(TPS) Bahasa Inggris (BI) - Try Out UTBK 2021 Part 3: 1.the Following Passage Is For Questions Number 1-5!

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 [TPS] Bahasa Inggris (BI) - Try Out C.

UTBK 2021 Part 3 D. Subsequent
E. Forward

1.The Following Passage is for Questions Pembahasan

Number 1-5!
Prior excavations in the Levant, a Jawaban: C
geographic region that historically included
Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria Prior = sebelum, after = setelah, later =
and Jordan, unearthed thousands of bones kemudian, previous = sebelumnya,
belonging to lizards and snakes. Animal subsequent = selanjutnya, forward =
bones are usually found where ancient meneruskan. Maka, prior sama artinya
people once lived if the animals were being dengan previous. Jawaban yang paling
eaten. But it was unknown if lizards and tepat adalah opsi C.
snakes were part of the human diet or if their
bones were left behind by other predators.
By experimenting on the bones of modern 2. The Following Passage is for Questions
squamates — the group that includes lizards Number 1-5!
and snakes — researchers developed visual Prior excavations in the Levant, a
references for different types of surface geographic region that historically included
damage, such as erosion, burning or Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria
digestion by birds of prey. When the and Jordan, unearthed thousands of bones
scientists compared these patterns to damage belonging to lizards and snakes. Animal
in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace, bones are usually found where ancient
a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that people once lived if the animals were being
was occupied by humans between 11,500 eaten. But it was unknown if lizards and
and 15,000 years ago, they determined that snakes were part of the human diet or if their
many of the ancient bones there had been bones were left behind by other predators.
eaten by people. By experimenting on the bones of modern
squamates — the group that includes lizards
Human communities in the Levant at this and snakes — researchers developed visual
time were known as Natufian. They were references for different types of surface
primarily hunters and foragers and are damage, such as erosion, burning or
considered the first non-nomadic society; digestion by birds of prey. When the
the semi-sedentary habits of Natufian scientists compared these patterns to damage
culture were likely a precursor to humans in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace,
settling down and becoming farmers. At the a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that
el-Wad Terrace settlement, the site was was occupied by humans between 11,500
densely layered with animal remains, of and 15,000 years ago, they determined that
which "a high percentage" belonged to many of the ancient bones there had been
lizards and snakes, the researchers reported eaten by people.
in a new study, published online June 10 in
the journal Scientific Reports. The quantity Human communities in the Levant at this
of squamate bones at the site time were known as Natufian. They were
was astonishing; that alone hinted at human primarily hunters and foragers and are
consumption as a possible explanation, said considered the first non-nomadic society;
lead study author Ma'ayan Lev, a doctoral the semi-sedentary habits of Natufian
candidate in archaeology at the University of culture were likely a precursor to humans
Haifa in Israel. settling down and becoming farmers. At the
el-Wad Terrace settlement, the site was
(Source: Live Science   densely layered with animal remains, of
which "a high percentage" belonged to
 “Prior excavations in the Levant…” lizards and snakes, the researchers reported
The word prior is the same meaning as… in a new study, published online June 10 in
the journal Scientific Reports. The quantity
A. After of squamate bones at the site
B. Latera was astonishing; that alone hinted at human
consumption as a possible explanation, said bagian dari makanan manusia atau jika
lead study author Ma'ayan Lev, a doctoral tulang mereka ditinggalkan oleh predator
candidate in archaeology at the University of lain.) Karena masih belum diketahui, maka
Haifa in Israel. apakah orang kuno memakan kadal dan ular
dan apakah kedua jenis hewan ini
(Source: Live Science) ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh pemangsa
mereka masih belum dapat dipastikan
The following information is implicitly atau disimpulkan. Maka, opsi jawaban A
untrue based on the passage EXCEPT… dan C memang tidak sesuai paragraph
A. It was concluded that either snakes
or lizard found was left behind by Untuk Opsi B dan D sama sekali tidak
predator dibahas dalam teks, maka opsi ini memang
B. Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts tidak
of Syria and Jordan were once under
the same authority. Untuk opsi E, perhatikan kalimat ke 2.
C. It was inevitable that the ancient “Animal bones are usually found where
people ate lizard and snakes ancient people once lived if the animals
D. There were only two types of were being eaten” (Tulang hewan biasanya
animals that inhabited Israel, ditemukan di mana orang kuno pernah hidup
Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of jika hewan itu dimakan). Maka, opsi E
Syria and Jordan. sesuai dengan teks tersebut = True
E. Animal bones were usually a sign
that ancient humans once lived in a
certain area 3.The Following Passage is for Questions
Number 1-5!
Pembahasan Prior excavations in the Levant, a
geographic region that historically included
Jawaban: E Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria
and Jordan, unearthed thousands of bones
Informasi berikut ini tidak benar belonging to lizards and snakes. Animal
berdasarkan bacaan KECUALI… bones are usually found where ancient
people once lived if the animals were being
a. Disimpulkan bahwa baik ular atau kadal eaten. But it was unknown if lizards and
yang ditemukan ditinggalkan oleh predator snakes were part of the human diet or if their
bones were left behind by other predators.
b. Israel, Palestina, Lebanon, dan sebagian By experimenting on the bones of modern
Suriah dan Yordania pernah berada di squamates — the group that includes lizards
bawah otoritas yang sama and snakes — researchers developed visual
references for different types of surface
c. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa orang kuno damage, such as erosion, burning or
memakan kadal dan ular digestion by birds of prey. When the
scientists compared these patterns to damage
d. Hanya ada dua jenis hewan yang in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace,
mendiami Israel, Palestina, Lebanon, dan a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that
sebagian Suriah dan Yordania. was occupied by humans between 11,500
and 15,000 years ago, they determined that
e. Tulang hewan biasanya merupakan many of the ancient bones there had been
pertanda bahwa manusia purba pernah hidup eaten by people.
di suatu daerah tertentu
Human communities in the Levant at this
Untuk opsi A dan C perhatikan kalimat time were known as Natufian. They were
terakhir dari paragraph pertama. But it was primarily hunters and foragers and are
unknown if lizards and snakes were part considered the first non-nomadic society;
of the human diet or if their bones were the semi-sedentary habits of Natufian
left behind by other predators (Tetapi tidak culture were likely a precursor to humans
diketahui apakah kadal dan ular adalah settling down and becoming farmers. At the
el-Wad Terrace settlement, the site was oleh manusia antara 11.500 dan 15.000
densely layered with animal remains, of tahun yang lalu, mereka memutuskan bahwa
which "a high percentage" belonged to banyak tulang purba di sana telah dimakan
lizards and snakes, the researchers reported oleh orang-orang.) 
in a new study, published online June 10 in
the journal Scientific Reports. The quantity
of squamate bones at the site 4. The Following Passage is for Questions
was astonishing; that alone hinted at human Number 1-5!
consumption as a possible explanation, said Prior excavations in the Levant, a
lead study author Ma'ayan Lev, a doctoral geographic region that historically included
candidate in archaeology at the University of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria
Haifa in Israel. and Jordan, unearthed thousands of bones
belonging to lizards and snakes. Animal
(Source: Live Science)  bones are usually found where ancient
people once lived if the animals were being
The final findings of the bones’ eaten. But it was unknown if lizards and
examination in Levants were provided snakes were part of the human diet or if their
in…  bones were left behind by other predators.
By experimenting on the bones of modern
A. First paragraph squamates — the group that includes lizards
B. Second paragraph and snakes — researchers developed visual
C. Third paragraph references for different types of surface
D. first and second paragraph. damage, such as erosion, burning or
E. Second and third paragraphs digestion by birds of prey. When the
scientists compared these patterns to damage
Pembahasan in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace,
a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that
Jawaban: B was occupied by humans between 11,500
Temuan akhir dari pemeriksaan tulang di and 15,000 years ago, they determined that
Levants disediakan di… many of the ancient bones there had been
eaten by people.
Perhatikan paragraph ke dua: By
experimenting on the bones of modern Human communities in the Levant at this
squamates — the group that includes lizards time were known as Natufian. They were
and snakes — researchers developed visual primarily hunters and foragers and are
references for different types of surface considered the first non-nomadic society;
damage, such as erosion, burning or the semi-sedentary habits of Natufian
digestion by birds of prey. When the culture were likely a precursor to humans
scientists compared these patterns to damage settling down and becoming farmers. At the
in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace, el-Wad Terrace settlement, the site was
a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that densely layered with animal remains, of
was occupied by humans between 11,500 which "a high percentage" belonged to
and 15,000 years ago, they determined that lizards and snakes, the researchers reported
many of the ancient bones there had been in a new study, published online June 10 in
eaten by people. the journal Scientific Reports. The quantity
of squamate bones at the site
(Dengan bereksperimen pada tulang-tulang was astonishing; that alone hinted at human
squamata modern - kelompok yang consumption as a possible explanation, said
termasuk kadal dan ular - peneliti lead study author Ma'ayan Lev, a doctoral
mengembangkan referensi visual untuk candidate in archaeology at the University of
berbagai jenis kerusakan permukaan, Haifa in Israel.
seperti erosi, pembakaran atau pencernaan
oleh burung-burung mangsa. Ketika para (Source: Live Science) 
ilmuwan membandingkan pola-pola ini
dengan kerusakan pada tulang squamata The following statement which is true
dari Teras el-Wad, sebuah situs gua di about Natufian community is
dekat Gunung Carmel Israel yang dihuni
A. The people of Natufian is usually Prior excavations in the Levant, a
settled in one place geographic region that historically included
B. Natufian never did hunting and Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria
foraging for food and Jordan, unearthed thousands of bones
C. Natufian People knew farming from belonging to lizards and snakes. Animal
their ancestor bones are usually found where ancient
D. The Natufian people are the people people once lived if the animals were being
were nomadic community eaten. But it was unknown if lizards and
E. Not mentioned snakes were part of the human diet or if their
bones were left behind by other predators.
Pembahasan By experimenting on the bones of modern
squamates — the group that includes lizards
Jawaban: A and snakes — researchers developed visual
references for different types of surface
Pernyataan berikut yang benar tentang damage, such as erosion, burning or
komunitas Natufian adalah… digestion by birds of prey. When the
scientists compared these patterns to damage
a. Masyarakat Natufian biasanya menetap di in squamate bones from the el-Wad Terrace,
satu tempat. Perhatikan kalimat ke dua a cave site near Israel's Mount Carmel that
paragraph ke tiga “…dan dianggap was occupied by humans between 11,500
masyarakat non-nomaden pertama” Non- and 15,000 years ago, they determined that
Nomaden = tidak berpindah pindah = many of the ancient bones there had been
menetap (settled) eaten by people.

