2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

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2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Nurses’ Performance and Clients’ Delight

Ma. Fe Ivy H. Ortiz

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the nurses’ performance and the

clients’ delight of Ward 8 of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical
Center, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The findings of the study
were the basis for a proposed Client Service Seminar of the
Nursing Service.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the profile of the patients in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.3. civil status;
1.4. highest educational attainment;
1.5. religion; and
1.6. monthly income?

2. What is the profile of the staff nurses in terms of:

2.1. age;
2.2. gender;
2.3. civil status;
2.4. highest educational attainment;
2.5. religion;
2.6. client service seminars attended; and

2.7. years of experience?

3. What is the performance of the staff nurses in terms of:

3.1. assessment;
3.2. planning;
3.3. implementation;
3.4. evaluation;
3.5. documentation; and
3.6. work behavior/professional values?

4. What is the level of clients’ delight in terms of:

4.1. assurance;
4.2. responsiveness;
4.3. empathy;
4.4. reliability;
4.5. tangibility?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and

performance of staff nurses?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and

clients’ delight?

7. What client service seminar can be proposed based on the

findings of the study?


The descriptive-correlational design was utilized as research

design. The study included 90 patients who had at least 2 weeks
stay in the hospital, with ages between 18-50 years old, literate and
conscious. The study also includes 9 staff nurses. The study was
conducted at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Ward 8, Cebu

City, Cebu, Philippines. The utilized a modified tool of SERVQUAL

which measures service quality.

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the patients are male, married, high school

graduates, 31-40 years old, and has a monthly income below
P5,000.00. They were highly delighted in terms of assurance,
reliability, and tangibility. However, they were moderately delighted
in terms of responsiveness and empathy.

Majority of the staff nurses are 31-40 years old, married, with
1-4 years of work service, with units in a Master’s degree program,
and has attended in at least 2 clients’ delight seminar in a year. The
staff nurses were very satisfactory in terms of performance.

Only two pair of variables have significant relationships: civil

status and empathy; and income and responsiveness.

Recommended citation:

Ortiz, M. F. I. H. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Nurses’ Performance and Clients’ Delight.
Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern University
Research Congress, Southwestern University, Cebu City,
Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 20-22.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

School Health Management Program of a University

Neil S. Lacanlale
Mauro Allan P. Amparado



The study evaluated the implementation of the school health

management program of a university in Cebu City, Cebu,
Philippines. The findings were the bases for an improved school
health management manual.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the level of implementation of the medical health

program in the aspects of:
1.1. health and nutrition education;
1.2. health school living;
1.3. health and nutrition services;
1.4. school-community coordination for health and nutrition?

2. What is the level of implementation of the dental health


3. What is the level of implementation of the nursing health


4. What is the level of implementation of the nutrition program?


5. Is there a significant difference in the extent of implementation

of the school health program as perceived by students in the
aspects of:
5.1. medical health program;
5.2. dental health program;
5.3. nutrition program;
5.4. nursing health program;

6. What improved school health management manual can be

proposed based on the findings of the study?


This study utilized the descriptive-evaluative design. The

study utilized 295 respondents with three groups: basic education
students, high school students, and college students. It was
conducted at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.

Findings and Conclusion:

The basic education students perceived that there was fair

implementation of the medical health, dental health, nutrition, and
nursing health programs. The high school students viewed the four
programs as moderately implemented. The college students
viewed the four programs as fairly implemented. There were
significant differences in the four programs as perceived by the
three groups.

These health programs must be intensified and strengthened.

Services across all programs should be delivered extensively.

Recommended citation:

Lacanlale, N. S. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).


School Health Management Program of a University.

Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern University
Research Congress, Southwestern University, Cebu City,
Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 23-25.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Awareness of the Multi-para Mothers on

Family Planning Methods

Jessica Athena S. Villaflor

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



The study determined the awareness of the multi-para

mothers on natural and artificial methods of family planning at
Village Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The
findings of the study served as basis for a proposed enhanced
family planning education manual.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the profile of the multi-para mothers as to:

1.1. age;
1.2. educational attainment;
1.3. number of children; and
1.4. monthly income?

