Antoine Caillaud
January 2016
I - Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 5
I.1. Framework ...............................................................................................................................................................5
I.2.1. General seakeeping methods (pbandyh, deJong).............................................................................5
I.2.2. Seakeeping methods for planing craft ..................................................................................................7
I.3. Present work............................................................................................................................................................8
2-Mathematical Model......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1. The 2D+t theory ....................................................................................................................................................9
2.2. Statement of the Mathematical Problem and governing equations.............................................. 10
2.3. The mixed boundary value problem .......................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Equations of motion.......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.1 Forces and moments ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.2 Pressure decomposition .......................................................................................................................... 13
3-Numerical Solution .........................................................................................................................14
3.1 The Boundary Integral Method ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.2. Algorithm procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 16
3.3 Numerical techniques ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Domain discretization .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.3 Body and free surface intersection ..................................................................................................... 20
3.3.4 Jet cutting ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.5 Smoothing and regriding......................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.6 Time Integration ......................................................................................................................................... 24
4. Two-dimensional Results ...........................................................................................................27
4.1 Validation of the BEM code 4.1.1 Sphere moving forward in a channel ................................ 27
4.1.2 Rigid body moving under a free surface ........................................................................................... 29
4.2 Water entry of a wedge .................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Presentation of the problem .................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.2 Numerical results ....................................................................................................................................... 30
5. Conclusion and further developments ..................................................................................33
6. Appendix .............................................................................................................................................34
References ..............................................................................................................................................37
I must thank my supervisors Stéphane Dyen and Yves Courvoisier for their support, their patient
guidance and continuous encouragement that enabled me to perform this work and write this
thesis. Stephane's knowledge of fluid dynamic and Yves's expertise in numerical simulation,
software development and enthusiasm for research were of great help and enable me to reach
my goals.
I also want to thank Davy Moyon, Giorgio Provincialli, Alaric Lukowski and Paolo Motta for their
kind help, the valuable discussions I had with them.
My sincere thanks also go to Jérémie Lagarrigue, CEO of Hydros, for the scientific and logistic
environment he provided to perform this master thesis in perfect conditions. I also thank Daniel
Schmäh and Guillaume Sangiardi with whom I had the pleasure to work and sail on the different
boats of the company.
I finally thank the whole team of Hydros Innovation and Hydros Foundation, Moana, Thibault,
Maxime and Julien, for their warm welcome and the friendly atmosphere which made this
experience unforgettable.
I - Introduction
I.1. Framework
The design of a sailing boat is essentially evaluated with the aid of a Velocity Prediction
Performance (VPP) tool whose aim is to determine the performance of a boat in static conditions
on a flat sea. This useful tool is however not sufficient to determine the real behavior of a boat
during special events such as maneuvers or in rough seas. A dynamic simulator able to
determine the performances and the behavior of a boat in dynamic conditions is then a crucial
tool in order to give a more complete evaluation of a design. If such seakeeping tools are widely
used in the motor boat industry, they are quite new in the sailing design world and require the
modelling of the different parts of the boats.
Racing offshore sailing boats or highspeed ships encounter strong nonlinear free surface effects
in many wave-body interactions events. Most of these events are associated with the different
kinds of slamming such as bow-flare slamming, bow-stem slamming, green water slamming or
bottom slamming. When slamming occurs, the ship hull is subjected to high pressure loads
within short duration which can implies structural problems and have important consequences
on the ship behavior. At high speeds, even on flat sea, the correct modelling of flow separation in
order to have the correct resistance requires the consideration of nonlinearities.
The aim of this thesis was to participate in the development of such a simulator. If the
aerodynamic contribution of the sails, the hydrodynamic influence of the appendages and the
resolution of the time dependant dynamic of the boat were already modeled with appropriate
models, the hydrodynamic model accuracy was reduced since it only included the hydrostatic
and the viscous drag contributions. The aim of this thesis was then to explore the range of
seakeeping and hull performance prediction methods which could be used in order to determine
the performance of a hull in dynamic conditions and to implement it in order to solve the
hydrodynamic loads in the time-domain.
The first seakeeping methods considered that the ship motion response amplitudes were
linearly linked to the waves amplitudes the ship was encountering. These models supposed that
the ship had small amplitude motions around an equilibrium state and that the steepness of the
encountered waves was limited. The advantage of this linear formulation was the possibility of
using the superposition principle. It was then possible to obtain the behavior of a ship in a
complex composition of different sea states. The seakeeping problem was then solved in the
frequency domain.
Following this superpostition principle, a number of linear strip theories were developed.
