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The key takeaways are that there are two main types of transistors - NPN and PNP, and they have three terminals - emitter, base and collector. Transistors can be connected in common base, common emitter or common collector configurations.

The two main types of transistors discussed are NPN and PNP transistors. Additionally, transistors are classified as bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field-effect transistors (FET).

The three main transistor connections are common base connection, common emitter connection, and common collector connection. Each has specific advantages and disadvantages in terms of current gain.


A transistor consists of two pn junctions formed by sandwiching either

p-type or n-type semiconductor between a pair of opposite types.

Accordingly ; there are two types of transistors, namely;

(i) n-p-n transistor (ii) p-n-p transistor

An n-p-n transistor is composed of two n-type semiconductors

separated by a thin section of p type as shown in Fig. However, a
p-n-p transistor is formed by two p-sections separated by a thin
section of n-type as shown in Fig.

In each type of transistor, the following points may be noted :

(i) These are two pn junctions. Therefore, a transistor may be

regarded as a combination of two diodes connected back to back.
(ii) There are three terminals, one taken from each type of
(iii) The middle section is a very thin layer. This is the most
important factor in the function of a transistor.

Transistors can also be classified as : bipolar junction transistor

(BJT) and fieldeffect transistor (FET). As we shall see, these two
transistor types differ in both their operating characteristics and
their internal construction. Note that when we use the term
transistor, it means bipolar junction transistor (BJT). The term
comes from the fact that in a bipolar transistor, there are two types
of charge carriers (viz. electrons and holes) that play part in
conductions. Note that bi means two and polar refers to
polarities. The field-effect transistor is simply referred to as FET.

Naming the Transistor Terminals :

A transistor (pnp or npn) has three sections of doped

semiconductors. The section on one side is the emitter and the
section on the opposite side is the collector. The middle section is
called the base and forms two junctions between the emitter and

(i) Emitter. The section on one side that supplies charge carriers
(electrons or holes) is called the emitter. The emitter is always
forward biased w.r.t. base so that it can supply a large number of
majority carriers.

(ii) Collector. The section on the other side that collects the
charges is called the collector. The collector is always reverse biased.
Its function is to remove charges from its junction with the base.

(iii) Base. The middle section which forms two pn-junctions

between the emitter and collector is called the base. The base-
emitter junction is forward biased, allowing low resistance for the
emitter circuit. The base-collector junction is reverse biased and
provides high resistance in the collector circuit.
Transistor Action :

The emitter-base junction of a transistor is forward biased

whereas collector-base junction is reverse biased.

(i) Working of npn transistor. Fig. shows the npn transistor with
forward bias to emitter base junction and reverse bias to collector-
base junction. The forward bias causes the electrons in the n-type
emitter to flow towards the base. This constitutes the emitter
current IE. As these electrons flow through the p-type base, they
tend to combine with holes. As the base is lightly doped and very
thin, therefore, only a few electrons (less than 5%) combine with
holes to constitute base current IB.

The remainder (more than 95%) cross over into the collector
region to constitute collector current IC. In this way, almost the
entire emitter current flows in the collector circuit. It is clear that
emitter current is the sum of collector and base currents i.e.

I E = IB + IC
(ii) Working of pnp transistor. Fig. below shows the basic
connection of a pnp transistor. The forward bias causes the holes
in the p-type emitter to flow towards the base. This constitutes the
emitter current IE. As these holes cross into n-type base, they tend
to combine with the electrons. As the base is lightly doped and
very thin, therefore, only a few holes (less than 5%) combine with
the electrons. The remainder (more than 95%) cross into the
collector region to constitute collector current IC. In this way,
almost the entire emitter current flows in the collector circuit. It
may be noted that current conduction within pnp transistor is by
holes. However, in the external connecting wires, the current is
still by electrons.
Transistor Symbols

In the earlier diagrams, the transistors have been shown in

diagrammatic form. However, for the sake of convenience, the
transistors are represented by schematic diagrams. The symbols
used for npn and pnp transistors are shown:
Note that emitter is shown by an arrow which indicates the
direction of conventional current flow with forward bias. For npn
connection, it is clear that conventional current flows out of the
emitter as indicated by the outgoing arrow in Fig. Similarly, for
pnp connection, the conventional current flows into the emitter as
indicated by inward arrow in Fig.

Transistor Connections:

There are three leads in a transistor viz., emitter, base and

collector terminals. However, when a transistor is to be connected
in a circuit, we require four terminals; two for the input and two
for the output. This difficulty is overcome by making one
terminal of the transistor common to both input and output
terminals. The input is fed between this common terminal and
one of the other two terminals. The output is obtained between
the common terminal and the remaining terminal. Accordingly;
a transistor can be connected in a circuit in the following three
ways :
(i) common base connection
(ii) common emitter connection
(iii) common collector connection

Each circuit connection has specific advantages and

disadvantages. It may be noted here that regardless of circuit
connection, the emitter is always biased in the forward direction,
while the collector always has a reverse bias.

Common Base Connection :

In this circuit arrangement, input is applied between emitter
and base and output is taken from collector and base. Here, base
of the transistor is common to both input and output circuits and
hence the name common base connection. In Fig.(i), a common
base npn transistor circuit is shown whereas Fig. (ii) shows the
common base pnp transistor circuit.

Current amplification factor (α). It is the ratio of output current

to input current.

In a common base connection, the input current is the emitter

current IE and output current is the collector current IC.
The ratio of change in collector current to the change in emitter current
at constant collectorbase voltage VCB is known as current
amplification factor i.e.

It is clear that current amplification factor is less than **unity.

This value can be increased (but not more than unity) by
decreasing the base current. This is achieved by making the base
thin and doping it lightly. Practical values of α in commercial
transistors range from 0.9 to 0.99.
Expression for collector current in CB Connection :

The whole of emitter current does not reach the collector. It is

because a small percentage of it, as a result of electron-hole
combinations occurring in base area, gives rise to base current.
Moreover, as the collector-base junction is reverse biased,
therefore, some leakage current flows due to minority carriers. It
follows, therefore, that total collector current consists of :
(i) That part of emitter current which reaches the collector
terminal i.e. α IE.
(ii) The leakage current Ileakage. This current is due to the
movement of minority carriers across base-collector junction on
account of it being reverse biased. This is generally much smaller
than α IE.
∴ Total collector current,

It is clear that if IE = 0 (i.e., emitter circuit is open), a small leakage

current still flows in the collector circuit. This Ileakage is
abbreviated as ICBO, meaning collector-base current with emitter
Common Emitter Connection :

In this circuit arrangement, input is applied between base and

emitter and output is taken from the collector and emitter. Here,
emitter of the transistor is common to both input and output
circuits and hence the name common emitter connection. Fig. (i)
shows common emitter npn transistor circuit whereas Fig.(ii)
shows common emitter pnp transistor circuit.

Base current amplification factor ( β). In common emitter

connection, input current is IB and output current is IC.

The ratio of change in collector current (ΔIC) to the change in base

current (ΔIB) is known as base current amplification factor i.e.

In almost any transistor, less than 5% of emitter current flows as

the base current. Therefore, the value of β is generally greater
than 20. Usually, its value ranges from 20 to 500. This type of
connection is frequently used as it gives appreciable current gain
as well as voltage gain.
Relation between β and α. A simple relation exists between β
and α. This can be derived as follows :

It is clear that as α approaches unity, β approaches infinity. In

other words, the current gain in common emitter connection is
very high. It is due to this reason that this circuit arrangement is
used in about 90 to 95 percent of all transistor applications.

Expression for collector current. In common emitter circuit, IB is

the input current and IC is the output current.

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