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1. Lithium is in Group I of the Periodic Table. Nitrogen is in Group V of the Periodic Table.
Lithium reacts with nitrogen to form the ionic compound lithium nitride. What happens
to the electrons when lithium atoms and nitrogen atoms form ions?

2. Potassium, K, forms a compound with fluorine, F.

Which statements about this compound are correct?
1) The compound is ionic.
2) The formula of the compound is KF.
3) The compound is soluble in water.
A 1, 2 and 3
B 1 and 2 only
C 1 and 3 only
D 2 and 3 only
3. Compound X melts at 801 °C and is a good electrical conductor when dissolved in water.
Compound Y boils at 77 °C, is insoluble in water and is a non-conductor of electricity.
Which type of bonding is present in X and in Y?

4. Q+ is an ion of element Q.
What has the highest value in the ion?
A the nucleon number
B the number of electrons
C the number of neutrons
D the proton number
5. Which substance is an ionic compound?
Sodium chloride is an ionic solid.
Which statement is not correct?
A Ions are formed when atoms lose or gain electrons.
B Ions in sodium chloride are strongly held together.
C Ions with the same charge attract each other.
D Sodium chloride solution can conduct electricity.
6. electronic structures of two atoms, X and Y, are shown.

X and Y combine together to form a compound.

What is the type of bonding in the compound and what is the formula of the compound?

7. The electronic structures of atoms P and Q are shown.

P and Q react to form an ionic compound.

What is the formula of the compound?

8. For which substance is the type of bonding not correct?

9. The table shows the electronic structures of four atoms.

Which two atoms combine to form an ionic compound?

A W and X
B W and Y
C X and Y
D X and Z
10. The electronic configuration of an ion is 2.8.8.
What could this ion be?

11. The table shows the electronic structure of four atoms.

Which two atoms combine to form a covalent compound?

A W and X
B W and Y
C X and Y
D X and Z
12. The electronic structures of atoms X and Y are shown.

X and Y form a covalent compound.

What is its formula?
13. In the following diagrams, X and Y are atoms of different elements.
Which diagram correctly shows the arrangement of outer electrons in a molecule of

14. In which compounds are pairs of electrons shared between atoms?

1) methane
2) lead bromide
3) sodium chloride
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 1 and 3
D 1, 2 and 3
15. Which statement about bonding is not correct?
A Carbon can form four single covalent bonds.
B Chlorine atoms react to gain a noble gas electronic structure.
C Covalent bonding involves losing and gaining electrons.
D Hydrogen molecules have the formula H2.

16. Covalent bonds are formed when electrons are ……1…… .

Most covalent compounds have ……2…… electrical conductivity.
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

17. The diagrams show the electron arrangements in the atoms of four elements.
Which element does not form a covalent bond?

18. Which statement about the bonding in a molecule of water is not correct?
A Both hydrogen and oxygen have a noble gas configuration of electrons.
B Each hydrogen shares its one electron with oxygen.
C Oxygen shares one of its own electrons with each hydrogen.
D Oxygen shares two of its own electrons with each hydrogen.
19. Element X has six electrons in its outer shell.

How could the element react?

A. by gaining two electrons to form a positive ion
B. by losing six electrons to form a negative ion
C. by sharing two electrons with two electrons from another element to form two
covalent bonds
D. by sharing two electrons with two electrons from another element to form four
covalent bonds

20. Which diagram does not show the outer shell electrons in the molecule correctly?
21. Draw the ionic bonding of:
a. MgCl2
b. CaO
22. Draw the covalent bonding of:
a. Methane
b. Water
23. Make three conclusion of difference between covalent bonding and ionic bonding based
number 21 and 22!
24. When aqueous sodium thiosulfate and dilute hydrochloric acid are mixed, a precipitate of
insoluble sulfur is produced. This makes the mixture difficult to see through.
Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl (aq) → S(s) + 2NaCl (aq) + H 2O(l) + SO2(g) The time taken for the
cross to disappear from view is measured.

In experiment 3 the student wanted the sodium thiosulfate to be double the concentration
used in experiment 2.
a) State the order in which the aqueous sodium thiosulfate, hydrochloric acid and
distilled water should be added to the flask.
b) Complete the table to show the volumes which should be used and the expected
taken for the cross to disappear from view in experiment 3.
c) Use collision theory to explain why increasing the concentration of sodium
thiosulfate would change the rate of reaction.
d) The student repeated experiment 1 at a higher temperature. Use collision theory to
explain why the rate of reaction would increase.
25. One of the factors which determine the reaction rate of solids is particle size.
A mixture of finely powdered aluminium and air may explode when ignited.
An explosion is a very fast exothermic reaction. This causes a large and sudden increase
in temperature.
Explain each of the following in terms of collisions between reacting particles.
a) Why is the reaction between finely powdered aluminium and air very fast?
b) Explain why for most reactions the rate of reaction decreases with time.
c) Suggest an explanation why the rate of reaction in an explosion could increase rather
than decrease with time.
d) Describe a simple test-tube reaction which shows the effect of particle size on the
rate at which a solid reacts with a solution.
26. Catalytic converters reduce the pollution from motor vehicles.

a) Describe how carbon monoxide and the oxides of nitrogen are formed in car engines.
b) Describe the reactions inside the catalytic converter which change these pollutant
into less harmful gases. Include at least one equation in your description.

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