Listening To Advice: Don't Sleep in Class

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Listening to Advice 7

Don't sleep in class. Clean your room.

If you have a question,

raise your hand.

No TV after 10:00 p.m. When you finish eating,

wash your plate.

Turn off your cell phone.

Getting Ready
Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 Look at the rules above. Which are school rules (S)? Which are home rules (H)?
Write S or H on the pictures.
2 Can you think of oth�r rules? Write two or three more rules.
3 Do you think the rules above are good? Why or why not?


Before You Read A Think about answers to these questions.

I Need Some Advice
1 Read the dialog below. Amy is giving Jenna some advice. Do you think it
is good advice?

2 What advice would you give Amy. Tell a partner.

B Look at the passage on the next page. What does Emma do? Why do
people write to her? Discuss your answers with a partner.

Reading Skill A Look at the advice column on the next page. Who wrote the letter
Skimming for the Main to Emma?
a a teenager who has problems with his parents
You skim to get a b a father who has problems with his son
general idea about a c a high-school student who has problems with his school
passage. When you
skim, look quickly at B What advice do you think Emma will give? Complete the sentence with
the title, the photos, your ideas.
and the first and last I think Emma will tell him to ________________
sentences of each
paragraph. Then you
can use this general C Now read the passage closely. Were your answers in A and B correct?
information to predict Answer the questions on page 90.
what a reading is

88 UNIT 7 Chapter 1

Dear Emma,
I have a problem, and I need your help. My
parents are really strict and never let me do.
anything! For example, when I go out with
5 my friends, my mom always asks, "Where are
you going? Who are you going with?" Two
months ago, I got an earring, and my father
was really angry. He made me take it out. 1 My
parents want to control everything I do. But I'm
10 18 years old!
I try to talk to my mom and dad, 2 but they don't
_Do you need listen. They say, "This is our house, and these are
our rules." Then we have a fight. Why is it
help with a so hard for them to understand me?
problem? 15 Josh
Ask Emma!

Dear Josh,
You asked, "Why is itso hard for them to understand me?" That's a good question.
You're growing up, but often it's hard for your parents to see this. To them, you
are still a child and they want to protect you.
20 Sometimes, it's hard to talk to your parents. Here's an idea: Write your mother
and father a letter. Explain your feelings calmly. In the letter, describe your
friends. Tell your parents about yourself and your life, too. Then maybe they will.
understand you better. After your parents read the letter, try to talk to them.
I hope this helps!
�c • •

1 If you take something out, you remove it.

2 Your mom and dad are your mother and father.

Ask Emma 89
Reading A Choose the correct answers.
Comprehension 1 What is Josh's biggest problem with his parents?
Check Your Understanding a They want to know where he goes.
b They are too strict.
c They don't like his earring.
2 Josh says his parents never _______ to him.
a talk b listen c give anything
3 Emma tells Josh to _______ to his parents first.
a write a letter b talk c listen
4 Which of the following would Emma most likely agree with?
a Josh is still a child.
b Emma should write to Josh's parents to explain things.
c Josh's parents need to change how they see Josh.

B What advice did Emma give Josh? Complete the sentence below with
the correct answer(s).

In the letter to his parents, Josh should write about ______

D his friends D his childhood D his feelings D himself and his life

Critical Thinking C 1 Do you agree with Emma's advice to Josh? Why?

2 What other advice would you give Josh?

Make connections beyond the classroom. How could you use the information that you
have learned from this passage outside of the classroom? When you make connections beyond the classroom it
makes reading more enjoyable .

. Vocabulary A In each sentence, @ the best answer. The words in blue are from
Comprehension the passage.
Words in Context 1 Our teacher is strict. If you miss two classes, _______
a it's no problem b you fail the course
2 If you go out, you your house.
a leave b enter
3 My parents try to control me. I can only do _______
a what I want b what they want
4 Which one is a rule?
a This store is open 24 hours. b Do not eat or drink in the library.
5 Anna is a child. She's
a 11 b 28
6 When a person grows up, he gets
a angry b older

90 UNIT 7 Chapter 1
7 To protect your eyes from the sun, _______ your sunglasses.
a wear b take off
8 If you describe something, you _______ it.
a explain b forget

B Answer the questions below. Discuss your answers with a partner.

