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Statewide Asthma Learning

Collaborative Participation and

Asthma-Related Emergency
Department Use
Valerie S. Harder, PhD, MHS,a,b Judith S. Shaw, EdD, MPH, RN,a Charles E. McCulloch, PhD,c Lindsay Kill, MS,a
Keith J. Robinson, MD,a Michelle T. Shepard, MD, PhD,a Michael D. Cabana, MD, MPH,d,e Naomi S. Bardach, MD, MASd

BACKGROUND: Quality improvement (QI) efforts can improve guideline-recommended asthma abstract
care processes in the pediatric office setting. We sought to assess whether practice
participation in an asthma QI collaborative was associated with decreased asthma-related
emergency department (ED) visits.
METHODS: A statewide network of practices participated in a pediatric asthma QI collaborative
from 2015 to 2016. We evaluated asthma-related ED visit rates per 100 child-years for
children ages 3 to 21 years with asthma, using the state’s all-payer claims database. We used
a difference-in-differences approach, with mixed-effects negative binomial regression models
to control for practice and patient covariates. Our main analysis measured the outcome before
(2014) and after (2017) the QI collaborative at fully participating and control practices.
Additional analyses assessed (1) associations during the intervention period (2016) and (2)
associations including practices partially participating in QI collaborative activities.
In the postintervention year (2017), participating practices’ (n = 20) asthma-related
ED visit rate decreased by 5.8 per 100 child-years, compared to an increase of 1.8 per
100 child-years for control practices (n = 15; difference in differences = 27.3; P = .002).
Within the intervention year (2016), we found no statistically significant differences in
asthma-related ED visit rates compared to controls (difference in differences = 24.3; P = .17).
The analysis including partially participating practices yielded similar results and inferences
to our main analysis.
CONCLUSIONS: Participationin an asthma-focused QI collaborative was associated with decreased
asthma-related ED visit rates. For those considering implementing this type of QI
collaborative, our findings indicate that it takes time to see measurable improvements in ED
visit rates. Further study is warranted regarding QI elements contributing to success for
partial participants.

WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Participation in an asthma quality

Departments of aPediatrics and bPsychiatry, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine, University of Vermont, improvement learning collaborative in primary care is associated with improved
Burlington, Vermont; cDepartments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and dPediatrics, School of Medicine, processes of care in the office setting for children with asthma.
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California; and eAlbert Einstein College of Medicine and
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, New York, New York WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Participation in an asthma quality improvement learning
collaborative in primary care is associated with a substantial decrease in asthma-
Dr Harder designed the study, conducted statistical analyses, interpreted results, and drafted the related emergency department visits .1 year after the end of the collaborative.

manuscript; Ms Kill extracted and cleaned data for analysis, helped identify relevant literature for
citing, and drafted sections of the methods; Dr McCulloch supported the statistical analyses and To cite: Harder VS, Shaw JS, McCulloch CE, et al.
guided the display and interpretation of results; Drs Shepard and Robinson were part of the quality Statewide Asthma Learning Collaborative Participation
improvement implementation team and drafted sections of the introduction; Drs Shaw and Cabana and Asthma-Related Emergency Department Use.
helped interpret findings and contributed to the discussion; (Continued) Pediatrics. 2020;146(6):e20200213

