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Business School
MBA Programmes UN






Turning Ambition into Success

The Green Tower
Table of
Hanze University
of Applied
Groningen 4
MBA in International
Business and
(MBA in IB&M) 6

Master of Business
Administration 10

MBA in EurAsian
Business and
(EurAsian MBA) 13

Contact 15
“This programme is a must for all ambitious
professionals who want to boost their
international management careers. You will
study among other professionals from all over
the world and enjoy sharing the experience
together. Our numerous business contacts have
made it abundantly clear to us that they have
excellent and highly interesting opportunities for
you, as part of the programme leading to your


next career step, as an MBA graduate. We offer

you the challenge, you are most welcome!”
Paul Ganzeboom, Dean of International Business School

Turning Ambition into Success

of Applied
Hanze University in Groningen is the largest Hanze University’s MBA Programmes are characterised by:
university of applied sciences in the North of
the Netherlands and has approximately 25,000 • a thorough body of knowledge in business and management
students and 2,500 staff members. It offers over • application and integration of knowledge in applied research
70 educational programmes, many of them with • a management skills programme
an international focus, to both Dutch and foreign • an international environment of students and staff
students. Besides the Bachelor programmes, • a business driven approach
Hanze University, which comprises 19 Schools,
offers a wide range of special programmes,
including fully accredited Master programmes.

The diverse range of programmes offered by

Hanze University of Applied Sciences enables
students to combine areas of expertise and offer
highly interesting combinations to students within
the Bachelor-Master structure. At the same time,
it enables Hanze University to respond to the
growing demand for diversity and flexibility in

For further information about our organisation or

programmes, please go to

Turning Ambition into Success

MBA in International
Business and
(MBA in IB&M)
The Master of Business Administration in Admission criteria
International Business and Management (MBA in Applicants are admitted into the programme on the
IB&M) programme is a 14-month postgraduate following criteria:
programme for graduates of business and Academic background: students must hold a Bachelor degree in a
business-related disciplines, e.g. economics or business or business related field
management studies. The programme challenges Work experience: minimum 2 years of relevant business/managerial
students to apply business management theory to working experience
current international business practice. It prepares English Language proficiency (IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575)
graduates for senior-level and international
management positions by focusing on corporate A letter of motivation and references from former employers are
strategy, marketing, operations, accounting obligatory for acceptance into the programme.
and human resource management, all from an
international business perspective. Programme overview
The programme consists of two semesters of course work and one
semester of applied research in a business context within 14 calendar
months, starting in September each year and ending in November
the following year.
Students may opt to participate in a double degree programme, in
which case they must spend the second semester at Anglia Ruskin
University (ARU) in Cambridge, England. More information on the
double degree option on page 8.

Educational concept
The core of the teaching method is that students put their
knowledge into business practice by doing case studies, applied
research and by involvement in problems which real-life
international businesses are faced with. They interact with the
business world through guest lecturers and company visits. The
number of students in a class is kept low, no more than 25, to
ensure full participation in the seminars. Students get individual
attention and coaching throughout the course of the programme.

Semester One
The first semester of the programme begins with a two-week
induction programme. Students take part in a variety of activities
and team exercises to enhance group cohesion and personal
effectiveness. An introduction to Dutch language and culture is part
of the induction, and there is a business game which assesses the
business knowledge and skills of all students. Of course, as part of
these two weeks students will get an introduction to the city of
Groningen, Hanze University and its university facilities, and the
MBA programme and its staff.

There will be 12 weeks of lectures in the following subjects:

• International Business Environment

• Research Methods for Managers
• International Management Competencies
• International Marketing Research
• International Business Strategy
• Advanced International Business English

The first semester already provides the student with ample

knowledge of international business and management. It gives
students a solid basis for deciding on a Thesis topic as well as
finding an appropriate company to do applied research. The
company research and the Thesis take place in semester three.

Semester Two
The second semester also consists of 12 weeks of academic studies.
The focus of this semester is on the core areas of business:
marketing, accounting, management and business strategy. This
semester has 3-day intensives that deliver integrated modules on
cross-cultural management, entrepreneurship and innovation, and
the European Union. During these 12 weeks students learn about:

• Operations Management
• International Accounting
• International Marketing
• Entrepreneurship and Innovation
• Cross-Cultural Management
• Economics and Business in the European Union

Turning Ambition into Success

Semester Three So, students who choose this option receive two degrees upon
Students work on a company-based research topic exploring an completion of the programme:
international business and management issue. The applied research • MBA in International Business and Management from Hanze
is an important part of this semester. Students will focus on writing University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands
their Thesis, which reflects the results of their academic investigation • Master of Arts in International Business (MAIB) from Anglia
and business application, and it shows how they have actually Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, England.
reached MBA level. The MBA Theses will be supervised by both the
university and the company where the students did their research. Students complete semester one in Groningen (the Netherlands)
followed by semester two in Cambridge (England), or vice versa.
Degree and Accreditation Students apply to the institution at which they would like to begin
Graduates of the MBA programme are awarded an internationally their studies. Supervision during the thesis process will be provided
recognised MBA degree, accredited by the NVAO (Dutch Flemish by the “home” institution in the third semester.
Accreditation Organisation).
Tuition fee
International environment Please refer to our website
The International Business School at Hanze University attracts for the tuition fee.
students from all over the world, resulting in cross-cultural
interactions and experiences already in the classroom. This diversity
makes group projects and presentations particularly attractive and

Double degree programme

The programme allows students to spend one semester at our
partner institute in Cambridge, England: Anglia Ruskin University
(ARU). This option is a unique opportunity to experience a truly
international experience while studying, but also to obtain two
officially acknowledged European degrees in a 14-month period: an
MBA and an MA degree!