Supposing the slenderness of a ship, a strip theory relies on the representation of a ship as a
series of two-dimensional sections whose hydrodynamic coefficients are computed
independently. Modern seakeeping computations date back to the 1950’s. (Korvin-Kroukovsky
& Jacobbs, 1957) presented a slender body theory solving ship motions with two degrees of
freedom in regular waves. (Gerristma & Beukelman, 1967) proposed a model based on
experimental results which was developed by Salvesen and al (Salvesen, Tuck, & Faltinsen,
1970). The forward speed effect was also added by Ogilvie and Tuck (Ogilvie & Tuck, 1969).
The original strip theory limited to heave and pitch motions was thenextended to five degrees of
freedom and the forward speed effect was considered with a new distribution of the added mass
and damping coefficient along the longitudinal axis of the boat. These coefficients were
determined from cylindrical shapes using a mapping technique such as Lewis conformal
Keuning (Keuning, 1994) tested the range of application of the linear strip theory and showed
that it predicted the large amplitude motions of high speed ship quite accurately but that the
computed loads were not correct.
The linear diffraction theory originally used for offshore structure with no forward speed was
also modified in order to include forward speed effect. Modifications of expansion of the integral
equation and Green function were attempted (Zhao, Faltinsen, Krokstad, & Aanesland, 1988).
Beck and Loken (Beck & Loken, 1989) also tried to adapt the forward speed effect from Salvesen
and al. Modifying the linear diffraction theory with forward speed effect did not appear to be
straightforward which explain why this research axis was less developed.
Another method called body-exact problem was developed for large amplitude ship motions.
Appropriate free surface Green functions were formulated in order to consider the forward
speed effect. In this method, body boundary conditions are satisfied on the exact body shape and
the free surface boundary conditions are linearized (Cummins, 1962).
The double body approach proposed by Dawson (Dawson, 1977), considers a linearization of
the potential flow around the steady double body potential. This direct boundary element
method uses a Rankine source distribution over the body and the free surface (Nakos, Kring, &
Sclavounos, 1993). Sclavounos et al. (1997) also discussed the developement of SWAN-1 and
SWAN-2 based on the linearized double-body formulation, originally presented by Dawson
(1977). A weak scatterer hypothesis which consists in supposing that the ship only weakly
disturbs the steady and incident flow was suggested by (Pawlowski, 1992).
While the previous methods suppose a linearization of the free surface boundary conditions,
potential flow methods assuming the fully non-linear free surface boundary conditions and body
exact boundary conditions have been developed. Raven proposed an iterative method valid for
steady forward speed (Raven, 1996). A number of iterative steps where the linearised problem
is solved with a mesh constructed from the previous free surface elevation are performed in
order to lead to the non-linear problem. This method lead to the RAPID software proposed by
the company Marin and is efficient for ship wave resistance.
Other potential flow methods solving seakeeping problems in the time domain and capturing the
nonlinear effects were suggested by Longuet-Higgins and Cokelet (Longuet-Higgins & Cokelet,
1976). They developed a Mixed Euler-Lagrange approach which solves the fully nonlinear two
dimensional water wave problem. Cao (Cao, 1991) extended the validity of the method to three
dimensions. However, free surface instabilities and wave breaking may occur as discussed by
Beck (Beck, 1999).
Finally, a last variant of the body exact method called Neumann-Kevlin approach can be
highlighted where the body boundary conditions are only linearised around the mean body
Whereas a displacement vessel is floating mostly thanks to buoyancy forces, the weight of a
planing vessel is mainly supported by the hydrodynamic loads. In order to reduce drag, hard
chines and spray rails are often used on planing boats to induce flow separation. Savistky
(Savitsky, 1964) presented an analysis of various speed regimes where different hydrodynamic
loads can occur. For Froude number lower than 2, seakeeping behavior was very similar to the
one of a semi displacement vessel. For Froude number higher than 2, hydrodynamic lift forces
predominates and very high peaks in the forces might occur.
Fridsma (Fridsma, 1969) conducted systematic model tests with constant deadrise angles hull
series and highlighted the importance of nonlinear effects for planing hulls. Several other
planing hull series were studied by (Kowalyshyn & Metcalf, 2006) or (Radojcic, Zgradic,
Kalajdzic, & Simic) and a wide range of series are available in the public domain for resistance
prediction or validation of new numerical models such as Blount-Fox method, Clement’s series
62 model tests, and Clement’s simplified method.
The planing of a vessel can be compared to the problem of a two dimensional wedge impacting
the water surface. This two dimensional problem can be solved analytically or by using more
fundamental approaches.
Analytical models of water entry might be considered as less precise and less flexible than CFD
or others complex numerical methods but their ability to give fast results in a dynamic study
makes them interesting and often used instead of CFD or experiments (Aquelet et al. (2006)).