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 6, December 2020:e20200213 ARTICLE
Asthma leads to substantial health group. In a more recent multistate adolescent depression,18 from mid-
care use for children, accounting for study, researchers using a modified QI September 2015 through mid-May
.10 million office visits and 1.6 collaborative model reported 2016, CHAMP practices worked
million visits to emergency improvements to clinical asthma collaboratively to improve asthma
departments (EDs) annually.1 management measures by primary management.19 During the CHAMP
Between 2001 and 2010, the rate of care practitioners but no significant asthma learning collaborative,
asthma-related ED visits remained change in ED or urgent care use.14 VCHIP’s approach followed the Model
high and unchanged.2 In 2010, ED This study did not report statistical for Improvement,16 a QI methodology
visits for asthma cost Medicaid tests on ED run chart data and did not designed to advance patient care and
.$272 million.3 National data have a control group. outcomes through setting an aim,
indicated that children accounted for measuring processes, and identifying
The Vermont Child Health
an increasing percentage of all areas of improvement through
Improvement Program (VCHIP), the
asthma-related ED visits (from 36% iterative Plan-Do-Study-Act
longest-running improvement
in 2011 to 40% in 2016).4 cycles.20,21 Full details of the asthma
partnership nationally,15 leads
QI collaborative, clinical measures,
Improving care in pediatric primary statewide QI collaboratives based on
and office systems strategies are
care may help improve asthma the Model for Improvement16 for
published,19 and a brief summary of
management and decrease pediatric-serving primary care
key elements is included below in the
exacerbations, thereby decreasing ED practices.17,18 A recent VCHIP QI
QI collaborative section.
visits. The National Asthma Education collaborative, focused on asthma care
and Prevention Program, sponsored and management in primary care, Data Sources
by the National Heart, Lung, and revealed significant improvement in
Administrative claims spanning
Blood Institute (NHLBI), includes multiple NHLBI guideline-
2014–2017 from Vermont’s all-payer
evidence-based recommendations to recommended processes (eg,
claims database (Vermont Health
improve practitioner and patient increased controller medication
Care Uniform Reporting and
management of asthma.5 prescription);19 however, it was not
Evaluation System) served as our
Unfortunately, significant variability investigated whether this also led to
primary source of data. Medicaid,
in primary care adherence to NHLBI reduced asthma-related ED use. This
Medicare, and most commercial
guidelines persists.6–8 presents an opportunity for a longer
insurers in Vermont submitted
follow-up study of a primary care
Quality improvement (QI) in primary medical and pharmacy claims to this
asthma-focused QI collaborative
care provides mechanisms to address database for this period. Vermont’s
examining asthma-related ED use as
variation in guideline adherence and all-payer claims database excluded
the outcome. Our overall objective is
therefore potentially decrease ED use. the uninsured and included an
to test whether participation in an
Studies of asthma-focused QI in estimated 90% of state residents
asthma QI collaborative is associated
primary care have been focused on receiving health care in 2014 and
with a decrease in asthma-related ED
process measures like adherence to 2015. This percentage decreased to
use over time, compared to controls.
NHLBI guidelines: tracking asthma ∼75% in 2016 and 2017 because of
scores by using a validated tool,9 a Supreme Court ruling,22 which
increasing use of asthma action METHODS resulted in some commercial self-pay
plans,9,10 increasing prescription of insurance plans opting out of
inhaled corticosteroids,11,12 and Study Setting submitting data. VCHIP collected data
increasing use of spirometry.13 Few In 2012, VCHIP created Child Health on practice characteristics (Table 1)
studies of primary care, asthma- Advances Measured in Practice from state administrative data and
focused QI in which researchers (CHAMP), a voluntary network of national registries and compiled
examine ED use exist, and the results pediatric and family medicine these data annually as part of VCHIP’s
of these studies are mixed. In 1 study, primary care practices working attribution process.23
researchers reported providing collaboratively on QI. Practices in the
education to primary care practices CHAMP network care for ∼60% of QI Collaborative
and implementing clinical decision- children in Vermont. Each year, in In brief, practitioners and practice
making tools led to a decrease in ED collaboration with these practices and staff in the CHAMP network
visits and hospitalizations for state partners, VCHIP selects a focus interested in participating in the QI
pediatric asthma patients.6 This study area for the CHAMP QI learning collaborative attended an all-day in-
was limited to 6 practices in 1 city, collaborative. After successful QI person learning session in mid-
did not use a learning collaborative collaboratives on improving September 2015 covering topics on
approach, and did not have a control immunization rates17 and addressing office systems strategies (eg, asthma

