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Design and Analysis of CMOS Based 6T SRAM Cell at Different Technology

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Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700

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Design and analysis of CMOS based 6T SRAM cell at different technology

Meenakshi Devi, Charu Madhu ⇑, Nidhi Garg
Electronics and Communication Department, University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Panjab University, Chandigarh 160025, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The CMOS technology is rapidly growing towards large scale integration on a single chip leading to smal-
Received 26 March 2020 ler size consuming smaller area. The demand for speed and efficiency are also increasing day by day. With
Received in revised form 28 April 2020 continues down scaling of technologies, the integral density of the chip increases. Stability and reliability
Accepted 6 May 2020
of any memory device such as SRAM, DRAM in different environments, is a critical issue. In this paper, the
Available online 5 June 2020
design and analysis of CMOS based 6T SRAM cell at different technology nodes is demonstrated. The main
purpose of this paper is to simulate 6T SRAM to evaluate the performance at different CMOS technology
nodes (180 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm, 45 nm) with the help of predictive technology model (PTM) file. The con-
Static random access memory (SRAM)
Static noise margin (SNM)
stancy of the SRAM bit cell in terms of static noise margin (SNM) is analysed by butterfly curve method.
Write static noise margin (WSNM) Simulations are done using BSIM3 model PTM files on HSPICE tool. The results shown in this paper clearly
Read static noise margin (RSNM) indicate that as we proceed from 180 nm to 45 nm delay reduces and stability improves i.e. read static
Predictive technology model (PTM) noise margin (RSNM) is improved by 7.72% while write static noise margin (WSNM) is improved by
5.94% of the 6T SRAM cell.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.

1. Introduction cover the impact on its parameter performance i.e. SNM, read static
noise margin (RSNM), write static noise margin (WSNM), delay.
The trend now a days, demand the devices which are more SRAM cell is designed and simulated with various CMOS based
stable and have high processing speed. Static random access mem- technologies in HSPICE tool at same supply voltage. The conven-
ory (SRAM) is being used in cache memory because of its certain tional SRAM is designed and scaled by using the model file from
requirements like high speed and less area [1]. The international Predictive Technology Model (PTM) Beta Version. Its disseminating
roadmap for semiconductor (ITRS) report shows that the transistor improvement as compared with already existing work is shown in
count is increasing day by day [2] which lead to increase in the Tables 1–4) in terms of stability of the cell i.e. SNM and delay [7].
delay. Considerable attention is being paid by the researchers to The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the working
achieve the optimum delay and stability of the cell. The perfor- and operations performed by SRAM cell. Section III demonstrates
mance of transistor gets degraded for the lower value of the the experimental results achieved and Section IV summarizes the
threshold voltage. However, increase in the threshold voltage of paper.
the transistor, leads to increase in the cell leakage and also affects
the stability of the cell [3]. The objective of the research is to
enhance static noise margin (SNM) and reduce the delay of existing 1.1. SRAM cell
SRAM structures by keeping performance under control. The 6T
SRAM cell is designed and analysis is carried out considering vari- SRAM cell is a type of semiconductor memory having two stable
ous parameters like temperature, voltage and power consumption states (0, 1) in logic circuitry for data storage. The working of the
[4–6]. Herein, 6T SRAM cell analysis based on CMOS is done to dis- SRAM memory cell is quite simple because all the operations are
performed by the single bit line. The memory cells in SRAM are
organized in the matrix form and each cell can be addressed indi-
⇑ Corresponding author. vidually. The data stored in the SRAM cells can read all the content
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Madhu). at once with the help of column decoder. As the single bit line is

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.
1696 M. Devi et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700

Table 1 and it uses ‘‘Bi-stable inverter circuitry” to store a bit. During read
Comparison of the HSNM between the different CMOS technologies. operation, bit line and bit bar line are pre-charged after that word
6T SRAM Previous HSNM data (mV) Hold SNM (mV) line is activated. The differential voltage is set among bit line and
180 nm 869.75 [13] 350 bit bar line because one of the bit-line gets discharged. The poten-
90 nm 721[9] 300 tial difference is created between nodes and can be detected by
65 nm 465 [15] 275 using sense amplifier. During write operation, both the bit line
45 nm 261 [21] 200 and bit bar line are given complementary values and then voltage
is given to word line. The node which stored zero value will be dis-
charged through pass transistor. In ideal or standby state, there is
Table 2 no connection established between internal nodes and bit lines.
Comparison of the RSNM between the different CMOS technologies.
The inverters are the storage element and reinforce the data bit
6T SRAM Previous RSNM data (V) Read SNM (V) within the cell as long as the power is supplied [11,12].
180 nm 0.2 [21] 0.12
90 nm 0.1 [9] 0.07
65 nm 0.09 [15] 0.065 2.1. Hold operation in SRAM
45 nm 0.04 [21] 0.05

