BarOnEmotionalQuotientInventory Inglês

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BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory

Sample Items

Emotional Self-Awareness
7. It’s fairly easy for me to express feelings.
9. I’m in touch with my emotions.
23. It’s hard for me to share my deep feelings with others.
35. It’s hard for me to understand the way I feel.

22. I’m unable to express my ideas to others.
37. When I’m angry with others, I can tell them about it.
67. When I disagree with someone, I’m able to say so.
82. It’s hard for me to say “no” when I want to.

11. I feel sure of myself in most situations.
24. I lack self-confidence.
40. I have good self-respect.
56. I don’t feel good about myself.

6. I try to make my life as meaningful as possible.
21. I really don’t know what I’m good at.
36. In the past few years I’ve accomplished little.
51. I don’t get enjoyment from what I do.

3. I prefer a job in which I’m told pretty much what to do.
19. When working with others, I tend to rely more on their ideas than my own.
32. I prefer others to make decisions for me.
48. It’s hard for me to make decisions on my own.

18. I’m unable to understand the way other people feel.
44. I’m good at understanding the way other people feel.
55. My friends can tell me intimate things about themselves.
61. I would stop and help a crying child find his or her parents even if I had to be somewhere else
at the same time.

Interpersonal Relationship
10. I’m unable to show affection.
23. It’s hard for me to share my deep feelings with others.
31. I’m a fairly cheerful person.
39. It’s easy for me to make friends.
Social Responsibility
16. I like helping people.
30. It doesn’t bother me to take advantage of people especially if they deserve it.
46. Others find it hard to depend on me.
72. I care what happens to other people.

Problem Solving
1. My approach to overcoming difficulties is to move step by step.
15. When faced with a difficult situation, I like to collect all the information about it that I can.
29. I like to get an overview of a problem before trying to solve it.
45. When facing a problem, the first thing I do is stop and think.

Reality Testing
8. I try to see things as they really are, without fantasizing or daydreaming about them.
38. I have had strange experiences that can’t be explained.
53. People don’t understand the way I think.
68. I tend to fade out and lost contact with what happens.

14. It’s difficult for me to begin new things.
28. It’s hard for me to make adjustments in general.
43. It’s difficult for me to change my opinion about things.
59. It’s easy for me to adjust to new conditions.

Stress Tolerance
4. I know how to deal with upsetting problems.
20. I believe that I can stay on top of tough situations.
33. I can handle stress without getting too nervous.
49. I don’t hold up well under stress.

Impulse Control
13. It is a problem controlling my anger.
27. When I start talking, it is hard to stop.
42. My impulsiveness creates problems.
58. People tell me to lower my voice in discussions.

2. It’s hard for me to enjoy life.
17. It’s hard for me to smile.
47. I am satisfied with my life.
62. I’m fun to be with.

26. I’m optimistic about most things.
54. I generally hope for the best.
80. I’m generally motivated to continue even when things get difficult.
106. I generally expect things will turn out all right despite setbacks from time to time.

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