1 Describe your parents.Are they strict? Are there many rules in your
2 When you grow up, do you want to be like your parents?

A Look at the blue word in the sentence below. The circled words help Vocabulary Skill
you understand its meaning. Guessing Vocabulary
Meaning from Context
Jo's parents are very easygoing.T hey�with her.
Part of speech : adjective : . Sometimes you can
Meaning : 0 strict � relaxed, calm guess the meaning of
new vocabulary. Think
To understand the meaning of the underlined word ... about the word's part
• think about the word's part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, or adverb). of speech (noun, verb,
• look at the circled words.T hey can help you understand the word's adjective, or advert>).
meaning. You can also use other
words in the sentence
B Read the sentences below. Pay attention to the blue words. Write the
to help you understand
the new word.
word's part of speech (noun, verb, adjective). Then check (.!) the word's

1 Josh always argues with his parents.T hey never agree.

Part of speech: _____
Meaning: D understand D fights
2 When you talk to your parents, explain your feelings.Tell them what you think.
Part of speech: _____
Meaning: D thoughts and opinions D plans for the future
3 Don't lie to your parents.Always tell the truth.
Part of speech: _____
Meaning: D say something not true D say something true
4 Talk to your parents patiently. Don't yell.
Part of speech: _____
Meaning: D calmly D angrily
C Which words in the sentences in B helped you understand the

Ask Emma 91
UNIT 7 CHAPTER 2 Peer Pressure

Before You Read A Think about answers to these questions.

Under Pressure
1 Who is your best friend? Ho� are you similar? How are you different?
2 Are your friends' opinions important to you?
3 Read the sentence below. Is the word pressure positive or negative?

There is a lot of pressure to pass the university

entrance exam. It's hard for students.

B Discuss your answers with a partn_er.

Reading Skill A Read lines 1-11 in the passage on the next page. Then stop and answer
Making and Checking the questions below.
1 Where are Alicia, Nina, and Vicki?
When you read, you
can often predictwhat 2 Why do Nina and. Vicki laugh at Alicia?
will come next. While
you read, you also 3 What do you think Alicia will do next?
check to see if your
predictions were correct
Good readers learn to B Now read lines 12-23. Then stop and answer the questions below.
make and check their
predictions. 1 Were your predictions in A correct? -------------
2 What do you think Alicia will do next?-------------

C Now read lines 24-25. Was your prediction in B correct? Read the whole
passage again. Then answer the questions on page 94.

92 UN IT 7 Chapter 2
This week's topic: peer1 pressure
It's the week before school starts.
Alicia Gonzalez is shopping for
clothes with two friends,Nina and
5 Vicki.Alicia puts on a black jacket,
turns to her friends,and says, "Hey,
what do you think?"
The girls look at her and both start
laughing. "No way,Alicia!"
10 Nina laughs. "That's a guy's2 jacket."
Alicia frowns angrily. "Yeah,well ... / like it."
"Yeah," says Vicki, "but what will people at school say?"
Alicia thinks for a moment.Then she takes off the jacket. "Yeah, you're right."
Peer pressure. we all know about it.Your friends wear certain clothes or
15 listen to certain music.You don't want to be different. So you do those
Fifteen minutes later,Alicia is still thinking about the black jacket "Yeah,
there's pressure to follow the crowd," she explains. "If your clothes or
hair are different,people make fun of you.You know,they laugh and point."
20 Vicki agrees. "It's true.You even have to have a certain kind of boyfriend or
girlfriend! I think these rules are childish. But when you're different,you
feel like an outsider. And that's hard."
Alicia walks away. "Hey Alicia," calls Nina. "Where are you going?"
"To get the black jacket.I don't care about what others think.I like it,and I'm
25 buying it."