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2 HARDER et al
TABLE 1 Characteristics of the Participating and Control Practices monthly phone calls and submitted
Participating Practices Control Practices P ,6 months of QI data. For the partial
(n = 20), n (%) (n = 15), n (%) participants, we did not collect
Practice size .22 information on the extent to which
,500 patients 2 (10) 3 (20) they did or did not implement asthma
500–1499 patients 8 (40) 9 (60) QI at their practices. Therefore, we
.1500 patients 10 (50) 3 (20) excluded partial participants from
Practice specialty .87
Pediatrics 11 (55) 7 (47)
our main analyses but included them
Family medicine 8 (40) 7 (47) in additional analyses
Mixed practitioners 1 (5) 1 (7) described below.
Organization structure .04
Hospital owned 12 (60) 3 (20)
Independently owned 8 (40) 12 (80) Patient Population
HSA .49
One metropolitan HSA 8 (40) 4 (27) Patients ages 3 to 21 years, who met
All other HSAs 12 (60) 11 (73) criteria for identifiable asthma
FQHC or RHC .27 (Supplemental Table 5)24,25 and who
FQHC or RHC 4 (20) 7 (47) were attributed to primary care
Neither FQHC nor RHC 16 (80) 8 (53)
practices (see below), were included.
Mixed practitioners include pediatricians and family medicine physicians. Unadjusted analyses were done by using
Fisher’s exact tests at the practice level.
In 2014, the data set included 9883
patients 3 to 21 years old with
identifiable asthma, of whom we
assessment, control, and management asthma education, and instruction on attributed 4589 patients to CHAMP
and patient education). Practices asthma device use.19 network practices: 2376 at
received evidence-based resources, participating, 1282 at control, and
such as NHLBI guidelines and Practice Participation 931 at partially participating
validated tools. Those that decided to The VCHIP approach to QI is practices. In 2017, the data set
participate in the QI collaborative inclusive, encouraging primary care included 8677 patients 3 to 21 years
subsequently attended monthly practices interested in the annual QI old with identifiable asthma, of whom
phone calls, including didactics on topic to send practitioners and staff we attributed 4186 patients to
asthma topics (eg, the use of to the all-day learning session, CHAMP network practices: 2257 at
validated asthma control tests, without requiring a commitment to participating, 899 at control, and
implementing and documenting participate in the subsequent QI 1030 at partially participating
asthma action plans, and coding and collaborative. This inclusive approach practices.
billing) and knowledge sharing on led to the definition of 3 categories of
successes and challenges. During the practices for this study on the basis of
collaborative, practitioners worked to level of participation: full Attribution of Children to Practices
set practice goals, implement participants, partial participants, and Attributing each child to a single
changes, and measure improvements nonparticipants. Fully participating practice each year allowed us to
with their practice teams. practices met 3 criteria: (1) attended measure improvement at the
Participating practitioners submitted the in-person learning session, (2) practice level over time. There were
monthly convenience samples of submitted medical record review data 2 steps in our attribution of children
patients to monitor progress on for 6 of 7 months, and (3) attended at to primary care practice, by using
clinical asthma measures and least 1 all-practice conference call. Of a hierarchical approach based on
received monthly feedback reports 46 primary care practices in the previous work by Christensen et al.26
with summaries of their performance CHAMP network in 2015, 20 fully First, we selected a single primary
on the clinical measures, overall participated in the asthma QI care practitioner for each child out
collaborative performance, and QI collaborative, including 2 practices of all practitioners listed on claims
coaching notes. The main findings with practitioners working across within a year. Second, we linked the
from this study revealed that both sites and, later, merging. We child to a practice on the basis of
practitioners exceeded their 20% included 15 nonparticipating CHAMP the chosen primary care practitioner
improvement goals, aligning with network practices as controls, and we from step 1. We describe the full
NHLBI guidelines for the assessment designated the remaining 11 details of our attribution of children
of asthma with a validated tool, practices as partial participants to practices using Vermont’s all-payer
planned asthma visits, assessment of because they attended the in-person claims database in a previous
tobacco exposure, provision of learning session but did not attend publication.23