2. What is the level of awareness of the multi-para mothers on

natural family planning methods in the aspects of:
2.1. Lactational Amenorrhea method;
2.2. cervical mucus;
2.3. coitus interruptus;
2.4. abstinence; and
2.5. rhythm method?

3. What is the level of awareness of the multi-para mothers on

artificial family planning methods in the aspects of:
3.1. intrauterine device;
3.2. condom;
3.3. bilateral tubal ligation;
3.4. pills; and
3.5. Depo-medroxyprogesterone Acetate?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of

awareness on natural family planning methods and their:
4.1. age;
4.2. educational attainment;
4.3. number of children; and
4.4. monthly income?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of

awareness on artificial family planning methods and their:
5.1. age;
5.2. educational attainment;
5.3. number of children; and
5.4. monthly income?

6. What enhanced family planning education manual can be

proposed based on the findings of the study?

7. What client service seminar can be proposed based on the

findings of the study?


The descriptive-correlational design was utilized as research

design. The study was conducted in Village Basak San Nicolas,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The respondents of the study were
371 multi-para mothers with two or more children. The study used

a researcher-made instrument. Treatment of data used were

simple percentage, weighted mean, and chi-square Test of

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the multi-para mothers belong to the 30-49 years

old, high school graduates, with 2-4 children, and monthly income
below 10,000 Philippine pesos. They were less aware on
Lactational Amenorrhea method, Cervical Mucus, Coitus
Interruptus, abstinence, and Rhythm method. They were
moderately aware on IUD, condom, bilateral tubal ligation, pills,
and Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate. In general, they were
less aware on natural family planning methods and moderately
aware on artificial family planning methods.

There were significant relationships between the level of

awareness on the natural family planning methods and: age,
educational attainment, number of children, and monthly income.
In addition, there were significant relationships between the level
of awareness on artificial planning methods and: educational
attainment, number of children, and monthly income.

Recommended citation:

Villaflor, J. A. S. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Awareness of the Multi-para Mothers on Family Planning
Methods. Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern
University Research Congress, Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 26-28.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Work Orientation and Motivation of Staff Nurses

Julie Ann Y. Muaña

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study aimed to determine and evaluate the work

orientation and motivation of staff nurses of Sacred Heart Hospital,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The findings of the study served as
basis for a proposed staff nurse manual.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the profile of the staff nurses in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.3. area of assignment;
1.4. civil status;
1.5. highest educational attainment;
1.6. length of service?

2. What is the level of work motivation of staff nurses?

3. What is the level of motivation of the staff nurses in terms of:

3.1. existence;
3.2. relatedness; and
3.3. growth?

4. Is there a significant relationship between:


4.1. profile and work orientation;

4.2. profile and motivation; and
4.3. work orientation and motivation?

5. What can be the proposed staff nurse manual based on the

findings of the study?


The study utilized the descriptive-correlational design. The

research locale was Sacred Heart Hospital, Cebu City, Cebu,
Philippines. There were 51 staff nurses who served as respondents
of the study. The researchers created a questionnaire with three
parts: profile, work orientation, and motivation. Statistical treatment
used were simple percentage, weighted mean, chi-square Test of
Independence, and Pearson-r.

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the respondents were 21-23 years old, female,

single, has served the hospital for less than two years, BSN
graduates, and assigned in the Operating and Delivery Rooms.
The level of work motivation of the respondents was low. The level
of motivation was also low. The existence needs were moderate,
whereas the relatedness needs and growth needs were low.

Moreover, there was no significant relationship between

profile and work orientation. It also revealed that there was no
significant relationship between profile and motivation. Finally,
there was no significant relationship between work orientation and

Recommended citation:

Muaña, J. A. Y. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).