b. Natufian tidak pernah berburu dan Human communities in the Levant at this
mencari makan. Perhatikan kalimat ke time were known as Natufian. They were
dua paragraph ke tiga “They were primarily hunters and foragers and are
primarily hunters and foragers” (“Mereka considered the first non-nomadic society;
terutama adalah pemburu dan penjelajah”) the semi-sedentary habits of Natufian
culture were likely a precursor to humans
c. Orang Natufian mengenal pertanian dari settling down and becoming farmers. At the
nenek moyangnya. Perhatikan kalimat ke el-Wad Terrace settlement, the site was
dua paragraph ke tiga “habits of Natufian densely layered with animal remains, of
culture were likely a precursor to humans which "a high percentage" belonged to
settling down and becoming farmers” lizards and snakes, the researchers reported
("Kebiasaan budaya Natufian in a new study, published online June 10 in
kemungkinan besar merupakan the journal Scientific Reports. The quantity
pendahulu manusia yang menetap dan of squamate bones at the site
menjadi petani") Tidak disebutkan dari was astonishing; that alone hinted at human
siapa mereka mengetahui tentan consumption as a possible explanation, said
pertanian lead study author Ma'ayan Lev, a doctoral
candidate in archaeology at the University of
d. Masyarakat Natufian adalah masyarakat Haifa in Israel.
nomaden “Perhatikan kalimat ke dua
paragraph ke tiga “…and are considered (Source: Live Science)
the first non-nomadic society;” (“…dan
dianggap masyarakat non-nomaden “The quantity of squamate bones at the site
pertama). Pada ospi disebutkan nomaden was astonishing…”
sedangkan pada teks idsebutkan non-
nomaden The word astonishing is the closest
meaning to the following EXCEPT
Maka, jawaban yang paling sesuai teks
adalah opsi A. A. Remarkable
B. Baffling
5. The Following Passage is for Questions C. Miraculous
Number 1-5! D. Amazing
E. Wrecking
Pembahasan B. The history of how Nutmeg was
planted for the first time
Jawaban: E C. The use of Nutmeg as an animal
Astonishing = D. The use of Nutmeg as the main
mengherankan/mencengangkan/luar course for European
biasa. Opsi A, B, C, dan D memiliki arti E. The native origin of Nutmeg and
yang sama dengan astonishing. Yang how it reached Europe.
memiliki arti berbeda hanya wrecking
(menghancurkan) Pembahasan