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 6, December 2020 3
Outcome of visits with an asthma diagnosis in participating and control practices
The outcome measure was the ED the second position reflects measure (Table 2).
visit rate (the number of visits per development Delphi panel
100 child-years) for children ages 3 recommendations and exploratory Statistical Analyses
analyses that found that claims with
to 21 years with identifiable We used Fisher’s exact and x2
asthma.24,25 The measure definition is a second diagnosis of asthma often
analyses, respectively, to compare
from the Pediatric Quality Measures had a primary diagnosis with
practice and patient characteristics
Program (PQMP), created under the a related symptom (eg, fever or
between participating and control
Children’s Health Insurance Program wheezing) or a known asthma trigger
Reauthorization Act, funded through (eg, upper respiratory tract infection,
the Centers for Medicare and pneumonia, or influenza). To assess the relationship between
Medicaid Services, and overseen by asthma QI collaborative participation
the Agency for Healthcare Research and asthma-related ED use, we used
Covariates a difference-in-differences approach.
and Quality. The PQMP was
established to address gaps in For comparing participating and This approach compared the asthma-
assessing quality in pediatric care and control practices and for inclusion in related ED visit rate per 100 child-
led to the development of numerous the difference-in-differences analyses, years before (2014) and after (2017)
pediatric quality measures,27 we used the following practice the QI collaborative, at participating
including the one used in this study. characteristics (Table 1): size (,500, versus control practices. The choice
500–1499, or .1500 patients), of 2017 reflects the assumption that
The denominator and numerator specialty (pediatrics, family medicine, improvements will continue past the
definitions followed the asthma- or mixed, including pediatricians and end of the QI collaborative. We used
related ED visit rate measure family medicine physicians), a mixed-effects negative binomial
specifications developed28 and organization structure (hospital multivariable regression model, with
refined through the PQMP.24,25,27,29 owned versus not), hospital service random intercepts for patient and
Eligibility was assessed for each area (HSA) location (located in the practice to account for clustering
month of data. The criteria for the largest metropolitan HSA versus not), within patient and practice. To
measure were (1) having $3 months and federally qualified health center estimate the difference-in-differences
of consecutive enrollment in the same (FQHC) or rural health center (RHC) effect, models included variables for
insurance plan (the measurement versus neither. We also included participation, year, and the
month and the 2 months before) and covariates for patient characteristics: interaction term between
(2) evidence of claims for identifiable age categories (3–5, 6–11, 12–17, or participation and year. The P value for
asthma (see Supplemental Table 5 for 18–21 years), sex (male, female, or the interaction term was used to test
definition) during a look-back period, unknown), and insurance (Medicaid whether the change in ED use was
including the measurement month, all versus not), for comparing different between participating and
previous months in the measurement
year, and the year before the
TABLE 2 Characteristics of Patients at Participating and Control Practices Before (2014) and After
measurement year (see Supplemental
(2017) the Asthma QI Learning Collaborative
Fig 2). The total number of eligible
2014 2017
child-months in each year was
summed and divided by 1200 to Participating Control P Participating Control P
calculate the denominator in units of n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
100 child-years for the measurement Total study sample 2376 (100) 1282 (100) — 2257 (100) 899 (100) —
year. The numerator was a count of Age categories, y .047 ,.001
all ED visits or hospitalizations with 3–5 453 (19) 206 (16) 430 (19) 160 (18)
6–11 935 (39) 498 (39) 868 (38) 326 (36)
a first or second diagnosis of asthma
12–17 839 (35) 478 (37) 854 (38) 327 (36)
in eligible patients for the 18–21 149 (6) 100 (8) 105 (5) 86 (10)
measurement month. The inclusion of Sex .26 .32
hospitalizations is in response to Male 1193 (50) 644 (50) 1125 (50) 442 (49)
measure development work,30 which Female 1046 (44) 580 (45) 1009 (45) 419 (47)
Unknown 137 (6) 58 (5) 123 (5) 38 (4)
revealed that the measure was more
Insurance .001 ,.001
accurate when including Non-Medicaid 897 (38) 412 (32) 627 (28) 183 (20)
hospitalizations because claims are Medicaid 1479 (62) 870 (68) 1630 (72) 716 (80)
often not submitted for ED care that P values are from bivariate x2 comparing patient-level percentages within demographic categories across participant
leads to hospitalization. The inclusion and control practices within each year. —, not applicable.