Work Orientation and Motivation of Staff Nurses. Paper

presented in the 2009 Southwestern University Research
Congress, Southwestern University, Cebu City, Cebu,
Philippines, 1(1), 29-31.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Instructional Innovation and Communication

Skills of Clinical Instructors

Antonette C. Ramos
Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the instructional innovation and

communication skills of Clinical Instructors of the University of
Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines.
The findings served as basis for a proposed instructional innovation
and communication skills seminar.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following queries:

1. What is the level of instructional innovation of the

respondents in terms of:
1.1. direct instruction;
1.2. concept teaching;
1.3. cooperative learning;
1.4. problem-based instruction.

2. What is the level of communication skills of the

respondents in terms of:
2.1. verbal communication;
2.2. non-verbal communication?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the instructional

innovation and verbal communication skills of the

4. Is there a significant relationship between the instructional

innovation and non-verbal communication skills of the

5. What instructional innovation and communication skills

seminars can be proposed based on the findings of the


The study utilized the descriptive-correlational design. It was

conducted in the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue,
Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. There were 197 nursing students
who evaluated the Clinical Instructors of the school. Stratified
sampling was used. The researchers utilized a modified structured
instrument on innovation by Arends and communication skills
instrument by Hamm. Statistical treatment used were simple
percentage, weighted mean, and chi-square Test of

Findings and Conclusion:

The nursing students perceived the Clinical Instructors to be

very good in direct instruction, concept, teaching, cooperation
learning, problem-based instruction, verbal communication, and
non-verbal communication. There was a significant relationship
between instructional innovation and verbal communication.
Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between
instructional innovation and non-verbal communication.

Recommended citation:

Ramos, A. C. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Instructional Innovation and Communication Skills of Clinical
Instructors. Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern
University Research Congress, Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 32-34.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Exodus of Nurses in a Tertiary Government Hospital:

Nursing Service Workforce Perspectives

Ma. Gay M. Gonzales

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



The purpose of the study was to determine the perspectives

of the Nursing service workforce on the exodus of nurses occurring
at a government tertiary hospital and their interventions. The
outcome of the study served as basis for recommendations to the
Human Resource Management of the hospital.

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1. What are the perspectives of the nurse administrators on

the exodus of nurses in terms of:
1.1. staff replacement;
1.2. scheduling of duties;
1.3. work assignment;
1.4. scheduling of leaves;
1.5. supervision;
1.6. staff promotion; and
1.7. budget needs.

2. What are the perspectives of the staff nurses on the exodus

of nurses in terms of:
2.1. work load;
2.2. competence;

2.3. promotion and career path; and

2.4. nursing administrators’ functions.

3. What are the perspectives of the nursing attendants on the

exodus of nurses in terms of:
3.1. own workload;
3.2. nurses’ work load;
3.3. nurses’ competence;
3.4. nurses’ promotion and career path;
3.5. its affectations on nursing administrators’ functions?

4. What interventions have been put in place to cope with the

affectations of the exodus of nurses as perceived by:
4.1. nurse administrators;
4.2. staff nurses; and
4.3. nursing attendants?


The qualitative study utilized the nursing service workforce of

Zamboanga City Medical Clinic, Zamboanga City, Philippines
which consists of 20 nurse supervisors, 95 staff nurses, and 41
nursing attendants. A structured interview guide was used.

Findings and Conclusion:

The nurse administrators perceived that the exodus of nurses

affected their work as it took time to replace staff. Due to the lack
of personnel, scheduling of duties was difficult. They acted as
relievers or went “on call” or as “trouble shooters.” Granting of
leaves was difficult and more supervision was needed over the new
hires. However, there was a greater chance of staff nurse
promotion. More budget was needed for hiring of contractual health
workers to augment the nursing workforce.

The staff nurses also perceived an increase in their work load.

Although the senior nurses were competent, the increase in patient
and area loads made them less effective, having less time for
patient care. However, the staff nurses had more chances of
getting promoted.

Some nursing attendants, likewise, perceived an increase in

their work load because they worked with the staff nurses as a
team. Others, however, claimed that they were not affected of the
exodus since they have different functions and responsibilities.

