Chair Committee History: 11th October, 2021

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CHAIR COMMITTEE HISTORY · Noise and vibration

Dr. Kourosh Koushan (Norway) A series of international symposiums dedicated to · Propeller and rudder erosion

Prof. Sverre Steen (Norway) hydrodynamics of all types of marine propulsors is running · Green propulsion
· Numerical methods in propulsion (VLM, BEM,
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE since 2009. Previous smp were held in the following cities:
RANS, Hybrid, LES, DES, DNS)
Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud (Germany) 2009 Trondheim, Norway
· Dynamic positioning
Prof. Jun Ando (Japan) 2011 Hamburg, Germany
· Propulsor dynamics
Prof. Jacques AndréAstolfi (France) 2013 Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
· Propulsor-ice interaction
Prof. Mehmet Atlar (UK) 2015 Austin, Texas, USA
· Propulsion in seaways
Prof. Poul Andersen (Denmark) 2017 Espoo, Finland
· Energy Saving Devices (ESD)
Prof. Rickard Bensow (Sweden) 2019 Rome, Italy · Experimental techniques
Prof. Neil Bose (Canada) · Full-scale measurements
Dr. Stefano Brizzolara (USA) OBJECTIVE
Prof. John Carlton (UK) The objective of this series of symposium is to provide a LANGUAGE
Prof. Jose Falcao de Campos (Portugal) forum to present state-of-the-art research and studies on The language of the Symposium is English. All abstracts,
Dr. Mario Felli (Italy) existing marine propulsors as well as a platform for papers and presentations shall be in English.
Prof. Ching-Yeh Hsin (Chinese Taipei) introduction of new types of propulsors. Special attention is
Dr. Ki-Han Kim (USA) given to high efficiency propulsion devices. Environmental PAPER SUBMISSION
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers in
Prof. Spyros Kinnas (USA) issues are addressed by introducing topics on green
one or more of the topics given overleaf. Abstracts should
Dr. Kourosh Koushan (Norway) propulsion.
have an approximate length of 300~500 words and must
Prof. Gerasimos Politis (Greece)
clearly indicate the objectives, methodology, contents and
Prof. Shin Hyung Rhee (Korea) SCOPE
relevant results of the paper. The abstracts ought to include
Dr. Francesco Salvatore (Italy) The symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including
author and co-authors full names with their affiliations and the
Dr. Antonio Sanchez-Caja (Finland) the following key areas:
full postal address, telephone and e-mail address of the
Prof. Sverre Steen (Norway) · Open or ducted propellers
· Podded propellers and thrusters
corresponding author.
Prof. Tom van Terwisga (The Netherlands)
· Water-jets Abstracts should be submitted by email to Secretariat by
Prof. Brian Veitch (Canada)
Prof. Chen-Jun Yang (China) · Unconventional propulsors (Flapping foils, CRP, 11th October,2021, as ASCII text, Microsoft Word files.

Prof. Yin Lu Young (USA) Surface piercing propellers, rim drives, tip loaded...) The local organizing committee is responsible for organizing
· Propeller/hull/rudder interaction the review. The international scientific committee and other
· Cavitation modeling respected researchers will be invited for doing the reviews.
Prof. Weixin Zhou (Chairman) (CSSRC)
Second Announcement & Call for Papers CITY OF WUXI REGISTRATION & FEE
Wuxi is located in Jiangsu Province, one of famous tourism Early Registration for Authors/Non-authors (on & before
area in the east of China, with numerous attractions by their March 1, 2022) : 700/750 €
natural beauty and a long history of more than 2500 years, Late Registration for Authors/Non-authors (after March 1,
Wuxi is also a perfect place for conference. 2022): 750/800 €
Accompanying person: 350 €
VENUE Students: 350 €
All the prices are VAT excluded.

The registration (incl. students) allows you to participate in

sessions with proceedings, reception, symposium dinner,
lunches, and coffee breaks. The registered accompanying
persons are welcome to join reception, symposium dinner and
lunches. Accommodation is not included in the fee. The
regulation of smp states that any paper should be covered by
one “author registration” (if a student is the only author,
Welcome to he/she has to be registered as "Author").
7 International Symposium on
Marine Propulsors CONTACTS
Seventh smp secretariat:
Wuxi, China Email: [email protected] Tel: +86 139 6173 1926
9-13 May, 2022
PROGRAMME smp permanent website:
(Postponement for one year due to COVID19) 9 May. (Mon.) Registration and Welcome Reception
10 May (Tue.) Opening followed by parallel sessions
Organized by 11 May. (Wed.) Parallel Sessions
China Ship Scientific Research Center 12 May (Thur.) Parallel Sessions and Symposium Dinner SPONSORS
In cooperation with 13 May (Fri.) Parallel Sessions and Closing Ceremony Shanghai Marine Energy Technology Development Co. Ltd
NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Submission of abstracts: October 11, 2021

Technology) Abstract acceptance notification: November 11, 2021

Submission of papers: January 10, 2022 SMARD-Shanghai Marin Propeller Design Co.Ltd
Acceptance of final paper: February 10, 2022
Early registration: March 1, 2022
Symposium date: May 9 –13, 2022

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