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4 HARDER et al
control practices. Practice (Table 1) children with asthma from those between our comparison years are
and patient (Table 2) covariates were partial participating practices. data excluded from our analyses,
included in models as potential revealing variation in the ED visit
All analyses were conducted in Stata
confounders. Adjusted ED rates at rates during that time. For point
version 15.1.32 The study was
each time point were obtained by estimates from the full negative
approved by the institutional review
using the postestimation margins binomial model, including
board (Committee on Human
command in Stata version 15 (Stata confounders, see Supplemental
Research in the Medical Sciences 17-
Corp, College Station, TX).31 This is Table 6.
used to calculate a marginal (or
average) rate by averaging predicted Results from additional analyses
values derived for each observation, comparing the change in ED visit rate
assuming it was in each of the (1) from 2014 to 2016 and (2)
The 20 participating practices did not including partial participants are in
intervention groups at each time
have significantly different Table 4. Comparing the slight
point (but by using its covariate
characteristics compared to the 15 decrease of 20.8 ED visits per
values for all the other variables to
control practices, except there were 100 child-years for participating
generate the predicted values). We
a larger number owned by hospitals practices to the increase of 13.5 ED
tested for a difference in participating
(Table 1). Participating practices had visits per 100 child-years for control
versus nonparticipating
slightly younger children and fewer practices, the overall adjusted
preintervention slopes from monthly
Medicaid patients in both 2014 and difference in differences of 24.3 visits
ED visit rate data (January 2014 to
2017 (Table 2), compared to control per 100 child-years was not
September 2015) to ensure there
practices. statistically significant (P = .17). The
were no preintervention trend
differences. We ran the same model In our main analysis, the asthma- analysis, including the partial with
over time in months, including an related ED visit rate per 100 child- fully participating practices, yielded
interaction between participation and years for participating practices similar results and inferences as our
time, and we found no difference (P = decreased from 15.3 in 2014 to 9.5 in main analysis, with an adjusted
.684; results not shown), thus 2017, for an overall decrease of 25.8 difference in differences of 27.3 visits
supporting the notion that trends in (nearly 40%). Over the same period, per 100 child-years (P = .003).
the control practices serve as the asthma-related ED visit rate per
a reasonable counterfactual for what 100 child-years for control practices
would have occurred to the increased from 17.0 to 18.8, for an DISCUSSION
participating practices in the absence overall increase of 11.8. These Our study of a statewide asthma QI
of the QI learning collaborative. findings led to a statistically collaborative was focused on a use
significant adjusted difference in measure, asthma-related ED visit rate,
differences of 27.6 visits per building on our previous findings that
Additional Analyses 100 child-years associated with the QI collaborative led to
We conducted two additional participation in the collaborative improvements in care processes.19
analyses to test the robustness of our (Table 3; P = .002). Figure 1 reveals We found that participation in the QI
findings and better understand the the ED visit rates over time, collaborative was associated with
potential effects of the QI comparing participants to controls in a substantial decrease of nearly 40%
collaborative. We hypothesized that 2014 and 2017. The dashed lines in asthma-related ED visit rates
the effects of the asthma
improvements may take some time to
translate into changes in the distal TABLE 3 Comparison of Participating and Control Practice Mean Asthma-Related ED Visit Rates From
use outcome. Thus, we repeated our Baseline and Postcollaborative Years (Main Difference-in-Differences Analysis)
analysis using an earlier time point Main Analysis Asthma-Related ED Visits per 100 Child-Years P 95% Confidence
(2016) for the postintervention Interval
period to examine whether Lower Upper
immediate effects were apparent, Control 2014 16.97 — 11.99 21.95
although the QI collaborative was still Participating 2014 15.29 — 11.62 18.96
active during the beginning of 2016. Control 2017 18.80 — 12.89 24.71
Participating 2017 9.50 — 7.07 11.93
In addition, we hypothesized that the Difference in differences 27.62 .002 213.45 21.78
effect of the QI may be different in
Marginal rates are adjusted for patient (age, sex, and insurance) and practice (specialty, organizational structure, size,
partially participating practices, so we geographic region, and FQHC or RHC) characteristics and, also, for patients clustering within practices; SEs are estimated
repeated our analysis, including by using the d method; Coefficients for relative rates are in Supplemental Table 6. —, not applicable.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 6, December 2020 5
controls. This is a potential benefit
not only to public and commercial
payers but also to children and
parents, by avoiding missed school
and work and, potentially, achieving
an improved quality of life.33

