing a new
section which is wrapped or cast around or inside the base section. The options are:

Apply to face – this is used to apply a thin section to the faces of the base section. This can
either warp the entire section or apply a strip of material to the bottom or top face of the section.
This option is typically used to "apply" FRP to an existing section.

Cast rectangle or circle – these options allow a new section to be cast around the existing
section. These options are typically to create concrete cased steel sections.

Fill void – this option which is only available for hollow sections allows the void to be filled. This
option is typically used for concrete filled tubes.

Once the secondary section option is defined the definition of the section is as before but the wizard
takes care of the section shape creating a secondary section that giving the correct intersection with
the reference section.

2.3 Load Cases and Analysis Cases

It is important to understand the difference between load cases and analysis cases. The load cases
group together loads that apply to the section, however the analysis case refers to a load case or
cases and allows combinations of load to be considered.

Use the Loads table or the Load Definition dialog to define load records. Any load records that
belongs to a particular load case will be grouped together.

Analysis cases are set up for ULS or SLS cases separately and both ULS and SLS analysis cases
are numbered from 1.

For a ULS Analysis use the ULS Analysis Cases table or ULS Analysis Case Definition dialog to
define the analysis cases.

For an SLS Analysis use the SLS Analysis Cases table or SLS Analysis Case Definition dialog to
define the analysis cases. Analysis cases for an SLS analysis are more complicated than for ULS
analysis as the load duration and creep effects need to be taken into account. The load duration
options will depend on the design code selected. The basic options are long term where creep
effects are considered and short term where no creep takes place. The creep factor is specified for
each component of the section and effect of creep is modelled by modifying the Young's modulus

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and the slope of the stress strain relationship.


If the loading is dead load the long term option (which includes creep) should be used. If the load is a
short term imposed load then the short term option is selected which excludes the effect of creep.
Most real loading will have a component of long term load plus short term imposed loads. AdSec
offers two options for modelling this type of situation.

When the design code is BS8110 the effect of the combined load can be modelled using the "long +
short" term option. With this the long term load is allowed to creep but the additional short term load
is only applied after the creep effects of the long term load have been taken into account.

When the design code is BS5400, or a related code, the effect of combined load is modelled using
the intermediate term analysis option. In this the creep effect is varied depending on the ratio of live
load to dead load. In this cases the analysis case must define the live to dead load ration Mq/Mg.

When selecting an analysis (either ULS or SLS) you are give the opportunity to select the analysis
cases that you wish to analyse.

Note for a ULS analysis if no analysis cases have been defined then a single analysis case is
created for each load case.

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Part III
Oasys AdSec

3 Working with AdSec

AdSec is a general non-linear section analysis program.

Output from AdSec includes:

Section properties
Section strength
Force moment (N/M or P/M) and moment (My y /Mzz) interaction charts

Section stress/stain at serviceability state

Crack widths and cracking moment

Flexural stiffness (EI) of section
Moment curvature and moment stiffness charts
AdSec provides different material models for concrete and reinforcement. These are detailed in the
AdSec Theory Manual

Sections can be loaded with force/moment, component strains/curvature, concrete-only strain/

curvature and prestress.

The features of the non-linear solution are:

Solution method is iterative

Plane sections remain plane
Program searches through possible strain planes
Three variables – one strain, εx and two curvatures, κy and κz.

Strain at point (y,z) = εx + κy .z + κz.y

Loops until a plane is found that satisfies three conditions

3.1 Using AdSec

When using AdSec it is important to understand how the model is constructed and loaded. Also
important is how the general properties are applied to the particular section or component of a

Creating and Editing Sections

The General Section wizard will guide the user through the process of creating a section when a new
file is created. The file can contain more than one section. To create subsequent sections the user
should select the "Data | New Section" menu option or where the new section is closely related to
the shape of the existing section the "Data | Wrap Current Section" menu option. Note that the main
purpose of multiple sections is to build up Compound Sections (see below), and that generally a file
should only contain one section.

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Perimeter sections can be entered clockwise or anti-clockwise. The perimeter is closed

automatically. The same applies to voids in perimeter sections.

Once a section is created the Gateway gives access to all aspects of the section. Select Section |
Dimensions if you want to change its dimensions. Only select Section | Definition if you wish to
change the section shape and re-create the reinforcement.

Reinforcement can be defined as either:

General reinforcement (i.e. single bars, lines, arcs and circles of bars) which can be placed for any
Template reinforcement (i.e. beam and column arrangements) is available for selected (common)
section shapes. The Reinforcement wizard will guide the user through the process of creating
Template reinforcement.
A section may contain both template and general reinforcement.

Compound Sections
A compound section is made up of existing sections (component sections). There are several
benefits to this:

Component sections can be analysed separately from the compound section without having different

Sections with Template beam and column reinforcement arrangements can be used to make up the
Compound section.

The positioning of component sections is easy and flexible (see below)

To create a compound section, select the "Data | New Compound Section" option. In a compound
section the original section is referred to as section "A" . The origin of section A will be the origin of
the Compound section. Position additional section(s) by specifying the offset of their origins relative
to the origin of section A. You should ensure that component sections are in contact but do not

The "Data | Wrap Current Section" menu option also creates a compound section.

Current Section
AdSec can contain multiple section so it has the concept of a current section. The current section

the section displayed in the Section View

the section on which an analysis will be performed
the section whose data will be changed on selecting any of the items in the Data menu
The current section is displayed on the toolbar. It can be changed here, or by clicking on any item in
the Sections tab of the Gateway.

Analysis Cases

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Analysis cases contain data to be used in a ULS Capacity (Strength), ULS Loads, or SLS Loads
(Serviceability) analysis. Each analysis is performed for a specified case or cases. AdSec stores
ULS and SLS analysis cases. The load descriptions specify factored load cases to be included in
the analysis. For example an analysis case load description is of the form 1.4L1+1.6L2.

3.2 Sign Convention

Horizontal axis is labelled y, and is positive to the right

Vertical axis is labelled z, positive upwards

Applied Forces
N is axial load is positive for compression (referred to as P in some codes)
My y is the moment about the y axis, positive for compression on the top of the section.

Mzz is the moment about the z axis, positive for compression on the right of the section.

Strain planes
εax is axial strain, positive for compression.

κy is the curvature about the y axis, positive for compression on the top of the section.

κz is the curvature about the z axis, positive for compression on the right of the section.

= ax + .z' +
y z.y'

Note: Moment angles and neutral axis (NA) angles are measured positive anticlockwise from the
positive y axis. A negative concrete-only strain models shrinkage in the concrete. A negative
prestress gives tension in the steel.

3.3 Working with the Gateway

When an AdSec file is read the Gateway view is opened. This is a view giving access to all the
modules that go to make up an AdSec model. If this view has been closed it can be re-opened using
the View | Gateway menu command.

Top level categories can be expanded by clicking on the '+' symbol beside the name or by double
clicking on the name. Clicking on the ' ' symbol or double clicking on the name when expanded will
close up the item. A branch in the view is fully expanded when the items have no symbol beside

Clicking the right mouse button when the cursor is pointing at an item in the Gateway displays a
floating menu that relates to that item. Double clicking on an item will open the appropriate view.

The Gateway organizes the data into several categories. Against each item is reported the number of
records currently specified for the data module. These are updated as the data is created or edited.

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3.4 Working with the Section View

When an AdSec file is read the Gateway view is opened and normally also a graphic view. The
graphic view displays the basic section including the reinforcement. The section view always
displays the current section and changing the current section results in the view being updated to
reflect this change.

If results are present some basic results are display in the graphic view – details of these are given

The appearance of the section can be modified using the Label and Display Options.

The view is adjustable dynamically and via the Graphic menu. The redraw option just redraws the
image without altering the view. Dragging a rectangle in the window causes the image to be zoomed
and panned to result in that rectangle filling the Window.

Operation Short-cut

Scale to fit Ctrl+Home

Zoom in Ctrl+Up

Zoom out Ctrl+Dn

Reset pan Shift+Home

Pan right Shift+Rt

Pan left Shift+Left

Pan up Shift+Up

Pan down Shift+Dn

The section view can also be saved to file in one of the following formats:

WMF – Windows Metafile


PNG – Portable Network Graphics


SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics

See also:

Graphical Output

Label and Display Options

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3.5 Working with Table Views

Tabular input

Some of the data required by AdSec can be entered in tables. The details of the data entered in each
table are covered in the Program Data section.

Tables in AdSec are similar to spreadsheets, but there are a number of significant differences.