MBA IB&M partner institution

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, UK, is an
established institution with a distinguished history of providing
education in East Anglia since 1860. Within a few years, ARU
has become a major force in university sector education, both
nationally and internationally. ARU strives to provide the best
service and facilities for its students, as well as an environment
to best fulfil their potential. It has an extensive international
network and is proud of its international links and the integration
of students from all nations and cultures.

Anglia’s Cambridge campus is situated in the heart of one of

the most beautiful cities of the country. As a world-famous
academic centre, Cambridge offers an ideal environment for
study and the opportunity to sample the wealth of culture
Britain has to offer. The university is located to the east of the
city, within walking or cycling distance of the railway and bus
stations, the shops, the cultural facilities and the colleges of the
University of Cambridge.

Turning Ambition into Success
Master of
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Admission criteria
programme is a 14-month postgraduate full time Applicants are admitted to the course on the basis of the
programme for students who want to take on following criteria:
management positions. Students learn to integrate Academic background: students must hold a Bachelor degree
the main business processes of organisations or equivalent from an approved degree awarding body, university
into effective and efficient corporate strategy. or college
They also learn to deal with complex, interrelated Work experience: 3-5 years of relevant business/managerial
business processes rather than specific financial working experience
or logistical issues. In addition they learn to deal English Language proficiency (IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575)
with the diverse and sometimes diverging interests
of all stakeholders involved in international A letter of motivation and references from former employers are
business. So the programme prepares graduates obligatory for acceptance into the programme.
for senior and general management, and it is
about leadership and management, in a national Programme overview
or in an international context. The MBA programme consists of 3 semesters, completed
over approximately 14 months at Hanze University of Applied
Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands. This programme begins
each September and ends in November of the following year.
This entails two semesters of courses and one involving applied
research in a business context.

Educational concept
Theory is being applied by intense interaction with the business
practice through business cases and simulations, company visits,
and lecturers from companies. There is a balance between academic
and management theories and how to apply them.
The students, who come from all over the world, are highly
motivated to share their experience and to learn from each other
in the small group sessions.

Semester One
The semester begins with an intensive induction programme to ease
students into the Dutch and international environment of their
studies. An assessment of management competencies, a business
game, an introduction to Groningen are all part of this induction

There will be 12 weeks of lectures in the following subjects: Semester Three
• General & Strategic Management I: Analysis     In the final semester students will focus on their MBA Thesis, which
• Self Development        involves applied research in a company anywhere in the world. The
• Marketing Management thesis is supervised both by the company (on contents, and practical
• Human Resource Management use) and by lecturers from Hanze University (on masters level).
• Financial Management 
• International Accounting          Degree and Accreditation
• Business Communication & Presentation Graduates of the MBA programme are awarded an internationally
• Research Methodology recognised MBA degree, accredited by the NVAO (Dutch Flemish
Accreditation Organisation).
Semester Two
Students deal with more complex, interrelated management issues in International environment
the second semester. Acting as one of the consultants to a company, Students are immersed in an international environment during their
they will solve a real-life international business problem. At the end studies, where they learn how to deal with a diversity of cultures,
of the semester, there are 3-day intensives dealing with complex and while taking part in the various types of group and project work.
diverse case studies. The International Business School at Hanze University of Applied
Sciences attracts students, lecturers and administrative staff from all
The courses are: over the world. More than 40 countries are represented among the
• General & Strategic Management II: students, which will naturally boost the students’ ability to deal with
- Power & Politics          international settings.
- Practical Strategic Thinking      
- Topical Items   Tuition fee
- Self Development Please refer to our website
• International Business Environment       for the tuition fee.
• Research Methodology
• Operations Management

• Corporate Governance
• Organisational Dynamics
• Cross-Cultural Management

“I would like to recommend any

Business student this programme
because it gives you generic
management principles to manage
any challenge in the global work
place. It has helped me personally to
know how to plan and manage my
own business”

Rajabu Bwengye, MBA Graduate


Turning Ambition into Success

MBA in EurAsian
Business and
(EurAsian MBA)
This new MBA programme, MBA in EurAsian Admission criteria
Business and Management, will prepare students Applicants are admitted to the course on the basis of the
for careers meeting the needs of businesses following criteria:
active in European and Asian markets. The Academic background: students must hold a Bachelor degree
programme builds on students’ knowledge and or equivalent from an approved degree awarding body, university
work experience to deal with complex strategic or college
business and management issues in the EurAsian Work experience: 3-5 years of relevant business/managerial
context. The programme will include both Asian working experience
and European students who will then study both English Language proficiency (IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575)
in China and the Netherlands, directly exposing
students to the business environments of both A letter of motivation and references from former employers are
markets. obligatory for acceptance into the programme.