If the WL is not connected to Vdd as shown in Fig. 1, the driver

transistors M5 and M6 gets disconnected from the BL and BLB of the
Table 3
cell. The circuitry inside the cell formed by M1–M4 will continue to
Comparison of the WSNM between the different CMOS technologies.
keep the stored value as long as it is connected by electric supply.
6T SRAM Previous WSNM data (V) Write SNM(V) Initially the BL and BLB are not charged by column pre-charged cir-
180 nm 1.09 [21] 1.5 cuit. If M3 is holding ‘0’, then M1 would be off and M4 would be
90 nm 0.63 [9] 1.2 ON. Hence it will turn up the access transistor M5. In this return
65 nm 0.83 [15] 1
M2 will be off and it will cut node Qfrom Vdd. Hence, zero is main-
45 nm 0.4 [21] 0.8
tained at node Q [13].

Table 4
Comparison of the delay between the different CMOS technologies.

6T SRAM Previous delay data(Ps) Write delay (Ps)

180 nm 75 [13] 52
90 nm 83.57 [15] 42
65 nm 89.99 [15] 30
45 nm 81.82 [15] 12

connected to drain terminal of pass transistors, the tolerance

capacity of noise margin gets improved. The bit lines will pass
through 2 input nodes of access transistors, which control the cell
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of 6T SRAM Cell.
stability during operations [8]. Word line present in the circuit is
responsible to enable both the access transistors. The two bit lines
are used to transfer the data for read and write operation. The
refreshing circuit is not required in the SRAM. There are two key
features of SRAM which makes it extraordinary: First, the data is
held statically (the stored data in the SRAM memory works with-
out refreshing unlike dynamic random access memory) [9]. Sec-
ondly, SRAM is basically random access memory which means
the memory can access the data in any order for read and write
operation, until the previous address is mentioned in the memory
location. Earlier, the operations performed by the asynchronous
SRAM chip follow sequence patterns. However, SRAM serves as
cache memory in commercial applications which requires faster
SRAM to provide direct interface with CPU. SRAM cells are used Fig. 2. Read ‘0’ operation.
in many more applications such as portable device like digital cam-
era, automatic electronics, cell phones, industries and scientific
subsystem etc.

2. Operations of 6T SRAM cell.

The basic circuit of SRAM cell requires six transistors, two

NMOS and two PMOS which behave as cross-coupled inverters
with two driver transistors. In this format, the circuit has bi-
stable states i.e. logic 0 & logic 1. The 6T SRAM cell offers better
electrical performance parameters such as speed, SNM, low power
and read current in comparison to its lower versions like 4T SRAM
cell [10]. SRAM is mostly used embedded memory for CMOS ICs Fig 3. (a) Write ‘1’ operation (b) Write ‘0’ operation [12]
M. Devi et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700 1697

Fig. 4. Experiment results of HSNM at (a) 180 nm (b) 90 nm (c) 65 nm (d) 45 nm.

2.2. Read operation in SRAM transistor ‘M5’ is connected to bit-line (initially at ‘0’) is turned ON.
This creates potential difference across ‘M5’ transistor and current
This operation is started by pre-charging both lines (BL, BLB) flows through ‘M2 to ‘M5’. This shows that the current flows
and then WL is activated. Let ‘1’ is stored at Q, read current will towards the lower potential and node QB is set at low voltage level
not find path to discharge. Thus, the value stored at node Q will for successful write ‘0’ operation. It happens so because the bit line
remain same. If Q is stored ‘0’, then the path will be created access transistors (NMOS) are created stronger than the PMOS
between PMOS and ground and it will immediately proceed to transistors in the cell itself. They can easily overrule, no problem
intermediate voltage. But undesired bump will be created due to is incurred [17].
voltage differences. The reason behind the unwanted bump is volt-
age generated at node Q (by the voltage divider between access
transistor and NMOS). This voltage does cross the threshold value 3. Performance parameters and comparison
[14,15]. The best way to explain the read operation is by taking the
example as shown in Fig. 2. Suppose ‘1’ is given to left side node Q The cell stability level is measured by the extent of its durability
and ‘0’ is given to right side node QB. This will turn on the cell M2 against noise and DC disturbances. SNM is one of dominant way to
and cell M1 will be in off mode. When the word line goes high, then analyse and negotiate the stability. The factors affecting the stabil-
the current will flow through M2 to Vss via M6. The circuit will start ity of SRAM cell are mainly DC noise and offset. Basically SNM tells
discharging the corresponding bit line capacitance. On the other the noise tolerance capacity of the single bit cell without toggling
hand the voltage on the BLB remains high since there is no way their present state. The disturbance occurs mainly when the oper-
to discharge [16]. ating condition changes during environmental variations. There
are two methods to calculate SNM. One method is to add some
2.3. Write operation in SRAM noise intentionally and then to find out where the stored data over
turn. The other way is the graphical approach. The best way to
Fig. 3 illustrate write ’1’ and write ’0’ operation in SRAM. Pri- measures SNM is butterfly curve method. It is calculated with
marily, word line is charged by supply voltage Vdd. Let us assume the help of perfect square fit between the butterfly curve loops
that the node QB and Q store values ‘1’& ‘0’respectively. The access [18]. The given 6T SRAM cell is simulated at scaled technologies
1698 M. Devi et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700