The current cell is indicated by a bold border around the cell. When editing a cell the cursor flashes
at the current position in the cell and the cell is said to be in edit mode. Basic navigation and entry of
data in tables is as follows.


Moving around the table is done by using the arrow keys, Tab, Return, mouse clicks or the 'Edit |
Go To' (Ctrl+G) menu command.

Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End move the current cell to the first and last cell in the table, respectively.

Page Up and Page Down move the current cell a window-full of records up and down, respectively.

Simply navigating to a cell does not put the cell into edit mode.


The following actions change a cell to edit mode:

Typing in the cell, to cause the existing data to be replaced by what is typed.
Press F2, to highlight the existing data. Subsequent typing will replace any highlighted data.
Press Home or End, to place the cursor at the beginning or end of the existing data, respectively.
Clicking in the current cell, to place the cursor at the clicked position.
Having edited the contents of a cell the contents of the cell must be registered by doing one of the
following: —

Press Return or Tab, moves to the next cell.

Press the up or down, moves row.
Press the left or right when the cursor is at the left-most or right-most positions, moves to the
adjacent cell.
Click on another cell.
In all cases the contents of the cell are validated and if invalid input is detected it must be corrected
before moving.

The Esc key can be used to undo an edit.

Note that for any of the paste operations, if partial record data is pasted resulting in blank cells, the
blank cells will be set to default values.

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The '=' and '==' commands may be used to copy data from other records in a table. Instead of typing
a value in a cell, the following instructions may be entered:

= to copy the value from the cell above.

=n to copy the value from the same cell in record n.
== to copy the remainder of the record from the record above.
==n to copy the remainder of the record from record n.

To select all the cells containing data, use the 'Edit | Select All' (Ctrl+A) menu command or click on
the grey box at the very top left of the table. The selection is highlighted in inverted colours (as with
any block selection)

Select records or fields (rows or columns) of cells by clicking on their headers in the grey area.

To select any particular set of cells there are several options:

Use the 'Edit | Select' menu command, which displays a dialogue box where a set of cells can be
defined in terms of records and fields.
Drag a box around them using the mouse.
Click on the start cell of the proposed block, then click on the final cell while holding down shift.
To cancel a selection, use 'Edit | Select None' menu command or click anywhere in the table.

See also

Editing tables
Find, replace, go to amd modify in tables

3.5.1 Editing Tables

Data Entry
The details of the data entered in each table is covered in the Program Data section. This section
covers the basic navigation and use of the data tables by keyboard and mouse, and the Edit menu
functions specific to tables.

Changes made in a table are immediately reflected in other tables and the graphic view.

For many of the tables there is the option of defining the data in a Wizard. The data wizards are
available from the Wizard button in the AdSec toolbar. The use of wizards is necessary for some of
the modules where it is not otherwise possible to select or set up the required data.

The shaded cells across the top of a table contain default values, which can be changed by the user.
These are placed in the current cell when the cell contents are entered as blank.

Copying to and from spreadsheets

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For many purposes the preparation of some part of the model or loading, or post-processing of
results will require the use of spreadsheets.

Information can be cut/copied from tables in AdSec and pasted into spreadsheets and vice versa.
Also results can be copied from Output Views and pasted into spreadsheets. Data copied from
AdSec or spreadsheets is held as Tab delimited text.

If the user intends to create data in a spreadsheet, it is recommended that a dummy record be
created in AdSec and copied to form a 'template' in the spreadsheet.

Adjusting Data Display

There are a number of options for adjusting the display of data in tables. These are available from the
Window | Settings menu and from the Data toolbar.

The font that is used in the table can be selected. This gives a standard Font selection dialog.

3.5.2 Find, replace, go to and modify in tables

Use the 'Edit | Find' (Ctrl+F) menu command or the 'Find' button on the Data toolbar to find specified
text or numbers in a Table. The Find Dialog Box appears:

Specify the exact entry you wish to find. This can be made case sensitive by checking the 'Match
case' box.
Choose to search the 'whole' table or a just a 'selection'. Note — if a selection is required, it must
be highlighted before choosing the find command.

Choose to search 'up' or 'down' from the current cell. Once the end of the table is reached, the
search reverts back to the beginning of the table.
Click the 'Find Next' button to find the first matching entry, and again for each subsequent
matching entry. GSA displays a warning message if the specified text is not found.

Go to
To find a specific record, use the 'Edit | Go To' (Ctrl+G) menu command or the 'Go To' button on the
Data toolbar.

Use the 'Edit | Replace' (Ctrl+H) menu command or the 'Go To' button on the Data toolbar to perform
a search, as for Find, and also replace the specified text or numbers. The 'Replace' dialog appears.
This operates as for Find dialog with additions:

Specify the new entry you wish to replace the existing entry.
Upon finding a matching entry, click the 'replace' button, or you can choose to 'replace all'
matching entries.


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Use the 'Edit | Modify' (Ctrl+M) menu command or the Modify button on the Data toolbar to modify
numerical cell entries. Cells containing text remain unmodified. The Table View 'Modify' dialog
appears. The modifications specified here are applied to every cell value in the 'selection' or the
'whole' table view. Specify the 'modify by' value to be used in one of the following ways:

add – add the value in the Modify By box.

factor – factor by the value in the box.
power – raise to the power of the value in the box.

absolute – modify the selection to the absolute value (the modify by is ignored in this case).

3.6 Ultimate Limit State Analysis Options

Strength Analysis
An ultimate capacity moment is found for each selected analysis case, solving for the input values of
axial force, moment orientation and limiting strain. The resulting ultimate moment capacity and
neutral axis position are output. The resulting stresses and strains can also be viewed.

Loads Analysis
The program finds the state of strain corresponding to the input (factored) force and moments.
Factored material curves are used. The resulting stresses and strains can be viewed.

Force Moment Interaction Charts

The Force/Moment Interaction (N/M) chart gives a capacity envelope for a given moment orientation.
The 'no tension' and 'balanced yield' values are found for the input value of moment orientation. An
ultimate capacity analysis is performed to generate ultimate moments for a range of axial force
values between maximum tension and compression capacity of the section. If the reference point is
offset from the plastic centroid, the peak of the graph will be offset from the Y-axis ('moment=0'
position). This is due to the moment of the maximum possible axial force about the reference point.
In addition, the peak force on the graph may not be equal to the maximum ultimate resistance for
constant strain for some moment angles for biaxial problems. This is because the maximum ultimate
capacity may cause secondary bending at 90 degrees to the specified angle about the reference
point. As secondary bending is ignored in uniaxial problems, the graph should reach the maximum
ultimate resistance for these problems.

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N/M chart – Typical strain plane for point on Lower Chart

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N/M chart – Balanced Yield Point

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N/M chart – Typical strain plane for No Tension point

The user can superimpose force-moment coordinates on the chart "Graphic | Additional Point" menu
option a shortcut is available on the Graphic toolbar. This is useful for demonstrating that applied
loads are within the capacity envelope.

Moment interaction charts

The Moment Interaction (Myy/Mzz) charts give a capacity envelope for a given axial force. The moment
orientation is varied from zero to 360 degrees. An ultimate moment capacity analysis is performed
for each orientation and the input value of axial force. The results are plotted and can be output in a
table. The program assumes the prestress factor to be equal to one for the chart. A number of plots
can be output on one chart for different values of axial force.

User input Myy,Mzz coordinates can be plotted on the chart. This is useful for demonstrating that
applied loads are within capacity.

3.7 Serviceability Limit State Analysis Options

Loads Analysis
The Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Loads analysis can be used to investigate a number of
serviceability issues.

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Stress / Strain in section
Staged loading
Strain discontinuities
AdSec offers a choice of material properties for serviceability, allowing accurate modelling of material
non linear behaviour. The choice of material models will depend on the design code selected.

The various material options are discussed in the AdSec Theory Manual section.

Moment Curvature and Moment Stiffness Charts

The Moment/Curvature (M/ ) and Moment/Stiffness (M/EI) charts give the variation of the stiffness or
curvature of the section with increasing moment. This gives an way to find an appropriate equivalent
bending stiffness for a given level of moment. This is the value that should be used in analyses to
predict displacements of concrete structures.

A number of curves can be produced for different levels of axial force.