There is an increase in the workload for the nursing service

workload due to nurse migration while replacement process is
underway. Volunteers and contractual health workers were utilized
to augment the workforce. Staff promotion is a welcome event
caused by the vacancies due to the resignation of employees.

The exodus of nurses adversely affected the financial status,

system and operations of the hospital. However, the nursing
attendants were not affected because they maximized the
volunteer and contractual workers to augment the workforce.

Recommended citation:

Gonzales, M. G. M. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Exodus of Nurses in a Tertiary Government Hospital: Nursing
Service Workforce Perspectives. Paper presented in the 2009
Southwestern University Research Congress, Southwestern
University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 35-37.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Classical Music as a Burnout Reduction Therapy to

Clinical Instructors

Joanna Rae C. Semblante

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the effectiveness of music as a burnout

reduction strategy to clinical instructors in Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The findings were the basis for a
proposed faculty burnout management strategy.

Specifically, the study answered the following inquiries:

1. What is the profile of the clinical instructors in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.3. civil status;
1.4. highest educational attainment;
1.5. monthly income;
1.6. number of years in service?

2. What is the pre-test and post-test levels of the burnout among

the clinical instructors in the control and experimental groups
in terms of:
2.1. emotional exhaustion;
2.2. depersonalization; and
2.3. lack of personal accomplishment?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-

test levels of burnout among the clinical instructors.

4. What are the perceived work-related stressors of the clinical


5. What will be the proposed faculty burnout strategy based on

the findings of the study?


This study utilized the experimental design. A stratified

random sample of 20 clinical instructors in a control group and 20
clinical instructors in an experimental group completed the
Maclach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI) which measured emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal
accomplishment. The MBI was administered to the respondents
before, after the third week, and after the fifth week of exposing the
experimental group to classical music and the control group to no
music. The perceived work-related stressors of the clinical
instructors were also investigated through a focus group

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the respondents in the experimental group and half

of those in the control group are 24-29 years old. In both groups,
most are females, married, and have BSN degrees with MAN units.
In both groups, more than half of them have an average income of
15,000 to 20,000 Philippine pesos and has served the college for
0-5 years.

The emotional exhaustion of the experimental group was

moderate and the control group was low. On depersonalization and
lack of personal accomplishment, both groups were low.

The experimental group’s emotional exhaustion level after

exposure to classical music for three weeks was moderate, while
the control group was low. On depersonalization and lack of
personal accomplishment, both groups were low.

After the fifth week, the experimental group’s emotional

exhaustion was moderate, while the control group was low. On
depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment, both
groups were low.

After exposing the experimental group to classical music for

five weeks, it was statistically revealed that there was no significant
difference in the pre-test and post-test burnout levels for the two

The perceived work-related stressors of the clinical instructors

were: conflicts with colleagues; six work days and graduate study
classes; assignment in new clinical areas; proper channeling of
concerns/conflicts with immediate heads; unfair distribution of
loads; lecture loads given with shorter time to prepare; and being
forced to stay in the facility/office for the whole eight hours.

In conclusion, the use of classical music is not an effective

strategy in reducing the burnout level of clinical instructors.

Recommended citation:

Semblante, J. R. C. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Classical Music as a Burnout Reduction Therapy to Clinical
Instructors. Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern
University Research Congress, Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 38-40.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Safe and Quality Nursing Care Practices

Ma. Golda H. Castro

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study assessed the safe and quality nursing care

practices of senior nursing students of the University of San Jose-
Recoletos as perceived by the nursing faculty and senior nursing
students. An enhanced educational program was proposed based
on the findings of the study.

Specifically, the study answered the following inquiries:

1. What is the profile of the senior nursing students in terms

1.1. age;
1.2. gender; and
1.3. average RLE grade?

2. What is the profile of the clinical instructors in terms of:

2.1. age;
2.2. gender; and
2.3. educational attainment?

3. What are the practices of senior nursing students on safe

and quality nursing care as perceived by:
3.1. faculty; and
3.2. senior nursing students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and

the level of safe and quality nursing care practices as
perceived by the faculty and senior nursing students?

5. What enhanced instructional program can be proposed

based on the findings of the study?