The MBA in Eurasian Business and Management Programme overview

is fully taught in English and recognised all over The programme has three semesters with a duration of 16 to
the world, as a truly business-driven MBA degree. 18 months. The first semester takes place in Groningen, the
Netherlands, where the programme is based and the second one
in Beijing, China. During the last semester the students carry out
applied research for their MBA theses at a company.

Partner University Educational concept

Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), and its School of The programme is designed to boost the competencies and
International Business (SIB) is located in Beijing, China. This knowledge of graduates which are necessary to manage businesses
school provides excellent undergraduate and postgraduate in the vastly differing and complex markets of Europe and Asia.
programmes to students with an international mind-set. Students interact intensively with the business practice through
SIB stimulates cross-cultural economic and managerial the study of current business cases and through company visits
talent through individual awareness and creativity. BFSU is supervised by highly experienced lecturers.
proud of its “green University” status in Beijing.

Turning Ambition into Success

Semester One – Groningen (the Netherlands)
• European Management & Business Strategy
• Financial Management & Accounting
• Research Methodology
• Managing Across Cultures including Cross-Cultural Interactions
in Business, Personal & Professional Competencies, European
Languages & Cultures and Corporate Governance & Social

Integrative module: Change, Integration and Leadership

Students are introduced to the principles of change and integration
management and the roles needed for these processes. They
participate in a EuroAsian business simulation project, applying all
the acquired body of knowledge and skills. This module is a 5-day Career Opportunity
intensive residential either in England or in the Netherlands. Students graduate to become Area Managers, Consultants, Business
Development Managers, Asian/European Account Managers, etc. etc.
Semester Two - Beijing (China) Graduates of this MBA enjoy a very high degree of employability in
• Market Entry and Business Development in Asia international businesses, including Asian and East European markets.
• Business Process Organization
• EurAsian Strategy & Renewal Renowned multinationals and local businesses in Europe and Asia
• Managing Across Cultures including Business Cultures & have chosen to participate in this MBA programme because of the
Communication, Asian Languages & Cultures and International dire need for managers who are competent in Euro-Asian contexts.
Human Resource Management
Degree and Accreditation
Semester Three - Company-based Thesis in Europe or Asia Graduates of the MBA programme are awarded an internationally
The last semester consists of an applied research study in a EurAsian recognised MBA degree, accredited by the NVAO (Dutch Flemish
business (company-based thesis). Many EurAsian companies are already Accreditation Organisation).
participating in the programme, providing a wide choice for participants
to complete their final thesis. During this period, students integrate Tuition fee
their learning into an academic thesis that also reflects their competence Please refer to our website
of applying management and business theory into practice. for the tuition fee.

Personal development makes the difference Participating businesses include:

The students are trained and educated to become managers, ABN AMRO Bank, India
so personal and professional development are key elements in Atos Origin India
this MBA programme. We achieve this by personal assessment, Audi AG
coaching, self-reflection and peer assessment, which, together, Eekels Electrotechniek BV
drive and effect this change in students, forming a perfect preparation EMS Asia Group Sdn. Bhd
for their challenging but fascinating responsibilities ahead! FlexAim Innovative Trading
Kentfort BV
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines / Air France
International environment KPMG Business Advisory Services
Students are immersed in an international environment during their Larsen & Toubro
studies. They are forced to deal with a diversity of cultures due to Nike Sports (China) Co Ltd
the continuous group and project work. The International Business Philips Domestic Appliances & Personal Care
School at Hanze University of Applied Sciences attracts students, Philips Electronics India
teachers and administrative staff from all over the world. More than Tata Services Limited TAS
40 countries are represented among the students. Studying in Asia Tender Direct Sdn Bhd
in the second semester will boost students’ ability to deal with Tele-Temps Sdn Bhd
international settings. Volkswagen, Beijing

For general questions about applying to the IBMS study
programme, tuition fees, visas and accommodation go to or contact directly:

International students
International Student Office (ISO):
applications, enrolment and visas
telephone +31 (0)50 595 40 51
fax +31 (0)50 595 49 99
e-mail [email protected]

Dutch students
Hanze Informatie Centrum (HIC)
telephone +31 (0)50 595 78 90
fax +31 (0)50 595 49 99
e-mail [email protected]

If you have more specific questions relating to one
of the Masters’ programmes, please contact:

Rose Coates, Programme Administrator

e-mail [email protected]
telephone +31 (0)50 595 23 12

Hedy Eliott, International Student Office

e-mail [email protected]
telephone +31 (0)50 595 40 51

Visiting address Groningen in the Netherlands:

Zernikeplein 7, Groningen - best student city
The Netherlands - safest city
- best down-town
- best living conditions in the EU
Postal address
P.O. Box 70030
9704 AA Groningen
The Netherlands

Turning Ambition into Success

Business School
MBA Programmes
MBA in International Business and
Management (MBA in IB&M)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
MBA in EurAsian Business and
Management (EurAsian MBA)


Turning Ambition into Success

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