Wagner (Wagner, 1932) introduced first an analytical model called original Wagner model still
commonly used in the industry to define slamming loads. This method based on potential flow
and linearization of the boundary conditions was the basis of various analytical and semi-
analytical water entry models. Von Karman (VonKarman, 1929) developed a similar theory
originally thought to study the landing of seaplanes. Watanabe (Watanabe, 1986) used the
original Wagner model and refined the solution in the spray area. In order to improve the
pressure distribution representation in the vicinity of the jet moving up along the hull, matched
asymptotic expansions were developed by Wagner but also Cointe and Armand (Cointe &
Armand, 1987). Later, Zhao and al (Faltinsen & Zhao, 1997) developed the generalized Wagner
model which considers the nonlinear Bernoulli equation and the exact kinematic boundary
conditions in the velocity potential computations. This improvement leads to a better
representation of the pressure distribution and then the force prediction which is especially true
for large deadrise angles. Combining the generalized Wagner model and the work made by
Vorus (Vorus, 1996) using the flat disc approximation, Korobkin (Korobkin, 1996) proposed the
Modified Logvinovich Model (MLM) in which the potential flow is approximated by a Taylor
series expansion of the original Wagner model on the body boundary. While still using the fully
nonlinear Bernoulli equation on the free surface, this methods gives accurate results in terms of
force for large deadrise angles and is then faster than the generalized Wagner method. Tassin
(Tassin, Jacques, Alaoui, Nême, & Leblé, 2011) completes the development of the MLM in the
optic of the 2D+t method and presents a semi-analytical model of water entry and exit.
Analytical models of three dimensional water impact based on the MLM are also presented in
(Tassin, Piro, Korobkin, Maki, & Cooker, 2013). Further studies including hydroelastic coupling,
ventilation or cavitation can also be found and are reported in (Tassin, 2013). Chuang (Chuang
,1967) also conducted a series of experimental tests in order to highlight the importance of
entrapped air between the hull and the water and studied the influence on the maximum
pressure which can be observed during the water entry of section with deadrise angles up to 15
A wide variety of strip theories for planing hulls were developed. First, a linear semi-empirical
theory in regular waves based on the results of the original Wagner method was developed by
Martin (Martin, 1978). Pile-up was then the only free surface deformation considered. This
model was however only valid for constant deadrise angle prisms leading to a simple analytical
added formulation of the mass coefficients. Still considering hull with constant deadrise angles,
Zarnick (Zarnick, 1978) extended the method to a non-linear semi-empirical strip theory. These
basic models were then further extend by Keuning (Keuning, 1988) in order to be valid for
variable deadrise hulls in irregular waves.
Garme used a combination of the semi-empirical non-linear strip theory of Zarnick and Keuning,
combined with pre-computed sectional hydrodynamic coefficients leading to a computationally
efficient method (Garme & Rosen, 2003) and (Garme, 2004). The method was improved with the
consideration of the transom effect which consisted in longitudinally reducing the pressure to
zero at the transom (Garme, 2005).
More fundamental approaches have been presented by several authors in order to tackle more
complex geometries. Fully non-linear (zero-gravity) free surface conditions and flow separation
were supposed in the development of a boundary element method (Zhao et al. 1996). Sun
(Sun,2007) extended this work by considering gravity and presenting jet flow treatment and
seperation from hard chine and from curved bodies on flat water. Prediction of purposing and
motions in head sea waves were also adressed by Sun and Faltinsen (2011). Similar work was
also performed by Lugni (Lugni, Colagrossi, Landrini, & Faltinsen, 2004) and (Lugni, Collichio,
Colagrossi, Faltinsen, & Bertram, 2003) in which results from a three dimensional panel method
considering linearised free surface boundary conditions and a 2D+t theory with nonlinear free
surface boundary conditions were compared. This study showed the importance of nonlinear
effects at high speed and Froude number higher than 0.6 besides proving the computationally
efficiency of the 2D+t theory compared to other 3D panel code methods.
Finally, CFD methods such as RANS or SPH methods have also been lately used in the case a 2D+t
theory implementation (Colagrossi, Antuono, Lugni, & Tulin, 2011). Zhu (Zhu, 2006) developed a
constrained interpolation method (CIP) in order to tackle green water on deck, 2D water entry
and exit and linear and weakly nonlinear wave body interaction problems. This methods,
besides offering precised results, are computationally demanding and less appropriate to
dynamic time-domain simulations.
Simulation codes which have been developed both for planing and non planing hulls are
FASTSHIP by (Keuning,1994), BOAT3D (Payne, 1995), POWERSEA (Akers,1999), SEAWAY
(Journée,2003), SHIPMO developed by the company Marin or WASIN by DNV GL.
The development of a BEM able to solve the wedge water entry problem of a prism in the time
domain is presented. First, the mathematical formulation of the problem including a detailed
presentation of the 2D+t theory principle is developed. Chapter 3 explains the BEM formulation
and the numerical techniques used in order to deal with instabilities, jet flow control and flow
separation. Finally, results for the wedge water entry and validation cases of the BEM and
nonlinear free surface modeling are presented.