Jawaban: E
6. The Following Passage is for Questions
Number 6-10! Paragraf pertama terutama membahas
The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a tentang…
large evergreen tree native to Southeast
Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only a. Kisah Asal Usul Pala
grew in one place in the world: a small
group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of b. Sejarah penanaman pala pertama kali
the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in
northeastern Indonesia. Nutmeg was a c. Penggunaan Pala sebagai pengobatan
highly prized and costly ingredient in hewan
European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and
was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and d. Penggunaan Pala sebagai hidangan utama
preservative agent. Throughout this orang Eropae. tempat asal Pala dan
period, the Arabs were the exclusive bagaimana perjalanan pala mencapai
importers of the spice to Europe. They sold Eropa.Paragraf satu menjelaskan tentang
nutmeg for high prices to merchants based tempat asal pala dan bagaimana para
in Venice, but they never revealed the exact pedagang memperkenalkan di pasaran
location of the source of this extremely Eropa. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat
valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian adalah opsi E.
dominance of the trade finally ended in
1512, when the Portuguese reached the
Banda Islands and began exploiting its 7. The Following Passage is for Questions
precious resources. Number 6-10!
The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a
Always in danger of competition from large evergreen tree native to Southeast
neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only
subcontracting their spice distribution to grew in one place in the world: a small
Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of
Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in
swiftly grew into one of the largest in the northeastern Indonesia. Nutmeg was a
world. The Dutch quietly gained control of highly prized and costly ingredient in
most of the shipping and trading of spices in European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and
Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portuguese was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and
fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the preservative agent. Throughout this
16th century, the Dutch found themselves period, the Arabs were the exclusive
locked out of the market. As prices for importers of the spice to Europe. They sold
pepper, nutmeg, and other spices soared nutmeg for high prices to merchants based
across Europe, they decided to fight back. in Venice, but they never revealed the exact
location of the source of this extremely
(Source: Cambridge Academic 15) valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian
dominance of the trade finally ended in
The first paragraph mainly talks about… 1512, when the Portuguese reached the
Banda Islands and began exploiting its
A. The origin story of Nutmeg precious resources.
Always in danger of competition from importers of the spice to Europe. They sold
neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began nutmeg for high prices to merchants based
subcontracting their spice distribution to in Venice, but they never revealed the exact
Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the location of the source of this extremely
Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian
swiftly grew into one of the largest in the dominance of the trade finally ended in
world. The Dutch quietly gained control of 1512, when the Portuguese reached the
most of the shipping and trading of spices in Banda Islands and began exploiting its
Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portuguese precious resources.
fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the
16th century, the Dutch found themselves Always in danger of competition from
locked out of the market. As prices for neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began
pepper, nutmeg, and other spices soared subcontracting their spice distribution to
across Europe, they decided to fight back. Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the
Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet
(Source: Cambridge Academic 15) swiftly grew into one of the largest in the
world. The Dutch quietly gained control of
“but they never revealed the exact location most of the shipping and trading of spices in
of the source of this extremely valuable Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portuguese
commodity.” fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the
16th century, the Dutch found themselves
”The word revealed is the closest meaning locked out of the market. As prices for
as the following EXCEPT… pepper, nutmeg, and other spices soared
across Europe, they decided to fight back.
A. Disclose
B. Release (Source: Cambridge Academic 15 
C. Spill
D. Show What is the reason of Arabs being the
E. Conceal only trader selling nutmeg to Europe?

Pembahasan A. Merchants in Europe did not know

where to get Nutmeg
Jawaban: E B. European countries could not afford
the nutmeg from other exporters
Reveal = membuka/mengungkap, disclose = C. There was no enough supply for the
membuka, release = Nutmeg
mengungkap/melepaskan, spill = D. Other merchants were not interested
membocorkan/memberitahu, show = to sell Nutmeg
menunjukkan, conceal = E. Nutmeg was not something
memnyembunyikan. Maka, ospi yang profitable at that time
paling tidak sesuai adalah opsi E.