3.8 Strain Discontinuities

AdSec can be used for non-linear analysis of sections where there are locked in strain planes. This
can occur when there is prestress, creep and shrinkage or locked in strain planes in a compound

Example of strain discontinuities

Single bars and lines of bars can be prestressed with a force or a strain. A negative value of
prestress gives tension in the bar. Specify prestress forces or strain in the reinforcement table.
Template reinforcement cannot be prestressed. Prestress can be factored in the SLS analysis
cases. Factor 0.0 gives behaviour without prestress. Use different prestress factors to compare
prestress levels within the same data file for design and include relaxation.

Note that an AdSec analysis will automatically generate prestress losses due to shortening of the
concrete and creep. So the prestress value, or prestress factor should not allow for these effects.

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Creep and Shrinkage

Both these effects can be modelled by 'concrete only' strain planes, however for a single stage of
loading, creep is accounted for automatically by the program using the creep factor and need not be
modelled by concrete only strain planes.

3.9 Staged Analysis

With AdSec it is possible to analyse the effects of adding more structure onto existing sections that
are already loaded. In conducting a staged analysis you must ensure to transfer any load and strain
conditions from one stage to the next.

For example, consider a situation where you are modelling a reinforced concrete beam that is un-
propped before the slab is cast on top.

To do this you would create three sections within AdSec:

i. A beam section that stops at the slab soffit,

ii. A slab section that represents the effective width, and

iii. A compound section that has the two appropriately adjacent.

Then to conduct the staged analysis:

1) Create a load for the Beam, say a Section Force applying the bending moment

2) Create a SLS load case that applies that load to the Beam

3) Run the SLS analysis for the Beam section

4) Go to Tools -> Extract Strain Plane… and chose the appropriate strain plane. This will
create a new load that is a Component Strain on the Beam section

5) Set the Compound section as active

6) Create a new Section Force, etc. that represents the additional load

7) Create a SLS or ULS load case that analyses the compound section for the initial loading
(from step 1) plus the extracted strain plane (from step 4) and the new load (from step 6).

This method also works, for example, for strengthening existing in situ beams, columns, and slabs
with steel or carbon fibre plates.

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Part IV
Oasys AdSec

4 Program Data
This chapter describes the different types of data that can be used to describe the model. The data
is organized in modules and displayed for input and editing in a number of dialogs and tables. All the
tables can be accessed from the Data pull down menu, or from the General or Sections tab in the

The same input data is used for both Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States as the program
generates factored and long-term data as required. Analysis to BS8110:1997 (UK) and BS8110:1985
(Hong Kong), BS5400 and EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode) is available. Code-specific defaults are set by the
program on selection of a code of practice.

Ultimate capacity analysis will give limiting moments based on material factors, load factors and
limiting concrete and steel strains.

Serviceability analysis will give the stiffness, stresses, strains, crack widths and cracking
moments generated using loading and user selected material properties. The material properties
include a choice of compression and tension stiffness options.

Stresses and Strains can be calculated to BS5400 Appendix A A2.2 by selecting Linear Concrete
compression and BS8110-2 tension stiffness. However due to inconsistencies within BS5400 this
curvature analysis will not give a crack width which complies to BS5400.

4.1 Titles
The titles view contains the job details. This data is for information only and has no affect on the rest
of the model. The data in this section can be displayed in the Oasys Columbus document
management system.

The title entries, excluding the Notes and Bitmap, are printed at the top of each page of output. For a
new file, certain entries default to those in the last file that was saved, but can be changed here.

Job Number – This is a number used to identify a particular job.

Initials – The initials of the engineer responsible for the model.

Edit Date – This is supplied automatically and records when the model was last edited.

Job Title, Subtitle, Calc. Heading – These fields give a brief description of the job and the
calculation particulars.

Notes – This gives the user a place to record any notes that should be kept with the model.

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4.2 Specification
The data described below is required to define a new problem for analysis.

See also

General Specification

4.2.1 General Specification

This defines the basic parameters that will govern the analysis

Design code – In the general specification the user chooses the design code. Where the code has
been updated there may be several variants of the code identified by date. An option allows inclusion
of superseded codes.

Bending axes – The problem is defined as biaxial (bending about the y and z axes) or uniaxial
(bending about the y axis only). The uni-axial option is provided for cases where some external
action on the section constrains it to bend about a single axis.

Slab/wall – the model can be defined as slab or wall. If a wall the section is assumed to represent a
strip and where the sides are part of a continuous material. This will set the bending axes to biaxial

Show parameters – opens a dialog to display Eurocode nationally determined parameters

Advanced – opens a dialog for code specific items

Surface tolerance – this is used when generating circular sections to determine the number of
facets required to represent the circle as a polygon.

4.2.2 Units
The user can select any system of units that is convenient and change units at anytime. Changing
the units does not change the values stored in AdSec, only the values presented to the user. It is
therefore possible to define the problem using SI units and examine the output using k ip and in units.

A set of base units (force, length, section dimensions and stress) are defined and other units (e.g.
moment) are derived from these. A number of preset units selections is available but the user may
select any set of units to suit.

All data is stored internally in SI units.

4.3 Material Properties

AdSec works with concrete, steel and fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and these are defined
separately. There are also separate materials for rebar.

In all of these material definition dialogs there is an option to display the stress-strain curves.

The material properties are defined as below.

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See also

Concrete Properties
Rebar Material Properties
Steel Material Properties
FRP Material Properties

4.3.1 Concrete Properties

Concrete properties defined are short-term (ignoring creep) and unfactored. The basic material
property data defined during input is used to generate stress-strain relationships used during
analysis. These stress-strain curves are generated using material factors, and creep coefficients.

Name – used to identify the concrete material.

Set properties to – allows a material to be initialized from a standard grade. The standard values
can be overridden as desired.

Strength, density & stiffness – The concrete strength is characterized by the compressive strength
(cube or cylinder strength) and density. The tensile strength is assumed to be a function of the
compressive strength and density but can be overridden. The stiffness is characterized by the elastic
(or Young's) modulus.

Extra data – gives access to extra data to better define the material, but not required for AdSec.

Material models & strain – these are the different material models for compression and tension,
and for serviceability and strength calculations. These are characterized by stain limits.

Partial factors / resistance factors – depending on the design code either partial factors or
resistance factors may be defined. These are normally set to the code specified value for strength
calculations, but can be varied for other cases.

Confined properties – For a Mander confined material or Eurocode confined material extra data is
required to generate the confined material curve from the base curve. For Eurocode this will be the
confining stress from which a confined strength is derived. For the Mander curve the confined
strength is defined directly. In both cases the strain limits are modified.

4.3.2 Rebar Material Properties

Reinforcement can be define as standard steel reinforcement, prestress tendons or GFRP/CFRP
reinforcement. The basic material property data defined during input is used to generate stress-strain
relationships used during analysis. These relationships are generated using material factors.

Name – used to identify the rebar material.

Set properties to – allows a material to be initialized from a standard grade. The standard values
can be overridden as desired.

Bar type – used to select from steel rebar, prestress tendons or FRP bars

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Material model – defines the material model and stress-strain curves are specified for the rebar.
The same curve is used for both ULS and SLS. The stress-strain curves are described in detail in the
AdSec Theory Manual.

Strength and Stiffness – the rebar strength is characterized by the tensile strength. The stiffness is
characterized by the elastic (or Young's) modulus. A hardening modulus is also use for material
models involving hardening.

Limiting strains – the strains at which characterize the rebar material model is deemed to have

Ductility – is used in some codes to differentiate between different rebar properties for the same

Extra data – gives access to extra data to better define the material, but not required for AdSec.

Partial factors / resistance factors – depending on the design code either partial factors or
resistance factors may be defined. These are normally set to the code specified value for strength
calculations, but can be varied for other cases. For some codes there is a factor on both strength
and stiffness.

4.3.3 Steel Material Properties

The basic material property data defined during input is used to generate stress-strain relationships
used during analysis. These relationships are generated using material factors.

Name – used to identify the steel material.

Set properties to – allows a material to be initialized from a standard grade. The standard values
can be overridden as desired.

Material model – defines the material model and stress-strain curves are specified for the steel.
The same curve is used for both ULS and SLS. The stress-strain curves are described in detail in the
AdSec Theory Manual.

Strength and Stiffness – the steel strength is characterized by the tensile strength. The stiffness is
characterized by the elastic (or Young's) modulus. A hardening modulus is also use for material
models involving hardening.

Limiting strains – the strains at which characterize the steel material model is deemed to have

Extra data – gives access to extra data to better define the material, but not required for AdSec.

Partial factors / resistance factors – depending on the design code either partial factors or
resistance factors may be defined. These are normally set to the code specified value for strength
calculations, but can be varied for other cases.