2-Mathematical Model
The three dimensional effects are however partly considered since the 2D flow is directly
influence by the flow upstream of the cross section through the time resolution. This is one of
the reasons why this method is also called 2.5D theory. Another advantage of the 2D+t as an
industrial application relies in the fact that it can be used as a method to give steady and
unsteady results. If the aim is to obtain the performance of a boat in steady conditions, one
cross-plane is used. If the aim is to obtain time dependant results in the case of a seakeeping
analysis, several fixed cross-planes are introduced. In order to have the loads along the whole
length of the boat at time t, an interpolation of the wave field and the loads obtained at the
different cross planes is performed. Figure 1 shows an example of the 2D+t principle in the case
of unsteady motions. The 2D problem solved in each frame is illustrated.
Free surface
2D hull
y surface
Figure 1 - Illustration of the 2D+t theory on a ship hull with constant deadrise angle
Figure 2 illustrates the 2D time dependent problem. If the present work is mainly focused on the
study of a hull with a constant deadrise angle, more complex geometries can be considered
thanks to the time dependence. If is the pitch angle of the boat sailing, the vertical speed is
Body surface
Free surface
Figure 2 - Time-domain resolution of the 2D water entry of a ship cross section. Solid lines: problem at time t. - Dashed lines:
problem at time t+dt
2D section
Free surface
y n
Ω Truncation
Figure 3 - Definition of the problem - Water entry of a wedge with deadrise angle
The fluid is supposed to be inviscid, incompressible and irrotational which leads to the fact that
the 2D velocity potential of the fluid satisfies the Laplace equation in Ω:
On the hull section, the condition of no water entry on a rigid body is introduced:
where n is the normal vector to the rigid body surface and pointing out of the fluid domain.
On the free surface, both kinematic and dynamic non linear boundary conditions are considered.
g is the acceleration of gravity and is the material derivative. The dynamic condition is
obtained from Bernoulli equation by supposing that the pressure of the water at the free surface
is constant and equal to the atmospheric pressure. It is also worth noticing that the kinematic
conditions are consistent with the boundary condition stated on the rigid body. Due to the large
motions and large length scale of the movement compared to the typical length scale related to
surface tension effects, the surface tension is here neglected:
Finally, the normal velocity on the bottom and on the side boundaries is set at zero. In the case
where the waves created by the wedge water entry would reach the domain boundaries, as in
the case of large computations or heaving problems, a damping zone should be introduced. The
boundary condition is then:
Newton's second law leads to the following equation of motion for the symmetric water entry
2D problem:
where n is the normal component of the hull section at point P, P the point on the body surface
where the pressure is evaluated and G the center of gravity of the hull section.
The viscous forces are here not considered because for fast water entry, the time duration is too
short for the development of a boundary layer. However for slower wedge water entry occurring
in normal sailing conditions, viscous force should be considered in order to correctly model the
damping part of the hydrodynamic forces.
The development of the 6 equations of motions in the frame of the 2D+t is here not developed
but would use an integration of these 2D results along the longitudinal axis of the boat. The
viscous forces in the longitudinal direction could then be modeled using the ITTC flat plate
approximation one the total wetted area is known.
The pressure on the body used to determine the pressure force in Newton's second law is
computed from Bernoulli's equation:
The term at time t is either computed using finite differences or with a new BVP problem
which is explicitly stated in 3.2. is the atmospheric pressure and is the density of the water.
3-Numerical Solution
This section explicitly states the formulation of the BVP presented for the Laplace problem. A
direct Boundary Element Method (BEM) is used in order to solve this problem. Even if a BEM
imposes a continuous boundary, it enables a simple description of the disturbed free surface
boundary compared to methods where a mesh in the whole fluid domain has to be set.
The BVP presented in the previous section for and can be more generally written as:
Using Green's third identity, at a point P in the fluid can be written as:
The coefficient has the value of 1/2 for a smooth boundary point or takes the value
in radians for a corner boundary point. is the internal angle of the boundary at the
point P, taken positive counter clock wise as shown on Figure 4:
One can here notice that a direct BEM has an advantage over the indirect one since it allows
corners or edges representation and not only smooth surfaces as it is the case for indirect BEM
formulation. In the case where the function are supposed to be constant along the panel, the
collocation point P is placed at the center of a panel and c(P) is then always equal to 1/2.
Once the boundaries are discretized, equation (2) can be discretized into the following algebraic
system with N the total number of panels of the boundary and and G the influence matrices.