1 Your peers are people the same age as you.

2 A guy is a man.

Peer Pressure 93
Reading A Choose the correct answers.
Comprehension 1 What do Alicia's friends think of the black jacket?
Check Your Understanding a They like it. b They think it is OK · ·. c They don't like it.
2 Why does Alicia take off the black jacket?
a She doesn't like the color.
b It's too expensive.
c She's worried about her friends' opinions.
3 What is the meaning of peer pressure (line 14)?
a You want to be like your friends, so you do what they do.
b You want to be different from your friends and classmates.
c You want to help your friends.
4 At the end, Alicia _____________
a doesn't buy the jacket
b buys the jacket
c hasn't decided whether to buy the jacket or not

B Complete the sentence about peer pressure. Choose the correct


The passage says for many people, there is pressure to ______

D wear certain clothes D listen to certain music
D get a part-time job D have a certain type of boyfriend or girlfriend

Critical Thinking C 1 Think about the peer pressure Alicia and her friends feel. Do you ever
feel this?
2 When Alicia wears the black jacket to school, what do you think will

Vocabulary A Read the sentences below. Check (-1) true (T) or false (F). If the
Comprehension statement is false, change it to make it true. The words in blue
Words in Context are from the passage.
T F """
1 A big group of people is called a crowd.
2 You put on a coat when you enter your house.
3 You frown when you are happy.
4 If you feel a lot of pressure at school, you feel good.
5 If you make fun of someone, you laugh at them and say
unkind things.
6 Phil is very childish. This means he's serious.
7 An outsider is someone who is the same as everyone else.
8 If you care about something, it is important to you.

94 UNIT 7 Chapter 2
B Complete each sentence with a word in blue from A.
1 my grades, so I study a lot.
2 Lena is ten and very tall and skinny. The children in her class often
_______ her.
3 Don't get angry over losing the game. It's _______
4 Please a sweater. It's cold this morning.

A Complete the sentences below with the -ish form of the noun in Vocabulary Skill
parentheses. The Suffix -ish
1 My favorite lV show is a -------(Britain) comedy.
In this chapter, you
2 Ron only thinks about himself. He is so (self)!
learned the adjective
3 Linnea is half (Sweden) and half _______
childish. The suffix -ish
means like (child+
4 Koji is 35, but he has a _______ (boy) face. ish = like a child). The
5 Jan likes (Turkey) coffee, but I prefer _______ suffix -ish is also used
(England) tea. to describe nationality
6 My grandmother is 85, but she still has a _______ (girl) laugh. or something from a
certain country (for
B Complete the questions with an -ish adjective. example, Spanis�.
1 Do you ever watch movies or lV shows in _______?
2 Do you know someone who is _______?
3 Are you ?

C Ask a partner your questions from B or write your own answers.

Peer Pressure 95

Real Life Skill A Do you ever see signs written in English? If yes, where? What do the
Understanding Written signs say?
B The rules below come from English signs. Where would you see each
In many public places, sign? Match each rule with a photo.
it is common to see
signs that tell us what
2 CAUTION: Children crossing. Drive slow.
we can or cannot do.
5 Passengers only beyond this point.
6 Take a number. Wait your turn.

What do you think?

1 Read the two situations below. What advice can you give each person?
Situation 1: Your sister has a boyfriend who she really likes. But your parents don't
like him at all, and want her to stop seeing him. What can she do?
Situation 2: Your friend Ben is shy and a bit of an outsider. At school, many people
make fun of him. What can he do?
2 Do you always follow the rules at school, at home, or at work? If you don't, what

Reward yourself. Review your progress over the past few units. How have you improved as a reader?
What do you still need to work on? If you are achieving your goals, reward yourself. The reward might be a
spec\a\ d\nner w\th 1riends or a new book to read.

96 UNIT 7 Chapter 2

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