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4.3.4 FRP Material Properties

The basic material property data defined during input is used to generate stress-strain relationships
used during analysis. These relationships are generated using material factors.

Name – used to identify the FRP material.

Set properties to – allows a material to be initialized from a standard grade. The standard values
can be overridden as desired.

Strength and Stiffness – the FRP strength is characterized by the tensile strength. The stiffness is
characterized by the elastic (or Young's) modulus. A hardening modulus is also use for material
models involving hardening.

Bond strain limit – the strains at which the bond between FRP and the base material will fail.

Extra data – gives access to extra data to better define the material, but not required for AdSec.

Partial factors / resistance factors – depending on the design code either partial factors or
resistance factors may be defined. These are normally set to the code specified value for strength
calculations, but can be varied for other cases. FRP uses a factor on both strength and stiffness.

4.4 Sections

General Sections
AdSec works with concrete, steel and FRP sections. The concrete sections are the most complex
with a definition consisting of two parts – the basic concrete section and the reinforcement.

More than one section can be included in a model to facilitate the analysis of compound (or
composite) sections, sections belonging to a family with similar geometry or different design options
subjected to similar load.

Compound Sections
In many cases sections are built up from component parts into a final section. This process can be
modelled in AdSec using compound sections. A compound section is composed of a number of
simple sections that are offset relative to one another.

This is accessed from the "Data | New Compound Section" menu command or the AdSec toolbar

See also


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4.4.1 Definition
Sections can be defined in two different ways – either as a standard section shape with dimensions
or as a perimeter (with voids).

Name – name used to identify that section.

Material type and grade – the type of section (e.g. concrete) and the material grade (e.g. C40/50).
Depending on the code the options are chosen from concrete, steel and FRP.

Section – Standard shapes such as rectangles, circles, etc are defined. The section is then
specified by dimensions such as depth and breadth, diameter, etc. The section can be specified
directly if the syntax is known, so for example a rectangular section 500 mm deep and 300 mm wide
would be STD R 500 300. Alternatively the Section button can be used to open the Section Wizard
to help define the section.

Perimeter sections are defined by a series of coordinates that define the outline of the section. The
perimeter definition can include voids and may be defined in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

Note: changing the definition will mean that all template reinforcement is lost. Changing the
dimensions will result in the template reinforcement being adjusted to fit the new section dimensions.

Aggregate size – used when placing reinforcement in a concrete section

4.4.2 Reinforcement
Reinforcement can be defined in two ways – either as template reinforcement for selected standard
section shapes or as individual bars or groups of bars. Template reinforcement cannot be

General reinforcement
Definition type – The type is where either individual bars (single), lines, arcs, circles or perimeters
of bars is specified.

Diameter and Bundle – the bar diameter must always be specified. When the reinforcement is a
line either single bars or bundles of bars can be specified.

Number of bars/bundles – when the reinforcement is a line, arc or circle of bars the number of bars
or bundles must be specified.

Rebar – the material to be used for the reinforcement.

First Bar, Last Bar, Point on Arc, Centre – the coordinates of a single bar, or the coordinates at
the start and end of a line or arc. When an arc of bars is to be defined an intermediate point has to
be defined through which the arc passes but this need not be the position of any bar. When a circle
is to be defined the centre of the circle should be specified.

Prestress – can be applied to bars either as a force or as a strain. If force is selected the force per
bar is specified. In all cases the prestress must not exceed the elastic limit of the material. A
negative prestress value will give tension in the steel. When applied loads Exclude prestress
anchorage and curvature forces, AdSec will calculate the additional axial force and bending moments
induced by the prestress in the reinforcement. If the applied loads are set to Include then no
additional loads will be created.

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Add Perimeter Bars

This allows bars to be defined around the perimeter of the section, based on bar size and spacing.

Template reinforcement is defined for either a column or beam section. Template reinforcement must
always be defined using the wizard.

4.5 Loads
Loads are defined in two parts. Firstly there is the loading which can be either forces and moments
or applied strains and curvatures and secondly there is the reference point – the position at which the
loads act.

Unfactored loading can be defined in the Loading Table and combined and factored to ULS or SLS
when defining the Analysis Cases.

See also

Load Titles

Reference Point

4.5.1 Load Titles

The Load Titles is a way to associate a name with a particular load case. It plays no part in the
AdSec analysis.

4.5.2 Loading
Loads can be specified as either a force and moment or as a strain plane

Load case – used to group together different load actions. This is primarily of use for composite
sections where different forces and/or strains can be applied to the individual component sections.

Load Type – loading can be in the form of:

Section force – forces and moments

Component strain – strain and curvature applied to a single component
Concrete-only strain – strain and curvature applied only to the concrete
Whole section strain – strain applied to the whole section

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Note: prestress is defined in the Reinforcement Table.

Force and Moment – the loading applied to the section is a combination of axial force (N) and two
moments (Myy and Mzz).

Axial Strain and Curvature – for applied strains the strain is input in the form of a strain plane:

= x + .z' +
y z.y'

An applied strain plane is allowed for each load case. For each line the section strain and curvature
about axes parallel to the user y- and z-axis are input. The strain axes' origin is at the reference
point. The loading is generated along with applied loads at the start of the analysis.

For a whole section strain plane the program translates the section origin to the reference point then
calculates the force and moment from the applied strain plane on the unstrained section using the
chosen material properties. y' and z' are the translated coordinates.

The forces and moments calculated will be affected by load factors, material ultimate factors and
serviceability creep factors. The data is treated the same as an applied load thereafter.

A component strain plane or concrete only strain plane is stored and added to the strain generated
during analysis. This ensures that the difference in strain between zones of a composite section is
modelled correctly. For this reason the program does not calculate an equivalent load from the
applied strain plane for 'component section' strain planes.

When the section is compound the component and concrete only strains allow pre-loading or beams
strains to be applied to a particular component of the compound section.

4.5.3 Reference Point

The reference point is the location in the section where the force and moment are assumed to act. It
is also the axis origin for the strain plane definition (y,z).

Geometric centroid – is defined as the centre of the concrete outline alone. This is the default

User specified point – The reference point can be directly specified using (y,z) coordinates.

4.6 Analysis Cases

To perform a ULS or SLS analysis it is necessary to define an analysis case. This describes how the
loading that has been specified is to be interpreted for analysis along with any analysis specific

To perform an SLS analysis it is necessary to define one or more SLS analysis cases.

See also

ULS Analysis Cases

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SLS Analysis Cases

4.6.1 ULS Analysis Cases

To perform a ULS or SLS analysis it is necessary to define an analysis case

Name – used to identify the analysis case.

Description – a description of the loading. The description syntax is of the form

a1Lc1 + a2Lc2 + …

where ai is the factor that applies to the load defined in load case c i. E.g. 1.2L1 + 1.4L2

Prestress factor – the prestress is applied to the reinforcement, defined for the section. For analysis
this prestress may be factored as required.

Note: if no ULS analysis cases exist, the program will generate an unfactored analysis case
equivalent to each load record.

4.6.2 SLS Analysis Cases

To perform an SLS analysis it is necessary to define one or more SLS analysis cases.

Name – used to identify the analysis case

Section – the section to which this case applies

Analysis type – types available depend on the design code selected and are one of:

Long term – the Young's modulus and material curves are adjusted depending on the creep factor
to model the behaviour of the section under sustained loading.

Short term – the user specified Young's modulus and material curves are used to model the
behaviour of the section under short term loads
Intermediate term – applied to BS5400 related codes only. This uses a Young's modulus and
material curve which is interpolated between the long and short term values depending on the
ration of live load to dead load.
Long+short term – uses the long term properties for a first analysis. The concrete creep is then
calculated and stored as a creep strain plane. A second analysis using the short term properties
looks at the section under the combined long term and additional short term loading.
Load description – a description of the loading. The description syntax is of the form

a1Lc1 + a2Lc2 + …

where ai is the factor that applies to the load defined in load case c i. For long + short load there is an
additional short term load.

Prestress factor – the prestress is applied to the reinforcement, defined for the section. For analysis

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this prestress may be factored as required.

Creep factors – This specifies the creep factors that modify the concrete properties so that for linear
stress-strain curves

(1 )

where is the creep factor. The theory section describes how creep is applied to other concrete

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Part V
Oasys AdSec

5 Dialogs and Wizards

Most of the data in AdSec can be edited in dialogs or wizards. If the item is simple a single page
dialog is usually adequate but for more complex data where there are inter-dependencies a wizard is
provided to lead the user through the various steps.