We found that there was a time lag to

the association between participation
in the QI collaborative and improved
asthma-related ED rates. Although
there was an improvement by 2016, it
was not statistically significant. The
improvement by 2017 was nearly
twice that by 2016 and represented
close to a 40% difference from the
control group rate in 2014. Although
the confidence intervals for these
effect estimates overlap, there are
several possible explanations for this
Quarterly number of ED visits per 100 child-years for participants versus controls from 2014 to 2017, lag worth mentioning. Over the
highlighting the QI collaborative (mid-September 2015 to mid-May 2016). Solid lines indicate the data course of a collaborative, process
analyzed and presented in the main analysis comparing the calendar year 2017 vs 2014. measures, like asthma control, take
time to improve, and seeing
.1 year after the end of the Our findings indicate that successful improvement on downstream clinical
collaborative. The large number of QI collaboratives, with documented outcomes, like ED visits, may take
nonparticipating practices as improvements in NHLBI guideline additional time. Also, asthma
a control group strengthens the rigor adherent process improvements, are exacerbations are seasonal, with ED
and validity of our findings by using associated with a meaningful visits occurring often in winter
a difference-in-differences approach. decrease in ED visits compared to months. The collaborative ended
early in 2016, so calendar year data
from 2016 included 3 winter months
TABLE 4 Comparison of Participating and Control Practices Change in Mean ED Asthma Visit Rate when the QI collaborative was still
per 100 Child-Years (Additional Difference-in-Differences Analyses) for (1) Comparison of underway, capturing the higher rate
Baseline (2014) to 2016 (Includes the Last 3 Months of the Learning Collaborative) and (2) of asthma ED visits, before
Including Partial With Full Participants Compared to Control Practices participants had finished
Additional Analyses Asthma-Related ED Visits per 100 Child- P 95% improvements. This may explain why
Years Confidence the effect of the improvements was
not apparent until the next year.
Lower Upper Finally, in previous asthma clinical
2014–2016 trials revealing that primary care
Control 2014 17.93 — 13.83 22.04 interventions can deliver changes in
Participating 2014 14.11 — 11.57 16.65 ED outcomes in a shorter 1-year time
Control 2016 21.46 — 15.94 26.98
Participating 2016 13.33 — 10.96 15.70 frame,34 researchers specifically
Difference in differences 24.31 .17 210.49 1.88 recruited patients at “high risk” for
Including partial participants asthma exacerbations (eg, enrolled
(2014–2017) only patients with a recent asthma-
Control 2014 16.43 — 11.01 21.86
related ED visit). This focus on higher
Participating and partial 2014 15.90 — 12.07 19.72
Control 2017 18.15 — 11.79 24.52 risk patients can lead to more rapid
Participating and partial 2017 10.34 — 7.84 12.84 changes in ED use. In our study, we
Difference in differences 27.27 .003 212.97 21.58 included all children with asthma
Marginal rates are adjusted for patient (age, sex, and insurance) and practice (specialty, organizational structure, size, (and did not use severity as eligibility
geographic region, and FQHC or RHC status). Because all participants are included in the marginal effect calculation, the criteria), which may also explain the
control estimates for the same year across models are not the same (eg, control 2014 estimates across models).
Analyses are also adjusted for patients clustering within practices; SEs are estimated by using the d method. —, not
longer observation period before
applicable. detecting changes. This additional