Fig. 5. Experimental results of RSNM at (a) 180 nm (b) 90 nm (c) 65 nm (d) 45 nm.

mainly 180 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm, 45 nm keeping the parameters 3.2. Read static noise margin
same. The effect of the SRAM cell is mostly compared on the basis
of performance parameters namely noise margin, RSNM, WSNM Read static noise margin (RSNM) is the measure of the ability of
and delay. the cell to read the stored data. In scaled technology nodes, the
read current mainly gets disturbed when the stored data changes
3.1. Static noise margin frequently due to the scaling of critical current. This increases
the voltage strictly and improves the SNM during read operation
SNM specifies the maximum value of DC voltage that can be tol- i.e. RSNM [19]. Fig. 5 shows the read static noise margin of the
erated by SRAM cell by adding noise free input values without 6T SRAM cell at different CMOS technologies at Vdd 0.9 V. The 6T
altering the output voltages. With the lower technologies, the size SRAM cell at scaled technologies exhibits edgy transition in the
of the memory cell is small. There is exponential relation between voltage transfer curve (VTC) which demonstrates enhancement in
sub threshold voltage and channel length of the transistors in the the RSNM of the cell on an average of 7.72%.
SRAM cell. The threshold voltage reduces in correspondence with
the reduction in the channel length to maintain the cell stability 3.3. Write static noise margin
at scaled technologies [18,19]. Fig. 4 shows Hold static Noise Mar-
gin (HSNM) of the 6T SRAM cell at Vdd of 0.9 V leading to the This figure of merit defines the write ability (i.e. how easily the
enhancement of HSNM (24.85% average improvement is observed). bit line stores the data). Max disturbance or noise that a cell can
M. Devi et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700 1699

Fig. 6. Experimental results of WSNM at (a) 180 nm (b) 90 nm (c) 65 nm (d) 45 nm.

tolerate is known as write margin. The intention of this analysis is reduced by 14% when compared for various scaled technologies
to portray minimum demand of voltages at scaled technology [15,20].
nodes [19,20]. During write cycle, stronger access transistor and
weaker pull up transistor are used which improves write static
noise margin (WSNM) at scaled technologies. Fig. 6 shows the 4. Conclusion
WSNM of the 6T SRAM cell at different CMOS technologies at Vdd
of 0.9 V. The 6T SRAM cell at scaled technologies exhibits edgy This paper demonstrated CMOS based 6T SRAM cell design and
transition in the VTC which enhances the WSNM of the cell on the results are compared for different technology nodes (180 nm,
an average of 5.94%. 90 nm, 65 nm, 45 nm). It is demonstrated that BSIM3 CMOS based
6T SRAM offers less delay, less read margin and less write margin
resulting in improved stability of the cell as compared to previ-
ously reported data. BSIM3 CMOS based 6T SRAM cell demon-
3.4. Delay strates delay of 12 ps at 45 nm being 14% lesser than the
reference data. The CMOS based SRAM cell has shown 24.85%
A comparison of the write delay between various technologies improvement in SNM. The improved SNM achieved by the circuit
of CMOS based 6T SRAM cell at Vdd of 0.9 V is presented in table makes it more stable than the earlier SRAM reported in the litera-
4. It is observed that write delay is reduced with technology scaling ture. The 6T SRAM cell has shown 5.94% improvement in WSNM.
by keeping supply voltage same. The delay of the 6T SRAM cell is The device thus can be used at higher speed. 7.72% improvement
1700 M. Devi et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1695–1700

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