See also

Section Wizard
Compound Section Definition
Reinforcement Wizard

Chart Analysis Dialogs

Miscellaneous Dialogs

5.1 General Section Wizard

The General Section Wizard provides a single means of entering new simple sections, editing
existing sections and creating compound sections. The use of the wizard depends on the particular
context in which it is invoked.

See also

General Section Wizard : Titles

General Section Wizard : Design Option
General Section Wizard : Wrap/Cast Section

General Section Wizard : Definition

General Section Wizard : Reinforcement

5.1.1 General Section Wizard : Titles

When setting up a new model AdSec expects job details – this is entered in this dialog. This data is
for information only and has no affect on the rest of the model.

Job Number
This is a number used to identify a particular job.

The initials of the engineer responsible for the model.

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Edit Date
This is supplied automatically and records when the model was last edited.

Job Title, Subtitle, Calc. Heading

These fields give a brief description of the job and the calculation particulars.

This gives the user a place to record any notes that should be kept with the model.

5.1.2 General Section Wizard : Design Option

The design option allows the specification information to be set up prior to defining the section
geometry etc.

Design Code and Country

In the general specification the user chooses the design code.

Bending Axes
The problem is defined as bi-axial (bending about the y and z axes) or uni-axial (bending about the y
axis only). The uni-axial option is provided for cases where some external action on the section
constrains it to bend about a single axis.

A problem can be defined as slab or wall in which case the section is assumed to represent a strip
and where the sides are part of a continuous material.

The units can be modified at any time however it is convenient to be able to define a set of units to
use when creating a new section.

5.1.3 General Section Wizard : Wrap/Cast Section

In many situations a compound section is constructed by wrapping or casting around (or inside)
another section. The wrap/cast option is used to define a compound section in these

The apply option is used to apply material to the face (top or bottom) or wrap a section. This option

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is typically used to apply FRP to an existing section. The material thickness is specified and in the
case of a material applied to a face this can either be over the full width or of a specified width. The
section created is typically a rectangle (if applied to a face) or perimeter (if wrapping).

Create rectangle/circle
These options "cast" either a rectangle or circle around a section. While the outer shape is simple
the section must contain a void shaped according to the inner section. No checks are made that the
created section is larger enough to enclose the inner section.

This option is used to fill the void in a section.

5.1.4 General Section Wizard : Definition

A section is defined by a material and a shape and these can be interdependent. The graphic shows
the shape of the section as it is defined give visual checking of the geometry.

The name is simply a convenient label by which to refer to the section.

Material Type and Grade

The material is defined by a type which is one of:

and a material grade, which defined the strength, stress-strain relationship etc. The material grades
depend on the type of material selected

The section defines the geometrical properties of the general section. The sections can be entered
directly or can be selected from the section wizard. The valid section shapes will depend on the
material type chosen.

5.1.5 General Section Wizard : Reinforcement

If the section is defined with a concrete material types then it is possible to add reinforcement to the
section. The graphic shows the bars added to the section and the percentage reinforcement is

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General Reinforcement
General reinforcement allows complete flexibility in position of reinforcement. The Add, Modify, Shift
and Delete options all allow the reinforcement to be specified and adjusted.

Template Reinforcement
Template reinforcement is placed in the section based on rules for typical placement of bars for
different section shapes and for beam or column arrangements. The template option is not available
for all section shapes.

5.2 Section Wizard

The section wizard is where sections can be defined. The wizard takes the user through the following
pages. Note that not all section options are available for all materials

See also

Section Wizard : Section type

Section Wizard : Catalogue Section
Section Wizard : Standard shapes

Section Wizard : Perimeter section definition

Section Wizard : Section definition
General Section Wizard

5.2.1 Section Wizard : Section Type

The section type is where the basic method of selection is defined.

The name is a label used to identify a particular section.

The material will list all the material defined, and fill in with the material number where there are gaps
in the numbering. If the required material has not yet been defined the number of that material can be
entered directly.

Definition method
The definition method specifies how the material is to be defined. This breaks down into three main

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catalogue sections — selected from online section catalogues

standard sections — defined by a shape and its dimensions

geometric sections — defined by a perimeter
The page that follows this will depend on the selection made at this stage.

5.2.2 Section Wizard : Catalogue Section

The catalogue sections are stored in an database, installed with AdSec.


The catalogue is first level of selection for the section.


The type is the type of section required e.g. Universal Beam or Equal Angles.


The particular section of the type selected e.g. EA250x250x35. If the section is marked S/S that
particular section has been superseded.

Include superseded sections

Superseded sections are to be displayed. If the model contains superseded sections this will be
checked on entry.

5.2.3 Section Wizard : Standard Shapes

Section dimensions
Standard sections can be rectangular, circular, I, channel, T or angles. Rectangular and circular
sections can be either solid or hollow. Specify the overall external dimensions of the section and the
thickness of component parts as shown below. Note that top and bottom flanges are always the
same thickness, as are left and right walls of a rectangular hollow section.

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Ellipse index (n)

This field is only available for the ellipse section type. It allows superellipses to be entered. A value of
1 corresponds to a diamond, 2 to an ellipse, and to a rectangle.

5.2.4 Section Wizard : Perimeter Section Definition

The outline of a perimeter section is defined by a series of coordinates describing a polyline. The
polyline is automatically closed to form a polygon so an end point coincident with the start point
need not be entered. Polyline segments may not intersect.

In addition, any number of voids may be defined in the section, again by a series of coordinates
describing an unclosed polyline of non-intersecting segments. Voids may not intersect with each
other or with the outline.

The section displayed in the wizard is as viewed from end 1 of the element towards end 2.

The centroid is calculated for the section and the section is assumed to lie centred at its centroid, —
not at the datum coordinates.

The section can be imported or exported from a DXF file. For the import to work the DXF file should
contain only LWPOLYLINE or POLYLINE entities that described the perimeter and void in the
section. The export option allows the section to be exported as a series of LWPOLYLINE entities.

The bridge beam option is only enabled if the bridge beam database is available. This gives access
to standard bridge beam sections.

5.2.5 Section Wizard : Section Definition

This page summarizes the section definition.

Convert to Perimeter
At times it may be useful to convert a section from a catalogue section or a standard shape to a
perimeter (typically where the section may require some adjustment). When this option is selected
the original section can no longer be modified.

The export option allows the section shape to be exported to a DXF file. The section is exported as a
series of LWPOLYLINE entities.

This shows the values of the elastic section properties for the concrete outline for reference.

More – displays a more comprehensive list of (unmodified) section property values.

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5.3 Section Material

This allows for quick modification of the material grade.

For EC2 sections this also allows the minimum value of to be modified. is used in EC2 equation
7.18 to simulate cracking from a previous load event where a value of zero mean no previous

5.4 Compound Section Definition

The Compound Definition dialog is where the component sections are assembled into a compound

Compound Section Name

The name is used to identify the section.

Component Section Table

This defines the sections that compose the compound section. Up to four component sections can
be defined referenced as A, B, C, ...

Component sections B, C, ... are offset relative to A.

The reference point is defined with reference to the current section. In the case of a compound
section the "geometric centroid" used is the geometric centroid of the primary section (A).

5.5 Section Builder

The section builder is a way of quickly placing one section relative to another. A reference section
and section to be added are selected. The user then selected the positioning of the additional
section relative to the original section from the positions offered.

A compound section with the appropriate offsets is then created.

5.6 Reinforcement Wizard

The Template Reinforcement Wizard is where the reinforcement can be specified for selected
standard shapes. The patterns of reinforcement depend on the particular shape but break down into
either beam or column reinforcement patterns. General Reinforcement allows bars to be located by
coordinates inside the section. General and template reinforcement can both be used in the same

See also

Reinforcement Wizard : Template Definition

Reinforcement Wizard : Links and Cover
Reinforcement Wizard : Main Reinforcement

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Reinforcement Wizard : Side Reinforcement

Reinforcement Wizard : Rectangular Column Reinforcement

Reinforcement Wizard : Circular/Elliptical Reinforcement
General Reinforcement Definition

5.6.1 Reinforcement Wizard : Template Definition

The basic choice when defining reinforcement using a template is between beam and column

The beam option allows reinforcement to be specified in terms of top, bottom and side bars.

For the column option the specification of the reinforcement depend on the shape of the section.

For rectangular sections a standard bar pattern is chosen and bar sizes and covers specified. For
circular sections a pattern of rings is assumed and the user gives details of the bars in the rings.