If the last equation is written by putting the terms linked to unknown flow potential and normal
derivative of the flow potential on each boundary on one side and the known terms on the other
side, the linear system which has to be solved is:
For smooth boundaries, the inner angle is equal to 1/2 as stated before. However, according to
(Brebbia D. , 1977), the calculation of the inner angle can be avoided. In the case of a closed
volume as it is the case here:
3.2. Algorithm procedure
The previously presented mathematical problem is solved with the following procedure:
step 0 - Initialization : It is supposed that the free surface is undisturbed before the entry
of the hull section. The velocity potential is then zero on the free surface. The velocity
normal to the rigid body is also known from the solid boundary condition. An
initialization is performed based on the Von Karman model.
step 1 - BVP resolution: A boundary value problem (BVP) is stated for the Laplace
problem satisfied by the flow potential:
The resolution of this BVP gives then on the body boundary and on the free surface
boundary. This step is often called "Eulerian step" since the problem is solved for a
frozen configuration i.e at fixed time.
step 2 - Pressure determination: The term necessary to determine the pressure on the
body boundary is calculated. On the body boundary, a function is
introduced and satisfies:
The right and side of the BVP can be evaluated from the results of step 1. The velocity of
the body V and its acceleration are known from the previous time step. The resolution
of the BVP is based on the same influence matrices used for the BVP for the velocity
potential. It then requires a reduced computational effort in order to solve the linear
system with a different right hand side. The resolution of the BVP gives and then on
Ω which gives the pressure on the body. As remarked by (Greco, 2001), the same
influence matrices can be used for the BVP satisfied by the flow potential and by the
function .
Note: Pressure force determination is done now, with the former body surface position
because the term is only known on this precise former body surface. Doing it after,
once the body surface is updated seems impossible since is unknown on the new one.
step 3 - time-marching procedure: A time marching procedure is computed in order to
obtain the time evolution of the free surface from the kinematic free surface boundary
condition and of the velocity potential from the dynamic free surface condition. At the
same time, the rigid body motion described by Newton's second law is solved. This gives
a new free surface, new body boundaries and new Dirichlet and Neumann boundary
conditions for the velocity potential which are used as initial state for the next time step.
The procedure can then be restarted from step 1 with these conditions.
Ideally, since the pressure forces depend on V and used in the BVP of the step 2 and 3
should be solved at the same time. For simplicity, we solve them one after another. Numerical
problem can appear in the case where the total mass of the body m is small compared to the
added mass component of the pressure force. According to Sun (Sun, 2007), the accumulation of
the numerical instabilities can lead to divergence. One way proposed by Sun is then to introduce
an estimated added mass force based on Wagners' theory. This term is subtracted from both
sides which does not change the equation but improves the stability of the numerical simulation.
A simple added mass formulation is considered and valid in the initial stage:
The and V(t) time evolutions are then obtained and can be numerically integrated with a 4th
order Runge Kutta Scheme for example:
Figure 6 - Time evolution of speed and depth with Van Karman method for a cylindrical section
Figure 7 - Time evolution of speed and depth with Van Karman method for a triangular section with a 45° deadrise angle
The boundaries of the domain can be discretized in straight-line elements. On these panels, the
functions ( are assumed to be constant. The assumption of constant functions along
the panel requires a larger number of panels than the assumption of linear function but is more
straightforward. Higher order schemes such as quadratic representations for both boundary
functions and geometry might have lead to numerical difficulties at the body-free surface
intersection as proven by (Landrini, 1999). The mathematical development in the case of linear
functions along the panels is presented in appendix 2 as a further development.
The body and the near body free surface area are discretized with panels of the same size in
order to accurately describe the highly disturbed free surface. In the computations presented in
section 4.2, This panel length is chosen so that rise up obtained from the
initialization is roughly composed of five panels which leads to a smooth mesh. Moving along the
free surface mesh from the body to the outside of the domain, the panel lengths are linearly
increased by a factor 1.1 once the distance from the free surface to the undisturbed water level is
10 % of the highest point of the free surface. This arbitrary criteria leads to a reduced number of
panels in the undisturbed part of the free surface. This also gives a coherent mesh where two
adjacent panels have roughly the same size.
The symmetry line is also composed of linearly increasing elements. The bottom and the
truncation boundaries are composed of panels with constant lengths. These two last boundaries
are only considered in the BEM in the determination of the dimensions of the computational
domain where computations are run with and without them. It is observed that if the half beam
of the wedge is b, than the width and depth of the domain equal to 3b give a sufficiently large
domain leading to no boundary influence.
Figure 8 - Mesh of the BEM after the initialization for a wedge with a 0.1 m half beam.
Left: Global view - Right: Zoom on the body and the free surface discretization
Continuity of the flow potential must be verified at the intersection between the hull and the free
surface, however, the normal velocity might not be continuous since there is discontinuity of the
normal of the boundary at the intersection.
After the update of the new free surface and body positions, there might also be a gap between
the body and the free surface which is not allowed in a BEM. The intersection must then be
reconstructed. Usually, the last point of the free surface falls inside the body but several
treatments exists.
