Personality - Career Skill Assessment Statements Sheet - Ii

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01. I like to be the center of attention in a group. 29. I keep my ideas for myself.

02. I am a product of my family and surroundings. 30. It’s thrilling for me to struggle against a deadline.

03. I can work effectively even under stress. 31. I don’t compare my performance with that of others.

04. I like to read information than analyzing it. 32. I ask for what I want without any hesitation.

05. I stick to schedules. 33. I find it difficult to review a long speech.

06. I prefer perfection in work than completing it. 34. I know about the past, present and future of my field.

07. I always strive to do my best. 35. I take a long time to solve my problems.

08. I feel it difficult to say no to people. 36. I am quick in doing mathematical problems.

09. I can find out patterns in scattered information. 37. I don’t share my class notes with my friends.

10. I am not interested in information other than my subjects. 38. I make efforts to speak in a soft voice.

11. I look at the solution than the problem. 39. I don’t mind even my room is not so neat.

12. I don’t like to work with numbers. 40. I can to listen to others for a long time without breaks.

13. I like to work in a group. 41. I give importance to my feelings than others’ feelings.

14. I find it difficult to balance my emotions. 42. I am in good terms with nearly everyone.

15. I am well dressed. 43. I look serious.

16. I can’t study for a long time. 44. I am kind to others.

17. I behave in a socially accepted manner. 45. I am absent- minded.

18. I shout at people. 46. I commit for more than what I can do.

19. I am cheerful. 47. I argue with my friends.

20. I don’t sympathize people suffering because of bad habits. 48. I accept others’ weaknesses with a smile.

21. I am quick in grasping new concepts. 49. I feel comfortable while talking to strangers.

22. I break promises. 50. I cannot control the key events in my life.

23. I keep my relationships as simple as possible. 51. I accept standard methods while doing things.

24. It’s difficult to find talent in others. 52. I find it difficult to identify important points in information.

25. I enjoy being alone. 53. I remind others of what they have to do.

26. I take initiative to do things. 54. I slow down my work when there are obstacles.

27. I can’t eat food, which I don’t like. 55. I am persistent.

28. I make inferences from things happening around me. 56. I can’t be shrewd with people.

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57. I look at every detail of a cricket match. 90. I handle things smoothly.

58. I don’t read professional magazines. 91. I like conventional ideas.

59. I am not attached to the problem I am solving. 92. I like to understand others.

60. I don’t like numbering -puzzles. 93. I believe that in real life, theory and practice are different.

61. I extend and seek cooperation. 94. I like to take responsibilities.

62. I change my moods. 95. I get hurt when people criticize me.

63. I believe in orderliness. 96. I am good at encouraging others.

64. I think of my past and future while doing things at present.

65. I can work even when others disturb me.

66. I expect people to stand unto my expectations.

67. I have a rich imagination.

68. I cannot forgive peoples’ mistakes.

69. I am quick and sensible in my actions.

70. I can’t find ways for solving complex problems.

71. I praise others’ achievements even they are my rivals.

72. I cannot create a charged atmosphere around me.

73. I don’t like to attend noisy parties.

74. I accept changes in my life style with a smile.

75. I wish the world around me stays as it is.

76. I critically evaluate my actions and their consequences.

77. I expect others to work without my assistance.

78. I can start a work without anybody’s motivation.

79. I don’t struggle much to reach higher and higher standards.

80. I speak truth but without hurting others.

81. I find it difficult to connect apparently irrelevant subjects.

82. I am curious about news related to my field.

83. My friends hesitate to share their problems with me.

84. I prefer to express things in terms of numbers than words.

85. I don’t much bother about others’ opinions.

86. I am stable with my temper.

87. I don’t hesitate to borrow things (like a pen) from friends.

88. I speak in detail.

89. I am poor at convincing people.

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