5.6.2 Reinforcement Wizard : Links and Cover

Links and covers are specified so that the main steel can be positioned. They are not used in the
AdSec calculations.

Cover to Links
Cover to the links can be uniform – the same on all sides or variable in which case covers are
specified for top/bottom and left/right sides of the section.

The diameter of the bars and the type of steel is specified. The steel can refer to a standard or user
defined steel material.

5.6.3 Reinforcement Wizard : Main Reinforcement

This specifies the reinforcement at the top of the section.

This specifies the number of bars in each row, the number of rows of bars and the distance between
the rows. Either single bars or pairs of bars can be placed. Where pairs of bars are used the spacing
of the bars must also be specified. When the section can be classified as having a rib and flange the
option is offered to place the bars within the rib width or across the flange width. The diameter of the
bars and the type of steel is also specified. The steel can refer to a standard or user defined steel

This defines the reinforcement at the bottom of the section. The data to define this is the same as for
the top reinforcement.

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5.6.4 Reinforcement Wizard : Side Reinforcement

Side Bar Arrangement

This specifies the number or pitch of the side bars. The bars can then be located relative to the top or
bottom main steel. Where a section is tapered there is the option of sloping rather than vertical
placing of side bars.

Side Bars
The diameter of the bars and the type of steel is specified. The steel can refer to a standard or user
defined steel material.

5.6.5 Reinforcement Wizard : Rectangular Column Reinforcement

Column Bar Arrangement

The reinforcement is defined in terms of a number of bars and a layout inside the section. Where the
arrangement has more than one layer of bars the distance between the bars must also be specified.

Column Bars
The bars can all be assigned the same diameter or diameters can be specified for each of the
reinforcement regions. If the variable diameter option is chosen the corner, top, bottom left and right
bar diameters are specified individually.

The diameter of the bars and the type of steel is specified. The steel can refer to a standard or user
defined steel material.

5.6.6 Reinforcement Wizard : Circular/Elliptical Reinforcement

Circular/Elliptical Arrangement
The reinforcement is defined in terms of a number of bars per ring of reinforcement and the number of
rings. Where the arrangement has more than one ring of bars the distance between the rings must
also be specified.

The diameter of the bars and the type of steel is specified. The steel can refer to a standard or user
defined steel material.

5.6.7 General Reinforcement Definition

The general definition dialog allows single bars or lines or arc of bars to be defined.

The type is where either individual bars, lines of bars or arcs of bars is specified.

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First Bar, Intermediate Point, Last Bar

The coordinates of a single bar, or the coordinates at the start and end of a line or arc. When an arc
of bars is to be defined an intermediate point has to be defined through which the arc passes but this
need not be the position of any bar.

No of Bars and Bar Diameter or Area

When the reinforcement is for a line or arc of bars the number of bars must be specified. In all cases
either the bar diameter or area must be specified. Where an area is specified this is converted into
an equivalent diameter.

The rebar material to be used for the reinforcement This can be either a standard rebar material or a
user defined rebar material.

Prestress can be applied to bars either as a force or as a strain. If force is selected the force per bar
is specified. In all cases the prestress must not exceed the elastic limit of the material.

A negative prestress will result in tension in the steel.

5.7 Analysis
For both ULS and SLS analysis the analysis cases must be selected. Only the cases relevant to the
particular analysis type and section will be offered.

In the case of a ULS analysis there is a choice of Strength or Loads analysis. A ULS Strength
analysis determines the moment capacity of the section under the given axial load and moment
angle. A ULS Loads or SLS analysis analyses the section under the specified loading – the main
difference being in the stress-strain curves used in the analysis.

The Analysis Control option gives scope to adjust the parameters which control the analysis

For certain codes further parameters may need to be adjusted. These are detailed below:

BS5400 and related codes: Nominal cover, Crack width equation, Mq/Mg ratio
For BS5400 analysis some extra parameters are required. The crack width equation to be used must
be specified: this can be either BS5400: Equation 24 or Equation 26. The Mq/Mg ratio is used in the
crack width formula and to calculate the properties for a intermediate term analysis. The nominal
cover is used to generate a perimeter for crack width calculations.

Eurocode and related codes: Distance from bar for crack width calc., Crack width
equation, Duration factor
For Eurocode analysis some extra parameters are required. For UK variants the crack with can be
reduced from the surface value based on a distance from the bar. The crack width equation to be
used must be specified: this can be either EN1992 Equation 7.9 or Equation 7.18, of if PD6687 is
used it will be PD6687:2006 2.17. codes the calculations BS5400 the nominal cover is used to

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generate a perimeter for crack width calculations. As well as a creep factor there is a duration factor
in Eurocode: this can be either Normal or Instantaneous

CSA S6: Reinforcement factors, Crack calculation

For CSA S6 analysis some extra parameters are required. The reinforcement factors k b depending
on the type of bar and βc depending on load controlled or deformation controlled. The crack
calculation can follow the code directly or use a calculation based on a local interpretation of the

5.8 Advanced Analysis Control

The Advanced Analysis Control allows the details of the solution to be modified.

Iteration Control
As the AdSec solution is iterative it can be difficult at times to converge on a solution. The maximum
number of iterations will allow the solution to terminate if the solution is not converging. Applying
limits to each step may help the solution to converge where the stress-strain curves have significant
slope discontinuities which can have an adverse effect on quasi-Newton solution methods. The
perturbation factor allows a small perturbation to be introduced into the solution which can prevent
the solution fromgetting "stuck".

Result Control
The default is to report strain and stress at the section nodes (vertices). It can be convenient to get
the stresses and strains in more details,so a stress/strain perimeter interval can be specified and
stress and strain values will be calculated and reported at these points. For some codes cracks are
calculates around the perimeter. The distance between crack calculations should be specified.

Interrupt Solution
This option allows the solution to be monitored (and adjusted) during the solution. This should only
be used in extreme cases.

5.9 Chart Analysis Dialogs

AdSec offers various charting options for both ULS and SLS cases.

See also

N/M Chart Analysis

Myy/Mzz Chart Analysis
M/Curvature and M/EI Chart

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5.9.1 N/M Chart

The N/M Chart Analysis dialog determines the parameters for which the axial load / moment
interaction chart will be generated.

The name is used as an identifier on the chart.

Moment Angle
The section is analysed for an applied axial load combined with a moment at a particular moment
angle, typically 0° for bending of a beam about its major axis.

Included strains
Applied creep and shrinkage strains can be included in the generation of the N/M chart by specifying
the load case which describes them.

Analysis control
The analysis control option allows control of items such as the maximum number of iterations, the
solution perturbation factor and the option to interrupt the solution.

5.9.2 Myy/Mzz Chart

The Myy/Mzz Chart Analysis dialog determines the parameters for which the moment interaction chart
will be generated.

The name is used as an identifier on the chart.

Points per curve

This specifies the number of points on each Myy/Mzz curve.

Axial Loads
A number of curves can be generated on a single graph for different values of axial load. These can
be added singly or for a range of axial load values using the from, to step options.

Included strains

Applied creep and shrinkage strains can be included in the generation of the Myy/Mzz chart by
specifying the load case which describes them.

Analysis control

The analysis control option allows control of items such as the maximum number of iterations, the
solution perturbation factor and the option to interrupt the solution.

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5.9.3 M/Curvature and M/EI Chart

The moment-curvature (M/κ and moment-stiffness (M/EI) chart analysis dialog determines the
parameters for which the moment curvature and moment stiffness charts will be generated. The
stiffness is the secant stiffness.

The name is used as an identifier on the chart.

Points per curve

This specifies the number of points on each M/Curvature curve.

Axial Loads
A number of curves can be generated on a single graph for different values of axial load. These can
be added singly or for a range of axial load values using the from, to step options.

Included strains
Applied creep and shrinkage strains can be included in the generation of the M/Curvature chart by
specifying the load case which describes them.

Analysis control
The analysis control option allows control of items such as the maximum number of iterations, the
solution perturbation factor and the option to interrupt the solution.

5.10 Miscellaneous Dialogs

Various dialogs are used in AdSec to control or manipulate AdSec data. In many cases these
dialogs are self explanatory but details for other are given below.

See also

Stress-strain Chart
Expand Section
Label and Display Options
Chart Style
Additional Points on N/M and Myy/Mzz Charts

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5.10.1 Stress-strain Chart

The stress-strain chart gives a quick way to see what the stress-strain curves look like for any of the
materials specified. Choose the material and the grade and the ULS and SLS stress strain curves
are displayed. Two SLS curves are displayed for concrete – one for short term behaviour and the
other for long term behaviour. The creep factor can be adjusted to show how the stress-strain curve is
adjusted to account for creep. The chart can be modified to show only ULS and/or SLS curves and
Compression and/or tension.