First a normal projection of the last point of the free surface on the body can be performed.
When the angle between the last panel and the body is less than 90°, as it is the case at the
beginning of the water entry, this will tend to pull the free surface down and delay the formation
of the jet flow. The opposite behavior is expected when the angle is larger than 90°.
Another solution is to simply find the intersection between the free surface and the body or an
extrapolation of the free surface and the body in the case where the last point falls outside the
body after the time marching procedure.
In both cases, the potential has also to be reconstructed in order to be continuous at the
intersection. The average between the first body panel and the last free surface panel which is
not cut is then prescribed on the newly constructed panel.
A thin jet running along the body is quickly formed after a few iterations. This thin jet can cause
numerical instabilities and some nodes closed from the body can go inside during the time
marching procedure. To avoid this problem, the jet is cut in order to delete the really thin upper
part. Moreover, the pressure in this thin part of the jet will be very close from the atmospheric
pressure and it will then not contribute to the loads on the boat.
Zhao and Faltinsen (Faltinsen & Zhao, 1997), introduce a panel normal to the body near the
spray root and consider this new boundary as the mesh in the BEM computations.
separation panel
Body surface
Free surface
Figure 9 - Sketch of the jet cut-off model (Faltinsen & Zhao, 1997). The mesh considered in the BEM is represented with
red dashed line
Since the separation panel is in the fluid (red line), the internal angle coefficient should then be
1. Along this panel, the potential was supposed to have a linear variation. The position of this
panel should be determine when the pressure becomes close from the atmospheric pressure.
Another method used in (Sun, 2007) is to cut the free surface when the normal distance between
the jet and the flow is smaller than a given threshold d. In this study, this threshold is arbitrarily
chosen to be 10 percent of the free surface panel size. The following figure illustrates the cut-off
model used in this thesis. At point B, the distance is under the threshold. B is then normally
projected on the body geometry which gives D. With A being another point on the free surface at
the other end of the panel ending in B, the area ABCD is deleted and a smaller jet is considered.
As for the body/free surface intersection, the same procedure is applied to the fluid potential to
ensure continuity.
Body surface B
Free surface
Figure 11 illustrates two different results obtained with different d. If d is too large, the jet flow is
constrained as shown on the left picture. If d is too small or equal to zero, the computation
breaks down soon after the jet creation.
z (m) z (m)
y (m) y (m)
Figure 11 - Illustration of results obtained with different normal distance thresholds at t = 0.01 s
The discretization of the free surface is controlled through numerical regriding and smoothing in
order to prevent numerical instabilities or numerical errors.
Due to the nature of the indirect BEM which is a mixture of Fredholm integral equations of the
first kind and of the second kind as developed in (Beskos, 1987). This mix can lead to a sawtooth
instabilities which can be removed by using the following smoothing technique valid for equally
spaced points so in the near body region (Longuet-Higgins & Cokelet, 1976). As remarked by
Sun (Sun, 2007), the far field is anyway not subjected to this instability and doesn't need to be
The smoothing technique is then used on the z-coordinate field of the nodes of the free surface
mesh and on the velocity potential. The following equations present the five points smoothing
technique. is the field of interest after smoothing and is the field of
interest before smoothing. is the number of nodes considered in the equally spaced mesh
region. For the velocity potential field, represents the value of the velocity potential on the
panel j. For the z-coordinate field, represents the value of the z-coordinate of the node j.
After the smoothing, the panels on the free surface might have different length especially near
the body. In order to prevent numerical instabilities in the BEM resolution due to the fact that
the panels lengths don't have the same order of magnitude, the free surface is discretized. The
regriding process is performed in the near body zone and in the far field zone and is composed
of the following steps. First, the linear arc length is computed. Then the cubic spline
approximation of the nodes coordinates and the velocity potential is computed in terms of the
arc length. Finally, the nodes are redistributed along the interpolated free surface and the
correct velocity potential values are associated to the new free surface panels. Figure 12 and
Figure 13 illustrate the different methods used on the free surface.
This system can be solved using a 4th order Runge Kutta algorithm or using an adaptative time-
step method available in the Python library. When using 4th order Runge Kutta scheme, an
approximate CFL condition is:
where p is the order of the scheme. was then chosen for a wedge entry velocity
and .
An analytical solution is presented in (Sun, 2007) and ( (Faltinsen & Zhao, 1997) but is not
detailed in this thesis.
This development leads to a Kutta condition where the flow has to leave the body tangentially.
Gravity is neglected near the separation point. In order to satisfy this condition, the following
numerical scheme based on the introduction of an artificial body surface is adopted when the jet
reaches the knuckle point S as illustrated on Figure 14. The same kind of treatment can be
adopted for the model of the flow leaving tangentially the transom of the boat.