8. The Following Passage is for Questions Jawaban: A

Number 6-10!
The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a Apa alasan orang Arab menjadi satu-satunya
large evergreen tree native to Southeast pedagang yang menjual pala ke Eropa?
Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only
grew in one place in the world: a small a. Pedagang di Eropa tidak tahu di mana
group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of bisa mendapatkan Pala
the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in
northeastern Indonesia. Nutmeg was a b. Negara-negara Eropa tidak mampu
highly prized and costly ingredient in membeli pala dari eksportir lain
European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and
was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and c. Tidak ada cukup pasokan untuk Pala
preservative agent. Throughout this
period, the Arabs were the exclusive
d. Pedagang lain tidak tertarik untuk swiftly grew into one of the largest in the
menjual Pala world. The Dutch quietly gained control of
most of the shipping and trading of spices in
e. Pala bukan sesuatu yang menguntungkan Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portuguese
saat itu fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the
16th century, the Dutch found themselves
Perhatikan kalimat ke tiga paragraph locked out of the market. As prices for
pertama: Throughout this period, the Arabs pepper, nutmeg, and other spices soared
were the exclusive importers of the spice across Europe, they decided to fight back.
to Europe. They sold nutmeg for high
prices to merchants based in Venice, but (Source: Cambridge Academic 15) 
they never revealed the exact location of
the source of this extremely valuable The information about the end of the
commodity. (Sepanjang periode ini, orang- Arabs’ glory in selling Nutmeg is
orang Arab adalah importir provided in which paragraph?
eksklusif rempah-rempah ke Eropa. Mereka
menjual pala dengan harga tinggi kepada A. First paragraph
pedagang yang berbasis di Venesia, B. Second paragraph
tetapi mereka tidak pernah C. Both paragraph
mengungkapkan lokasi yang tepat dari D. There was no information about this.
sumber komoditas yang sangat berharga E. None of the above
ini.) Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para
pedagang di Eropa, utamanya Venesia tidak Pembahasan
mengetahui tempat asal pala. Oleh karena
itu, orang-orang Arab adalah satu-satunya Jawaban: A
pengekspor pala saat itu.
informasi tentang berakhirnya akhir dari
kejayaan arab menjual pala terdapat
9. The Following Passage is for Questions pada paragraph?
Number 6-10!
The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a Perhatikan kalimat terakhir paragraph
large evergreen tree native to Southeast pertama: The Arab-Venetian dominance of
Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only the trade finally ended in 1512, when the
grew in one place in the world: a small Portuguese reached the Banda Islands and
group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of began exploiting its precious resources.
the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in (Dominasi Arab-Venesia dari perdagangan
northeastern Indonesia. Nutmeg was a akhirnya berakhir pada 1512, ketika Portugis
highly prized and costly ingredient in mencapai Kepulauan Banda dan mulai
European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and mengeksploitasi sumber dayanya yang
was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and berharga.)
preservative agent. Throughout this
period, the Arabs were the exclusive Pada kalimat tersebut dijelaskan bahwa
importers of the spice to Europe. They sold dominasi (kejayaan) Arab, berakhir di 1512
nutmeg for high prices to merchants based saat Portugis (salah satu negara di Eropa)
in Venice, but they never revealed the exact berhasil sampai ke Kepulauan Banda (yang
location of the source of this extremely merupakan rumah asli Pala. Maka,
valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi A
dominance of the trade finally ended in dimana paragraph pertama memuat
1512, when the Portuguese reached the informasi tentang berakhirnya kejayaan
Banda Islands and began exploiting its Arab dalam menjual Pala ke dataran
precious resources. Eropa.

Always in danger of competition from

neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began 10. The Following Passage is for
subcontracting their spice distribution to Questions Number 6-10!
Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a
Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet large evergreen tree native to Southeast
Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only  
grew in one place in the world: a small
group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of
the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in
northeastern Indonesia. Nutmeg was a
highly prized and costly ingredient in
European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and
was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and
preservative agent. Throughout this
period, the Arabs were the exclusive
importers of the spice to Europe. They sold
nutmeg for high prices to merchants based
in Venice, but they never revealed the exact
location of the source of this extremely
valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian
dominance of the trade finally ended in
1512, when the Portuguese reached the
Banda Islands and began exploiting its
precious resources.

Always in danger of competition from

neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began
subcontracting their spice distribution to
Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the
Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet
swiftly grew into one of the largest in the
world. The Dutch quietly gained control of
most of the shipping and trading of spices in
Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portuguese
fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the
16th century, the Dutch found themselves
locked out of the market. As prices for
pepper, nutmeg, and other
spices soared across Europe, they decided
to fight back.

(Source: Cambridge Academic 15)

The word soared is the same meaning as the

following EXCEPT…

A. Climb
B. Rise
C. Mount
D. Decrease
E. Escalate


Jawaban: D

Soar = melonjak, climb = naik, rise =

meningkat, mount = meningkat, decrease =
menurun, escalate = meningkat. Maka,
yang tidak sama dengan arti soar adalah
decreas. (D)

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