This study utilized the descriptive-correlational design. The

respondents of the study were 90 senior nursing students and 8
faculty members assigned at the medical-surgical and orthopedic
wards of Cebu City Medical Center, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.
A researcher-made questionnaire was used. Statistical treatment
used were simple percentage, weighted mean, chi-square test of
independence, and t-test of independent samples.

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the senior nursing students were 18-20 years old,

female, and with very good RLE grades. They perceived that they
always practice safe and quality nursing care. On the other hand,
the faculty members were 24-26 years old, female, and graduates
of the BSN degree with MAN/MN units. They perceived that they
always practice safe and quality nursing care.

There was no significant relationship between the profile of

the students and the safe and quality nursing care practices as
perceived by the two groups.

Recommended citation:

Castro, M. G. H. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).


Safe and Quality Nursing Care Practices. Paper presented in

the 2009 Southwestern University Research Congress,
Southwestern University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1),

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Hospital

Personnel on Newborn Screening Program

Patrick Ray M. Gonzales

Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the knowledge, attitudes and practices

of hospital personnel of Zamboanga City Medical Center,
Zamboanga City, Philippines on the newborn screening program
(NBS) of the Department of Health. The findings of which served
as the basis for the formulation of a seminar-workshop program.

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1. What are the respondents’ level of knowledge on the NBS

program of the Department of Health per department in terms
1.1. mechanics;
1.2. benefits; and
1.3. implementing rules and guidelines?

2. What are the respondents’ attitudes on the NBS program

per department?

3. What are the respondents’ practices in the implementation

of the NBS program per department?

4. Is there a significant difference in the knowledge, attitudes

and practices of the respondents on the NBS program per
4.1. between groups;
4.2. within groups?

5. What deterrents are identified by the respondents and their

corresponding suggestions and recommendations for the full
implementation of the NBS program?


This study utilized the descriptive-evaluative design. The

study was conducted at Zamboanga City Medical Center with 60
respondents composed of doctors, nurses and nursing attendants.
The departments were Obstetrics, Pediatric, and Emergency Room
departments. A 30-item researcher-modified instrument was used
based on the NBS program flyer. Statistical treatment used were
weighted mean and ANOVA.

Findings and Conclusion:

The Obstetrics and Pediatrics departments have higher

knowledge than the Emergency Room department. The Obstetrics
and Pediatrics departments find the program desirable while the
Emergency Room department find the program less desirable. In
terms of practices, the Pediatrics department was rated good, the
Obstetrics department was fair, and the Emergency Room
department was poor.

There was a significant difference in the knowledge, attitudes

and practices between and within groups. The deterrents identified
by the respondents were: test is expensive; there is lack of
awareness on the importance of NBS among parents; low
acceptability of NBS to parents; parents are less interested with

NBS program; parents live too far to avail of the tests and follow-
up results; poor information campaign; NBS is not well
implemented; lack of knowledge of other hospital personnel; doctor
in-charge is not available; results of tests are delayed.

Recommended citation:

Gonzales, P. R. M. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Hospital Personnel on
Newborn Screening Program. Paper presented in the 2009
Southwestern University Research Congress, Southwestern
University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 44-46.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Hygiene and Motivational Factors of Clinical Instructors

Corazon B. Dumadag
Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the hygiene and motivational factors of

clinical instructors of Southwestern University, Cebu City, Cebu,
Philippines. The findings served as basis for a proposed human
resource retention plan.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.3. civil status;
1.4. educational attainment;
1.5. length of service?

2. What is the turnover rate among clinical instructors?

3. What is the level of hygiene and motivational factors of

clinical instructors that retains them in the workplace?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the hygiene and

motivational factors of the clinical instructors?

5. Is there a significant difference on the hygiene and

motivational factors between male and female clinical

6. Based on the findings of the study, what human resource

retention plan can be proposed?


This study utilized the descriptive-correlational design. The

study was conducted at the College of Nursing, Southwestern
University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The respondents were 25
clinical instructors. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to
collect data. Statistical treatment utilized were simple percentage,
weighted mean, Pearson r, and t-test for independent samples.