Artificial body
Free surface
Body surface
Let's consider the free surface at time t (red dashed line on Figure 14) after the time marching
procedure. The panel SA is first supposed to be still part of the body in the BEM resolution. Once
the BEM is solved, the panel SA is added to the list of the free surface panels. The geometry and
the normal velocity on this panel are unchanged but the tangential velocity is modified in order
to be equal to the one at the point S which ensures the Kutta condition.
Time marching procedure is performed. The panel SA position is then and is still situated in
the running on from the hull (artificial body). A new panel is introduced to close the
boundary and is considered to be a body panel. The BEM is then solved as previously and the
same treatment applied to the tangential velocity of SA is performed for the panel .
An example of computed flow separation is shown on Figure 15. Once the jet leaves the body, a
finer discretization of the free surface needs to be performed in order to model the free
evolution of the spray. This part is still under investigation. Only the first iterations after flow
separation are then shown on Figure 15.
Figure 15 - Flow separation meshing. Left: t = t1 - Right: t = t1 + dt
4. Two-dimensional Results
This section presents intermediate results whose aim was to validate the BEM solver and the
nonlinear free surface representation. First the problem of a sphere moving forward in a channel
is solved in order to deal with a mesh with sharp corner and check the validity of the solver on a
simple example. Then, the influence of a rigid body moving under a free surface is analyzed in
order to compare the differences between a linear representation of the free surface and a fully
nonlinear formulation. Finally, the wedge water entry problem is tackled.
Brebbia and Dominguez (Brebbia D. , 1977) studied the potential fluid around a cylinder
between parallel plates as shown in Figure 16. The stream lines function is introduced. is
then the tangential velocity of the fluid. Due to the symmetry of the problem, the computational
domain can be considerably reduced as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 - Cylinder moving steadily under two plates. Left: Presentation of the problem. Right:
illustration of the BVP solved for
Brebbia and Dominguez compared then efficiency of the BEM code with a Finite Element Method
and the advantage of the BEM code which requires less nodes and a smaller computational time.
The boundary element are supposed to be constant
Figure 17 - Meshing of the problem / boundary 1 - bleue / boundary 2 - red - boundary
3 - green / boundary 4 - black / boundary 5 -yellow
The results of this simulation are shown on Figure 18 and on Figure 19. The continuity of the
potential is respected at the corner of the mesh between the prescribed condition and the
solution. Zero velocity is observed at the front of the cylinder. The tangential velocity at the top
of the cylinder is slightly above two times the velocity of the incoming flow and is equal to 2.5.
This factor differs from the theoretical two factor since there is a constriction of the flow due to
the border.
On boundary 5, the normal derivative of the stream function is expected to be zero since there is
no tangential velocity at the inflow. The numerical results show good agreement since the value
with theory since the tangential velocity is equal to 0.01 and 0.03 at the corners. The corner is
then well represented even with constant panels since the small error is quickly dissipated. As
can be seen on Figure 19 where the panel length has been divided by two compared to Brebbia's
mesh, only the value on the closest panel from the corner is a bit off. If the assumption of linear
functions along the panels would have been chosen, several corner treatments would have been
necessary as suggested in (Beskos, 1987). Constant panels were then chosen for the following
cases for the simplicity of implementation and the absence of corner treatment leading anyway
to good results.
Figure 18 - Solution of the cylinder moving steadily in a channel for constant element (coarse mesh)
Figure 19 - Solution of the cyclinder moving steadily in a channel for constant element (fine mesh)
The problem of a rigid body moving under the free surface has been widely studied. The
influence on the lifting properties of a foil underwater in the presence of free surface were
studied by Vasquez (Vasquez, 2012) and Filippas in (Filippas, 2014) who considered linearized
free surface conditions. Kelvin first suggested the problem of a cylinder moving under the free
surface and was followed by Lamb who analyzed it formally in the light of linear water wave
theory in 1913 (Lamb, 1932). Supposing a steady irrotational potential flow with a linearized
free surface boundary condition, the cylinder was followed by a train of stationary, sinusoidal
gravity waves. The linearization of the free surface restricts the method to small radius cylinders
which will then create only small amplitude waves.
In order to validate the nonlinear formulation of the free surface boundary condition, the
problem of the cylinder moving under the free surface is solved by two BEM with different BVP
for the free surface. One presents linear free surface boundary conditions while the other
present nonlinear free surface conditions.