5.10.2 Expand Section

This allows sections to be expanded. There are three aspects to expanding the section

Converting the section to a perimeter

Expanding template reinforcement

Expanding line, arcs and circles of reinforcement
Converting a section to a perimeter looses the section shape so any template reinforcement must
also be expanded into general reinforcement with points, lines, arc and circles. The option to expand
lines, arc and circles is provided mainly to allow bar conflicts to be resolved through the "Where bars
overlap" option.

The template reinforcement can be expanded into general reinforcement without converting the
section to a perimeter but not vice versa.

5.10.3 Label and Display Options

This allows control over what information is displayed in the graphics including labeling and colour

Display Options
The display options allow the sections and bars to be coloured in various different ways. The
sections can be coloured:

Solid areas – where the solid areas are shaded

By Section – where different component sections are shaded in different colours
By Material – where different material types are shaded in different colours
None – where the sections are drawn in outline only
The bars can be coloured:

By Type/Prestress – where the bars are drawn in different colours if general or template
reinforcement and if prestressed on not
None – where the bars are drawn in black


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The labels allows different attributes of the section to be annotated.

Print Scaling
The print scaling allows the printed output of the section to be scaled to a particular scale rather than
autoscaled. This value is not saved from one session to the next.

5.10.4 Chart Style

The chart style dialog allows curve and graph settings to be adjusted allowing control over the display
of graphs.

Curve Settings
The curve settings allows control over the display of graphs. Individual curves can be selected and
the colours, line styles and symbols adjusted.

Graph Settings
This related to the 'Label and Display Options' but gives some control over the layout — legend,
graph style (border, grid lines and axes) and notes.

5.10.5 Additional Points on N/M and Myy/Mzz Charts

The N/M and Myy/Mzz charts display a capacity envelope for the section. It can be useful to check
particular stress conditions (forces and moments) to ensure that they lie within the envelope.

The additional point option allows the user to superimpose force/moment (N/M) or moment (Myy/Mzz)
coordinates on the charts. The label option is used to identify particular points.

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5.10.6 Output Specification

The output specification allows control of the tabulated output. The specification items are divided
into various sections only some of which will be active. These are

Input Data – all the data modules

Analysis Results – results from the analysis
General – results applicable to all analysis options
ULS Loads Analysis – extra results for ULS loads analysis
SLS Load Analysis – extra results for SLS analysis

Chart Results – chart coordinates

N/M Chart – force/moment interaction results
Myy/Mzz Chart – moment interaction results
M/Kappa Chart – moment curvature and moment stiffness results
The Preferred and Reset options set the results selected to those set in the Preferences or those on
entry to the Output Specification respectively.

See also


5.11 Preferences
Preferences are settings that are stored for the user. These do not affect the data, only the way it is


This controls miscellaneous preferences associated with AdSec.

Startup – controls check and dialogs on starting the program

Table – choosing how the selection fields are display in AdSec

Graphics – adjusting of aspects of the graphics – useful in adjusting for a particular graphics card.

Code Options
Allows setting of a default design code, and default units


Solver – allows default values to be set for solver control parameters

Data – allows long + short analysis to be switched off (for codes that permit it)

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Compound sections – sets an upper limit on the number of components in a section

some of the less frequently used options to be hidden from the user.


Numeric format – which control the way numbers are output. The options are

engineering – numbers expressed in exponent form where the exponent is a multiple of 3.

decimal – numbers expressed to a fixed number of decimal places.

scientific – numbers expressed in exponent form.

Crack width output – option is to control the output of crack width details.

Page Setup – default setup of pages for text and graphic output

Company Info – how the company name appears on output

Language – the language used for output

Eurocode 2
Loading coefficient – the loading coefficient use to determine the distribution coefficient ζ

Crack calculation – option to calculate crack widths based on surface or bar strains

Cover options – maximum cover zone

Strength reduction factor – basic for strength reduction calculation

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6 Output Options
Output from AdSec can be presented both graphically and in tabular form.


Graphical Output
Tabular Output

6.1 Graphical Output

The graphical output falls into two categories:

a graphical representation of the section showing the location of bars and some basic results.
a graphical plot of moment/force, moment/moment or stress/strain relationships

Section View

The section view displays the current section – both concrete and reinforcing bars. Post analysis the
view displays

the reference point

the neutral axis, indicating the compression and tension sides
crack widths and position of maximum crack width and the bar controlling the maximum crack
labelling of bar, concrete point and crack numbers

Graph Views

Graph views are used where these provide the most convenient way of displaying data or results.

Graphs of the stress-stress curves for both concrete and reinforcement are available.

For N/M, Myy/Mzz, M/curvature and M/EI chart analysis the results are most easily understood as
diagrams showing the interaction of these effects. The charts also allow for easier identification of
additional information such as the no tension point, balanced yield point, tension and compression
plateau points on N/M charts.

6.2 Tabular Output

Input Data

All input data is available as tabular output. In addition to the basic input data expanded section
properties and bar locations are available.


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The following results are available depending on the Analysis option:

ULS ULS SLS N/M Myy/Mzz M/Kappa

Capacity Loads Loads Chart Chart Chart
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Input Data

Cases Analysed

Analysis Summary

Total Loads

Strain Planes

Material Strains/

Bar Strains/Stresses

Moment Summary

Moment Summary for

SLS Axial Loads

Crack Width Summary

Crack Width Details

N/M Chart

Myy/Mzz Chart

M/Kappa Chart

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7 Command File
The command file allows access to certain (basic) AdSec operations by specifying these in a text
file called a command file, identified by a ".adcmd" or ".cmd" extension. The only difference in how
these command file types are handled is how the program displays the splash screen. If running a
".cmd" command file, the splash screen will show when AdSec is running whereas it will be hidden
when running a ".adcmd" command file.

The command file can then be run from the Windows “Run” command by typing
adsec <filename>

On machines that have access to several versions of AdSec it is necessary to be explicit in

specifying the version of AdSec that is to be run. For example:
"c:\program files\oasys\adsec 8.4\adsec" c:\data\test.adcmd

The double quotes are necessary when the path includes spaces.

The rules for a command file are as follows:

The command file consists of a series of records, each record consisting of a command followed
by any required arguments in parenthesis and separated by commas.
There may only be one command per line and only one line per command.
The commands are not case sensitive.
Text following a comment marker, //, is ignored.
Commands can optionally finish with a semi-colon character.
White spaces are ignored except within quoted strings.
Blank lines (no space or tab characters) are acceptable.
Where command arguments are strings these should be enclosed in double quotes (e.g.

7.1 Command File Commands

The command file commands are


Open an AdSec file (binary or text)

filename – the file to be opened including the file path and extension


Carry out analysis for the specified option - if no option and cases are specified the current analysis
task is assumed

option – analysis option

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uls – ULS strength analysis

uls_load – ULS loads analysis

sls – SLS loads analysis

cases – the analysis analysis to analyse


Carry out an force moment (N/M or P/M) chart analysis

name – name for chart

angle – moment angle

strain – include creep and shrinkage (concrete-only) strains for load case (0 for none)

phi – strength reduction factor (for ACI and AS codes) set to 0 for code specified factors and
1 for nominal strength


Carry out a moment interaction (My/Mz) chart analysis

name – name for chart

point – number of chart points

loads – the axial loads to be included in the analysis

strain – include creep and shrinkage (concrete-only) strains for load case (0 for none)

phi – strength reduction factor (for ACI and AS codes) set to 0 for code specified factors and
1 for nominal strength


Carry out a moment curvature (M/kappa) chart analysis

name – name for chart

point – number of chart points

loads – the axial loads to be included in the analysis

angle – moment angle

max – the maximum moment for the chart

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term – the load term

long – long term

short – short term

creep – creep factors for load term case (0 for non-concrete sections)


Carry out a moment secant stiffness (M/EI) chart analysis

name – name for chart

point – number of chart points

loads – the axial loads to be included in the analysis

angle – moment angle

max – the maximum moment for the chart

term – the load term

long – long term

short – short term

creep – creep factors for load term case (0 for non-concrete sections)


Set analysis parameters

iter – number of iterations

limit – limit the change in a single time step ('limit' or 'no_limit')

perturb – perturbation factor [0:1]