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the respondents were 25-35 years old, female,

married, finished BSN with units in a master’s program, and with 3-
5 years of work experience in the college. There were no
resignations from clinical instructors hired from 2003 to 2007. The
level of hygiene and motivational factors were high.

There was a significant relationship between the hygiene and

motivational factors of the clinical instructors. There were no
significant differences on the hygiene and motivational factors
between male and female clinical instructors.

Recommended citation:

Dumadag, C. B. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Hygiene and Motivational Factors of Clinical Instructors.
Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern University

Research Congress, Southwestern University, Cebu City,

Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 47-49.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Tardiness and Absenteeism of Clinical Instructors:

Proposed Intervention Plan

Amalia L. Martinez
Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the perceptions of clinical instructors

on tardiness and absenteeism in the College of Nursing,
Southwestern University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The
findings of the study served as basis for an intervention plan.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender; and
1.3. civil status?

2. What is the frequency of tardiness and absenteeism among

clinical instructors?

3. What is the extent of the factors that contributes to tardiness

and absenteeism?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’

profile and the extent of the factors that contributes to
tardiness and absenteeism?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what intervention plan

can be proposed?


This study utilized the descriptive-correlational design. The

study was conducted at the College of Nursing, Southwestern
University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The respondents were 50
clinical instructors. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to
collect data. Statistical treatment utilized were simple percentage,
linear regression, and chi-square test of independence.

Findings and Conclusion:

Majority of the respondents were 22-34 years old, female, and

married. The trend of absenteeism was highest in July 2007 but the
tardiness was declining from October 2006 to November 2006.
Extent of factors that contributed to absenteeism were low for
personal, family, work, and environmental aspects. It was high for
health aspects. Extent of factors that contributed to tardiness were
low for personal, family, health, work, and environmental aspects.
There were no significant relationships between the respondents’
profile and the extent of the factors that contributes to absenteeism
and tardiness.

Recommended citation:

Martinez, A. L. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Tardiness and Absenteeism of Clinical Instructors: Proposed
Intervention Plan. Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern
University Research Congress, Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 50-51.

2009 Southwestern University Research Congress

Podium Presentation

Exchange Leadership Styles and Core

Values of Nurse Leaders

Constantina C. Chan
Mauro Allan P. Amparado



This study determined the exchange leadership styles and

core values of the nurse leaders of the College of Nursing of
Southwestern University, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. The
findings of the study served as basis for a proposed action plan.

Specifically, the study answered the following queries:

1. What is the level of transformational and transactional

leadership styles of the nurse leaders in the pre-test and post-
test with reference to the following management functions:
1.1. planning;
1.2. organizing;
1.3. directing; and
1.4. controlling?

2. What are the core values identified by the respondents in

the pre-test and post-test?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and

post-test results in terms of the following:
3.1. transformational and transactional leadership styles;
3.2. core values?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan may

be proposed?


This study utilized the descriptive-comparative design. The

study was conducted at Southwestern University College of
Nursing with 12 subjects. The group attended the leadership
seminar on Redefining Core Values in Leadership by a prominent
motivational speaker. Statistical treatment used were simple
percentage, weighted mean, and paired t-test.

Findings and Conclusion:

The subjects were very satisfactory in the post-test of

transformational and transactional leadership styles. It was noted
that the respondents improved in organizing and controlling
aspects of transformational leadership style. They also improved in
the planning and directing aspects of the transactional leadership
style. Among the core values, they were very satisfactory in the
aspects of commitment, compassion and cooperation. They were
satisfactory in the aspect of competence.

There were no significant differences between the pre-test

and post-test results in terms of transformational leadership style,
transactional leadership style, and core values.

Recommended citation:

Chan, C. C. & Amparado, M. A. P. (2009, March).

Exchange Leadership Styles and Core Values of Nurse
Leaders. Paper presented in the 2009 Southwestern
University Research Congress, Southwestern University,
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, 1(1), 52-53.

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