In the case of linear free surface boundary conditions, the panels are placed at z = 0 on the
undisturbed water level. Details of the numerical implementation can be found in (Filippas,
2014). The elevation corresponds to the amplitude of the wave. The well known linearized
kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions imposed on the free surface boundary are then:
The nonlinear free surface boundary conditions are the ones exposed the section 3.3.6 of this
For both BEM, the non-water entry condition on the body are satisfied:
The following figure shows the results obtained with the two methods in the range of validity of
the linear theory. The superposition of the two free surface profiles shows good agreement
between both methods. As expected, taking into account nonlinearities makes the crests more
narrow and flattens the troughs as can be seen on Figure 20b. The relative difference of
amplitude between the two simulations is between 4% and 7%. A similar difference is observed
when comparing Stokes first order wave model and Stokes third order.
In this example, an elliptically shaped body fully immersed body of axis ratio a/b = 8 (where a is
the longitudinal length and b is the height of the body). The depth of submergence d = 3b and the
Froude number associated with the prescribed final speed verifies
y/b y/b
x/b x/b
Figure 20 - Free surface profiles obtained with linear (blue) and nonlinear (red) free surface boundary conditions -
11.a: total wave field created by the moving body
11.b Zoom
The water entry of a wedge falling with a constant speed is studied. Zhao and Faltinsen
(Faltinsen & Zhao, 1997) presented a comparison of results obtained with a BEM or with the
similarity solutions. Gravity is here neglected in the BEM in order to compare with the similarity
In this section, the results for the water entry of a 45° constant deadrise angle prism are
presented. The potential continuity is checked at the intersection between the hull and the free
surface (Figure 21). Node 0 for the body is adjacent to node 20 of the free surface. During the
first iterations, since the velocity potential on the free surface is equal to zero, the continuity is
not respected but the gap is reduced after a few iterations.
curvilinear absciss: nodes number
Figure 21 - Velocity potential along the free surface (blue) and the body (black)
The results obtained with the present method are shown on Figure 22. These results can be
compared with the ones obtained by Sun (Sun, 2007) and Zhao and Faltinsen ( (Faltinsen &
Zhao, 1997).
Agreement can be clearly seen for the pressure distribution. A characteristic plateau is observed
along the body boundary underwater and in the bottom of the jet until Z/Vt <0. For deadrise
angles larger than 45°, there is no pick of pressure occurring at the stagnation point which is
usually observed. However, the jet cut off model might induced water compression in the jet and
than a pick of pressure near the spray root. This can be a way to determine if the threshold
distance is large enough. Once the stagnation point is passed, the pressure decreases quickly to
reach zero in the jet zone.
The distance are normalized with the depth of the lowest point of the body Vt. The free surface
profile printed is only the closed and highly discretized part.
Figure 22 - Water entry of a wedge with 45° deadrise angle. Left: free surface profile - Right: Pressure distribution
Figure 23 - Comparisons between the numerical results (BEM) in Sun (2007) and the similarity solutions (SIM.) in Zhao &
Faltinsen (1997) for a deadrise angle equals to 45°. Left column: Free surface profile. Right Column: Pressure
5. Conclusion and further developments
A BEM with fully nonlinear boundary conditions was developed. The symmetric water entry of a
wedge was studied. Jet cut-off, smoothing, regriding were implemented in order to limit
numerical errors and instabilities. Reliable pressure results were obtained with this solver and
the study of an adequate meshing and time stepping. First encouraging results are obtained
when non-viscous flow separation happens.
Further developments are at stake in order to use this solver in the frame of the 2D+t.
2D wedge entry
Non-viscous flow separation has to be improved in order to properly described the jet leaving
the body. The present model is only valid when the separation point is known. A non-viscous
flow separation model for curved body where the separation point is to be determine is under
investigation. The vertical speed of the wedge was constant and the movement symmetric but
performing the non-symmetric free fall of the same wedge would be straight forward since the
theory is developed. Finally, when these improvements will be performed, different cross
section geometries should be evaluated in order to define eventual mesh and time stepping sets.
Asymmetric water entry should then be performed before moving to the 2D+t implementation.
Since the flow is not solved in the longitudinal direction, some treatments need to be done in
order to consider the 3D effects which matter at the bow and at the transom. Fontaine et al.
(2000) accounted for the bow wave elevation by combining a 3D bow model with the 2.5D
theory. This correction implies a different initialization then the one further presented. A
correction at the transom has also to be included in order to impose a Kutta condition when the
flow leaves the hull in the longitudinal direction (Sun, 2007). Such corrections are not presented
in this thesis but will be the object of further developments
6. Appendix
y n
j+1 t
We can then integrate along the panel, with l the length of the panel and by considering that the
determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the transformation is 1:
Appendix 2 - Details of linearized algebraïc system
This sections presents the mathematical development of the BEM discretization when functions
are supposed to be linear along the panels. In order to approximate the value along a panel j
between two nodes, a linear interpolation is performed. The boundary functions
( are then expressed in terms of their values at the nodes and shape functions:
is the curvilinear abscissa of panel j with length and origin at node j and the shape functions
related to the panel j are:
with and
with and
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