Save the AdSec file


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Save the AdSec file with the specified name

filename – the file to be saved including the file path and extension


Export data and/or results

filename – the file for the export including the file path and extension

txt – text file (tab delimited)lysis

csv – text file (comma delimited)

html – html file

rtf – rich text file

options – the required output

spec – specification data

gen_spec – general specification [spec]

history – file history [spec]

task – analysis task [spec]

section – section data

defn – section definition [section]

nodes – section nodes [section]

cover – section cover [section]

sec_prop – section properties [section]

mat_prop – section material properties [section]

rebar_prop – section rebar material properties [section]

loads – load data

ref_pt – reference point [loads]

forces – section forces and strains [loads]

general – general results

cases – analysis cases [general]

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anal_sum – analysis summary [general]

total_load – total applied load [general]

strain_planes – strain planes [general]

mat_strains – material stress/strain [general]

rebar_strains – rebar stress/strain [general]

uls – ULS results

uls_sum – ULS summary [uls]

sls – SLS results

sls_sum – SLS summary [sls]

crack_sum – SLS crack summary [sls]

cracks – SLS crack widths [sls]

crack_face – SLS crack widths per face [sls]

crack_max – SLS crack widths (max) [sls]

nm – N/M chart points

mymz – My/Mz chart points

mkappa – M/κ chart points


Export an SVG graphics file

filename – the file for the export including the file path and extension

svg – scalable vector graphics file

options – the required output

– section view

nm – N/M (P/M) chart

mymz – My/Mz chart

mkappa – M/κ chart

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Close the file


Exit AdSec

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8 AdSec Text File

Details of the keywords are available in the AdFile.html file in the AdSec Docs folder.

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74 Oasys AdSec

Specification 34

Index BS8110 8, 34
Hong Kong
BS8666 35
-A- Build
Compound Section 51
About 8
ACI 9 -C-
Additional points
Charts 59 Cases 16
AdSec 8 Analysis 16, 19
Advanced preferences 60 Load 16
Analysis 26, 29, 40, 41, 54, 55, 57 Cast
Cases 16 General Section Wizard 45
Control 55 Chart
Intermediate term 40, 41 Stress-strain curve 58
Long and short term 40, 41 Charts 26, 29
Long term 40, 41 Additional points 59
M/curvature chart 57 M/Curvature 29
M/Curvature Charts 29 M/EI 29
M/EI chart 57 Myy/Mzz 26
M/EI Charts 29 N/M 26
Myy/Mzz chart 26, 56 Style 59
N/M chart 26, 56 Code
Serviceability Limit State 29, 40, 41 Design 9
Short term 40, 41 Colour 58
Staged analysis 31 By material 58
Stress interval 55 By section 58
Ultimate Limit State 26, 40, 41 By type/prestress 58
Analysis cases 16, 19, 40, 41 Column Reinforcement 52
Analysis Dialogs 55 Command File 66
AS 9 Commands 66
Axial strain 39 Component
Strain 39
-B- Compound
Section 51
Beam reinforcement 52 Compound Section 15, 19, 37
Bend Radius 35 Definition 51
Bending Axes 34, 45 Concrete 35
Biaxial 34, 45 Limiting strain 35
Bottom reinforcement 52 Concrete Only Strain 39
BS 9 Concrete Properties 35
BS5400 8 Control
Crack width equation 40, 41 Analysis 55
Mq/Mg Ratio 40, 41 Convert to perimeter 58
Nominal Cover 40, 41 Country 34, 45

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Index 75

Cover General reinforcement

Minimum 34 General Section Wizard 46
Creating and editing sections 19 General Reinforcement Definition 53
Creep 39, 40, 41 General Section Wizard 44
CSA 9 Definition 46
Current section 19 Design Option 45
Curvature 39 Reinforcement 46
Chart specification 57 Titles 44
Wrap/Cast 45
-D- General Specification
Go to 25

Definition Graphical Output 63

General reinforcement 53
General Section Wizard 46 -H-
Section 38
Design Codes Hong Kong 9
Concrete 9
Section 45
Specification 34
Dialogs 44 Input data 63
Dimensions 38 Interaction Charts 26, 29
Display Interactive Solution 57
Options 58 M/curvature chart 57
M/EI chart 57
-E- Myy/Mzz chart
N/M chart 56

EC2 8 Intermediate term analysis 40, 41

Specification 34 IRC 9
Eurocode 9 IRS 9
Expand section 58 IS 9
Expanding line arcs and circles 58
Job Number 44
Features 8
Fibre Reinforced Polymer 37 -L-
Fill 45
Find 25 Label and Display Options 58
Find replace go to and modify in tables 25 Limiting strain
FRP 37 Concrete 35
Limiting strain 37 FRP 37
FRP Material Properties 37 Rebar 35
Steel 36
-G- Load
Gateway 21 Loading 39
Reference point 40

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Long term analysis 40, 41 Program Data 33

Long term load factor 40, 41 Properties
Concrete 35
M/curvature Chart Analysis 57 Steel 36
M/Curvature Charts 29
M/EI Chart Analysis 57 -R-
M/EI Charts 29
Material Rebar 35
Concrete 35 Limiting strain 35
FRP 37 Rebar Material Properties 35
Rebar 35 Reference Point 40
Section 51 Reinforcement 19, 38
Steel 36 Beam and Column 52
Stress-strain curve 58 General 53
Material Properties 34 General Section Wizard 46
Miscellaneous Dialogs 57 Reinforcement Wizard 51
Miscellaneous preferences 60 Circular/Elliptical Reinforcement 53
Modify 25 Links and Cover 52
Moment Angle 56 Main Reinforcement 52
Multi-page tables 24 Rectangular Column Reinforcement 53
Side Reinforcement 53
Myy/Mzz Chart Analysis 56
Template definition 52

-N- Replace in tables

Results 63

N/M Chart Analysis

Nominal Cover
40, 41 -S-
-O- Secant Stiffness
14, 15, 19, 37, 38
Builder 51
Catalogue 48
Graphical 63
Compound 15, 19, 37, 51
Tabular 63
Creating 14, 15
Output Options 63
Creating and editing 19
Output Specification 60
Current 19

-P- Definition
Expand 58
Partial safety factors General 37
Concrete 35 General Section Wizard 46
FRP 37 Material 38, 51
Rebar 35 Perimeter 50
Steel 36 Simple 14
Preferences 60 Standard shapes 48
Prestress 40, 41, 53 Type 47

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Index 77

Section 14, 15, 19, 37, 38 Strain plane 39

Wizard 47 Stress-strain chart 58
Section Definition 38 Surface tolerance 34
Section view 22
Section Wizard
Catalogue Section
General 44 Table 23, 24
Perimeter section definition 50 Adjusting display 24
Section definition 50 Data editing 24
Section type 47 Table view 23
Standard shapes 48 Tables 25
Sections 47 Find replace and go to and modify in 25
Serviceability Limit State 29 Single and multi-page 24
Settings 59 Tabular Output 60, 63
Curve 59 Analysis results 60
Graph 59 Chart results 60
Short term analysis 40, 41 Input data 60
Shrinkage 39 Template 52
Side reinforcement 53 Circular column 53
Sign convention 21 Cover 52
Simple Section 14 Expand 58
Single and multi-page tables 24 Links 52
Single page tables 24 Main reinforcement 52
Slab/wall 34 Rectangular column 53
SLS Reinforcment 52
Analysis 54 Side reinforcement 53
Analysis cases 40, 41 Titles 33
Cases 19 General Section Wizard 44
Specification 34, 57 Tolerance 34
General 34 Top reinforcement 52
M/curvature chart 57
M/EI chart 57 -U-
Myy/Mzz chart 56
N/M chart 56 ULS
Output 60, 63 Analysis 54
Units 34 Analysis cases 40, 41
Staged analysis 31 Capacity 40, 41
Steel 36 Cases 19
Limiting strain 36 Loads 40, 41
Steel Material Properties 36 Ultimate Limit State 26
Step by Step 14 Uniaxial 34, 45
Stiffness 29 Units 34
Chart specifcation 57 Using AdSec 19
Strain 39
Concrete only 39 -V-
Whole Section 39
Strain Discontinuities 30 View 63

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78 Oasys AdSec

View 63
Graph 63
Section 63

Welcome to AdSec 14
Whole Section Strain 39
Wizards 44, 47
Working with 19, 23
Gateway 21
Section view 22
Using AdSec 19
General Section Wizard 45

Zeta min 51

© Oasys Ltd. 2019


Endnotes 2... (after index)

© Oasys Ltd. 2019

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