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6 HARDER et al
analysis may be useful to payers (or between participating and control with improvements continuing over
primary care practices participating practices, such as practice culture and time, reaching statistical significance
in value-based accountable care management structure, contributed a year after completion of the QI
organizations), to forecast potential to the association between collaborative. Our study suggests that
decreased ED use through a primary participation and decreased ED use implementation of an asthma-related
care asthma QI collaborative. and may limit the difference-in- QI collaborative may be associated
difference approach. However, we with reductions in asthma-related ED
We found that including patients
accounted for secular trends and use, although the return on
from partially participating practices
state-level efforts in our analysis. investments may take .1 year to
did not change our main results or
Also, the Supreme Court ruling22 realize after completion. Our network
inferences. One potential implication
resulting in a loss of some self- practices that participated partially in
for those implementing a QI
insured patients could have biased the QI collaborative activities still
collaborative is that partial
our results, if there was differential showed improvement in asthma
participation can still be associated
loss between participating and outcomes, implying that practices
with improvements in ED use. We
control practices. This may be why benefited from partial participation.
would add the caveat that the
the percent of non-Medicaid patients Future studies may better delineate
partially participating practices in
decreased in both groups over time which collaborative elements result in
this study previously engaged in
but the difference in the proportion of greatest benefit.
VCHIP QI collaboratives and,
non-Medicaid patients between
therefore, were not naïve to QI
participating and control practices ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
implementation. Full participation
was stable over time. This study was
may be more important in a less We thank Robert Thombley, BS, and
also limited to children attributed
experienced group of practices. In Victoria Hart, PhD, for their statistical
annually to practices in a QI network,
a future study, researchers using an programming to measure ED visit
limiting the generalizability of our
implementation science approach rates. The analyses, conclusions, and
study findings to practices with
(tracking types and extent of recommendations from these data are
previous exposure to QI. Finally,
participation, previous QI experience, solely those of the authors and are
children were reattributed to
and asthma-related process and not necessarily those of the Green
practices each year, and we did not
outcome measures) may more Mountain Care Board.
limit our analyses to only children
accurately pinpoint which
attributed to the same practice over
components of the collaborative
time. This attribution method could
implemented in which practice ABBREVIATIONS
have biased our results to find
settings most directly affect
a positive effect, if children with more CHAMP: Child Health Advances
improvement in asthma health
severe asthma differentially moved Measured in Practice
away from participating practices to ED: emergency department
There were several limitations to our control practices over time, but FQHC: federally qualified health
current study. Although we there are no data to suggest this center
demonstrate difference in differences differential movement of patients HSA: hospital service area
in ED visit rates from 2014 to 2017, with asthma. NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and
during the intervening years, there is Blood Institute
variation in the ED visit rates PQMP: Pediatric Quality Measures
between the participating and control CONCLUSIONS
practices. It is possible that Participation in a 9-month QI QI: quality improvement
unmeasured confounders, such as collaborative to improve primary care RHC: rural health center
other concurrent QI or public health systems and supports for children VCHIP: Vermont Child Health Im-
efforts that differed across practices, with asthma led to a substantial provement Program
or other unmeasured differences decrease in asthma-related ED visits,

Dr Bardach supported the analytic design, helped interpret findings, and contributed to all sections of the manuscript draft; and all authors reviewed and revised
the manuscript, approved the final manuscript as submitted, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2020-0213
Accepted for publication Sep 3, 2020

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 6, December 2020 7
Address correspondence to Valerie S. Harder, PhD, MHS, Department of Pediatrics and Vermont Child Health Improvement Program, The Robert Larner, M.D. College
of Medicine, University of Vermont, 1 S Prospect St, Burlington, VT 05401. E-mail: [email protected]
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2020 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Dr Cabana is a member of the United States Preventive Services Task Force. This article does not necessarily reflect the views of the
United States Preventive Services Task Force; the other authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U18HS025297).
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Cabana is a member of the United States Preventive Services Task Force. This article does not necessarily reflect the views of
the United States Preventive Services Task Force; the other authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 6, December 2020 9
Statewide Asthma Learning Collaborative Participation and Asthma-Related
Emergency Department Use
Valerie S. Harder, Judith S. Shaw, Charles E. McCulloch, Lindsay Kill, Keith J.
Robinson, Michelle T. Shepard, Michael D. Cabana and Naomi S. Bardach
Pediatrics 2020;146;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0213 originally published online November 23, 2020;

Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/146/6/e20200213
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Statewide Asthma Learning Collaborative Participation and Asthma-Related
Emergency Department Use
Valerie S. Harder, Judith S. Shaw, Charles E. McCulloch, Lindsay Kill, Keith J.
Robinson, Michelle T. Shepard, Michael D. Cabana and Naomi S. Bardach
Pediatrics 2020;146;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0213 originally published online November 23, 2020;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
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